On the highest elevation on my spread, the Gadsden Flag was placed by myself and three of my best hands at sunrise this morning.
* Red Thomas, an old RVN, Laos and Cambodia Vet, Master Sargent, US Army Retired, SF.
* Hank Johnson, former SEAL but Montana cowpoke and RVN Veteran
* Chester Boudroe, former 82nd Airborne Trooper, a descendant of Sitting Bull Lakota Sioux Tribe
and can ride anything with 4 legs but I saddle broke his current mount, named Mike for Mike’s A.
Lets wait and see. America is months away from being taxed out of their shorts and socks.
The Folks that We send to drink from the water in DC and fill our “Shopping List” need to pay attention NOW!
Old Trooper 2
14 years ago
Less Change and more Hope, no more broken promises, fewer Socialists or Marxists in Gummint or the next war may be a Domestic one.
I don’t want that but the Meddlers that never read the Bills or the Constitution are askin fer it.
14 years ago
OT: Deep in my heart, I don’t think the most dedicated Marxist in this country thinks they can prevail against the former GI. From 21 years of age to 80, we number in the millions. Most are armed to the teeth and more committed to Freedom, now that we are compromised from within, than ever before. These former GIs realize what the alternative to freedom is and they are committed not to give an inch. Armed to the teeth, they stand as silent sentries, ready to meet what comes with rifle, pistol, knife, and knuckles; don’t ask them to get on the Bill Ayers trains or your next breath will be your last. They aren’t partial to fools and those who desire to steal our freedom and you wont find them committing senseless acts of cowardly violence to prove some sense of perverted bravado. No they practice, plan, and prepare; they are out there, their numbers are legion and they are one of the biggest obstacles to the enemies of Freedom Like Ayers and his buddy in the WH.
Old Trooper 2
14 years ago
“… he set a withdrawal timetable because, “I can’t lose the whole Democratic Party.”
Winning is not a priority. Not losing the country’s support; always critical during wars, is not the priority. No, the priority is not losing the Democrat Party. An organization where Code Pink holds more sway than the Boy Scouts of America, and I’m not making that up. Oh, yes, genuflect to this anti-American constituency; do worry about what Moveon.org thinks. And get this! The White House is pleased with Woodard’s characterization of a confused and, conflicted Obama’s Afghanistan direction. And why is this?
“ Since Americans are conflicted about the Afghan war, won’t they be reassured to know that the commander in chief is conflicted as well?
In The reluctant commander in chief Michael Gerson makes some head-exploding statements like; “Woodward’s book appears to be genuinely reassuring about Obama in some areas,” [like] “his general commitment to fighting terrorism,” and “his focus on the possibility of nuclear terrorism.” (I said head exploding). But he also has the good sense to recognize a real problem.
“ But a president has a number of audiences, including American troops, the allies who fight at our side and enemies who constantly take the measure of our resolve. None of those groups is likely to be impressed by America’s reluctant warrior.
His final words are really all he, or I for that matter, should have to say on the matter.
“ Yes, President Obama has sent more skilled, well-led troops to Afghanistan. But he has also created a strategic challenge for America. Our enemy is patient and determined. Our president, by his own account, is neither.
Haven’t we been here before? With this same ugly crowd?
On the highest elevation on my spread, the Gadsden Flag was placed by myself and three of my best hands at sunrise this morning.
* Red Thomas, an old RVN, Laos and Cambodia Vet, Master Sargent, US Army Retired, SF.
* Hank Johnson, former SEAL but Montana cowpoke and RVN Veteran
* Chester Boudroe, former 82nd Airborne Trooper, a descendant of Sitting Bull Lakota Sioux Tribe
and can ride anything with 4 legs but I saddle broke his current mount, named Mike for Mike’s A.
The Pledge, http://pledge.gop.gov/
Lets wait and see. America is months away from being taxed out of their shorts and socks.
The Folks that We send to drink from the water in DC and fill our “Shopping List” need to pay attention NOW!
Less Change and more Hope, no more broken promises, fewer Socialists or Marxists in Gummint or the next war may be a Domestic one.
I don’t want that but the Meddlers that never read the Bills or the Constitution are askin fer it.
OT: Deep in my heart, I don’t think the most dedicated Marxist in this country thinks they can prevail against the former GI. From 21 years of age to 80, we number in the millions. Most are armed to the teeth and more committed to Freedom, now that we are compromised from within, than ever before. These former GIs realize what the alternative to freedom is and they are committed not to give an inch. Armed to the teeth, they stand as silent sentries, ready to meet what comes with rifle, pistol, knife, and knuckles; don’t ask them to get on the Bill Ayers trains or your next breath will be your last. They aren’t partial to fools and those who desire to steal our freedom and you wont find them committing senseless acts of cowardly violence to prove some sense of perverted bravado. No they practice, plan, and prepare; they are out there, their numbers are legion and they are one of the biggest obstacles to the enemies of Freedom Like Ayers and his buddy in the WH.
Awesome video. I posted it, along with a few others over at my blog:
Present Discontent.