So the aftermath…we are now at 60 seats but 11 races are still in question so the ceiling could be as high as 71:
Raul Grijalva vs. Ruth McClung in Arizona’s 7th district.
Gabrielle Giffords vs. Jesse Kelly in Arizona’s 8th district.
Jerry McNerney vs. David Harmer in California’s 11th district.*
Jim Costa vs. Andy Vidak in California’s 20th district.*
Melissa Bean vs. Joe Walsh in Illinois’s 8th district.*
Ben Chandler vs. Andy Barr in Kentucky’s 6th district.
Dan Maffei vs. Ann Marie Buerkle in New York’s 25th district.
Solomon Ortiz vs. Blake Farenthold in Texas’s 27th district.*Gerry Connolly vs. Keith Fimian in Virginia’s 11th district.
Rick Larsen vs. John Koster in Washington’s 2nd district.*
Adam Smith vs. Richard Muri in Washington’s 9th district.
This was a historic night. This kind of swing hasn’t been seen in 50 years but I think many are not seeing the bigger picture on the wins of the Executives races which will be quite important for 2012 and redistricting.
The wave swept a diverse batch of GOP winners into office, including a Latina in New Mexico, a Latino in Nevada and the daughter of Sikh immigrants in South Carolina.
The GOP pickups were a major blow to President Barack Obama on an already tough night. In addition to Ohio and Iowa, Republicans seized the executive mansions in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Nevada, Kansas, Tennessee and Oklahoma. More than half of the states will be keys to his reelection.
Even more:
A bad night for Democrats Tuesday got even worse at the local level: Republicans were on the verge of winning nearly all 17 of the state legislative chambers they had originally set out for on Tuesday, some for the first time in decades, a shift that puts the GOP in the driver’s seat when the congressional redistricting process begins early next year.
The GOP gains were most significant in the Midwest, where the party picked up state House majorities in the Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and were within striking distance of capturing legislatures in the highly-prized electoral battlegrounds of Michigan and Wisconsin. But Republicans also gained control of both chambers of the New Hampshire and North Carolina legislature, and took the Alabama legislature for the first time since Reconstruction.
The New Hampshire win was a windfall for Republicans, who picked up more than 120 seats to flip the House while also snatching away the Senate, earning a seat at the redistricting table with Gov. John Lynch, a Democrat who narrowly won a fourth term. And the Buckeye State win gave the GOP a measure of revenge: they lost control of the House to Democrats in 2008 by just a handful of seats.
Coupled with wins at the gubernatorial level, the GOP takeovers of those state legislatures means Democrats will be out in the cold when new congressional districts are drawn with 2010 census data.
It was a good night but having just now watched Obama’s speech on the night….he doesn’t get it. It sounds to me like he will not consider any kind of repeal of ObamaCare. No shocker there. Lots of pretty words about listening and blah blah blah but he won’t budge.
Even now he just said that it’s not right that China has a better rail system then us and better technology because of investment in research and business but doesn’t mutter a word about how their Corporate tax rate is lower.
I’ll end this post not on Obama’s speech but the aftermath of those who voted for ObamaCare and Cap n Tax:
Here are the defeated Democratic incumbents broken down based on their votes on the House health care reform bill of November 7, 2009 (HR 3962) and cap-and-trade bill of June 26, 2009 (HR 2454). As it shows, 36 of the 46 Democratic incumbents (78%) who ended up losing were among those who voted for at least one of these two bills.
Defeated Democratic Incumbents Who Voted for Both Cap-and-Trade and Health Care Reform (18):
Alan Grayson (FL-8)
Ron Klein (FL-22)
Debbie Halvorson (IL-11)
Phil Hare (IL-17)
Baron Hill (IN-9)
Mark Schauer (MI-7)
Jim Oberstar (MN-8)
Dina Titus (NV-3)
Carol Shea-Porter (NH-1)
John Hall (NY-19)
Bob Etheridge (NC-2)
Mary Jo Kilroy (OH-15)
Zack Space (OH-18)
Patrick Murphy (PA-8)
Paul Kanjorski (PA-11)
John Spratt (SC-5)
Tom Perriello (VA-5)
Steve Kagen (WI-8)
Defeated Democratic Incumbents Who Voted for Cap-and-Trade Only (11):
Betsy Markey (CO-4)
Allen Boyd (FL-2)
Suzanne Kosmas (FL-24)
Frank Kratovil (MD-1)
Ike Skelton (MO-4)
John Adler (NJ-3)
Harry Teague (NM-2)
Mike McMahon (NY-13)
Scott Murphy (NY-20)
John Boccieri (OH-16)
Rick Boucher (VA-9)
Defeated Democratic Incumbents Who Voted for Health Care Reform Only (9):
Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-1)
Harry Mitchell (AZ-5)
John Salazar (CO-3)
Bill Foster (IL-14)
Earl Pomeroy (ND-AL)
Charlie Wilson (OH-6)
Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-3)
Chris Carney (PA-10)
Ciro Rodriguez (TX-23)
Defeated Democratic Incumbents Who Didn’t Vote for Either Cap-and-Trade or Health Care Reform (10):
Bobby Bright (AL-2)
Jim Marshall (GA-8)
Walt Minnick (ID-1)
Travis Childers (MS-1)
Gene Taylor (MS-4)
Michael Arcuri (NY-24)
Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin (SD-AL)
Lincoln Davis (TN-4)
Chet Edwards (TX-17)
Glenn Nye (VA-2)

See author page
Couldn’t resist.
No video of it happening but a video-interview about New Black Panther Party interference with voting and official poll watchers in Texas.
Whole story here:
In the aftermath: Obama goes to the podium for a woe-is-me-I-try-so-hard-but-I’m-misunderstood session with the fawning W.H. Press core. I think he almost pulled a handkerchief. It’s hard to watch this guy’s narcissism and dramatics continuing in denial.
He has no intention of meeting the Republican Congress in the middle. Don’t believe the talking heads. . . . Nor should Congress move to meet him.
This sets the stage for some long overdue Individual Accountability:
After electoral drubbing, Democrats must now deal with ethics trials
As the approval rating is at an all time low, some House cleaning is on the Order of Business.
As a sidebar, it will be extremely gratifying to see ‘Blinky’ Pelosi in the cheap seats again, minus that croquet mallet gavel, her use of Air Force taxi service for her Family & Friends and that smug look on her face.
Now about those spending cuts…..
Lots of great ideas here.
Newcomers to Congress can find a wealth of budget-cutting ideas in recent plans by various D.C. think tanks:
* At the Heritage Foundation, Brian Riedl has come up with $343 billion in proposed annual cuts.
* At the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Bill Galston and Maya MacGuineas have proposed $400 billion in annual cuts.
* Esquire magazine assembled four former senators who came up with $476 billion in annual cuts.
* The National Taxpayers Union teamed up with the U.S. Public Interest Research Group to propose $600 billion of cuts over five years.
* Michael Ettlinger and Michael Linden of the Center for American Progress offer one plan that would cut annual spending by $255 billion.
Cato’s website, http://www.downsizinggovernment.org, also provides a treasure trove of spending cuts….
@Old Trooper 2:
Back to the broom. 😉
@ Missy
@ #4:
Yep. Instead of ‘Blinky’, we’ll have ‘Blurry’.
I honestly don’t know what your problem is with that film clip in #7 of Nancy on her bicycle, Old Trooper 2. She’s just trying to do her bit by reducing her carbon footprint.
@ Greg, Yeah, I got Her Carbon Footprint right here…
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Abuses Military Aircraft Privileges
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Abuses Military Aircraft Privileges
As an engineer, I LOVE that chart! Great work. It puts the history of the House balance in a very simple-to-understand graphical form. It’s the ultimate GUI. Congratulations to whoever (Curt?) dreamed it up and executed it! A great companion piece would be the same format, but for the Senate.
And Zoe Lofgren is going to chair those trials? The same hard-hitting Zoe Lofgren who gave us this hard-hitting testimony from Stephen Colbert on immigration? THAT Zoe Lofgren?
Oh, this oughta be good. Charlie can hire John Stewart as his attorney, in keeping with Lofgren’s stern clown meme.
“…after controlling all three branches of government.” That tells me a lot right there. I get the simple fact that 2 of the 3 branches of government are elective, but the Judicial? Since when was ANY party supposed to “control” it?
Doug, actually that graphic is from the New York Times. Should of linked to it via the picture earlier but I forgot and now its fixed. Click the picture and it will take you to their multimedia graphs of the election. Some really good graphs in there that you will be interested in.
Doug: Glad you caught that part about the ever serious guardian ad champion of Ethics Zoe Lofgren: I did a hit piece on her a while back and was hoping someone else would bring up the absurdity of this situation. Thank you.
You don’t suppose it is part of the Democrat strategy to have an incompetent boob in charge of ethics violations?
Let the Games begin!
Great graphic.
What do I say to those lefties who say, when confronted with the fact that the Democrat party has controlled Congress for such a large percentage of the last hundred yeats, and they rebut with something along the lines of “..well, see how litlle time the R’s needed to F&&& it all up, get us this deep in debt, get us in this many wars, and get us to this terrible economy?”
What do you say to that? You will undoubtedly get that question from a resident troll or two, probably in this thread.
I’m pretty sure that the Democrats, guided by the Communist elements among them (and above them, and behind them) have been the ones who have intentionally ground this nation down – morally, socially, economically. I just cannot articulate why I believe that – it’s a result of balancing all that I have read, pro and con, about the parties and their goals and their very specific actions, and coming to a conclusion and a determination. Like why I believe that the Bible is true. I cannot explain and re-iterate all that I have read, pro and con on the issue…. I researched and came to a conclusion. I did not memorize.
On the war issue, just ask them who got the US involved in more wars, Republican or Democratic Presidents. The answer (and whether they know it) will be telling.
As for the abyssmal state of this economy and the massively bloated government, BOTH of the major parties are to blame. They work first and foremost to fill their respective party’s re-election coffers and their own personal re-election machines, and sell legistature penning to the highest special interest bidder. For them, the USA is a laboratory in which they perform their economic and social experiments, ane we are the lab mice.
Until we focus on making government as small as possible, corruption will reign supreme. It’s easy to hide corruption in a huge, closed-door government, but much more difficult when the government is the smallest possible to get the job done, as long as the citizens are allowed to “supervise” government operation.
Our government has acted in secret for much too long, and it has got to stop. Certain things like national defense must necessarily be carried out with some secrecy, but the majority of governments actions should be open for all to see.
From John Boehner’s election night speech:
Excuse me?
These characters have spent the last two years trashing the President’s agenda.
Voters just gave the GOP 60 seats and a solid House majority. With that comes the power to introduce legislation containing specific changes, the power to have it heard and debated, and the power to have it brought to a vote.
What they’ve lost is the luxury of sitting on the sidelines and jeering at the democrats without having to offer any detailed proposals of their own. That luxury ends the moment their new majority is seated.
They’ve had two years to work up their plan. It’s time to open the poke and show us the pig.
@ Greg, America bought a Pig in a Poke in 2008. The Election reflects some serious Buyers Remorse.
A Plan? Guess What Jocko, No Nation ever borrowed and Spent it’s way to prosperity. The Plan that Obama promoted was not accepted by Americans as reflected by the election results.
What is You Plan? I am not a Republican but My Plan amounts to about 12 points, none of which would be found by the Entitlement Class to be acceptable. The Democrats had 2 years under Bush and 2 years under Obama to get something right and missed the mark completely.
Got Sour Grapes Greg? Get used to that taste.
@ Greg…
Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ (23 January, 2009)
Now, Jocko, it appears that the American People were heard and “I Won” did not hear.
The Shoe is on the Other foot now. You are deaf as well. Don’t post any Bull about bipartisanship
or any nonsense about a Plan that Democrats did not solicit input on from the Republicans. You need to realize that “I Won” can be equally applied by the Republicans as well should the choose.
See the Obama “lack of a plan” Agenda come to a grinding halt as all it did was divide the Nation and place a historic yoke of debt of unforgivable proportion on the next few generations of American Taxpayers. The highest deficit on record in the history of the planet and zero economic recovery. The Democrats had a Plan, bankrupt the Treasury, create a Welfare State,
destroy capitalism and swell Government to an unsustainable level. America rejected that at the polling places.
A Plan? How about gridlock for the next two years then a new POTUS?
The Pig in a Poke theory cuts both ways. Buyers Remorse is what happens when the Cat is out of the bag. 😉
Seems like the Republicans have plans……
Speaker-to-be vows to repeal Obamacare…
Cantor lays out 22-page game plan…
DeMint: We’ll Ban Earmarks Right Away…
Guess what Left wing Idiot STILL does not “GET IT”!!!! Polls showing we the public do NOT back his ideas…. an election that took away his control, and repudiated his ideals… and he STILL INSISTS HE IS RIGHT!!! Obama, do you “feel lonely, tonite?” You ought to, because you’re the one of the only one’s singin your Socialist tune!! Get a clue, or get STEAMROLLED!!! ya putz….
Obama Tells Left-Wing MoveOn: I Will Fight GOP
Thursday, 04 Nov 2010 04:14 PM
President Barack Obama may have expressed humility during his conciliatory news conference Wednesday over the shellacking he took in the midterm elections, but just hours after speaking to the nation, he made it very clear in a phone call to left-leaning activist group MoveOn that he is not willing to compromise his core beliefs.
“We always knew bringing about change in Washington wouldn’t be easy, and it might get tougher in the days ahead,” Obama told the liberal organization’s supporters a day after Republicans won the House in a landslide. “The message I took away from the elections is very simple: The American people are still frustrated. They still want change; we just have to work harder to deliver the change the American people want.”
Obama said he and activist organizations like MoveOn must work harder pushing the progressive agenda “until every American sees real change in their own lives . . . We didn’t sign up for doing what was easy, we signed up for doing what was right,” he said of his policies to fix America. “We are going to continue to take all the time it takes –– and all the effort it takes –– to get our country back on track.”
Obama wants MoveOn to keep the spirit of hope and change alive because it helps him translate that spirit into accomplishment.
“To those who began the journey with me almost four years ago, think about how far we’ve come,” Obama said. “Think about the ups and downs we went through during the course of the campaign. There were times when folks counted us out and we always came back. The same thing is going to happen over the next two years, and the next six years.”
>>> Dream on you Dumbazz….. you tried, but we saw you for what you REALLY are, not the bill of goods you sold the suckers who bought your “Hope and Change” lies…… just keep talking your stuff, it’ll make our job that much EASIER in 2012!!! 😆 😆 😆