Fancy Flights Of Fearless Reader


In desperate times, comedy is often a blessed reprieve for many of us. When the comedy involves a ‘man of letters’ as the protagonist and he is paradoxically considered to be the genius of the free world merely by supposition, a drama has been defined. When a polemic is disallowed because of the preexistence of racial components and no documentation of genius is offered and an intellect has yet to be displayed, a comedy of the macabre involving despair, and disturbing thoughts become the drama’s epitasis and the catastrophe is about to unfold. In the past 2,400 years, the idea has often been expressed as a Dance of Macabre: typically choreographed with the dead leading the living to the grave.

In the wilds of Northern British Columbia, within the Peace River drainage, we trappers and vagabonds of the mountains observed a rendition of this humor or dance of the macabre; often times, we could reverse the dance of death, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

The conditions must be right, there must be warm temperatures followed by a hard freeze in the neighborhood of 40 below Celsius or Fahrenheit, the choice is yours. It is always a comfort to arrive at one of your trap line cabins, these are almost always either 12’x12′ or 16’x16′ log cabins depending on the size timber that is available. There is at least one window, a table, a bunk, a wood stove and/or cook stove, there are supplies of grub and usually a small library, often trappers are voracious readers and some are truly gifted at remembering passages from the classics. Although they work very hard, there are often extended periods of time when they must wait out a storm and patience truly becomes a virtue.

During the winter when the temperature is 40 below or colder, it is a tradition to look for the odd fly frozen to the window, the ice will be a half inch thick or more, so it is easy to overlook them. These winged residents of the far North, are in some respects like President Obama. To begin, they and the president are not typical window dressing, they are truly unique and more than anxious to rush off into the world on a grand mission without knowing exactly what they are doing and with no sense of direction.

You must start a fire to warm up a cabin and it will usually take at least a couple of hours to melt away the ice from the walls and the window. If you are lucky and there is a fly on the window, you must position your kitchen table beneath the window to catch the fly in the melting glacier from the window on the inevitable red and white oil cloth that serves as fine table linen.

From this point on, each move is critical; like Obama’s handlers, you must groom him and handle him very carefully, one mistake and you can break the fly’s wings or in Obama’s case you can destroy his reputation by exposing his lack of qualifications and ruin his opportunity to fly or run.

With the utmost care, you must cup your hands together and protect the fly from running off on his own prematurely, just as Obama was groomed for the presidency by sheltering hands. You let the fly revive and use his wings, until you hear a steady buzzing noise; at that point the fly, like president Obama had been protected long enough to let him fly on his own. Now in an act of sadistic cruelty, you walk out into the 40 below and let the fly go in a manner similar to releasing a raptor or a fool pretending to be a leader. He will take off flying as if he can do anything; the fly will last about 30 feet before he falls from the sky and augers into the snow, President Obama lasted less than two years before he discovered that it is tough to fly alone in reality mode. Watching carefully, you mark the fly’s impact as he crashes into the earth at 9.8 meters per second squared, President Obama’s descent is slower because of the buoyancy provided by sycophants and the MSM.

The fly leaves a dark mark in the snow, much like Obama would, owing to the fact that he is half Black. You must carefully pick up the fly and bring him back into the cabin to revive him with the warmth and protection of your hands; after the mid-term election Obama will need to be consoled before he is ready to fly off once again, half-cocked like the fly ready to meet the world head on with nothing but a Socialist Ideology for navigation and ready to once again auger into the snow.

This is great fun in the wilderness, for there are no color TVs or electricity in the mountains; unfortunately, I have never been able to revive the fly over three times and this is in itself an unofficial record that is often talked about when men of the wilderness gather to speak of nature’s wonders and of international politics. Since I spent some time at the Universities in the states, I have been accused of having an inside line in the field of cryogenics, but truthfully, I usually steered away from the hard sciences.

Now in desperation, President Obama is feeling the coldness of public opinion closing in on him and he is reduced to saying the most ridiculous things:

He said he’d “keep fighting, every single day, every single hour, every single minute to turn this economy around.” He said interest groups he has battled “talk about me like a dog.”

In reality if President Obama were talked about as if he were a dog it would be an improvement and he should feel flattered.

“Now here’s the honest truth, the plain truth. There’s no silver bullet, there’s no quick fix to these problems,” he said, adding that it will take time to “reverse the damage of a decade worth of policies” that caused the recession.

Now we are to assume that President Obama hasn’t been exactly honest with us and as a last ditch measure, he is willing to tell us the truth, that he really doesn’t have a solution and that it is the evil Bush Administration and possibly the gross mismanagement and criminal activities at Freddy Mack and Fanny May being run by prominent Democrats that have caused the problems and that his Pollyanna campaign promises were nothing more than hype and lies.

To accompany the relaunch of the Obama, he, or more likely his handlers, since the smartest man in the world seems to lack creativity, has come up with a scheme for unions and Democrat Fat Cats to scam even more money.

The plan calls for rebuilding 150,000 miles of roads; building and maintaining 4,000 miles of rail lines and 150 miles of airport runways, and installing a new air navigation system to reduce travel times and delays.

Obama also called for a permanent funding mechanism, an infrastructure bank, to focus on paying for national and regional infrastructure projects. Officials provided few details of how the bank would work.

Since Democrats did so well with Fannie May and Freddy Mac it is natural to assume they can launch a new federal bank with no direction or concept of how to do it, much like the fly that is re-released to soar free until a cold reality causes him to crash to the earth.

Thus Americans are given the choice of dancing to the macabre all the way until our Republic and our Freedom is laid into the grave or resisting the lunacy and laughing at Obama as he crashes to the earth in his pointless flights of Socialist lunacy. The key is in the power of the ballot in less than two months: we either stop the dance of the macabre or we join in on the lunacy.

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I have no wish, nor will I be content until this pretender-n-theif of anything of the American value system is locked up in GITMO alongside of his fellow bretheren. Period. Playing nice or games with this pos is the last thing I want ot see out of the Party of “no”. He must be nuetered and deboned of his superority complex , a wannabe dictatorship slapped with articles of impeachment, along with the House dictatorship, san fran piglousy, X-vp cheney for not objecting to the order of the House rules insisting upon his actual birth certificate be henseforth produced before the swearing in and any member who knew this pos was not even an American, ( i believe there are many) stands along side of him and are placed into cells until the entire mess they call their party of the little people are standing in judgement, be it to hell where they belong, o rprison cells. Either will be a start.
Prepare for the worst, plan for the best. I am sick of seeing this pos talking as though the entire country is a bunch of pansyassed pussies stuck on stupid. He will never be called my president, I voted for an American, he will not get my attention even if he so orders me back to uniform, or service in any form or fashion. I will however guarentee one thing. I’ll be the opposing side of him and his minions and as he has proven, even an inside mole can dig so far before being exposed. Payback is gonna be a bitch. Yeah this bitch needs some slapp’n around and an orange jump suit to boot. Semper Fi.

What a fascinating story! Who knew about the private lives of trappers in winter?
I am intrigued by the hands which have protected Zero throughout his life. How have the attorneys been compensated? The attorneys, that is, who have placed his entire life record behind an impenetrable and unbreachable wall of secrecy?
How was his schooling funded? The schooling which he allegedly has completed, since his transcripts and school records are hidden.
How was his return to the United States documented, since as Barry Sowetoro he resided in Indonesia, and presumably would have had to renew his U S passport?
What social security number does he use? Where is this number from (what State)?
Zero clearly does not fly on his own. Some secret hand programs the teleprompter for him; his few appearances without TOTUS have been dismal failures (probably the reason there are no press conferences).
What ails the mainstream press, that they continue to act as a lickspittle claque of appeasers in their slavish devotion to this man who works so hard to destroy the United States from within?
I understand hero worship. But a hero with no heroic acts?
I understand supporting the incumbent. But an incumbent who systematically destroys his own country? An incumbent whose only friends are big labor and big government? How can the nation survive with only big labor and big government? Who will pay the taxes?
The situation is bizarre beyond belief; the Manchurian Candidate has the highest office in the world; his replacement is a hapless dweeb; the docile and uninformed public will continue to vote Democratic just because … well … just because.
Weakness is not strength. Cowardice is not bravery. In the animal world, he who runs away gets eaten. Voting “present” is not the act of a leader.
Alas for our poor country!

before the ice formed over the fly on the window ? what held the fly to the glass pane ? I can remeber when I was a kid other kids would sometimes pull the wings off flies, always wondered if they would do things like that as a grown up

Average Infidel Marine to Marine.Where was Obama born and at what age and by whom was he brought to U.S.? Your thoughts on burning of Korans by Fla. pastor?

Semper Fi Richard

I’d like to think of Obama as the sacrificial girl in Stravinsky’s “The Rite”, Skook…. maybe the other option is we can just watch him dance slowly to his political power death as an offering to the gods of good ol’ fashioned Constitutional freedom. 😆

Don’t even get me started on Nureyev… such drama with that one. Breathtaking to watch. Baryshnikov could do things in the air most people can’t even do with both feet planted on the ground. Amazing athlete.

But yeah… sort is elevating “da won” to a glorious status in Igor’s world that is undeserved. I just focus on the “political death” part. LOL

I wouldn’t doubt he views himself as a victim of tragedy in the making. He is of the mind that he and the elected ones know best, of course, for the rest of us. But then, the bright side – he could find more uses for his styrofoam Greek columns when portraying himself as part of a Greek tragedy. heh

Great stuff! OT, Check this out!~ Swarm of bees…

September Swarm

Styrofoam columns, how appropriate for a light weight without a past.

@ Skook,

Nicely presented, weaving Obama into a Danse Macabre, quite appropriate given the strangeness we are witnessing this week from him, and very much on point with such allegorical lessons on vanity. He will never “see” it.

His speeches this week make him seem to have come unglued, . . . “the sky is blue,” . . . “dirty dog,” . . . “fish in the sea,” . . . very weird at best, . . . and his inability to feel or connect with other human beings is obvious – he is grasping at sad, unintelligent clichés which now makes him appear completely pathetic. And persisting to blame Bush and Republicans? Has he not read the news lately? Even some of the tingly legged MSM is getting weary of it.

Thanks JR, your opinions are always appreciated and ‘weighed carefully’. Aristotle considered it extremely important to have command of metaphors (The Poetics); however, when we begin to hear Obama mixing his metaphors, ‘the dog in the sea’, ‘the dirty fish’ I think we may safely assume ‘he is off his nut’ or ‘around the bend’.

The Narcissist has a dramatic breakdown when people keep dropping pebbles in their reflective pool. I don’t think we have long to wait before the catastrophe becomes obvious, such is the fragile disposition of the Narcissist.

Skook To me,a 66 year old Californian who grew up in N.Y., Obama is a pretty regular guy. Shoots hoops,loves rock and roll,plays with the kids and the wife.To me the off center folks are the birthers and Islamaphobes who won’t accept he’s a Christian.These people are truly nuts.

Semper Fi

@ Rich: There are times, when I read a post like yours, that I ask myself if I am being too critical and forming opinions based on a prejudicial perspective; especially, when I read a comment that seems to be expressed from the heart rather than the oblivion of blind ideological thought. Thus I will offer a bit of unasked for advice, from the heart, this is probably your best strategical approach in dealing with this hard core, yet varied group of Conservative thinkers.

Yes, the image of Obama and his teenage or nearly teenage girls is probably the best image he can project, much more appealing to the public than the golf and hoops or consecutive holidays. I know we would all like to have the energy to play hoops, but being presidential has a degree of sophistication and hoop playing detracts from that stately image, at least in my opinion; although, this might be purely a matter of taste.

I think Obama made a mistake of hiring ‘less than’ mirrored images of himself who were much too likely to agree with him than offer helpful alternatives and constructive criticism, these high powered quintessential ‘Yes Men’ have hurt him and caused him to put forth policies that seem all to repetitive.

The office of President is a rarefied existence and Secret Service Men are forbidden to reveal the intimate details of a President or his family, as it should be; consequently, the image can be manufactured, if there are personality defects, they will become apparent with time. The prospect of an unbalanced President with his finger on the nuclear trigger is a frightening thought, one that I hope we never need to contend with. Yet we, my merry band of Conservative Cyber Conquistadors will be looking continually for cracks in the armor, that is the job we have assigned ourselves.

It takes a much bigger man to admit a mistake than to boast of accomplishments, at the end of Obama’s tenure either 2 years or 6 years, if he has maintained his composure and demeanor, I will admit it to you, I promise. If he loses either his sanity or his composure as the Leader of The Free World, I will know I was correct in my judgement and assessments.

SKOOK Well said.To me,under the incredible pressure and demands of the office,he has absolutely maintained his cool.

@Mr. Wheeler

You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. The people that Obama associates with are not those that a “pretty regular guy” would have. I’ll just leave it at that for now.

Rich wheeler: I see that you used others with an adjective attachment, to support your point of view, there is our group of very well educated and intelligent people here at FA, they can read all the sugjestive comments of people coming from your party,
so you just had to say that you’ r selling your product. Without insults. bye

Rich Wheeler. I cannot for the life of me, along with too many other figure out where he was born. There are two reports that have two different members of his immediate family telling of two different places in Hi. as to what hospital he was born in, yet no doctor, nurse in either hospital has come forth to answer one question as to whether or not they were there to witness the birth. 2) his paternal grandmother, before her death sign an afterdavith as to the witness of his birth in kenya, either someone here is lying or maybe her proudness of having her grandson is beyound honesty. 3. before the independence of the kenyan nation it was under british rule, prior to 1962, his father, a muslim, was a british subject, and not an American, therefore under british rule before marring ms. Stanely, making her as well a british subject even though brought up in Ks. 4. recently the individual under authority of the elections commission in Hi. has publicly stated the ongoing joke in this state is, there is no long form birth certificate in the state for one barry soerrto, barry abama, baraq hussein obama, or any other version of the names he has used in the past. I have done extensive research on her red family members and their church, by no means anything close to a Christian church, more like communist wannabe’s. I believe the pretender is hiding his records because a, it would be known that he used foreing loans for his education, b. his mother was not old enough during the birthing of her son in order to confere citizenship on her son, she was 17 at the time, c. he is by muslim standards born to a muslim male, and under the shiria laws, is in fact just another muslim, d. the state of Il. I found out has no record of him on file, pr. election commission laws. The stink about it was suddenly washed away along with various other items the people of Il. were denied to see who he really was.
Yeah a long response, try World Net go into the archives for a futher case study if you have the patients, there are too many to count.
As for the burning of the koran, even though it is his right to burn anything he wishes, I don’t think it is a very wise choice, insensitive-yes but still his choice. Sorry about the delay in response, busy day yesterday, early this morning just now read the responses.

Average Infidel Hey Marine thanks for your response.Talk about conspiracy theories.You’d make Oliver Stone proud.

IMHO WorldnetDaily is to the far right like the Communist Manifesto was to Lenin.I’d be highly skeptical of anything it was pushing.

I’m heading to NYC.Will be at ground zero 9/11 as I was last year.

Semper Fi to all

The President has the ability to solve this enigma, if he is not also confused on the issue, he could easily improve his standings and confidence among Americans by giving us the truth, concerning his past.

Obviously there are problems that are legal issues or things he is ashamed of; however, to expect the American people to accept a blanket of fog around their President isn’t practical. The idea of telling a lie often enough and people will believe it seems to be the modus; unfortunately, for Obama, he has ignited distrust among a majority of Americans and the issue will not just disappear.

Americans are a forgiving people, issues that would have been forgiven and forgotten two years ago, have now reached the point that they will become defining facts of history. Obama may have needed to shroud his past in secrecy to be elected, but this same veil of secrecy may well condemn his presidency.

@ Skook,

. . . Quite right IMHO, the narcissist remains cool, appears cool if you don’t really pay attention because he cannot care of anything, or anyone but himself, . . . until he really loses it.

The “narcissist,” in him is only part of the problem, . . . that he’s never accomplished anything, and, as JOHNGALT said above, the company he has kept, were evidence enough that he should never, ever have been elected.

Those who chose to, just don’t see it. That is their prerogative.

JR, it was the recent comment by President Obama about wearing his birth certificate on his forehead that was the most revealing. Obviously, it sounds like something you would expect to hear from a steel mill worker or an auto worker, rather than a president; but that is insignificant, the fact that he is feeling harassed by the people who want confirmation of his qualification to hold office and confirmation that he can positively identify himself and account for his life. None of us can live behind a veil of secrecy and expect to hold a job, except for illegal aliens.

This issue will not blow away, there are those of us who want to know who this man is, who has his finger on the button of nuclear destruction. Without a history, you wont get a job sweeping the floor in a nuclear facility and yet we have a man who can destroy most of the civilized world and he has no record.

Some vveeerry smart people here, so from someone who isn’t so smart in politics can you answer me a question?

I keep reading that the mother, stanley was too young to confer citizenship on him. I understand the father side of it, no citizen, but isn’t she a citizen, or was and how does age play into it? Really curious about the answer.

@ Skook,

Yup, . . . pass the gas and keep dancing.

I hope Obama dances better than he swings a golf club or throws a baseball, he’s only half-Black, you know.