Johnny Dollar does an excellent job in this video showing the blatant hypocrisy of MSNBC and specifically Rachel Maddow:
Rachel Maddow’s holier-than-thou smugness is best encapsulated in her claim that on Fox News, hosts allow fundraising for Republican candidates on the air. Ergo Fox is political, MSNBC isn’t. Ms Maddow’s examples of this happening on FNC? A grand total of: one. John Kasich, appearing on Hannity, gave out his website URL and encouraged donations. It’s the only example Maddow gave because it’s the one Media Matters cited. That’s called ‘journalism’.
What follows is the video Rachel Maddow doesn’t want you to see. In it you will find fundraising URLs spouted by guests and even by hosts. You’ll see on-air soliciations for everything from campaign volunteers to cold, hard cash. Presiding over it all: Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz, and–yes–Rachel Maddow. We report, you decide:
Muwhahahahahaa…Evil Fox News at it again.
Of course the “big” news today was that Olbertwit story. I can’t even work up the energy to write about the man and his–three–viewers…just ain’t worth it.
But what IS news, and not surprising, is this:
FOX has obtained a letter being penned by defeated House Democrats that implores House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to step aside.
The letter is now circulating Capitol Hill and has not yet been sent to the Speaker. FOX has obtained draft language of the letter.
In the draft of the letter, the members say that they were “victimized by a national wave of resentment toward Democrats, a wave that ensnared you along with us.”
The letter goes on to say “Madam Speaker, fairly or unfairly, Republicans made you the face of the resentment and disagreement in our races. While we commend your years of service to our party and your leadership through many tough times, we respectfully ask that you step aside as the top Democrat in the House.”
The letter says that the defeated members “fear that Republicans will further demonize you, and in so doing, they will scare potential candidates out. The prospect of having to run against their own party leadership, in addition to their Republican opponent is simply too daunting.”
The lawmakers also say that “one mark of a strong leader is the ability to discern when it is time to pass the baton” and calls this a “dark hour.”
The letter closes asking Pelosi to step aside.
Any bets that she will?
I’m hoping she doesn’t because the author of that letter is right, her staying would be a godsend for conservatives.
Maddow and Pelosi in the same post…who woulda thunk it.

See author page
LOL! Nan has morphed into their W!
Does it get any better than this?
Two peas in a pod!
And yes Doug, it does look as though Nancy is now more of an albatross around the neck. Perhaps only partially the Dems W.
Curt, what an astoundingly clear display of hypocrisy. I wish it were surprising, but it’s not.
The letter, ah, the letter. I can well believe they’d want her to step aside for the good of the party. There is no way though that Pelosi will give up any shred of power she still has in her clutches. And it is a wonderful thing for the GOP; she makes a terrific lightning rod.
Johnny Dollar could at least try to get the lip synching better, if he’s going to mismatch audios and videos for right-wing propaganda purposes. The sequence beginning at minute 3:18 is so obviously altered it’s ridiculous.
That took me 3 minutes to find….come on dude, you gotta do better than that.
@Greg #4
Seriously that’s what you have, the audio is out of sync. Apparently you don’t frequent YouTube. Audio sync is a huge issue with uploading .MOV files to YouTube. Which is unfortunate too as most folks who edit videos for YouTube uses Apple products.
As for the clips that were edited to this video, I would bet you could search Hardball videos and find every single one of those.
She actually said more than that:
Given that the “lipsycning” issue is found from MSNBC’s own video streams, I wouldn’t blame Youtube exactly as the main offender. Even Fox News video broadcasts off their website have audio synch woes from time to time, but that doesn’t trasnlate to editing of content that violates recorded transcript of the then live shows for either network (as that’s a big no no in libel violations). As you said kcanova if Greg is this paranoid over the synching issue all he has to do and go into the archives of Countdown, Hardball, or even Maddow’s shows and the material will be there blunt as can be with the synching issue included thanks MSNBC’s own uploading.
Rachel is a HORRIBLE name for a man. His mother should be caned.
I have been wondering for quite some time why liberals never seem to be shy about hypocrisy, nor does the charge of hypocrisy deter them or make them apologise. I have come to the conclusion that calling a liberal a hypocrite is like calling the sky blue or the grass green. Hypocrisy is the natural outcome of liberalism, it is a feature and not a defect. We, as conservatives continually judge liberals from our own point of view and that is a mistake.
Well with Comcast buying MSLSD hopefully we can look forward to some changes to their lineup.
Well done, Curt.
@ dscott, #10:
Hipocrisy is generally something people readily detect in others but have trouble seeing in themselves. Democrats, for example, might raise eyebrows at self-righteous Republican talk of fiscal responsibility, noting that they’ve seldom practiced it when they’ve been running things, and actually show no signs of reform. (Tax cuts, for example, aren’t really going to reduce deficits; the spending cuts they’ve outlined don’t come close to paying for them, let alone rolling back the accumulated debt.) Republicans condemn earmarks but have always made lavish use them, and still haven’t actually sworn off the practice. They condemn illegal immigrants, but routinely hired millions of them when there were increased profits to be had from cheap labor. Etc, etc…
There’s plenty of hipocrisy to go around.
Hmmmm, who said this?
First, you have to have something the public is willing to buy, MSNBC was willing to pay Olbermann $4 million per year to compete with O’Reilly, didn’t work out so well, see if it gets renewed in 2011. Ratings, ratings, ratings, the more liberals whine the higher FOX goes and down goes MSNBC.
As far as “vast personal fortunes” it’s not like the MSNBC bunch aren’t trying to amass a “vast personal fortune” they’ve also all written books. Olbermann at least three and has a pretty healthy contract, didn’t look the others up. But, just wondering, why A Neowonk’s Guide To The Leftist Lesbian Pundit, listing on Amazon right now for $239.90 isn’t amassing a “vast personal fortune” for Rachel Maddow?
Rachel Maddow , Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews exposed and snagged you right in.
That really tells you how Greg’s mind works. He is SO desperate to cling to his liberal fantasies that he uses an audio sync issue to claim the vid is fake. That way he doesn’t have to face the uncomfortable fact that his heroes are anything but.
Dayum Greg!
Are you really that desperate?
Are you really that thick skulled?
Are you really so deeply invested in your belief system that you refuse to believe your eyes and ears?
How sad for you.
@ Aye
The thing that kills me about Greg is; when faced with facts, he changes the subject. Curt gave him indisputable proof and Greg just moved on with his next attack.
So Greg, I’ll ask the question of the group. By a show of hands, how many conservatives believe the republican controlled congress during the Bush years was fiscally conservative.
I don’t see any hands raised Greg. We even let our side know we thought they went off path. Marco Rubio put it best; This is a second chance to be what they are supposed to be.
I have seen liberals do that sort of thing over and over. As I have said many times, liberals suffer from a pathological denial of reality. An example is the ACORN sting where the left, rather than face the truth, claimed the videos were basically fake -“they were edited”. There is little point in presenting proof to the left because they aren’t capable of seeing it.
Something else to remember about the left is that their views are VERY based in their need to feel good about themselves and superior to others.
Just like I wanted Arlen Specter to get the democratic nomination again for my state, I want Nancy to get elected to house speaker again. She is doing a great job of getting
democratsrepublicans elected. She is to politicians what Vista was to Windows. Vista probably sold more Apple computers than Apple’s advertising. Ironically, Vista ran faster on a Mac than a PC.Unfortunately, Specter was beaten by Joe Sestak, but Joe was beaten by republican Pat Toomey. One senator down and one to go.
@Greg: #4
If you watch your propaganda media as much as it sounds like you do, I don’t understand how you haven’t figured out that when a video is sent from a computer instead of a TV studio there is almost always a delay. I ain’t savvy on the tech stuff, but I understand that the sound is easier to transfer into electrical impulses than the video. It is also easier to transfer from an electric impulse to sound. This is why the sound comes a little ahead of the video. TV studios compensate for this when they send the signal out so that they both go out at the same time. The signal in question obviously came from a computer. They don’t compensate.
It’s a good thing that you ain’t in the military. For each shot you fire you have so much incoming that you have to run and hide until it is over. Then you fire another shot and it starts all over again.
Liberals almost to a person must engage in Selective Logic in order to arrive at their viewpoints. There is no such thing as a Progressive with a proper perspective. One must leave out relevant historically documented facts in order to hold liberal views. I should know because I voted straight Democrat until I was 58. Since 2008 I have not voted for a single Democrat. There simply are no Scoop Jackson quality Democrats left. Until there are, I will vote Republican.
Who said this?
Hey Greg….
Don’t look now, but there’s a problem over at MSNBC that you’ve apparently missed or are, for whatever reason, refusing to admit.
Dylan Ratigan, MSNBC host, and his guest Ted Rall call for revolution, potentially violent revolution, in the USA:
MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell proudly admits he’s a socialist:
@Aye, those aren’t problems for Greg. Those are his heroes….
I need someone’s HELP About a month ago, Mad-cow had on a man running for office. A professor and nuke expert ????? on her show that spanked her for the 5+min she had him on.
My question is HOW DID HE DUE IN THE ELECTION ?????
Actually, Ted Rall’s comments disturb me to the same degree that Sharron Angle’s talk about “Second Amendment remedies” did.
I have no more problem with Lawrence O’Donnell identifying himself as a socialist than I would with someone identifying as a laissez-faire capitalist, though I believe the sort of pure system either would advocate to be unworkable. I believe in a capitalist system with certain necessary elements of socialism; something sort of like what we’ve had for the past seventy years or so, but adjusted for sustainability.
He got his ‘dew’!
Bob, # 24,
You’re recalling Arthur B. Robinson unless I’m way off.
He was running for Congress from Oregon’s 4th District.
He got 45% of the vote, losing to a Democrat, Peter DeFazio.
Ah, yes…because Sharon Angle saying “I’m hoping that we’re not getting to Second Amendment remedies” is so very comparable to Ted Rall explicitly calling for revolution, ie:
Exit Question: Greg, having viewed the MSNBC interview segment in which Dylan Ratigan espouses violent revolution in the US, as well as the montage video in which your fund raising claims are disproven, are you prepared to admit that the claims you made regarding MSNBC are not true?
@ Aye, #28:
I’ll go so far as to admit that MSNBC’s commentary is in some respects a mirror image of that of FOX.
I read through the entire excerpt of Ted Rall’s book that you linked in your post, btw. (D-mn, I hate Scribe formated documents.) Gotta say, it’s one of the scariest things I’ve read recently. The guy is undeniably bright and articulate. In my opinion, quite a few of his observations concerning the perilous situtation the nation is presently in–and how dangerously unaware most people are of that situation–are disturbingly on target. Like the largely ignored “QE2, The Last Gasp of the Monetary System” video on another thread, it might be too much truth to easily absorb and process.
His suggestion about how people should respond, on the other hand, is total lunacy. It’s actually the same d-mn lunacy that exists on the far-right fringes, only coming from the opposite political extreme. If I heard the statement, “I want you to see that revolt is a good idea, and that it has never been more necessary,” without any indication of its context, I actually wouldn’t know whether it was coming from the far right or the far left.
So Greg, is the video genuine? Have you changed your mind about it? You didn’t address your previous claim. All you did was practice the usual leftist tactic of attack, attack, attack, facts be damned.
@ Hard Right, #30:
That depends upon your definition of genuine. The video was obviously edited to create a specific, politically useful impression.
Unlike this video, which simply captures the reality that was in front of the camera; someone on the conservative right, essentially making a case for the same sort of “solution” radical author Ted Rall is talking about. Listen to what she says, beginning at around the 6 minute mark:
The lady in the video, Joyce Kaufman, has just been selected as Congressman-Elect of Florida Allen West’s new Chief of Staff.
Greg, you have no idea how bad you’ve made yourself look to others reading this site. You have proven what many of us here have said about the left.
Rather than say yes or no you dance around and don’t say directly. You play the meaning of “is” game. I guess that is so you can claim you were misquoted when accused of deliberately ignoring a video that proves you wrong. Typical lefty. When reality proves you wrong, pretend it isn’t reality.
You then turn to a tactic similar to the one I mentioned earlier.
Folks, that is another little game the left likes to play. They launch as many accusations as they can as quickly as they can and don’t bother to answer rebuttals seriously if at all. Like I said, attack, attack, attack.
I will go on record as saying that going by his comments on FA, Greg is unable to admit when he is wrong. It is in all likelihood NOT in his vocabulary.
Antics, what’s scary is how they are able to induce amnesia and truly believe they never believed or said something.
My brother supported Hillary. When the dems tarred and feathered her he hated obama. Then when he thought obama was going to be the communist of his dreams, he liked him. I and my parents had heard him bash obama and say how much he disliked him. So when we heard that he liked obama, we were surprised and said we thought he hated him. He looked at us like we were insane and claimed he didn’t recall ever saying such a thing.
Liberalism is a mental illness.
Liberalism describes the underlying set of beliefs and principles that our nation was founded upon. Conservatism is an impulse to maintain a traditional order. Basically, it’s more an identification with certain aspects of a traditional order than with any consistent and clearly definable set of principles.
Most of the Constitutional principles American conservatives like to claim as the essence of conservatism are, in fact, pure manifestations of liberal thinking.
@Greg: When Hard Right said “Liberalism” he was speaking about YOU and your ilk. Conservatism grew out of Classic Liberalism.
What is referred to as Liberalism these days is anything BUT what Classic Liberalism stands for.