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Did you ever hear the perfect county-western song by Steve Goodman? You know, the one that included all the obligatory words like Momma, drinking, rain, jail, train, pickup truck?

Well you’ve got Goodman beat by 100 miles. I wouldn’t have thought it possible to weave a yarn including pickup trucks, bars, young women, dog sleds, skinning coyotes, insane asylums, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Obama, and The Seven Sages of Delph!

Holy Shite, I’m f’n impressed!

Those ~150 maxims listed at your link are excellent.
No wonder the Maxist Revisionists of History insist that there were no great Greek thinkers.

According to the revisionists, the Greeks only copied their wisdom from the blacks in Africa.

The tile used to illustrate the story is quite beautiful. The mythological figure reminds me of a pair of sphinxes in the garden of the Belvedere Palace in Vienna. I had forgotten the Greeks used the female sphinx as a symbol, so I did a little research on the Internet and discovered she was associated with Apollo, wisdom, and Oedipus. She was also identified with some not so very flattering characteristics.

Thanks, Skookum, for another entertaining and educational post!

Hey Skook

Hi Skook,
There is a teenage boy in my former town that will probably never send another dirty text message again. A few years ago he decided I was a “hot mom” and proceeded to send texts to my teenage daughter detailing all the vulgar things he wanted to do to me. This upset her terribly and made me mad. I told my daughter to go to the boy and tell him that she had forwarded to me all the texts he had sent (she wouldn’t show them to me. She was too embarrased, plus she didn’t want news of this getting around school), and if he sends just one more, I would be showing them to his mom. The messages stopped. But a few days later we were all together at an athletic awards dinner – me, my daughter, the boy and his mom. I made it a point to sit right next to this boys mom. The boy was at another table, but we were in each other’s line of sight. I made sure he saw me looking right at him as I opened up my cell phone to show his mom — some photos I had taken at a concert the night before. He turned about 3 shades of green and looked like he was going to be sick. heh heh heh.

Shutterbug, you may have done that boy a big favor, let’s hope he takes advantage of the lesson. Court and jail are possibilities for such behavior today and the behavior usually escalates leading to ruined lives. Sadly, the popular heroes of today don’t reflect the older heroes like J. Wayne and G. Cooper who treated women with respect, at least on screen. Now it is cool to show disrespect to women as if they were some substandard species. Watching popular movies will illustrate the modern attitudes of our culture; unfortunately, some women are programmed to expect this behavior, so the behavior is reinforced.

Good for you Shutterbug! Don’t hesitate to show his mother if you have a hint of a problem in the future and tell her your next stop will be to fill out a police report. Being a sex offender the rest of your life is no picnic and severely limits opportunities for the future