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America’s Half-White President Plays His Race Card

The Dream Has Turned Into A Nightmare

In a move to call upon White America’s Guilt, President Obama made reference to the plight of American Slaves before their Emancipation during the Civil War. Obama proves once again that the presidential campaign rhetoric concerning moving beyond racism and bringing America together as a unified country was only teleprompter trash talk.

He now invokes images of slavery to try and recapture America’s Guilt and Pity for the poor half Black President who has lost the confidence of the American voter and is facing catastrophic Democrat losses in mid-term elections due to firing up the opposition with his quasi-Marxist Ideology and his apathetic base. In a reference to slaves singing of freedom around a campfire:

“You know, the slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs, they weren’t sure when slavery would end, but they understood it was going to end,” he said.

Although Obama has no hereditary connection with the slaves of ante-bellum Blacks, he is quick to identify with American Blacks when it is convenient. This time he was campaigning in Virginia, in the district of Eric Cantor, House Whip. He is obviously responding to criticism that he has not campaigned for Democrats who are facing a hostile public that is disappointed with Obama’s presidency.

In a move to reconnect with the Hip generation and all those who want to identify with the latest fads, Obama did an interview with the “Rolling Stone” magazine and revealed some of his trepidation at the mood of the country before the mid-terms.

Obama offered insight into his feelings on the Tea Party without addressing their issues, a move that will only strengthen the resolve of Tea Party members.

The Tea Party: “There are strains in the tea party that are troubled by what they saw as a series of instances in which the middle-class and working-class people have been abused or hurt by special interests in Washington, but their anger is misdirected. And then there are probably some aspects of the Tea Party that are a little darker, that have to do with anti-immigrant sentiment or are troubled by what I represent as the president. So I think it’s hard to characterize the Tea Party as a whole, and I think it’s still defining itself.”

He skillfully implies that the Tea Party is mad at special interests in Washington; actually, they are enraged at the politicians who cater to special interests in Washington; especially, with those who campaigned on bringing an end to the era of lobbyists and special interests, yet continue to cater to these groups.

He then slips the knife a little deeper and refers to a ‘darker side’ that is immersed in anti-immigrant sentiment and what he represents as president: it is implied that the Tea Party resents having a Black Man for president; however, most traditional Americans oppose Obama because of his imposition of Socialism upon America and his steadfast support of illegal aliens in the hope of stuffing ballot boxes with the Democrat votes of illiterate aliens. He quickly neutralizes the low down and dirty assault with a patronizing tone, admitting that the Tea Party is hard to define and that is still in the process of defining itself; therefore, we must give it time to evolve and find its true direction. No doubt, Obama has agents provocateur embedded in the Tea Party to try and confuse the message. He is crafty enough to realize that insulting the whole Tea party and not leaving it room to explain their position will alienate a huge demographic of the population that he cannot afford to lose.

Being a Narcissist and having criticism is a troubling issue. Obama is trying to deal with the only Conservative station on cable, not by objective reasoning and debate, but by claiming that Fox is counter productive to the long term growth of a country with a vibrant middle-class. It will require a very pliant outlook for even the most deluded ideologue or sycophant to swallow this off the wall logic, but Obama doesn’t want analytic people for followers, he needs the passive groupie who can eat dirt cake and swear it is delicious.

Fox News: “The golden age of an objective press was a pretty narrow span of time in our history. Before that, you had folks like Hearst who used their newspapers very intentionally to promote their viewpoints. I think Fox is part of that tradition — it is part of the tradition that has a very clear, undeniable point of view. It’s a point of view that I disagree with. It’s a point of view that I think is ultimately destructive for the long-term growth of a country that has a vibrant middle class and is competitive in the world.”

We are to assume, “The Golden Age of an Objective Press” was the era before Fox News took over news broadcasting; before that, all news was news only after passing through a Liberal filter. Fox has forever altered the propaganda medium of Socialism, the old news programs are no longer viable commercial entities, nor are they considered reliable sources of news. Obama and his propagandists despise Fox News, they equate the op-ed shows with news; unfortunately, they have lived for so long under the umbrella of propaganda they don’t realize the difference between news and opinion. Fox News is indeed objective, the foremost reason for its success: the op-ed shows are entertaining and educational, thus the formula for the success of Fox News is obvious, but far too difficult to comprehend for the typical Leftist.

Again with the skill of a back alley debater, he concedes that Fox may have a point of view; yes, for the time being, our country still allows freedom of speech and of the press.

In dealing with his Democrat legislature, Obama uses his condescending attitude to assert his arrogance and contempt over those underlings who are not following the party line by using a well worn mixed metaphor that has become a tired over used cliche.

The Democratic Party Mindset: “Some of it, also, has to do with — and I joke about it — that there’s a turn of mind among Democrats and progressives where a lot of times we see the glass as half-empty. It’s like, ‘Well, gosh, we’ve got this historic health care legislation that we’ve been trying to pass for 100 years, but it didn’t have every bell and whistle that we wanted right now, so let’s focus on what we didn’t get instead of what we got.”

He is careful not to admonish his Democrats too much, after all, many of them are facing defeat because of being an Obama lap dog and he may need the survivors in the near future to uphold his veto power for the next two years; none the less, they should not be focused on themselves, but realize the strides made by the party towards international Socialism and World Governance. His Democrats should be willing to sacrifice their political future to advance the cause of Socialism and the persona of the Obama; because, one of the main precepts of Socialism is denial of self for the “Good” of the Collective (excluding Elites like Obama, of course).

The firing of General McChrystal, was a hard political decision. Traditionally, a Commanding officer who stands up for his men and the mission, but refuses to compromise those two for the enhancement of a Leader’s Political future, must be fired.

The Firing of Gen. McChrystal: “”…it pained me to have to make the decision I did. Having said that, he showed bad judgment. When I put somebody in charge of the lives of 100,000 young men and women in a very hazardous situation, they’ve got to conduct themselves at the highest standards, and he didn’t meet those standards.”

With sanctimonious piety, Obama concedes feeling for the troops in the ME; due the previous sporadic entreaties of love for the troops by he and his wife, the country is immune to these insincere periodic belches and farts of phony patriotism.

The Bob Dylan concert didn’t receive the fanfare of previous concerts and if we read the president’s comments, the answer becomes obvious.

On Bob Dylan Playing the White House: “Here’s what I love about Dylan: He was exactly as you’d expect he would be. He wouldn’t come to the rehearsal; usually, all these guys are practicing before the set in the evening. He didn’t want to take a picture with me; usually all the talent is dying to take a picture with me and Michelle before the show, but he didn’t show up to that. He came in and played “The Times They Are A-Changin.” A beautiful rendition.

For a Narcissist to be ignored by a mere musician is like a hard uppercut to the solar plexus for the rest of us. The president was counting on that photo op and Dylan brushed him off; and now, we are led to believe that the president admires for that. Hmm!

I like to think that I have personal insight into the mind of this particular poet, Bob Dylan, for he is a far greater poet and cynic than musician. Since I possess the heart of a poet without the skills of Dylan and since Dylan is also a successful businessman with a superior intelligence, it is not a stretch of the imagination to think that Dylan can see through the hypocrisy and lies of Obama. Dylan played his contempt of Obama with greater political skills than Obama can dream about, for on the night of the Dylan concert, he may have played “The Times, They Are A Changin” but for a few hours, “A White Man Walked a Black Dog”.

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