California Pays Illegal Alien $4.5 Million to Molest Children [Reader Post]


California might be gazing into a $20 billion deficit abyss, but it doesn’t stop them from hosting their own version of “Who wants to be an illegal alien millionaire.”

Fernando Ramirez, a 24 year old illegal alien was arrested for molesting a 6 year old child in Orange County.

Fernando Ramirez, 24, was in jail after being charged with molesting a 6-year-old girl at a local park. He eventually pled guilty to the lesser charge of battery against a child.

He was held in Orange County Central jail, where other prisoners let Ramirez know that they took exception to child molesters by beating the snot out of him.

According to his attorney, Ramirez suffered brain damage and now needs help walking. Attorney Mark Eisenberg also claims that his client has been left with an intellect of a 4-year-old child.

Prior to the beating, he was reported to have had the intellect of an illegal alien child molester. So it’s not all bad.

For his efforts, Ramirez was awarded $3.75 million, plus an additional $900,000 in medical expenses. That’s pretty good money for a an hour’s work. It’s California’s early version of the DREAM Act.

His attorney scooped up a cool million for a short closed door meeting with County Supervisors.

We should remember that lawyers who do not chase ambulances, like Mark Eisenberg, do their work for free. Just like we see advertized on television. What we do not see on television is that lawyers like Eisenberg work on a “contingency fee” basis. That means that if they take your case (and they will not take it unless they reckon they will win), they will take a share of the winnings — usually at least 30 percent. In this case, that means Eisenberg took home over $1 million of Orange County taxpayer money. Not bad for a quick closed-door decision by the supervisors.

So California has created at least two new millionaires.

The abuse of the system doesn’t end there either:

A 2008 New York Times article told the incredible story of a 1999 Florida car crash which left Guatemalan national Luis Alberto Jimenez’s with severe and permanent physical and mental injuries. After spending more than $1 million on Jimenez’s treatment, and failed attempts to secure assistance from the government of Guatemala, the Florida hospital eventually paid to fly Jimenez back to his own country.

The incredible part of the story…Jimenez is sued the Florida hospital, which he claimed “falsely imprisoned” him and deported him against his will, to avoid anymore unpaid medical bills.

Last year, a jury sided with the hospital and Jimenez’s lawsuit was dismissed.

And then there’s drug smuggler Osvalda Aldrete-Davila, who sued because his right to bring 100 kilos of marijuana into the US was abridged.

This is all bullsh*t. If you don’t want your ass beaten in jail, don’t do things that get your ass beaten in jail.


I can’t say this better than Dave Gibson:

I don’t know which is more outrageous, the now-daily accounts of illegal aliens raping our women and children; our elected officials allowing our land to be transformed into a Third World nation; criminal aliens getting rich off of the U.S. taxpayers: or a complicit mainstream press, eager to assist in the cover-up of our destruction.

H/T Daily Caller

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if he has the intellect of a four year old what does he need 4.5 million for? just buy him a happy meal and be done with it.

Illegal Alien Child molester+Incapacitating Beating = 4.5 Million. Meh, not so bad…

I live in Cali and I think my money has been well spent for THIS illegal alien.

Evidently, the beating WAS a job Americans were willing to do!

Okay, I wasn’t going to comment, until I read your final line, I darn near spit out my drink! Too funny.

When I worked as an LEO I noticed the huge difference in what the people from the lower Hispanic states considered molestation and what we did. In Mexico and farther south, 12 yr old girls are open game.

Sadly, most of the people coming up from there are lower class people which Mexico is trying to purge. We’ll get sh**heads more than usual.

I must be dense.
Why were the County Supervisors paying out for what prisoners did?

The taxpayers of Orange County are not responsible for damages done to prisoners by other prisoners in their jails.

Or, at least they weren’t before this case.

Interesting reactions.

Ramirez was in jail because he’d been accused of something. He hadn’t gone to trial. He was nearly beaten to death by inmates, because of an accusation.

Every article about the case is full up with overblown outrage about the “illegal alien child molester” who was awarded millions. The articles are plastered all over the internet. None of the authors–mostly anonymous–seem the least bit concerned that it was never established whether the guy was innocent or guilty. Given the nearly total lack of details concerning the accusation, it’s not even possible to form a reasonable opinion about his guilt or innocence..

Dosn’t it seem that something may be wrong here?


None of the authors–mostly anonymous–seem the least bit concerned that it was never established whether the guy was innocent or guilty. Given the nearly total lack of details concerning the accusation, it’s not even possible to form a reasonable opinion about his guilt or innocence..


The guy followed the advice of counsel and plead guilty to “battery on a child.”

How is a guilty plea not enough to know he was guilty?

Ding, ding, ding. Winner by Knockout, Aye Chihuahua.

-What is a mental 4 yr old going to do with 4.5 million dollars?

-Is he mentally 4 and half? Did he get a million dollars for each year old he thinks he is? idiot should have said they beat him mentally into 90’s

-4yrs old now he can be attracted to himself. +$$$ the dream indeed.

-We do get to pay him in Obama’s American Dollars? Even the Chinese stopped taking those.

-American prison systems are the worst laughed about human rights abuses in the civilized world and makes Guantanamo literally look like a resort.

-He gets to be rich, behave like child, and be from a non-white race. He is perfectly living the liberal dream without having to become a useless actor or trust-fund baby first!

-The mind of a 4yr old but more of other peoples money then he can count? Does he just get made a California senator now? Does he have to do the whole vote “show” they have every 2 years in blue states?

@Aye Chihuahua, #6:

“The guy followed the advice of counsel and plead guilty to “battery on a child.”

How is a guilty plea not enough to know he was guilty?”

The gulity plea was to non-sexual battery. Why would such a plea have been accepted if there’d been sufficient evidence to establish sexual molestation? The evidence in this case seems to have consisted entirely of a statement made by a 6-year-old to her mother, and how the mother interpreted it:

“Fernando Ramirez, then 21, was left brain-damaged by inmates in Module A at the Orange County Central Jail in June 2006. He was jailed after a 6-year-old girl told her mother a stranger touched her over her clothes on her private parts at El Salvador Park in Santa Ana. Ramirez was charged with child molestation but eventually pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of non-sexual battery, said his attorney, Mark Eisenberg.”

The mere act of touching another person is sufficient to meet the definition of battery under California law. Ramirez might have been advised to plea guilty to a charge reduced to non-sexual battery simply because it was the most expedient way to resolve the matter. Courts routinely accept guilty pleas to lesser charges when evidence to establish a more serious charge is lacking.

Another tale of Orange County. (Be warned, contains a disturbingly graphic account of an accused man’s murder while in custody. Apparently in Orange County, inmates administer California justice.)

So the lesson here is that Dr. John, although an accomplished singer/songwriter, as a prospective journalist, has failed to connect his hope that this man molested a child with the more ambiguous results of a cursory google investigation. It’s a shame, because Dr. John found a very striking photograph of young Hispanic men acting rather irreverently, which says something to his point, I imagine he imagines.

Dr John

Or, tommie, we can just let them do as they please- which most liberals seem to think is just Dandy.

@ Tom & Greg, Three Questions for you Gents:

1 What part of Not Here Legally do you not understand?

2 What part of a Male Adult touching a Female Minor is OK with you?

3 If that Female Minor was your Daughter would that be OK with you?

Now, all of that aside, does Mr. Ramirez have the Right to remain in this Country in perpetuity with his Taxpayer funded windfall?

It has always amazed me that after having broken a Federal Law by being here illegally, after taking a plea to a Misdemeanor Battery charge this clown is still in the Country and most likely “at large”, loose on the street here. Enlighten me please. 😆

Illegal alien is about to understand our legal system when the child he molested brings suit against him and takes the millions. Now THAT’S JUSTICE!


It seems you have little understanding of our justice system. In many cases, if not the majority, the government will let the criminal plea down the case to a lessor charge. The question is why. And the reason is simple: Cost. You get the conviction with much less court time and cost.

So, I will throw it back on you.. If he were innocent, why would he plea guilty?

Just a bit of hyperbola:
The way international law is creeping into our legal system, the day might come when the parents will be forced to have their daughter married to the molester.

In Islam, for example, ”thighing” a very young wife is allowed (and they is very like what this man did to this girl).
There is even a Koranic provision for divorcing a pre-pubescent girl, but it takes a while longer than an older wife because proof she is not pregnant takes more than 3 months in a pre-pubescent female.

what would Jesus do ?

Throw the molester off the nearest cliff.
fire the county supervisor who gave out the 4.5 million and renege on his benefits.
give the 4.5 million to the inmates for doing what we should have done.


Ther e is one fact here that is beyond dispute: the man was put into a cell and beat within an inch of his life. I personally think it’s wrong for an accused prisoner to be put into a room by authorities and, through negligence or with intent, allowed to be beat within an inch of his life. If you want to say he was a bad man, fine, but two wrongs don’t make a right. And what do we really know? I haven’t commented on the lawsuit because i don’t know enough about it (does anyone here?).

As to you, Dr John, sir, I think the true intent of your post is to vent your frustration with illegal immigration through the scare tactic and trojan horse of this one man’s story. A more respectable journalist/blogger/whatever you are, would tackle the subject head-on in a more principled and less hysterical manner. but that’s just my opinion and obviously your editor feels differently.

>>@ Tom & Greg, Three Questions for you Gents …

3 If that Female Minor was your Daughter would that be OK with you?>>

My guess is that neither of them has any children.

Let me settle this for everybody. I spent a generation inside the legal system as a detective.

1. The victim is six, which means testimony cannot really be obtained. The counselors would speak to the child and get as much as they can. It will probably be limited to “Where did he touch you” and a anatomically correct doll. She points to her crotch and says “He rubs me there.” or “He put his thingy there.”
2. The counselors tell the detectives and the detectives run it by the prosecutors. They agree to charge the most serious offense, fully intending on pleading down later. That locks the scumbag up and if the charges can be strengthened by other testimony or evidence (like the mother walking in, or he confesses or he boasts to someone else the police can get to testify, damage to the girl’s vaginal area, etc.) the prosecutor may go for the full boat on charges. But if the case stalls, the prosecutor offers a plea deal.

Child cases are tough if the child is very young. There is a danger of false accusations, but mostly the child can be traumatized again by having so much scrutiny after such an act.

The guy did something to the child, that’s enough for him to be guilty. Splitting hairs over it is a waste of time. I’ve seen very young children being molested what seems more often in certain sub-cultures. They don’t seem to have the societal governors in place like other cultures do. For example, in the Middle East having a wife who is twelve is not unheard of. Here, your a** would be in jail for a decade.

suek, do you think there’s a reason why a man whose daughter was assaulted probably wouldn’t be allowed on the jury of sexual assault case? Of course I’d want to hurt the man! But how I feel about it personally, how much I’d like to allow myself the personal gratification of seeing this guy’s teeth kicked in, in our society has no bearing on how he’s tried and punished for his alleged crime.

Since you’re into the hypothetical game, if your son was accused of sexual assault, and before he had a chance to talk to you or a to a lawyer, beat to the point he has permanent brain damage, how would you feel about it?

BTW, I’m not going to let your efforts to paint me into the corner as the Liberal Guy Soft on Crime obscure my main point here (which no one has refuted): this post isn’t really about this one guy. It’s about demonizing an entire group of people. This isn’t anything new. It’s amazing to me how motivated and driven by fear many on the Right are, and how easily manipulated they therefore become. If people here want to be lead by the nose and add “crazed raping mexicans” to their laundry list of reasons they lock their doors at night, so be it.

Fear driven?

Shall we talk about the politics of fear? President Obama demonizing the opposition (“They would take your Social Security away?”) or Global Warming (“Unless we do something now, the earth will come to an end?”).

I see someone like this as a scumbag. I don’t hear you standing up for Jeffery Dahmer, who himself was killed in prison by a prisoner.

Like it or not, there is a class system in prisons. People who commit crimes against women and children are the lowest class and they are abused in prison. It doesn’t make it right but it is the way it is.

When it comes to justice on the inside, there are people who are already in prison for life and will make a name for themselves by doing something like this.

You stand up and say he was a victim, but had he not committed a crime first, he never would have been there. I am not justifying the actions of the prison or prisoners, but I am saying it is a reality of the prison system. If he were innocent, wouldn’t he have fought the charges? Wouldn’t you?


BTW, I’m not going to let your efforts to paint me into the corner as the Liberal Guy Soft on Crime obscure my main point here (which no one has refuted): this post isn’t really about this one guy.

Errr….no one ever claimed that this post was “about this one guy.”

No one except you that is.

If you scroll back up to the top and actually read the post, you will find that Dr. John cited multiple examples. Multiple, as in more than one….which makes this post about more than just “this one guy.”

In summary, you constructed a straw man argument and then. later on, attempt to strut the fact that no one addressed the fallacy of your argument.

Well, your straw man has now been torched.

It’s about demonizing an entire group of people.

No, the post is not about “demonizing” an entire group of people.

The post is about the ongoing, metastasizing, ever-growing issues that are arising as a result of failing to address the border as an issue of national security and sovereignty. This failure, while occurring to some extent on both sides of the political aisle, is much more egregious on the left because, after all, this is a potentially huge addition to their voting bloc. That mouth-watering potential addition comes at a massive expense to the rest of the country.

The left unfailingly attempts to paint anyone who wants to enforce the borders as being guilty of racism or xenophobia or some other invective even going so far as to have the DOJ file suit against AZ over a law that imitates the federal statute that the feds are not enforcing. Tom your posts perfectly into that pattern.

What politicians refuse to see and address is the tremendous cost and burden illegal immigration places on our system in all areas from medical care to education to housing, etc.

Politicians of all stripes need to stop playing political football with this issue, enforce the laws, and secure the border through whatever means necessary.

Tom, if you weren’t indeed the “Liberal Guy Soft on Crime” then you would be able to recognize precisely the point that Dr. John and others here have been trying to make and you would have been able to actually address the issue of illegal immigration and its’ associated problems instead of attempting to engage in obfuscation and straw man construction.

How bout these 2 far right Texas lawmakers talking up Middle Eastern woman overstaying their Visas or vacations to give birth then take the kids home for 20-25 years of terrorist training.They will then come back to U.S. WOW

How bout Angle and O’Donnell. Wingnuts exist on the far right and far left.It’s just their supporters don’t see it that way.


Really? The title of the post is “Califronia pays illegal alien (singular) 4.5 million to molest children”. that indicates, to me, that it’s supposed to be about one man.


Really? The title of the post is “Califronia pays illegal alien (singular) 4.5 million to molest children”. that indicates, to me, that it’s supposed to be about one man.


Did you not even read the post?

If you were to go to your local library and pick up a copy of “To Kill a Mockingbird” would you think that the whole book was about avian homicide?

Come on now…even you can do better than that.

rich wheeler: realy, that one man unfottunitly represent the whole problem of open border and illegals some are criminal before they set foot in AMERICA, and the others become criminals as they set foot in it also making them all even those who come to MEXICO from ennemy countrys,
are criminals as they also come from that ROUTE. ARE AMERICA not angry about sharing it
with confirm criminals and some TERRORISTS?, dam yes they are.
WHICH PRESIDENT send an army of 40000 soldiers to repel the same? and succeded than.

@ rich wheeler, OK then. Can You identify them by Name or is this a bar room joke without a punchline? I have a few well placed friends in the FBI and another Agency that may need to look into that. Not that the Eric Holder DOJ will care about it unless the terrorist’s Civil Rights were violated.

After All, Rich, Holder refuses to prosecute the Tangos that blew up the USS Cole and can’t figure out how to get those others in GITMO to trial because he is still working on the Social Justice and Civil Rights issues for them. He should read the Geneva Convention or talk with someone who has, like me for instance.

ID those Lawmakers please.

Tom @26

Your hypothetical doesn’t work in this case. The guy had a lawyer. How else could he bilk the county for 4.5 mil? Therefore, he must have talked to him. He pleaded guilty albeit to a lessor crime but he did admit guilt of some sort to this 6 year old child. The fact is, he should not have touched this child in any way at all. I have no idea if the POS talked to his mother before his arrest but that is irrevelant to his guilt or innocence. I have noticed over the years that dims just don’t care about the victim or their rights especially if they are dead. I suppose their theory is the dead can’t be helped (they can only vote) but there’s a chance the perpetrator can be rehabilitated. This is why we have idiots picketing prisons with “free Mumia” signs. They have no real problem with putting known criminals back on the streets because they say they won’t do it again.

Aye: The post is about the ongoing, metastasizing, ever-growing issues that are arising as a result of failing to address the border as an issue of national security and sovereignty. This failure, while occurring to some extent on both sides of the political aisle, is much more egregious on the left because, after all, this is a potentially huge addition to their voting bloc. That mouth-watering potential addition comes at a massive expense to the rest of the country.

Is that what it was? 😯

OK, I’m not entirely sure what this post *is* all about. I can’t say that, like you Aye amigo, I took it as a statement INRE illegal immigration. If I did that, would the whole affair been more palatable if it had been an American born molester/battery accused, who was majorly FUBAR’d while in custody pre’hearing?

Somehow, despite our differences on other issues, I sincerely doubt Drjohn would excuse another molestor getting rich just because they were a bonafide American citizen. So I can’t see this as an immigration issue.

Which then brings me to @Nan G’s comment above.

Why were the County Supervisors paying out for what prisoners did?

The taxpayers of Orange County are not responsible for damages done to prisoners by other prisoners in their jails.

Or, at least they weren’t before this case.

Actually Nan G, correctional facilities… a government entity… are indeed responsible for providing reasonable measures of safety for inmates, and have been via various federal and SCOTUS opinions for decades back. Taxpayers have been paying out for inmates’ actions for a very long time.

i.e. Rhodes v. Chapman, 452 U.S. 337, 347 (1981); Benefield v. McDowall, 241 F.3d 1267, 1271 (10th Cir. 2001); Walsh v. Mellas, 837 F.2d 789, 798 (7th Cir. 1988); Lopez
v. LeMaster, 172 F.3d 756, 759 (10th Cir. 1999); Farmer v. Brennan, 511 U.S. 825, 832 (1994); and Skinner v. Uphoff in 2002… just to name a few.

The court’s interpretation is that vigilante punishment by inmates is not part of the sentencing and penalties criminals pay for their offenses against society.

The whole affair is combined swarmy irony … an illegal who shouldn’t be here to begin with (but illegal entry isn’t tantamount to prison sentences until the 2nd or 3rd arrest, and differs little from a misdemeanor in punishment/fines); an extreme distaste for those that prey on children; a desire to celebrate inmate vigilantism since it does result in some sort of satisfaction, however incorrect; and a taxpayer funded windfall for one who is most likely a scumbag at heart.

But it’s sure not a new story. Don’t see too many particular twists which make this story so very unique as to deserve attention. Those present on American soil – citizen or not, expired visas or not – are still entitled to our Constitutional rights. You could argue that point, I suppose. But we’ve been there, done that before when we try to differentiate between enemy combatants and criminal matters, and who should be entitled to Constitutional rights. That’s also been before SCOTUS.

Since it’s all predictable, one could have only hoped that the inmates had kept their vigilantism methods to something less permanently disabling so it would have rendered the social satisfaction many desire, without costing the taxpayers an arm and a leg. But what it really comes down to is that it’s always a mind blower when accused or convicted scumbags manage to abscond with tons of taxpayer cash.

But then, we’re a weird society. We grant fame and fortune to otherwise talentless people because they slept with the right elected officials (i.e. Monica Lewinsky), or bestow “stardom” status on reality show participants. Why? Because there is a obsessive voyeurism prevalent these days, and apparently it takes very little to entertain today’s society.

Everything points to the same indicator… a serious decline in society and morals. And we pay for that in many ways other than taxpayer dollars.

@ DrJohn, #16:


So you have no problem with illegals who only “touch” little children? Yikes.

That’s both a diversion and a bit of a personal attack.

I have a big problem with assumptions of guilt, and “justice” being meted out in the form of jailhouse violence before someone in police custody is even brought to trial.

I also have a problem with efforts to maintain that assumption of guilt so we can all feel better about what happened to the suspect–even after a court has decided the original charges were unsupportable–and so it can be used to mischaracterize an entire class of people.

We don’t really know what happened in the park between Ramirez and the child. The court accepted a plea that was devoid of any sexual connotations. Yet there are articles all over the internet with lurid titles such as: “Child Raping Illegal Alien Awarded $4,000,000 by Orange County, California.”

The intent isn’t to work up outrage about child molesters. There’s little need for that. Contempt and outrage at people who sexually abuse children is pretty much automatic, hardwired into the normal adult brain. The intent of such articles is to demonize illegal aliens.

Maybe we should suspect and hate all Catholic priests, because some priests have been revealed as pedophiles? Maybe we should assume every touch of a child by a priest is an indication of evil intentions; that 6-year-old children always report accurately; that their mothers always interpret correctly, that their interpretations are unaffected by their rational fears and irrational biases…

O.T. .Louis Gohmert (R.Tex.) and Debbie Riddle (R.Tex.) are propounding theory of “terror babies” described above. They claim FORMER F,B.I. agents provided this info. to them but they’ll say no more.Current F.B.I. agents,not surprisingly, say this is fabricated.

Hope yoy can get us the STRAIGHT SCOOP.

Meantime I’ll consider then fear mongering Islamaphobes.

@ rich wheeler, Thanks. There is a lot of crap circulating because it is an election year and 98.5% of Career Politicians are notorious fabricators or liars depending on how polite you wish to be.

I can get it confirmed in a day or so. I am fully in favor right now of a modification to the 14th Amendment to remedy this business but as the Party in Power wants to grant Citizenship by Cracker Jack Box Prize and not a Legal Process, this could be difficult but lying Politicians just flat out get my goat so lets see how this shakes out.


Your good research gives all the more ammunition to the need for private citizens to be armed for personal protection.
Police, law enforcement in general, and, as you pointed out, the courts, are all saying they cannot and will not over-stuff the jails and prisons.
The LA Sheriff is constantly promising (every election) to open the jail doors and let out almost all rapists and child molesters.

One of my new neighbors did a due diligence about our condos to make sure no registered sex offenders lived on the block before she signed the lease.
Most of us own firearms and go to practice on a regular basis.
I’ve asked this new neighbor and her teenage daughter if they’d like to come.
They had never tried this and are looking forward to trying out a variety of handguns to see if one suits them both.
They would only want to buy one.

If the jails are not safe for a child molester then he will be let go.
So, that leaves it up to parents.

Well, Nan G, the courts won’t be letting the child molesters go. But lawyers and lawsuits will be making them mighty rich during their incarceration. But isn’t it odd they’ll be keeping all the marijuana smokers/sellers in, and showing the rapists and molesters the door? When the budget gets cut for correctional facilities, you can get a good handle on just who your elected officials feel are the bad guys.

I think protection of children… with common sense “don’t talk to strangers” education… is truly the responsibility of parents as the first (and properly so) place for a kid’s self defense. To top that off, I’d send ’em to Wordsmith’s martial arts classes. :0)

As for firearms, I’m a staunch RKBA type of girl. While law enforcement are certainly aid in their protect and serve capacity, they can’t be everywhere at once, or be personal bodyguards. I may make that 911 phone call, but I’ll be waiting for their arrival with .45 in hand.

The Gates Foundation (PDF file) has a pricing chart to see the map of your area with all sex offenders listed.

Megan’s Law also maps out all register sex offenders by community for free, but will not give any actual addresses.

We are surrounded by sex offenders all over town.

Yes, the courts do let them out early (for good behavior).
Worse than that, judges seem to still go easy on so many of them.

And a spot on a map doesn’t clue you whether the man prefers boys, little girls, or simply dated a girl who looked older than she turned out to be.

This guy was beaten because he molested a child

Did i miss the part of your original post that established guilt?

This guy undoubtedly had translators and probably a free college education waiting for him courtesy of stupid liberals.

Is that a guess? Thank you for time and time again proving my point that you have little regard for facts or the truth if they somehow deviate from the script in your head.

Tom I agree with you “Guy undoubtedly had translators and free college ed. courtesy of stupid liberals” is a ridiculous statement.

Well, He is a millionaire now and the majority of the Authors and Readers here are not.

I reckon that He won. That is way beyond ridiculous to me.

Dr J,

I disagree with your methods and therefore I’m pro-child molestation? That’s an ugly accusation, but revealing about the kind of man you are.

“The legal system found this guy guilty and you deny it.”

It found him guilty of what? Not of what he was originally accused of. He didn’t plead guilty to molestation. There’s no proof that he molested anyone, that he had any such intention, or that he had any personal history suggesting he was the sort who might.

Since when is an accusation itself proof that the accusation is true? Is this some new special rule that applies to illegal aliens?