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Is this the Polling Station Monitoring that the Holder DOJ promised? They are obviously exempt from DOJ prosecution for Voter intimidation. Maybe these Mooks are Obama’s Civilian Defense Force after all.

“It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” (Josef Stalin)

just go by them and laugh at them and then go and vote. after voting stand outside and laugh again at them in their stupid military garb.

making fun of these bafoons is the key. just go in and vote. remember, they are there just to inimidate you, just go in and vote, i guarantee that these stupid people won’t hurt you.

don’t let anyone make you not vote. be at the polls on tuesday and vote out these democrats who are enabling this kind of behavior.

These guys are goofier than Jerry Reed’s militia in “The Survivors” LOL

Screw them- they must watch A-Team a lot or something

As a “cracker”, I’m pretty sure my carry permit trumps thier “nightsticks” 😉 . They need to crawl back into the hole they crawled out of before they or someone else gets hurt.

Outstanding piece, I hope the masses take Sue’s advice…..Maybe even laugh right in their faces!

Here’s a Doug Giles video to deal with the Black Panthers. 😛

Shabaz! Shabaz! A New Song by New Black Panther Leader

Put the Panthers on notice that “sniper-hides” will be in place…then kick back and video their behavior…watching their eyeballs swirling at a 1,000 miles an hour.

You don’t have a ‘constitutional right to vote’ Ms. Lee, if you ARE NOT a US citizen! I don’t have the right to use your home, Ms. Lee, if I do not have a legal right to do so, even though the constitution protects property rights. If one doesn’t have the underlying status, one can’t exercise the resulting right. But, Ms. Lee, wait until January when a slew of minority republicans take office and the press will no longer be able to say with a straight face that your CBC marxist anti american policies represent the only face of policies favored by minorities.

It should be “blue” with the gun, not “red.”

EconProf —

The violent crime rates are generally higher in Red States and the Blue States, tax and spending wise, are donor states. So, no, the poster is accurate: the more prosperous Blue states provide sustenance for the less prosperous Red states.

i have relatives who live in harris county. i truly don’t imagine those nuckleheads will have much success. the houston police won’t be very sympathetic with vote intimination and neither will the harris county deputies. and when it is investigated by the texas rangers, under the supervision of governor perry, don’t expect an obama coverup.

Is Obama Trying To Start A Race War? Gosh, I hope so!

How can the following address to a particular group of Americans be taken as anything but divisive?

Obama on Univision – admonishing/threatening Latinos who “sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.’

. . . It can’t be.

It is beyond the pale of rationality that within the borders of his own country, is where he sees ENEMIES.

In the end a Race War may be the only solution. Currently the Afros have a mind set against Americans, which surprisingly is not the way black imigents think, that surpasses reason; fanatics. The assumption they are “owed’ forgets the trillions of dollars they have consumed from the working Americans for the past 50 years.
Its time to end this drain. Its time for Afros to make a decision, be Americans or be gone. BUT to start a race war is the result of ignorance in math…

Don’t forget the Obama Administration inviting other countries to sign on to the Federal lawsuit against the Arizona immigration law.

Race is just one aspect of the identity politics divide-and-conquer strategy. The entire left is very much into balkanizing society. They want society fragmented into competing identity groups. They insist that evey person be assigned to a particular identity group regardless of self-identification. They want you to play your part in the drama they have written.

Bottom line is, as real injustice declines, they have to dig deeper and deeper to find something they can call injustice, with ever-more convoluted reasoning. Without that type of conflict, they are out of a job.

serfer62, you sound like a Moby.

acesofwands: hi, great Idea, that would balance things up, bye

The Obama Administration and campaign machine includes Bill Clinton.

Their blows are all over the place.

Look at FLA for instance.

Obama and Clinton have tried to get the Black candidate (Meek) to drop out and help the White candidate (the snake Crist) win against the Hispanic candidate (Rubio) in Florida Senate race.

A twofer slam at their own voter base!!!!!!

Hey Bee’s

Yup…it would fill YouTube for months.

What’s a Moby?

Hey Braindead rob, trying derail the thread again? After the Rand Paul assault posts of yours I’m convinced you are a troll. You only make us more eager to vote against the likes of you, so please keep posting til Tuesday.

All I know is if these yahoos are at my polling place they better limit their behavior to nasty words.

@ B-Rob, got any Stats on that or is this just more of that stuff that you pull out of your hat?

Try the FBI Crime Stats or I just might do it myself and post the links.

We must unite or die. Liberty comes with a price. I hope we have not given up on America.
We must use all the influence we can to defend what we hold so dear. It will take the best
blood of this generation to stand up be counted, if we are to save the Constitution and the
Freedoms that go with it. Give me Liberty or give me death.

OT, Braindead will cite a story with info generated either by Mother Jones or possibly some other site that claims the Red states have more violent crime. It’s a typical case of the lefty blogosphers getting it’s story from one source and spreading it all over since it fit their “feelings” about red states. Having looked at it, it’s a bit amusing. They called Nevada and New Mexico Red states if that gives you any idea of it’s accuracy. New Mexico is blue and Nevada is purple.
It also ignored the explanations as to what may drive crime in red states, and how/how often violent crime is reported. In other words, it was a case of GIGO so they can pretend they don’t have the problems we know they do.

OLD TROOPER 2, one of the PHASE of MARXIST 10 phases is TO create an event so to bring MARTIAL LAW, that would stop the election, and they fear. they will loose I hope no problems occur on TUESDAY to feed that MARXIST phase. bye

@ ilovebeeswarzone, Posse Commitatus is not Lawful and the US MIlitary will not go for it. Illegal Orders will not be obeyed.

Every Law Enforcement Agency in the nation answers to Local or State Governments and it is not likely that they will follow illegal Orders nor will the US Military. No State Governor would send their National Guard troops out on that mission either. Not to Worry! 😉

I wouldn’t put it past him to have been THINKING about it tho, Old Trooper!!! Civil unrest, declare an emergency, postpone the elections etc… that would have been his DREAM!!! Stall till they find a way out of this. Ain’t gonna happen, we’re SMARTER than them, and are not about to hand him ANY help!!!! Sorry OBOBO… you and your “red” friends are going DOWN……

Now, MY dream?? To hear that indeed, in two Surprise upsets, Bawney Fwank…… and Babs Boxer got “early retirement”…. and… “Icing on the cake”??? O’Donnell indeed does win in Delaware!!!! Not because she’s great, but because I want to see them feeling the lowest the left has EVER felt…. and them feel the KING of “Bitch slaps”!!!! Sadistic??? In their case, YOU BETCHA!!!! 😉

Don’t be surprised to see Obama’s security forces at your polling station, if they can get away with it in Texas they, can do it anywhere.

So where were they? And where is your follow up? I expected hundreds of reports of intimidation from your readers. Did Obama really only send one member of his anti-white force out to intimidate and harass? That’s a pretty anemic force. Did you ever get around to explaining why the first black president would want to start a race war against the majority race (who gave him 43% of the white vote in the 2008 election)? I’m left wondering if your false premise was merely an excuse to link Obama with the picture of a scary looking armed black man.

Tom, nice try! Maybe, they heard what Texans do to Treasonist type folk, and decided to stay home… maybe the fact Obama’s Stock has plummeted to the lowest on record, no one will back his nutty ideas enough anymore, other than his “God” Soros…. I supposed you think HIM cool too??

You like to ask a lot of Questions, so I’ll ask you one….

WHY is Obama so busy kissing Islamic Ass. while non stop KICKING ours (Americans”)??

Hankser, those are interesting theories, but let’s wait to hear the definitive answer from Skookum.

As for “kissing Islamic Ass” I’m not sure what you’re referring to. Do you mean treating Muslims with respect, rather than throwing them under the bus en masse to score cheap political points? I think it’s a good thing the President of the United States if above that. Perhaps you think differently.

BTW, are you trying to “hijack” this thread, because that’s expressly prohibited. Please keep your comments limited to excuses for why Obama’s race war never materialized.

Tom, Skookum sees this country through a racial lens that, thankfully, only about 15% of the populace sees. Among the young it is even fewer in number, which is why people like Skookum are a dying breed . . . and they know they are a dying breed, which is why they are so damned ANGRY.

And you know what pisses them off the most? They expected and hoped Obama would fail as president, because, as one winger said, he does not “look like” any president they know of. But I think they are just now starting to realize that it is not gonna happen. He is not going to implode in criminal scandal like Nixon, he will not get caught up chasing tail like Clinton, and he will not start a dumb war like Bush II. He is, in fact, sorta like a tanner, younger version of George H.W. Bush (who, i.m.h.o., was not given near his due . . . but I digress). Which is why the nastiness and anger directed at Obama is so unhinged: they are just now starting to realize that his re-election is almost assured.

By the way, Tom — still waiting for Obama to round up all the guns and open the FEMA concentration camps.

Waiting for Skookum.. fine

No, not respect, giving them MORE rights than the rest of us seem to get…..

Score points? Not hardly, just want EQUAL treatment, and the PROTECTION of Americans above all else…. Now I won’t ask you what you think, so you don’t accuse me again of attempting to “hijack a thread”….

And the President is on the WRONG side as far as i’m concerned, and the GREAT MAJORITY of folks if you look at post on the latest… if you bother. on many fronts, just not one issue…

Quote”..BTW, are you trying to “hijack” this thread, because that’s expressly prohibited.”

No problem, no need to be a DICK….. I’ll do you one better, consider yourself “Persona non grata” in my book … you’re not worthy…. you won’t have to worry about me again! 🙄

Have a nice day. 😆

No problem, no need to be a DICK….. I’ll do you one better, consider yourself “Persona non grata” in my book … you’re not worthy…. you won’t have to worry about me again!

Again, such lack of civility.

Mr. Hankster, I am merely relaying to you what I was told. If you think it’s a dickish rule, you might want to take that up with the boss.

SKOOKUM, I must be the first one to read your comment, very thourowgh and pr ecist
and I don’t want to miss the debate, take care

Not necessarily Obama by himself but our apparent and secret government likely is because that’s all you hear about. they need an excuse to set these drugged out youth loose, so martial can be implemented.