John Podesta is the head of the CenteR for American Progress, also known as CRAP. CRAP is another liberal think tank dedicated to overturning the core principles upon which America was established. Among their asserted concerns are:
Job creation and economic competitiveness
Educational excellence
A clean energy future and energy independence
Quality affordable health care
Consumer protection
The home foreclosure crisis
Accountable government delivering results at lower cost
Sustainable security for the nation
Podesta likens CRAP to a “think tank on steroids.” One of its major donors is George Soros, so immediately one knows that CRAP has the end of capitalism and the end of American exceptionalism among its goals.
Yesterday morning Jim Treacher brings us the story that Podesta, obviously frustrated with Obama’s inability to destroy this country’s foundations, argues that Obama should essentially allowed to be King of America. As the country sent an election day message that it does not approve of the liberal left lurch endured over the last two years, Podesta feels that Obama must now seek to circumvent Congress and that pesky Constutition thingie.
“I think most of the conversation since the election has been about how President Obama adjusts to the new situation on Capitol Hill,” Podesta said. “While that’s an important conversation, it simply ignores the president’s ability to use all levels of his power and authority to move the country forward.”
And Podesta lays out how Obama could avoid all the democracy stuff:
“One of the best ways for the Obama administration to achieve results of that nature, in the short term, is through substantial executive authority to make and implement policy,” Podesta said. “As noted in the Constitution and the laws of the United States give the president the ability and the responsibility to act as the chief executive using authorities granted to all presidents such as executive orders, rule-makings, agency management and public-private partnerships.”
As Jim wryly notes, Podesta did not always feel this way. In 2005 he was concerned that safeguards were in place:
By removing the safeguard offered by the filibuster, the nuclear option would seriously and perhaps irreparably damage an institution that has functioned since its inception under customs and traditions that ensure an atmosphere of careful deliberation and mutual respect.”
Treacher attempted to call Podesta and ask why he had changed his mind. Podesta did not return the call.
Perhaps he’s too occupied with his CRAP.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
One of his first acts could be to make himself president for life. Suggested new title: El Jefe Muy Magnifico Y Excellente Presidente Por Vida!
Exclamation point should be trademarked for the new title.
We can achieve something as well should he try this nonsense – it’s called IMPEACHMENT AND IMPRISONMENT! BOTH are on the table as far as I’m concerned! 🙄
El Jefe Muy Magnifico Y Excellente Presidente Por Vida!
Mas Mejor al Ustedes!
Cojones de Piedra!
And Podesta can be the Court Jester… but wait… there are sooooo many candidates for that title!
“And Podesta can be the Court Jester. but wait! there are sooooo many candidates for that title!”
Yes, starting with our new king.
Podesta’s new title: “Ex-Checker of Lamppost Strength, Rope Tension and Knot-tightening”!
“Ex-” because he’ll only perform those duties but a single time!
Podesta is another “ace” that needs to be flopped.
One more to add to the list of those driven insane by BDS. It’s happening a lot faster than predicted.
You mean he should function as a Unitary Executive?
Let me think… Who was it who set that precedent?
Greg… funny how the lefties want to quote the Constitution when it suits them. I seem to recall another document – the Declaration of Independence. We did it once, we’ve got the roadmap and we can do it again!
@ Greg
Hmm, let me think…who whas it that campaigned against what he called the abuse of executive power? Nevermind, “just words, just speeches!”
From Greg’s words one can deduce that he believes two wrongs make a right, or three wrongs, or four wrongs, or on and on and on and on.
All kidding aside, Podesta has given powers to the President that are not specified, nor directed by, the US Constitution. The President’s job is to lead the executive branch in the administering of our laws, which only the Congress can legislate.
Now, I realize that Bush appointed several “Czars”, and that he frequently used executive authority to put forth executive orders, but to claim that a President need to do so in order to forge ahead in their ideology is plainly unconstitutional.
@Greg: You said:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
I thought Obama was already king.
The Podesta/Obama relationship is sickening. Let Obama be King, says Podesta. What is it with lefties and the Constitution? Oh yeah, I forgot it’s what makes America great, so of course the lefties want to destroy it. I never used to hate Demon Rats, there were always a few reasonable ones – the so-called Blue Dogs. The vote on Obamacare put those guys to rest forever in my eyes. When guys I always thought were reasonable, but had a D, like Evan Bayah voted with Pelosi, Reid and Obama to take our medical freedoms and God knows what else away from the common people; I lost what LITTLE respect I had for the Blue Dogs. Now, at least for me, when I hear Demon Rat, I think TRAITOR.
@Mikey: #15
The good thing is that a lot of them won’t be in office in two years, and there will be fewer of the propaganda media spewing out their communist manifesto. The more they try to shut down Fox News and conservative blogs, the more people are learning not to trust them. Is it OK that I anticipate that eventually there won’t be a democratic party any more?
Remember we fough the AMERICAN REVOLTION so keep ourselves from being ruled by a king and so we dont need obama becuase THE KING IS A FINK
We already operate under a defacto Unitary Republic…we are *ALREADY* outside the bounds of the Constitution as written (Federal Republic)
We need to take steps to repair the citizen – state, citizen – State relationships in all our Federal dealings, and the State – Federal relationships also.
I fear however that it is already too late…the bread and circuses have already taken deep root and it is just a matter of time before the beltway aristocracy musters up the courage to change the Constitution to a Unitary Republic to recognize the fait accompli of the road to hell that “good intentions” of “progressiveness” has brought.
Of course after Unitary Republic is official it is just a relatively “short step” to any form of despotism you care to name…