Gloria Allred Should Be Disbarred [Reader Post]


Media hound Gloria Allred should be disbarred.

Representing an illegal immigrant who is a former housekeeper of Meg Whitman, who just happens to be running for Governor of California, Ms. Allred has taken to the airwaves in a blatant, if not illegal attempt to tar Meg Whitman with the label of liar just ahead of the California gubernatorial election.

Ms. Allred appeared with her client Nicky Diaz Santillan on national television yesterday to show what a big meanie Meg Whitman is. With tears dripping down her cheeks and a quavering voice, Santillan detailed how (Republican) Meg Whitman abused her. She was actually forced to drive a car and allegedly Whitman refused to pay her overtime.

Allred actually referred to her client as a modern day Rosa Parks – willing to risk deportation in order to expose the various injustices perpetrated upon her. “Americans appreciate the huge risks she is taking” Allred said. Huh?

Gloria Allred has informed the nation that her client has entered this country illegally and has used a stolen social security number in order to obtain employment. In essence, Gloria Allred has exposed her client to deportation and/or jail time. Other illegal immigrants who have gone public for various reasons have eventually ended up deported.

No amount of spin can gloss over the legal jeopardy Allred has exposed her client to. And no amount of ginned up indignation can obscure the fact that Allred has sacrificed her client for her own agenda.

Allred has manufactured a reputation of being a ‘woman’s advocate.’ She envisions herself as a protector of all women against the patriarchal system of old white men. Her reputation is a direct result of accepting only those cases which will guarantee her publicity. No matter how frivolous. I know this from personal knowledge, having done business with Allred’s firm.

Lost in the shuffle of bright lights and national face time is one inconvenient fact. As a lawyer, Gloria Allred is legally obligated to put her client’s interest ahead of her own. This she has not done.

In her quest for yet another 15 minutes of fame, Allred has thrown her client under the bus. That is both illegal and unethical. And shameful.

Author and legal expert Mark Levin questioned Allred yesterday on his radio show. Allred was unwilling to answer the most basic questions regarding the case, trying instead to rebut Levin with emotion instead of facts. She got smacked down, big time.

Unlike the liberal media, Mark Levin was not swayed by Allred’s blatant attempt to turn her client into a cause celebre. Instead, Allred’s points were totally demolished. And she was exposed for what she is – an ageing progressive lawyer trying to reaffirm her ill-gotten reputation by using her own client to smear a conservative candidate. For shame.

This case is not about Gloria’s client. It is about legal ethics and Allred’s huge ego.  By willingly placing a client in legal jeopardy in order to further her own political agenda, Gloria has broken the law. She should be disbarred. Immediately.

Crossposted from Right Bias

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In California if you want to pay an illegal housekeeper you intend to pay a lot less than $23.00/hr. You can hire an illegal alien for $9.00/hour and work them like a dog saving all the taxes. Being involved with agricultural contractors who hire their own workers, I have an insight into this problem. For the wage of $23/hour you should be able to hire the best maid in California, not an illegal alien. This illegal alien was hired through an agency with preconditions that she was legal. As an employer, if you require more than a driver’s license and a Social Security number you are at fault.

The illegal alien produced a California Driver’s License and a Social Security number.

The document that Allread was fanning her butt with had a warning to the employer that there was an issue with benefits and that using this letter as a reason for terminating employment would be in violation of the law.

Allread is a media whore who has worn out her message, yes, she should be disbarred: it would be good for California.

Mark Levin interviews Gloria Alred and rips her ass out and force feeds it down her throat.

Ms. Allred appeared with her client cannon fodder Nicky Diaz Santillan on TV.

It’s sad to see this poor Mexican woman exploited by a despicable bottom feeder like Gloria Allred.

The one piece of ”proof” Gloria brought forth actually exculpates both Meg and her husband.

Look at the fine print on the US SSI letter and you’ll see it says, in effect, if you dare fire any worker based on this letter you are liable for anti-discrimination prosecution!

It makes it very plain.

It also says there is no implication that the SS# is stolen, but merely that somewher on the form there was some discrepancy.

So, Gloria is all wet.

Then Gloria grasped at a straw.

She made the claim that Meg was LYING when she said her family had no letter prpving the maid was illegal.

Even if Meg had remembered THIS letter it dod NOT say that!

And, from the looks of it, the husband dealt with it by simply making a little note and passing it along to the maid to fix.

That’s what you’d do if you thought she was LEGAL.

That’s also what the law demanded.

The family never would have known the maid was illegal.
The maid told them so, herself.

All the maid’s perceived injustices about feeling persecuted are her own telltale heart.
Edgar Allen Poe pegged her to a tee.

I had no idea that the “smoking gun” letter that Allred produced was 7 YEARS OLD! And, furthermore that her client, the maid, lied and falsified documents, which is a FEDERAL offense. All of this because the maid wants to get paid for mileage for driving her car on errands?

Somebody call ICE; or has the maid already been arrested yet. This should be an easy deportation case, with all of the other crimes this maid has committed.

Allred is out of luck. I live in California and more than ever will vote for Meg Whitman, the future lady governor of the State of California come November.

I can only say in Meg Whitman’s defense that she is innocent of any wrong doing whatsoever. She was at all times relying on the integrity of an employment agency. Both the maid and the agency should be immediately prosecuted.

And to think that Jerry “if it’s brown flush it” Brown would even stoop to the low level of suggesting that Meg Whitman’s integrity is comparable to that of the lying, cheating illegal alien (the maid). Jerry Brown should not even be running for governor. He is in violation of the spirit of the TERM LIMITS law wherein the people of the State of California have said that governors should server ONLY two terms. Because the TERM LIMIT law was passed after Brown served two terms, Brown feels he can ignore the will of the people and run again — a third term. Does Brown not understand the will of the people — we don’t want a flake like Brown for governor; he is a multi-time loser in many, many elections. People don’t want Jerry “Jesuit” Brown, he has no dignity.

Illegal aliens will do anything to come to this country and cheat and lie their way to jobs they don’t deserve. I trust that ICE and the U.S. government will arrest, prosecute and deport the maid immediately.

Do not expect the great unwashed to understand the finer points of this smear campaign. You can show them the absolute truth until you’re blue in the face and it won’t do a lick of good, they can’t think for themselves. Which should explain why they support Brown, Boxer and their ilk.

I would demand a handwriting expert to check the note allegedly by Whitman’s husband to the maid. I surmise the maid stole the SSA mail so that her boss wouldn’t see it, then forged a note to allow Allred to make these charges. I wouldn’t trust either one of them — the maid is obviously dishonest; Allred is seemingly dishonest.

I agree. Allred must be disciplined by the Ca bar, preferably disbarred forever.

@Skookum: In our area they get $15/hr in cash…no deductions. However, Meg was paying her on a payroll, taking out SS and tax deductions. You don’t do this if you think someone is working on forged documents. This is the reason the maid got the IRS notice…the deductions were going into someone else’s SS account and it was flagged. Meg’s husband, who obviously has a lot of time on his hands as a neurosurgeon, (LOL) no doubt suspected a typo or transposed numbers…since they had gone through an employment agency specifically stating they wanted a legal worker.

I agree Allred is shameful.

In one of Jerry’s tee vee ad’s he makes a clumsy statement about what he will do if elected and at the end (paraphrasing here) he says something that sounds so strange “at this point in my life I am prepared…” Each time I hear that I wonder what he will do at other points in his life? However, I can tell you, Mr. Brown that at this point in my life, you could accuse Meg Whitman of being an ax murderer and she’d still get my vote.

What filthy, filthy people they are. Palin, O’Donnell, Bachman, Whitman. Each slur is another nail in the Democrat coffin as far as I’m concerned.

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Oh, Ann M. I see those ads, too.
I am already one of those who call for Meg from her LB phone bank.

But when I hear Jerry B. saying that, ”at this point in my life I am prepared…” I have to wonder what he will be prepared to do if, at a bit later time in his life, he finds himself elected as gov.

And who else remembers what Jerry did for ACORN?
He gave them a 24 hour head’s up that a search warrant for documents was on the way.
They tossed a lot of stuff in the trash.
He then claimed (against all legal precedent) that ACORN had a right to privacy for its trash!

See stories about it all here.

So, he has a lot of nerve calling out anyone’s integrity.
And aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise was what he was prepared to do less than 1 year ago.


For Sale on eBay: Gloria Allred, Sleaziest Lawyer in America

“Item: Sleaziest Lawyer in America

Current Bid: $2.50

Buy Her Now! price: $9.50

Condition: Slimy but still working

Item description:

Item is a 69-year-old American female attorney named Gloria Allred (nee Bloom), date of birth July 3, 1941. Item is a member of the California Bar Association. Item has a long and checkered history of inserting itself into high-profile or controversial cases (O.J. Simpson, Scott Peterson, Roman Polanski, Tiger Woods) and—as events of this past week demonstrate—even at current long-in-the-tooth stage, item has lost none of its effectiveness at cheap publicity stunts.

Item’s latest laughably diaphanous attempt to tilt California’s gubernatorial election to Jerry Brown only adds to item’s potential value. Furthermore, some legal authorities actually view item’s exposing its client Niki Diaz to near-certain imminent deportation as a feather in item’s cap—a new value-adding nadir in item’s never-ending quest for self-aggrandizement, even at the peril of its own client. Those same authorities suggest the California Bar Association may soon establish an Allred Award for lawyers who help victims of victims rights attorneys, those who prey on their malleable client-victims for their own political purposes.

Item clearly shows no signs of slowing down and buyer will no doubt get years of cheap, low-comedy entertainment out of item’s continual gyrations to get itself in front of a TV camera somewhere, anywhere. This is fun for the whole family, not just those interested in law or politics.

Shipping by UPS up to 150 lbs. California buyer pays 9% tax.

Note: Seller will pay all shipping costs. (I just want to get her off my hands as soon as possible and take a hot shower.)

On Oct-02-10 at 10:49:59 PDT, seller added the following information:

Recent catfight with Greta van Susteren on Fox’s On the Record program—in which item was terribly damaged by a run-in with the facts as presented by van Susteren—should not reflect on the overall condition of item. Item is extremely resilient and will no doubt emerge only re-emboldened and revivified by the publicity, good or bad, which is of course item’s main source of strength and purpose in life.”

That’s the listing exactly as I discovered it on eBay.

I just transferred $9.50 into my PayPal account. As soon as the funds clear, I’m putting in a bid at the Buy-Her-Now! price. I just pray that no one beats me to it. This is obviously a red-hot item. If I get it, I’m putting it right in between my pet boa constrictor and my autographed portrait of Richard Nixon.

Nan, I remember hearing about Brown giving the San Diego Acorn place a warning; what kind of Attorney General gives someone a 24 hour warning before a search warrant is served? Answer: a corrupt one!

That was the Acorn outlet that had a guy who wanted to join the pimp business. He volunteered to smuggle underage girls across the border. Apparently. he thought wearing a pimp outfit would look good on the boulevard.

@Missy: Very funny but right on target as well. She must have run out of Tiger Wood’s skanky porn stars or women who date murderers. The woman has no integrity whatsoever.

I want to know who’s paying Gloria. The maid??? I doubt it.

In any case, in reality Gloria isn’t endangering the maid…Los Angeles is a sanctuary city, and Brown isn’t going to do anything about it. The whole charade was for the benefit of the debate they had yesterday, which was being broadcast in Spanish, or some such. It was a play for the hispanic vote. Brown apparently used it to the fullest, and accused her of being negligent in not helping the maid get her legal papers when the situation was made known. In other words, she knew the maid was illegal, but when she started her run for governor and the maid discussed it with her, she was supposed to help the maid get legal. Confused? I know I am!

I’m not crazy about Meg as a governor. But Brown??? Not in a thousand years! In this case, the devil you know is way worse than the devil you don’t know!!

Look for this ambulance chasers picture in Webster’s next to the word LEFTIST. Hypocrite, liar, shameless thug….the PERFECT definition of a leftist.

@suek: Yes, how bad can it get? Jerry Brown as Gov and Gavin Newsom as Lt. Gov. You might as well have the whole state run out of Berkeley and SF. Disaster. It certainly was no accident…timing their accusations within days of the debate linked into the Spanish TV. Dirty, filthy pols…just what we’re trying to get rid of.

Interesting question….with all the attacks on Meg Whitman by Allred “representing Nicky Diaz Santillan ….that all happened seven years ago…so this illegal has been in the USA for years and years…without ever getting caught? I have a feeling that she has also worked for OTHER California employers too…including during the time that she only worked short weeks for Whitman…..and she used a Agency to get the job with Whitman…which shows she is used to other job seeking…, if ALLRED is such a whippy do big shot lawyer….how come she has not looked at OTHER situations her client MIGHT have illegally misrepresented herself as well. Simple reason…it is not about breaking a law, or even Hispanic abuse…it is about getting the limelight in a major California election by sandbagging a major Governor candidate. I would hope that if elected, the state of California would immediately investigate all other employers of this woman, and take legal action against them….and if Allred KNOWS about them, that they will have her sanctioned and brought up on charges of aiding illegal immigrants to hide from their fraud and the employers from getting fined as well.

I think ALLRED and BROWN have stepped in major doo doo. They truly deserve each other.

At least Nicky Diaz Santillan’s encounter with Whitman’s dysfunctional family didn’t result in any fracture limbs, which is more than Valerie Sanchez would be able to say.

@rufus levin: What a great question rufus. I hope Meg’s campaign will look into Little Nicky’s record with the agency. I’ll bet anything that she has used this SS # with other jobs through the agency. Yes, I’d like to see her deported as soon as the election is over. I don’t think Meg can afford to get bogged down any further in this red herring before the election. The Dims are dirty on all counts in elections but they really pull out all the stops on conservative women.

Looking at all those women in the audience and on stage at the Saturday “rally” was like seeing a swarm of professional victims. How any woman could stay with the Dims, I don’t know.


Something similar happened to my husband. For years a man whose property abutted my father’s would throw junk into my dad’s yard and my dad would clean the mess up and get rid of it. Finally, he threw it back over the fence. A couple of days later my husband met my brother for a drink after work. The big bully and his doofus son busted into the bar…swearing, and charged my brother because of what my dad did. My husband just happened to be first in their path, when he got close hubby threw up his arms just at the right time and the bully lost his balance, fell backwards into his son and both wound up on the floor. They got up and walked across the street to the police department. The police came in and everyone in the bar set them straight, they arrested the bully.

Valerie Sanchez had a filthy mouth and used it on Meg Whitman’s son before she charged him and knocked his cap off, don’t know if he used the same move as hubby, but I do know the charges against Meg Whitman’s son were dismissed. Sanchez was the aggressor, just like the bully that went after my brother.

BTW, disfunctional would be Sanchez, the bully and his doofus son.

Remeber all this is the Obama version of ICE, nothing will happen to this Illegal. After all if Aunt Tootie can get legal status and get to stay in the country even though she has been illegal for over 10 years then this is obviously a non case.

woman witho shut up or a mouth should be disbared and kick in the butt and slapped about 30 times to tell them to get out and never come back.
people dont wanna hear some sewer mouth that is loud and obnoxios..eun on. stid mouth rhier trash crowd and let t
the last time i heard a woman talk like this hier
i wanted to tell her shut her mouth and get outut
darn small towns have these woman that are around the trash crowd
and let thier mouth run on.
Id call the maneger and have them fired.