Are these the professionals you want to entrust your wives and daughters with when they are traveling alone?
Maybe, it doesn’t even matter if you are with them. You are now powerless and without rights “in the hands” of the Obama/Napolitano Goon Squads.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Â Visit me on Facebook.
These intrusive searches by the ‘Authorites” especially of children, of which I have two is a bald faced plan to subjugate the entire populace through public humiliation. While at the same time “training” our children to allow complete strangers to engage in close “hands on” physical contact of their entire bodies including their genitalia thereby demonstrating by force that there are no “private areas” any more. What happens when a janitor or school guard or teacher or anyone else whom the child is taught to respect as an authority figure demands them to SUBMIT to a full body physical search? Do they comply? And furthermore if they are threatened with punishment they most likely will comply. Will they inform me that this has happened? Probably not. How do I, as a parent teach my 5 year old or my 12 year old girls to differentiate between a “legitimate” authority figure and a serial pedophile? I can’t if this is the case, that’s how. It is clear that this is only the beginning, not the end of this. Next it will be the trains, bus travel and various public events where we will all be forced to submit to this outrage. Eventually I suspect it will be school bus groping for “security”. All because we are expected to willingly”bend over backwards” so as not to offend others ( mostly foreign born Muslims) by profiling them. The Liberal Socialist elites have gone too far now and it is time, my friends it is time to stop this frontal assault on our freedoms as red blooded Americans that so many have fought and died for. We MUST organize now to vote all of these Socialist/ Fascist Hacks out next round in 2012!
The TSA is out of control
I do not have to submit to this BS but as long as it is forced upon others, I will Fly Military Space Available out of Mountain Home AFB and NOT from Any Airport in Helena or Missoula. I encourage others to Opt Out and use travel alternatives. Write to Your Elected Officials, Representatives and tell them to intervene and utilize the procedures that the Israelis use.
This is not a National Security issue, it is a Human Rights and Civil Rights issue. There are procedures that are effective and not denigrating, humiliating or abusive. This a National Shame.
Just Opt Out and give the Airlines a month without revenue until this nonsense stops. Send a message by abstaining from commercial air travel for a month.
damned if you do damned if you dont.
old trooper do you think zero cares if another industry goes belly up?
look at all the chaos he has sown since in office.
every aspect of american life has been systematically turned upside down.
I am amazed how quickly the leftists ACLU has pointed out how unconstitutional this all is.
TSA searches and seizures of patently ILLEGAL and against the Constitutional prohibition of searches and seizures without probable cause.
We need to have the Supreme Court of the United States rule on this issue. Opt-Out is a government slogan, which leaves you thinking you have a choice — you can submit to a scan search or you can submit to a pat-down personally invasive search; when in fact the TSA is acting as a wholesale violator and criminal enterprise in violation of the law.
The penalty for leaving the search area once you have decided NOT to submit to either search is ALSO in violation of the Constitution as a cruel and unusual punishment; TSA’s vulgar purpose is solely to intimidate and bring to submission the very people and Constitution they are sworn to protect. The TSA is the outlaw and should be arrested, forced to cease and desist, and punished for their violations.
TSA should be immediately and completely abolished. Searches should be done ONLY as needed with PROBABLE CAUSE.
Keep your eye on the ball. The lies by the Obama and Obama’s administration are corrupting, illegal and sinful. Obama believes he is above the law; LET’S PROVE OBAMA WRONG!
rumcrook; hi, It’s kind of srtange there, ; COULD IT BE THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT?
CREATE AN EVENT, SO TO GET PEOPLE REALY ANGRY ENOUGH TO START A REPRISAL, AND THEN he would follow the communist marxist regime and respond with what we learned reading the 10 rules of marxist law, HOW TO SLOWLY GET TO TOTAL POWER ONE STEP AFTER THE OTHER, BYE
@ rumcrook, I’m waiting for Americans to see the folly of Electing Incompetents to Public Office.
The destruction of an Industry does not happen overnight. It happens in bits and pieces of lousy legislation, bad policies and executive orders. It happens when total Unqualified Idiots are Appointed to Department level Cabinet positions with Senate Approval. It happens when the US DOJ turns a blind eye to reprehensible conduct committed by Gummint Employees.
That is my point here.
@ tarpon…But filed No Federal Lawsuits filed to halt it. No mystery to me. They are not offended by this tyranny, nor will they raise a finger to protest it.
TSA has met the enemy — and they are us
That line HAS been crossed.
But the question remains: When will enough be enough, that we’ll do something about it?
TSA and it’s “Gestapo like” tactics are over the line… and Obama backs them 100%!! Need more be said?? Remember this in 2012
Old Trooper 2,
Re: #2,
I would love someone, anyone who can type and chew gum at approximately the same time, to explain to me How does it make sense, and Why is it possible that we have reached a point where that little girl is screaming in fear of being fondled and groped by a TSA employee while in her mother’s arms. Does she fit the description of a suicide bomber perhaps? Or maybe it’s her mother? Unfortunately, this is exactly a replay of what happened to my granddaughter this week. Is this a new reality that society should accept stupidly and blindly? Fear has taken over, it appears.
What idiot wrote the policy manual that made this OK?
What goon in the Administration supports this insanity?
. . . And THIS is what it means to Make Us Safe?
I’d love to read an intelligently delineated argument in support of the abject lack of brain cells being dispersed to protect the already stressed population. Anyone? . . . Anyone?
James Raider; hi, there might be more chewing gum ers on the other side, where the unions are, yes It is despicable behavior, and they are asking for trouble that can come to them any time, anybody could lose their cool at one time, and rightfully too,
. . . Also consistent with what my granddaughter just experienced, we see that the agent PERSISTS in persuing the little girl, and still pats her down.
I think that this must come close to observing one definition of stupid: lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; not having or showing an ability to absorb ideas readily. And by Stupid, I mean the people in management who think this should and must be done.
As for that employee, it is evident that the kind of training which I think should be implemented is clearly not part of her recent past.
Why can’t post this to facebook?
Never mind–apparently an undocumented censorship for a political violation.
This is not about security. If it was they would be using criminal profiling with the focus of investigation of key “red-flag” signals. It’s about intimidation, and creating a forced acceptance of psychological control over the people under the color of authority. This is Gestapo tactics, and if the people of the nation allow this to continue, our society will follow the historical evolution into socialist fascism where they have no rights and in fear will eventually allow any abuse of authority.
There is another, perhaps stupidly obvious aspect to the TSA screening process that seems so clear that it is astonishing.
When suicide boomers attack what is their primary target?
Locations where large groups of people gather . . . cafes, buses/bus stops . . . markets & bazzars . . . oh and amazingly . . . SECURITY CHECK POINTS!
The Israelies again have this all figured out . . . why? . . . because they HAVE been attacked by suicide boomers at all these locations.
So what does our TSA do . . . they CENTRALIZE ALL OF US . . . in a crazily designed cattle chute process . . . surround us with GLASS and FLIMSY metal enclosures.
DO YOU FEEL SAFE AT THE SECURITY CHECK POINTS? HELL NO!!! I want to get through the process as fast as I can . . . if they want to feel my JUNK . . . please get it over with . . . LET ME GET THE HELL AWAY from THE ABSOLUTE MOST DANGEROUS PLACE IN THE AIRPORT!!!
Where do they put the check points . . . In the most convenient location, centralized to the airport facility, easy walking distance to the drive through areas . . . oh, isn’t amazing that most suicide boomers are in VEHICLES that are filled with explosives.
The security process is much more than just individuals . . . it is cars, trucks, luggage, . . . and it does NOT begin after check in . . . it begins at the entrance to the airport . . . way out there on the road long before arriving any where near the building.
Do I advocate moving the security or making it all encompassing? NO . . . simply because each time you move the security location you move the location of the gathering of the crowd.
TSA employee accused of kidnap, assault
DRJOHN; hi, this would have not happen if MILITARYS WOULD DO THAT SCREENING
Tallgrass @18 makes a good point.
Just today the Logan airport in Boston was closed for a while because a sniffer machine (or a dog) caught a wiff of explosives (or something on their no-no list) in a vehicle in the airport.
It was two duffel bags with Nigerian addresses.
Not everything takes place in a bottleneck of a security checkpoint.
And the terrorists continually change tactics. The TSA’s tunnel visioned focus on methods used in years past attacks and attempted attacks can not address a new modus operandus.
A little humor about the TSA
If we don’t get off, you don’t get on.