Over a year ago, in regards to an LATimes story about jihadi wannabes who went to Pakistan for martyrdom training, I wrote:
Sounds like they should have a film crew chronicle their failed exploits and turn it into a reality-based sob show: Who will be Europe’s next top tough-enough terrorist?
Well, The Four Lions, a British film directed by Chris Morris and written by Jesse Armstrong, sounds like the answer to that suggestion:
Nationally syndicated conservative radio pundit Michael Medved recently reviewed FOUR LIONS, writing “Four Lions is outstanding, irresistible, utterly original–the funniest, fiercest movie of the year. Four stars.”
In the movie, which opened last weekend, young Londoner Omar is frustrated with the group of fellow jihadists he has assembled to carry out a terrorist attack: the mentally deficient Waj, whose suggestion is that they “bomb the internet”; the fanatical but dense convert Barry, whose idea is to dress up like infidels and blow up a mosque, thus turning moderates into radicals and sparking a full-out holy war; clueless Fessal, who wants to train explosives-laden crows to fly into targets; and wannabe rapper Hassan, who is full of blustery posturing but has reservations about actual martyrdom.
Here’s a clip:
Anyone seen it? Opinions?
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
ROFLMAO! When I saw that he was holding that rocket launcher backwards, I started laughing my azz off!
Looks like a good movie.
One of my Arab friends had been helping us clean out terrorists south of LSA ANACONDA now Joint Base Balad. He didn’t think he needed body guards even though he was working with us. One day he was on his way to the base when he and his truck was stopped by 4 terrorists with AK 47s. They pulled him out of his truck and tried to push him into the back of another covered truck. They were in a hurry since this was in my friend’s neighborhood. My friend pushed back into the three forcing him into the truck. Two fell down. He grabbed an AK 47 and fired a magazine. (They all have the selector switch on full auto.) He shot one terrorist in the foot. One of the other terrorist fired his Ak and killed another terrorist. My friend fled actoss the field and escaped unharmed. I think these terrorists must have been recruited for this movie!!
I wish I could find the article about some Euro jihadi wannabes that tried to get to Pakistan.
I think 4 made it, and were useless.
They were with other “recruits” who did not speak the same language. They were forced to pay for their own meals, weapons, and lodging. They continuously had to beg family members to send money. Long marches and poor food left them sick and weak. Combat? They saw none. Two returned home and were arrested. The other two were killed in a drone attack.
From what I can tell such “recruits” are looked down upon. They have no military training and not even basic firearms training. About all they can supply is money, and they are exploited accordingly.
@Randy: Great story!
@Hard Right:
Click the first (or third) link; I think that might be the story.
I don’t think it’s the same story. Although it does have some similarities and could be a different version of the same story. Only 4 were able to link up to terrorist groups. However, 2 of the 4 never made it back thanks to a missile strike. The group I’m talking about was a group of 11 and most never made it to Pakistan despite trying.
Maybe that is a cover story that they are now trained to give and that is why they sound so much alike?
I think the last movie I watched was Clash of the Titans, such is my schedule. But I think I’ll make time for this one. 😆
I would like to see a film crew go along with a suicide bomber on his mission and be too close when he blows himself up and they go with him. As the cameraman is trained to do, he keeps shooting. Eventually the bomber’s 72 virgins are brought to him and the camera zooms in on his face as he realizes why they are still virgins.
I so ‘swiped’ this- (-:
-gave you credit – though!
While the 4 Lions movie is likely to be a good comedy. I think the next plot supporting the terrorists is already here.
Our progressive government to include the ACLU believes that people should not need any identification to vote in this country. They believe a person running for the highest office in the land should not have to produce a birth certificate to prove who he is. Now, they find that the person they failed to accurately identify as a Taliban leader turns out to be a shop keeper! (It could be Omar the goat herder!) It looks like a movie plot made for Peter Sellers. How can a government led by the most intelligent man in recent history with the most intelligent woman as his Sec of State make such a mistake?
@Randy: #9
It was Bush’s fault.