A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
The last one says it all!!!!
Where is Mike’s America?
That first ‘Wishbone’ comic is great! It’s the GOP tax cuts for the rich argument, right?
Corporate profits at record highs, more money than ever, but still no new investing in factories and jobs! … Why!? Because record profits aren’t enough to make Trickle Down work! Just like they haven’t worked for 8 years already!
But according to the GOP, the rich and now new uber-rich need even more Voodoo tax cuts … then Tax Cut for the Rich will start to work for the unemployed … you’ll see … “SNAP”
You just don’t get any brighter with repeat performances, do you? Don’t you find it embarrassing to ‘splain away Wall St profits (not corporate, since that’s not true) in the wake of Obama bailing out GM and piling on the TARP? If you thought the GOP was the Wall St. banker/investors’ best friend, it ain’t nothing compared your boy.
Once a dumb lib…..
The picture at the top of the post made it hard for me not to cry. It made me think even more of the ones on the front lines who are keeping me free and the sacrifice their family also makes. I put it in my iPhoto. Anyone who marries someone who they know could go to war is a hero who doesn’t get the credit they deserve.