He’s Baaaack…!

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No, not Keith Olbermann…

George W Bush in his first TV interview since leaving the White House Photo: NBC

Miss him yet? This week, President Obama’s predecessor sheds his low profile image.

In advance of the post-mid-term election release of his new memoir, Decision Points (available in bookstores on Tuesday) former president George Bush will be back in the media spotlight…as well as in its crosshairs.

Already, book reviews, media pundits, long-time critics, and latenight talk show hosts are chomping at the bit.

Matt Lauer’s interview with #43 kicks things off Monday night on NBC (I believe he also scored a live interview for Wednesday morning). On Tuesday, the guarantor of million-dollar book sales, Oprah Winfrey, will televise her taped interview with “the Decider”.

All that’s left to secure his book sales would be an appearance with Joy Behar on The View, latenight with David Letterman, and some chuckles with good ol’ Jon Stewart.

He is slated to also appear on Leno, CNN with Candy Crowley, and talk radio interviews:

Each Bush interviewer gets a special bite of the apple this week and next. Ms. Winfrey, whose taped interview will be shown Tuesday, visited Mr. Bush’s parents in Kennebunkport, Me. Mr. Limbaugh will have the first live interview with Mr. Bush around noon on Tuesday. Sean Hannity will interview Mr. Bush on the radio Tuesday afternoon and on television Tuesday night.

Of the other Fox hosts, Bill O’Reilly’s turn is Thursday and Greta Van Susteren’s is Friday. Ms. Van Susteren is the only interviewer to visit Mr. Bush’s archives at Southern Methodist University.

Later on, there will be interviews on “CBS Sunday Morning,” with his wife Laura; on CNN in prime time, with his brother Jeb; on “Fox & Friends”; and, on Nov. 18, on “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno.”

Prepare for Bush week.

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If Obama tells us, “Don’t buy Bush’s book,” that will be the best endorsement possible and would result in millions more books being sold. I know King Obama wants to mandate that the people not read it, but such mandates haven’t worked on Joe The Plumber, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, information sending devices (iPad, iPhone, Blackberry), so you would think that he has learned the best way to drive a customer to the competition is to tell the customer not to go there. Him never having a regular full-time job, he might not know about that.

KEITH OLBERMANN.’s back, too.

Phil Griffin, President of MSNBC:

After several days of deliberation and discussion, I have determined that suspending Keith through and including Monday night’s program is an appropriate punishment for his violation of our policy. We look forward to having him back on the air Tuesday night.



Word, thought you meant it is you that’s back. Don’t be such a stranger.

From the clips I’ve seen, he’s been doing well, laid back, relaxed and hasn’t let anyone slide anything over on him.

Just got the two books I ordered this morning, they’d been in the mail box for a few days, I didn’t have my key. Now I need to order this one, they are piling up, so many more I want to have.

I miss him. I miss Ms. Bush’s class. There is so much more to President Bush and Ms. Bush that we can’t find in the current occupant of the W.H. How in the world did we get to this point? It’s almost like the Bevely Hillbillies took over the Oval office, and class is no longer relevant. How sad for all Americans.


The Clintons were the Beverly Hillbillies; the current two are something…. else, altogether.

Thunder, you insult hillbillies with such a comparison.

Word, good to hear you are just busy. We have become used to a more active role on your part. As long as you’re well, that’s all that matters.

The Clintons were the Beverly Hillbillies; the current two are something…. else, altogether.

I wonder how you would characterize that ‘something else’. I don’t think there’s a PC way to do it beyond ‘disgusting’, ‘repulsive’, ‘credit card jockeys’……

@ ThunderGod, The Clinton’s are Carpetbaggers and Grifters. No more no less.

WORDSMITH: hi, hope you continue to post,even if your too rich, it’s not an excuse,

@Madalyn: # 5 Madalyn

“The Clintons were the Beverly Hillbillies….”

ThunderGod beat me to it (#6). They moved out and royalty moved in.

“…and class is no longer relevant.”

Take a look at how high Obama holds his nose and you can tell that class is everything to him. He belongs to the uppity class.

When the Obamas took over the White House, responsibility, class, morals, respect, and sanity went out the window. President Bush made some mistakes, but he admitted them, and never blamed anyone else for his actions. This current clown thinks by blaming Bush he is absolved of all responsibility. Can’t wait for 2012……I would like to see a Demint/West ticket.

Everytime Obama opens his mouth it’s like nails on a chalkboard. He is very irritating. If you ask him a question, he spends 15 minutes talking around it, but never answers it. President Bush looked you right in the eye and answered your questions. God, how I miss his honesty and complete loyalty to the American people, even tho so many of them did not deserve the respect he showed them.

Madalyn —

responsibility, class, morals, respect, and sanity went out the window.

The Obamas, a self-made married couple with working class roots and two great kids, replaced a dry drunk, his wife who killed a guy, and their two daughters who also had issues with the bottle. And you think that “responsibility, class, morals, respect, and sanity” DECREASED when that trailer trash left the White House? Please.

You remind me of the Virginia woman George Packer wrote about last week who did not like Obama because he “dressed inappropriately.” When the criticism reaches this level of pettiness, that is when you know the opposition is entirely warped, wrapped up in a cycle of projection, transference and “splitting.”


Honestly, cons, you really need to give up the name-calling, the emotion driven venting as your persuasive tool. It is just not mentally healthy or in any way convincing. Just makes y’all look . . . unhinged . . . .

B-Rob, before you teach others, you better read what trash YOU write,
YES there is the PROOF of what MAGDALIN wrote is the TRUTH,
DON’t you people can define what the word “CLASS” mean.

B-rob proves liberals have no idea what projection, displacement, and hypocrisy means.

Hard Right —

*yawn* Is it nap time yet?

Bees —

You probably should not be telling other people to proof read what they write. Like I said . . . transference and projection . . . .

Still crying over the loss and lashing out I see. Nap time? Did all that finger painting tire you out?
As for bees, English isn’t his first language. I can excuse that.
Acusing us of what YOU yourself are guilty of will not be overlooked.
I have been pointing out your projection, displacement, and hypocrisy for some time now. It seems you finally googled the definitions…but didn’t comprehend the meanings. Braindead didn’t get it…shocking.

B-Rob, HOW shrude,[I always wanted to use this word};

you know, transference and projection is not splitting, but it is UNITING and enforcing
the GROUP,

R-Bob – you forgot to mention that Obama is in a class of misfits of his own. He has surrounded himself with criminals and racists from day one. Take a close look. Obama blames everyone but himself. He slammed healthcare onto our backs with such force it knocked the wind out of us. He pushed cap and trade to the point that it reached the point of bankrupting all of us. He said the police in Cambridge “acted stupidly” without knowing any facts of the case. He butts in where he is not wanted, and makes charges and allegations. He is a complete incompetent. He was elected due to voter fraud only. He would never have been elected otherwise. He has outright lied to the public, and when he is called on it, he blames Bush. Get over the fact that your choice for C in C is unqualifed and his wife is a poor excuse for a First Lady. They do not have any class, and it can’t be bought. Look at how Michelle dresses. I have seen bag ladies dressed better than her.
Take a deep breath, crawl back under your rock. It is obvious you can’t stand to hear the truth.
Last word I have for you. You are not worth my time.

MAdalyn, I wish, I could be as skilled as you. bye

This fooled me twice. I was expecting the glory of pitch forks and torches from the likes of Kiddie Kos, Media Mutters, and the Puffington Post. MSNBC to be pilloried as very unfair and unbalanced. We have to continue to bend over or lean forward. So, Tuesday night, Gene Wilder will guest and Herr Olbermann will join him in performing ” Putting On The Ritz “.

Nice to see Prez Bush making a huge comeback. Wars are never popular.

anyone who actually believes the obamas are just a guy/gal middle class with two children trying to do the right thing and move up in the world is a total idiot.

Sometimes I would dearly like to see you people take out the trash and leave it out once and for all…………….speaking about Brothel-Bob.

The Obamas, a self-made married couple with working class roots and two great kids, replaced a dry drunk, his wife who killed a guy, and their two daughters who also had issues with the bottle. And you think that “responsibility, class, morals, respect, and sanity” DECREASED when that trailer trash left the White House? Please.

How much disrespect to our prior president does warrant a ban anyway. That is over the top in every way.

@Madalyn: #12 Madalyn

“If you ask him a question, he spends 15 minutes talking around it, but never answers it.”

Very few politicians can answer a yes or no question with a “Yes” or a “No.” They have spent years developing the system of talking on and on and not saying anything. There needs to be a word created for that, if there hasn’t been already.

@B-Rob: #13

“The Obamas, a self-made married couple with working class roots”

Please show me one full-time job Obama had other politician. I haven’t heard of any. This is one reason I have said that nobody should be able to run for any political office until they have worked for 10 years. It wouldn’t have to be at the same job. I’m tired of getting politicians who only know politics.

Just watched the interview with GWB and Lauer. I thought it was excellent. I didn’t like Bush when he was in office but he will go down in history as a good president…maybe even great. GWB was straight forward and clear. He’s a obviously a great patriot and he’s a man who knows himself. I teared up several times feeling empathy for his challenges. Looking forward to his book. He makes Obama look like a boy-clown.

@Ann/Monterey: #27

He makes Obama look like a boy-clown.”

Obama does that by himself. He doesn’t need any help.

Oh Silly Rob – you really are a caricature of a blogger. And by saying that, I give bloggers a bad name. Obama started his political career in the house of two domestic terrorists, surrounds himself with self-avowed Marxists, communists and socialists, talks like a bumbling fool when he goes off teleprompter and has no idea how to act presidential.

As pointed out so eloquently by Madalyn, he is an incompetent boob and has never had to work for anything in his life. Thus his elitist mentality. His wife is SO WORKING CLASS that she wears $500 shoes to volunteer in a soup kitchen…

I have just ordered Decision Points. Looking forward to read the book.
Would really love to have a signed copy by this great President.
I miss him.