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Thanks Aye! It was a very moving.

Her story is very inspirational. But when I tried to click on the video, it wouldn’t play.:(

Happy birthday! Too bad the world is already forgetting the lessons. Last week I heard from a co-worker about a mutual friend complaining bitterly that US citizens shouldn’t be allowed to own guns, this despite his having lost all of his grandparents in the camps.

The two most dangerous phrases in any language:

“It can’t happen here.”

“It won’t happen again.”

Happy birthday Alice. May the light of the lord and his love shine on you forever.

Everyone should use all resources at their disposal to have all progressives, and liberals watch this.

It needs to be in a quiet room, with an old Rabbi. And time.

That will never happen, of course, progressivism is a relegion that will not tolerate dissent.

Death, on the other hamd, will silence these rather inconvient people. People whom God has placed in our midst, to warn us of the reality of evil.

I am a soldier, sworn to defend this nation against all enemys, foreign and domestic. I am old, and soon, death will rid the progressive of this rather inconvient person.

But BEWARE!, there are many of the blood line; soldier, and they are young, and wise, and much more skilled at the craft than I ever was.

This nation will survive.

Alice has the wisdom of the ages…. thank you