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This is a very compelling video for citizens to rise up against the tyranny of the federal government under the progressives.

The liberals and progressives have been supporting the eradication of their liberties for too long, and have gained too much ground in their quest for self-destruction. They, of course, will give you warm, homely reasonings for the abatements of your freedoms, talking about equalities and fairness, and argue for the “little guy” while putting people in power who care for nothing but their own skin and their own status. The supporters of the liberals and progressives in government have bought into the emotionally charged rhetoric that causes them to “care” for those who are less fortunate, and have put reason and intelligence on the sidelines in their debates.

Freedom is not something one should take lightly, and the rise of the TEA party is evidence that many of us are not doing so. However, the supporters of the liberals and progressives have chosen their side on this matter, and it is the side of the wrong. Their is no middle ground here. Either you are for freedom and liberty, or you are not. Either you are for the right to do as you will, or you are for the erosion of personal choice. Either you are for the freedom to excel and obtain success, or you are for the government to define what your success will be. Either you are for making your own decisions, or you are for letting the government do it for you. To claim one can sit in the middle of the debate is not only intellectually dishonest to oneself, but also shows a lack of caring about those documents that form the fabric our nation was born out of.

The audacity of the current leadership in DC to push the direction of our country into one of servitude to the government should be a telling sign of their ultimate goals. I cannot fathom any thinking, reasoning, intelligent, freedom-loving person who can truly approve of the actions of our government for the year and a half since Obama was elected. Nationalizing an auto company, to the detriment of the private investors in that company? Spending money, which we didn’t have, on legislation spun as job creating, while the facts belie a program purely meant to shove wealth to specific groups who support the liberals and progressives? Attempts to shut down free speech and opposition, and giving them names such as ‘Net Neutrality’ and the ‘Fairness Doctrine’?

Any thinking, reasoning individual is appalled by the obvious power grabs our federal government is engaging in, yet we see almost daily, including here, the defense of such actions and their statements are oftentimes ludicrous considering the bigger picture of the erosion of freedom and liberty. Some would say those individuals should be ashamed to call themselves Americans, and I agree to a point, however, I don’t think they are truly Americans, or for America, at least in the sense that America continue on in this world as the beacon of freedom and liberty for all of this world’s inhabitants.

My freedom is my own, to do with it as I will, without harm to another. The Constitution, of the country I was born in, guarantees that for me, and I will rise up in protest and anger against those who seek to deprive me of my rights. I will not tolerate the erosion of my liberty, for the security of others, for to do so, means that I must place myself in servitude to others, and accept their bonds of servitude to me. This is the point of truth that the supporters of liberals and progressives cannot, or will not, choose to acknowledge. As such, I consider them an enemy of my country, and of freedom and liberty in general.

I would really love to see that 2nd vid.
Unfortunately it is saying I cannot.

So, while looking for an alternate platform to view it, I am sending a new (to me, anyway) video of a part-Chinese, ex-Cuban woman interviewed at a FLA Tea Party.

She was the highlight of the day for the videographer.

Once you see the interview you’ll agree.

Clara Csiong The most important person at the march!

I searched around and just watched that great 2nd video.
Thanks so much for posting it.
I didn’t see any teleprompters or notes or anything…..just a terrific public speaker who comes from the heart.

Curt, for some reason it works here.

BUT….instead of simply clicking the start button you run your curser over the video until a bunch of smaller pics show up…..pick the 2nd one and click on it and you can see the video..

Oddly that same trick won’t work here.