Tea Party Opponents Threaten To Kill Coloring Book Publishers


Leftist extremists are borrowing a page from book of Radical Jihad and threatening the lives of the publishers of a coloring book for children: in their rush to extremism, murder, mayhem, and stupidity, they overlooked one small detail, these purveyors of radical propaganda also produce a coloring book about the Obama Family.

The coloring books try to present an honest portrayal with prose that educates the child. Apparently, in this Brave New World of Socialism that Obama is promising, Free Speech will become a quaint part of history: there will be no need to deviate from the Party Line, because everything will be perfect. Thus opposing views and news channels that don’t offer the pablum of Obama sycophancy have no need to exist.

Thus to infect the minds of children with propaganda that serves only to educate them in opposition movements like the TEA Party is counter productive. Threatening to murder the artists and authors will hopefully intimidate them so that they will see the righteousness of the cause of Obama and desist with their activities.

The company reveals the extent of their subversive activities on their own web page.

The Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids! (8.5″ x 11″)

See Reviews
Price: $3.59
Item Number: PP-TTP
Manufacturer: Really Big Coloring Books, Inc. ®
A wonderful book of The Tea Party for Kids! Teaches children (and parents) about the origins of the Tea Party and what it involves. A very pleasant song, coloring and activity book on Liberty, Faith, Freedom and so much more! Get involved, participate, self reliance, freedom of choice, work, government-of-for-by the people, Leadership, Ingenuity, Jobs and responsibilty!

Notebook style book with a colorful plastic spiral binding. Thirty-two (32) pages in this Coloring Book, hours of coloring fun with games, puzzles, mazes and connect the dots, word search and a heavy chip board backing. This is a perfect ‘Travel Size’ coloring book on a plane, train or in an automobile.

These fun books are 8.5″ x 11″ with a high quality full color card stock cover. Each inside page is a high bright white paper that children can use crayons, colored pencils, magic markers and even water colors on! The pages are perforated and the chip board back of the book can be used as an easel!

Really Big Coloring Books ® (RBCB) are manufactured in the United States with Soy Ink and guaranteed 100% safe against non-toxic inks, paints & dyes! We participate in the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program.

Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

The publisher, Wayne Bell, Clayton, MO of Really Big Coloring Books, maintains that his $3.59 coloring book is apolitical, but critics are concerned that the coloring book was designed for politically Conservative adults, not children. This raises red flags for Obamanites.

“We’re not really making a political statement,” Bell told CBS, adding that his company also publishes coloring books on the Rockettes, Cirque du Soleil and President Obama.

Bell told FoxNews.com on Thursday that his office began receiving “odd” phone calls and e-mails five days after the release of the coloring book on Sept. 5. Bell said he did not report those incidents to authorities.

“We don’t want to be overly dramatic about what’s happening,” Bell said. “We just kind of let it slide.”

But Michael Davis, a St. Louis-area Coffee Party organizer, told KSDK.com, “I think it’s inappropriate. I really question whether it’s even targeted at children. There’s not a lot of coloring activities.”

Bell said the Tea Party book is his company’s best-seller by far, with demand so high that new copies must be printed daily to keep up with demand.

“We have sold many thousands,” he told CBS. He told KSDK.com that a military branch of the federal government bought 3,000 copies for kids.

The 32-page coloring book teaches children and parents about the origins of the Tea Party — “A very pleasant song, coloring and activity book on Liberty, Faith, Freedom and so much more!” — according to the company’s website.

“Get involved, participate, self reliance, freedom of choice, work, government-of-for-by the people, Leadership, Ingenuity, Jobs and responsibilty! [sic]”

But critics point out that a passage of the coloring book reads: “When taxes are too high, the high tax takes away jobs and freedom.”

Another reads: “In 1773 we had a Tea Party and this led to freedom from high taxes. Today we are having another Tea Party and this will lead to freedom from high taxes again!”

It is frightening to think of what could happen if adults started learning political activism and theory from children’s coloring books, it could upset Obama’s political agenda and derail the cause of Socialism.

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And to think that some people say my calling them “Fascists”, is over-the-top.

BTW, That “military branch” is the one-and-only Marine Corps. 😀

I noticed at the One Nation rally there seemed to be no Americans attending. Doesn’t that tell you something. It looked a lot like the Euro-Thrash you see in European rallies … Colored coded union thugs, with pre-print signs.

One Nation Rally Respect for Our WWII Vets

They apparently found time to trash the place.

Aftermath of the One Nation Rally


Old Trooper 2
4Reply to this comment

Thanks so much for finding these two videos.

It says a lot about the SEIU union for leaving so much garbage everywhere.

I had seen a comparable video of the aftermath of Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally and the place was left spotless.

@ Nan G, if the “aftermath and residue” is any indication of the character of those who attended Their Rally, I feel that those that left their signs and garbage behind are not folks that I can respect or consider to be responsible Americans.

Try leaving a public place in my neck of the woods in that condition and expect to be cited for littering and get some Community Service time cleaning up your trash.

Coloring books would be a step up for leftards… they tend to get their political activism from bumper stickers and chants.

Bell and his coloring book company takes on the BOOK IMPORTERS by creating new website for American Made Childrens books.

Welcome to Wholesale Coloring BooksThese Coloring and Activity Books are made in the United States and provide Jobs for American Citizens.

This is a true wholesale webpage designed to help retailers make money in the book business and is a part of the American Economic Solution.

WholesaleColoringBooks.com is designed to help independent stores, mom-pop shops, bookstores, schools-hospitals, retailers, the educational system and government institutions purchase product for resale in small quantity, and effectively compete with the superstores and any major chain in America. We manufacture high quality coloring book products with American labor and create American manufacturing jobs. We do not and will not import cheaply made product that negatively impacts the U.S. job market.

MR.BELL I’m wondering why you have not reported these “death threats ” to the proper authorities?

“In 1773 we had a Tea Party and this led to freedom from high taxes. Today we are having another Tea Party and this will lead to freedom from high taxes again!”

Apparently someone has decided that the earlier the right-wing brainwashing begins, the better.

@ Greg, How early did They start with You?

@Old Trooper2, #11:

I was pretty much allowed to be a child during my childhood. Partisan political indoctrination wasn’t part of the program.

@richard wheeler:

kind sir,
for MR. BELL,
the threats were taken very seriously and reported to the police department in clayton, mo.
and they took care of the matter.

thank you for the concern of our publishers rights to freedom of the press.

Wow, talk about indoctrinating children with evil and hatred! And the conservatives worry about public school? I guess Satan would be concerned if his minions started thinking for themselves. Ayn Rand would simply be amazed at how wonderful her diabolic plans have come to fruition – with the help of so-called Christians no less! LOL! I bet she’s dancing in her grave.