Sunday Funnies

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The TSA bit is a vein of gold for the Op Ed cartoonists, lol

Comprehensive collection as always Wordsmith, thx

Here’s my weekly dozen for a Gran Finale’…

Reaganite’s Sunday Funnies

Enjoy your weekend, sir


Are you sure Opt-Out is not a government hoax to get you to believe that you have a choice without telling you that the TSA searches and seizures of patently ILLEGAL and against the Constitutional prohibition of searches and seizures without probable cause.

We need to have the Supreme Court of the United States rule on this issue. Opt-Out is a government slogan, which leaves you thinking you have a choice; when in fact the TSA is acting as a wholesale violator and criminal enterprise in violation of the law.

TSA should be immediately and completely abolished. Searches should be done ONLY as needed with PROBABLE CAUSE.

Obama says the searches are necessary; but we already know how he feels about the law. Obama’s issues are mucked with lies, too. The “birther” issues have been commandeered by Obama’s tripe and ilk: The issue is not where Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was born, BUT THAT HIS FATHER WAS NOT EVER AN AMERICAN CITIZEN AND THEREFORE OBAMA, JR. IS NOT, AND CANNOT BE, A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN NOR PRESIDENT.

Keep you eye on the ball. The lies by the Obama and Obama’s administration are corrupting, illegal and sinful.