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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

Caught You George!

Allrighty then…Is that Sarah Palin wearing the ruby slippers?

(I Hope so! Two clicks of her heels gets her to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!)

2012…Post Obama America!



Coming off Temporary Active Duty on Saturday and back to the Ranch and my piece of
Sanity, Tranquility and my Grand Patch of Paradise where Men are Men and venison is on the Menu. No more meetings, Officers Calls or other functions. Deer Season means sport, good meat and hunting from horseback. Simple economics, one rifle, one 30-06 round and a Deer for dressing, cutting into roasts, loins, steaks and meat to smoke for sausage and jerky.

Yep. the man behind the curtain is not America’s Friend. Hang on Folks. It’s going to be a bumpy ride!

The commies are poking a sleeping lion. They don’t have a clue what is waiting just beneath the surface. Let’er buck! The street punks are about to learn what tough is all about.

Why hasn’t Flopping Aces picked up on the John Tyner story???? All of the other tid-bit stories such as the Glen Beck crap are getting more attention.

Read here: TSA to investigate body scan resister, http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/nov/15/tsa-probe-scan-resistor/. My question, When is someone going to take a lawsuit to the TSA and let it go all the way to the Supreme Court so we can have a decision on whether searches and seizures are legal or illegal, or even justified. The Constitution prevents the government from searches without reasonable cause. What’s happened??? Is the entire government in collusion; democrats and republicans??? There is NO reasonable cause at an airport when EVERYONE is searched for no suspicion, no reasonable cause of a crime. This sounds like a cop-out; when government can’t do their job, the easiest thing to do is to accuse everyone, search everyone, humiliate everyone — and the bad guys are laughing.

One could argue that it is necessary to do what the TSA is doing; however, if it is illegal, there is hell to pay on the part of the TSA. The Constitution is the law. To violate it is to violate the law.

The Supreme Court is the place to settle these questions. So, why is no one filing complaints (or are there some?). Where is the ACLU??? … missing in action, or part of the illegalities.

And is anyone is San Francisco suing their City Council for getting into the people’s right to decide what to eat and where? Is America a free country? I think not. Is it time to fight?

Sounds like this somewhat disconnected government “Nazi” actions are attempting to prepare the American people to be controlled more and more, little by little. More control over issues the Fed, State and City governments have NO business controlling.

Because of my work schedule – I don’t usually get to see Beck – thanks for posting on this. The links and connections that Beck and crew uncover are incredibly valuable – I thank GOD for this man and Fox. More people need to see this.

A comment about AdrianS’ point – I also think the Tyner story is quite important as are all the TSA related issues. I work with some retired detectives and FBI guys, one of the ex-detectives thinks that the full-body scan is okay. I told him I disagree completely, and that he is thinking along the lines of trying to catch a criminal without stopping to think that this is unlawful search – a search without a charge and a warrant – basically assuming everyone is guilty and the search “proves” their innocence.

I don’t accept the TSA bull that once you enter the airport you have agreed to the conditions. Don’t think so, I haven’t left the USA – and as far as I am concerned, the Constitution still takes precedence. I am glad that I no longer have to fly as a regular part of my job, for I’d be kicked out to the airport as well.

Have a safe trip home OT! Heh, “the man behind the curtain” Perhaps Geppettp and Pinocchio? 😉

or just…..Spooky Dude!

Don’t know if all had seen this one yet:


I started reading Horowitz’s The Shadow Party again, after catching a few Beck programs I thought it best to go back over the book. There’s so much out about Soros but, Beck has snapped his last frayed nerve. I predict Soros will become more irrational in the near future. he’ll be tossing buckets of money out his penthouse window at fever pace.

You see bits and pieces of news where Obama isn’t handling certain media personalities well, kind of group think going on with Soros, obama and the rest of the misfits that are hibernating in the WH, just peeking out of the windows once in awhile.

From way back during campaign days they’ve tried to damage those tasked to report, they have failed in that area too.

Oops, I meant Beck snapped the last frayed nerve of Soros.

I wish more people would pay attention to this. Beck can be melodramatic at times, but he’s right on target with this.

Regarding the TSA’s unlawful searches, illegal nude body scans and degrading pat-downs:

I was reading the book by Mark Levin entitled “Liberty and Tyranny” today at the park when I came across this passage, after having written earlier in the day the comments above at #3:

(Chapter 2, page 30, paperback)
“The individual must be dehumanized and his nature delegitimized. Through persuasion, deception, and coercion, the individual must be subordinated to the state. He must abandon his own ambitions for the ambitions of the state. He must become reliant on and fearful of the state.” — Mark Levin.

I believe, the Statist (liberal) will always try to minimize the effect of our Constitution in order to attempt to change our behavior. If the TSA wants to refrain from violating the law (Constitution), the government should attempt to change the law (Constitution) by lawful means. Until then, it is against the law to violate a persons right to privacy, or accuse him of a crime without due process and reasonable cause.

Like cattle, people are funneled into the cow-fences at the airports; all treated as if they were guilty until proven innocent. How wrong it is. And, that this blog and others don’t voice their disapproval is astonishing — given that these are “conservative” blogs; uphold our Constitution.

Prior to hearing about the pat-downs, genital and breast fondling by the TSA, I felt that it was safer to do the scans — it keeps terrorists away. Yes, but at what cost. Have they succeeded in tangentially taking away our freedoms? If we’re at war casualties will happen. But to give up our rights is losing the war without a battle. As Rush Limbaugh has suggested, TSA should do profiling and offer reasonable cause before searching or seizing property or rights.

Big Sis Napolitano sued for ‘degrading’ searches
‘Given the profane, intrusive, indecent nature, they are patently unreasonable’

P.S.: “fearful of the state,” as mentioned above, means that the government threatens with vastly large fines as in the case of John Tyner — $11,000.00 for leaving the scan area. How preposterous our government has become; especially TSA. Wake up America!

Sanity begins to reign:

Idaho Legislators Vote Against Forced Body Scans


Idaho Legislature Limits Federal Government Plan for Backscatter Body Scans

According to Paul Joesph Watson of Prison Planet, “Idaho has set the example for others states to follow in the continuing revolt against naked body scanners, by passing a law that limits the use of the x-ray scanning devices in airports and government buildings and also forces Homeland Security to disprove health concerns.”

Quote from article above:
“Critics of Backscatter Body Scans Present Their Case

Critics note serious problems with the federal plan to implement backscatter radiation body scans:

* The body scans are harmful, due to levels of ionizing radiation which causes cancer and DNA mutation, thereby forcing air passengers to endanger their lives and DNA, as well as the lives and DNA of future generations.
* The body scans violate the US Constitution and the the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights, which prohibits unreasonable search and seizure.
* The body scans send the TSA staff the image of naked passengers, leading to charges that the radiation body scans violate pornography laws, including child pornography laws.
* The body scans would not have caught the 2009 “Christmas” bomber.
* The body scans are time-consuming, forcing passengers to get to the airport 3 or 4 hours before a flight.
* The body scans would back-up passengers waiting for the scan, making them an easy target for suicide bombers.

I case anyone here fell for Beck’s frankly libelous smear campaign against Soros, please know that much of it has been widely disparaged by more responsible parties on both the Left and the Right.

Here is Commentary Magazine on perhaps Beck’s ugliest insinuation:


But even George Soros does not deserve some of the opprobrium heaped upon him by Glenn Beck this week. Beck has devoted much of his TV and radio programs in the past few days to detailing Soros’s sins. But instead of sticking to the issues and rightly flaying him for the stands he has taken and the bad causes he supports, Beck painted him as a teenage Nazi collaborator on his Nov. 10 show.

On the broadcast, he spoke of Soros’s activities during the Nazi occupation of Hungary in 1944 and described him as participating in the rounding up of Jews. “Here’s a Jewish boy sending Jews to the death camps,” said Beck. While Beck added that Soros’s age and the circumstances should be taken into account and said that even he didn’t know what he would do had he been there, the clear implication was that Soros was a collaborator who should feel remorse.

But whatever actually happened, as even Beck stated, Soros was just “surviving” an impossible situation, and it is simply inadmissible for anyone to speak in a judgmental fashion about his conduct or to demand “remorse.” Beck is no position to pontificate about the conduct of Holocaust survivors and should refrain from even commenting about this subject. In fact, Soros has himself discussed his experiences openly, and most of what we know about this comes directly from him. Throwing these events in his face is, as Anti-Defamation League National Director Abe Foxman stated, “completely inappropriate, offensive and over the top.” Such topics really must be off-limits, even in the take-no-prisoners world of contemporary punditry.

Beck has become a radio and television phenomenon whose ability to tap into people’s fears and suspicions about media and political elites has made him a star. But as the Nov. 10 broadcast in question shows, his willingness to wade into subjects about which he knows little makes him appear both silly and ill-intentioned