Glenn Beck – Fed Prints More Money Ensuring Our Dollar Will Be Devalued; China Is Smiling

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Start around the 4 minute mark if you want to skip the monologue but after that watch the whole show….well worth your time:

QE2 – Quantitative Easing

He also talks about the India trip around the 6 minute mark of Part II

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Hey … Did Jim DeMint just say he is going to support raising the debt ceiling? So … That means more debt, more printing money.

Does this mean the T-Bag-(R)z have been had, just like the Christian right was under “W”? Wow, that’s like not even 24 hours!


@ Snerd Gronk, #1:

What was formerly the Democrats’ problem will now become the Republicans’ problem. Sometime shortly after the new House majority has been seated, republican campaign rhetoric is going to run full-tilt into reality.

It’s going to be interesting, watching them argue for another round of high-end tax cuts while simultaneously either voting to raise the debt ceiling, or shutting down the government.

Try to remember people, it isn’t the republicans vs the democrats, it is the government vs the people.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

The more things change, the more things stay the same.

Hey nice to see OBama’s economy is booming! Haha not! Over here in Australia the dollar is buying out the U.S. dollar which is a first in Australian history.

@Snerd Gronk:

Hey … Did Jim DeMint just say he is going to support raising the debt ceiling? So … That means more debt, more printing money.

Not exactly….

Here’s what DeMint said:

I think Republicans will say no, unless that raising of the debt ceiling is accompanied by some — some dramatic spending cuts, something that would direct us toward a balanced budget in the future, Republicans will not support an increase in the debt limit.

What I hope you’ll see from Republicans right out of the box, as soon as we get back, is a moratorium on earmarks. Americans and connected the dots. They realize if we’re all up there trying to bring home the bacon, we’re going to bankrupt our country. And if Republicans in the House and the Senate both take a pledge to not ask for earmarks and to have a moratorium on — on them in the Congress, I think it will show Americans, at least at the beginning, that we are serious.

So there are a number of other things we need to do to demonstrate that we’re — we’re serious. And one of those is to de-fund Obama Care, and, as soon as we can, hopefully, have a vote on balancing the budget.


“You don’t have much choice if you charge something on your credit card. You have to pay it, and that’s effectively what this debt limit is,” DeMint said in an interview with National Journal. “If Republicans have to do that on their own, they need to attach some legislation to it that forces us to move towards a balanced budget. Otherwise, I think the American people are going to look at us and say, ‘The Republicans still don’t get it.'”

DeMint voted against the last debt-limit increase in January, which gave the Treasury an extra $2.1 trillion in breathing room, because there were no spending control mechanisms attached to it. He told NJ that he was not in favor of shutting down the government, however, which is what blocking a debt limit hike would essentially achieve.

“If there was any way we could get around it, we need to do it. But again, we’ve already spent the money. The question is now, do we shut down the government, or do we fund what we’ve already done?” he said.

Ahhhh Chi, I am indebted to you …. So you are OK with the T-Bag-(R)z discovering ‘nuance’, just hours after the election, eh!?


And another thing …. Why would China be smiling if they hold significant portions of U$ debt, and devaluation of the U$ dollar means the note China holds just devalued and the repayment will be less to China.

According to Beck, China is smiling ’cause Colbert can’t run around yelling, ‘We’re number one!’, as enthusiastically …. That’s China who keeps their currency artificially low, due to the benefits of a devalued currency.

Ahhhh …. Beck-(R)-head logic … !


@Snerd Gronk:

So you are OK with the T-Bag-(R)z discovering ‘nuance’, just hours after the election, eh!?


What I’m OK with is discovering that you’re deceitful little worm and I take great pleasure in squishing you and your ‘nuance[d]’ lie about what DeMint had to say.

Sorry things didn’t work out so well for you but thanks for playing anyway.

@Snerd Gronk:

What they lose on the devaluation of the dollar they make up in trade. When our buying power in the US tanks we will be buying even more of their cheap products.

BTW, daNang67 touches on this a bit:

Earmarks vs ‘Ea(R)ma(R)kz‘:

House Republican leader John Boehner addressed the issue Thursday night during an interview with Fox News, stating:

BAIER: The guys in line to be Chairman [of the Appropriations Committee], they’re big fans of earmarks.

BOEHNER: There’s gonna be an earmark moratorium, it’s pretty clear.

BAIER: Why not an outright ban?

BOEHNER: Only because some things that people call earmarks here wouldn’t classify as an earmark to the American people.

More ‘nuancez’ eh!? …. Y’all are going to need a whole new T-bag-(R) ‘caveating’ dictiona(R)y. For example:
Mo(R)atorium (more-a-tory-dumb): When you fake hard right and go whichever way big business tells you to, because they paid for your election and you need them to be able to afford to run again in 2 years.


You ‘Missy’ the point

When our buying power in the US tanks we will be buying even more of their cheap products.

(R)eally … ????

Classically, when a country’s currency is devalued (or kept artificially low as in China), it makes that country’s exports cheaper and all imports more expensive. In fact it is considered as an indirect way of raising trade barriers to imports (here I am using the term imports to refer to stuff coming from China, there Missy …)

In the T-bag-(R) world, apparently empirical reality is turned up side down, eh!? But the purity test is to say, ‘It’s (R)ight side up!’, nevertheless.


Snerd, you need to wipe the foam from your mouth. Look, I know you are very upset over your socialist buds being kicked out of the House, but get used to it. The Senate is next and so is the White House.
BTW, the dems have been getting WAY more money from “businesses” than the GOP for some time now. So really, take your stupidity back to DUNG, Huffpo, or KOSlim land.

You are right Hard ….

The (D)z got much more ‘declared’ $ … but now there’s that secret $$$$ that the (R)z are very ‘Koch-shhhh-ous’ about, afraid we’ll break the ‘China’, as it were. The (R)z are all about ‘Outsou(R)cing’ everything jobs, manufacturing, co(R)po(R)ate influence, etc. … ’cause the Monied’ are going to retire some place else, anyway

p.s. ‘Witch’ guy said ‘We’re compromising on earmarks’, first? Mitch or Orange-John?

Snerd, I love how you are ignorant over China’s labor and “business” control the Government has. The reason so many goods that are shipped to the Americas are “cheap” is due to labor wage restrictions implied by the People’s Republic of China itself and anyone who “speaks” about the low wages they are removed from the workforce and relocated to the joyful confines of a prison cell. Other than the prison cell, the Communist “captialist” system mimics the 1890’s to 1910’s American Big Business Barons (whom enjoyed the political powers Democrats in World War I granted them) by paying workers wages so below the cost of living of that time that many people couldn’t localy afford the very things they were building/producing. The Chinese factory Foxconn has seen employees commit suicide due to work conditions, production demands, or crappy wages and areas outside of Hong Kong’s business districts sees many workers in other industries facing the same problem. (This is why bootlegging and priacy of goods and services are so rampant there.)

China has sought to increase their currency’s value nation wide and Internationaly by mainly imposing a higher ratio of of US dollars to The Renminbi (something most of the American media is turning a blind eye to), as in it’ll take more American currency to translate to a single Renminbi (aka the equal of how it takes more Mexican Currency to be exchanged for a Dollar). Along with the event of People’s Republic of China announcing they are no longer purchasing United State Treasury Bonds AND in the process of expunging current holdings will make the Chinese currency a more powerful purchasing force versus the United States Dollar in the Global economy as they are becoming a Creditor nation while the United States and other former Creditor nations falls back to becoming debtor nations (something that isn’t desired for economical sound stablity.) As of this point many Nations in the reigon, including Federal Russia, are displacing their holdings of United States Dollar in Government Treasuries with the Renminbi. The confidence over the United States Dollar in the exhange system in the global market is very shakey and as the United States is expected by many Nations to be impacted by growing inflation, these Nations are already taking security steps to distance themselves from the chaos. The history of Germany’s Weimar Republic still lingers in the Eastern European Nations and Asian Nations, and to them The United States of America’s Federal Reserve and the Federal Government are commiting the same errors.

Master i(R)ons

I appreciate a lotta what you have to say. In fact, I think the 21st Century is going to see a struggle between 2 capitalistic systems, Co(R)po(R)ate Capitalism (U$A) and State Capitalism (China).

Comparing the nostalgic view of the theoretical good of a free market system, to the actual problems of a state run system isn’t the best way to analyze these systems. Each in its own way, is uninterested in individual rights. I fear for the near future of our planet, consequently.

Collective action by individuals could prevent this. But as long as we are divided and unable to think clearly, it’ll never happen. This I believe is the point of the ‘fund-(R)z’ of the T-party …. Murdoch, Koch, Chinese business interests, all hidden in the recent ‘sec(R)et’ $ funding the (R)z. Otherwise, why keep it secret?


@Snerd Gronk:

Murdoch, Koch, Chinese business interests, all hidden in the recent ’sec(R)et’ $ funding the (R)z. Otherwise, why keep it secret?

If it’s secret…then how do you know about it?

Point of Order: Cease and desist on the ‘(R)’, ‘(D)’, and other (parenthetical) bull crap and we may consider allowing you to continue playing in the sandbox.

Otherwise you’re gonna get bounced.

Bounced for using brackets … Too much!!!

Snerd, subjected to the Bracket Police … Now that’s ‘cute’!

Censorship that doesn’t … errr …. ‘bracket’ content. Censorship you can believe in!

p.s. Who says the right doesn’t believe in Syn-Tax, eh!?

Aye …
If it’s secret…then how do you know about it?

Good point … When it comes to a cogent argument, we can certainly ‘count’ on you to ‘identify it’. Yup! … Democracy made better by secrecy!


It should be clear that Snerd is deflecting the core subject at hand and has failed to understand what I and others are posting. Being a former Game forum board moderator, his behavior mimics rather well many trolls I have had to place either a temp-ban or a perma-ban by trying to antagonize ourselves or our ways of thought with childish namecalling. The mere fact he ignores that the modern sitution of what I point out that is happening Globaly and then in classic deflection tactics.

Snerd’s quote:

I appreciate a lotta what you have to say. In fact, I think the 21st Century is going to see a struggle between 2 capitalistic systems, Co(R)po(R)ate Capitalism (U$A) and State Capitalism (China).

21st century America and China are two forms of business. America is a Corporatism, not a true free maket society, if you had to lick of sense to study modern Economics. Various industries (energy, water, sanitation services as example) are regulated at the State level mostly as is, with many of these regulations leading to current failure or shortages as per example California’s energy problems and brown outs due to over rampant State Government demands over emissions. Oil and Natural Gas industries are also monitored and heavily regulated per State Government within the United States and as for the example of Kansas, the Water and Gas companies that operate within the borders of Kansas have to seek State approval for pricing changes, building projects and the like. The Governments do not own these businesses but regulate heavily but as such these Governments have been infected with lobbying interests of large Businesses to create these various regulations to benefit both Government AND Large business. Examples would be 19th Century Railroad industry; 20th century fruit companies and oil companies; and 21st century example would be the Democrats granting Humana Health Insurance a pure monopoly over insurance packages with the recent Healthcare Bill Passage once various plans from employeers are dropped and people are forced to buy Government “sponsored” packages which are provided by Humana or United Healthcare Services (something the anti-big business folks who love Obamacare turn a blind eye about.)

21st Century Chinese “Communist Captialist” as I call it is a form of Facisism, aka Government owns every part of a person’s labor, the raw resources, the buildings, the land, aka everything. Hong Kong’s pressure on the rest of the Nation to adapt to a more capitalist system without Government intervention was causing economical and social turmoil for those stuck out of Hong Kong’s labor market, until the Western Economies Hong Kong is modeling (mainly United States) started to get into very tough problems. Unions in America get the joy of having some form of legal barging power over wages, length of labor time, vaction hours, etc. In China? These same Union groups trying to form chapters there, aka the International Association of Machinist or even the SEIU representatives, are told to either shut shop themselves or face their legal system with up to the death penalty for violating Communist law and work quota. The Chinese do not play around with controlling their industries or their workers.

Re: ‘China is smiling’ – a weaker dollar will help some in China and hurt others. I expect they have internal struggles between those who want a strong yuan (oil-intensive industries mainly… I doubt China has consumer advocates per se) and all the exporters and labor-intensive industries that like the weak yuan. But for sure they will take a bath on their massive dollar and US bond holdings eventually. I only hope that no one in our government ends up giving them something of real value (like US land) when they get pissed about it.

Aye, I’d say he needs some Clozapine. He seems to have some major issues. Amusing that when we win it’s because big business and the Chinese secretly gave us money. He ignores the illegal donations obama got and kept.
BTW, “it” has a blog.

While some don’t like Glenn, he has been invaluable to fledgling Conservatives. He explains things in a way that brings those who haven’t been into politics up to speed.

Snerd reminds me of the upperclassmen college semi-nerd. Smart enough to get into college, but dumb enough to keep him out of the sciences. He/she is probably in some sort of political/social program and thinks his way of speaking (sner(D)) is the coolest thing ever. Unfortunately, we have spent too much time answering his juvenile postings, so he thinks he is somebody now. One day he will wake up to the destruction the liberal/progressives are doing to our country. Maybe. If he ends up with a real job in a field that actually produces something other than dependency.

Thank you Aye, I was ready to drop the hammer on the cute guy, but there was a glitch with my program. Good Grief that was boring and tiring.