LTC West is Leadership without Compromise, a return to traditional American core Values and he will Serve his constituency as well as he Served the Nation in boots. His election represents a significant change in the way Our Business, the Peoples Business, will be conducted in Congress.
I just may stop using the term ‘Parliament of Whores’ when I refer to Congress.
We need more Patriots and Statesmen in Office and fewer Political Whores. His victory is indicative of a change towards more of the former and fewer of the latter.
As it has been stated, this is the End of the Beginning. It must start in Congress, the Statehouses, State Legislatures as a beginning. The Senate and the White House can wait another two years. A Majority in Congress is a first step. Congress controls the checking account. It looks like the Democrats and the POTUS will have their ATM Cards taken away. A return to Fiscal Prudence must be accomplished in 2011. A reduction in the size of Government must be accomplished over the next 4 years or the Economy will not recover. Nothing here is too big to fail but some things are too big to be sustainable.
14 years ago
U.S.A! U.S.A!
There you may note the PRIMARY DIFFERENCE between conservatives and Libs.
Whose name were they not chanting?
Libs chant the name of their leader. Over and over. O-BA-MA! O-BA-MA!
Watch a hundred speeches and see. Theirs is a cult, the worship of a man.
I’m so glad I contributed to his campaign!! This man exemplifies what is RIGHT about America!!
14 years ago
WOW. How could anyone not love what this man is and what he stands for. He is what made this country great and he now is in a position to make us great once again. The country did the right thing to elect men and woman of this caliber too bad my State of California did not get the memo that the Liberals destroy people and the Conservatives are here to help people make the most out of their lives and to succeed and prosper.
Hard Right
14 years ago
President West has a nice ring to it.
14 years ago
it isn’t about color. it is about the content of a man’s character as best shown by lt col west. shame on you barrack obama.
Col. West for Speaker. This country needs more people like him in elective office.
Col West is a KEEPER! 😆 🙂
LTC West is Leadership without Compromise, a return to traditional American core Values and he will Serve his constituency as well as he Served the Nation in boots. His election represents a significant change in the way Our Business, the Peoples Business, will be conducted in Congress.
I just may stop using the term ‘Parliament of Whores’ when I refer to Congress.
We need more Patriots and Statesmen in Office and fewer Political Whores. His victory is indicative of a change towards more of the former and fewer of the latter.
As it has been stated, this is the End of the Beginning. It must start in Congress, the Statehouses, State Legislatures as a beginning. The Senate and the White House can wait another two years. A Majority in Congress is a first step. Congress controls the checking account. It looks like the Democrats and the POTUS will have their ATM Cards taken away. A return to Fiscal Prudence must be accomplished in 2011. A reduction in the size of Government must be accomplished over the next 4 years or the Economy will not recover. Nothing here is too big to fail but some things are too big to be sustainable.
U.S.A! U.S.A!
There you may note the PRIMARY DIFFERENCE between conservatives and Libs.
Whose name were they not chanting?
Libs chant the name of their leader. Over and over. O-BA-MA! O-BA-MA!
Watch a hundred speeches and see. Theirs is a cult, the worship of a man.
I’m so glad I contributed to his campaign!! This man exemplifies what is RIGHT about America!!
WOW. How could anyone not love what this man is and what he stands for. He is what made this country great and he now is in a position to make us great once again. The country did the right thing to elect men and woman of this caliber too bad my State of California did not get the memo that the Liberals destroy people and the Conservatives are here to help people make the most out of their lives and to succeed and prosper.
President West has a nice ring to it.
it isn’t about color. it is about the content of a man’s character as best shown by lt col west. shame on you barrack obama.