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I haven’t tweeted since doing so got so many Iranian freedom fighters killed by the Ahmadinejad and his Ayatollahs.

But, if you visit this link to Twitter there are tons of suggestions for Nancy to choose from.

My favorite on the first page:


Nancy don’t steel my ruby slippers, just because the house fell on me.

Part of Pelosi’s skill set is living in a hermetically-sealed fantasy kingdom of denial and wishful thinking. I would like to think ragging on her could leave a mark, but I wonder if she is simply incapable of embarassment

@3 Then again there is the possibility that the botox has permeated her brain grey mater and the possibility of rational thought is no longer an option.

Did the taxpayers pay for the multiple face-lifts? Is their medical coverage that complete and insane that it would pay for pointless and unsuccessful attempts to make her look, er, uh, pretty??