The Gullibility Of The Public

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One of the most outrageous purveyors of fraud, up until recent times at least, was Vrain- Lucas, a French forger of the 19th Century. Born in 1818?, he produced over 27,000 letters from historical personages such as Judas Iscariot, Julius Caesar, Alexander of Macedon, Cervantes, Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Cicero, Herod, Attila, Abe’lard, and Vercingetorix and sold them to Michel Chasles (1793-1880), an eminent geometrician and member of the Acad’emie of Sciences in the years between 1861-69. The letters were sold for over 140,000 Francs during the nine year period.

Chasles was a respected man of science, yet he accepted the letters on faith from Lucas; despite the fact that all the letters were written in French, except for the Galileo letters that were written in Italian. The fact that the letters were also written on modern paper was not considered either, so great was the selling ability and charisma of Lucas.

In 1867, Chasles presented the letters to the Acad’emie, they were received with gratitude; however, glaring errors were perceived by the Acad’emie, some of the most obvious were those of chronology, Newton would have discovered the laws of gravitation at ten years of age. This illogical fact began to arouse suspicions as to the authenticity of the letters.

Lucas spent two years in prison for this fraud and upon his release, he once again resorted to fraudulent letter writing and returned to prison for another three years.

Chasles was humiliated and the obvious fraud probably contributed to his demise.

We are currently engaged in exposing a much larger fraud; perhaps, the largest fraud in history: the Global Warming Hoax of Al Gore and Pachauri, a fraud that is being promoted by the UN, the Democrat Party, President Obama, and the Socialists of the world.

Al Gore and Pachauri have both scored the Nobel Prize for their contributions to the scam of Global Warming. No one can claim that Pachauri used his charisma to score the prize, but Gore has used his charisma as a sanctimonious Southern seminary student dropout and his propaganda film, “Am Inconvenient Truth” to advance the cause of the Global Warming scam.

The scam plays conveniently into the hands of the International Socialists, by allowing the International Socialists of the United Nations control the industrial might of the US and redistributing the wealth of the US to Marxist dictators around the world. Now that the scam has been discredited, President Obama is still very anxious to further cripple the American economy with his Cap and Trade Carbon offsets in response to a crisis that doesn’t exist.

Just as the charisma of Lucas was strong enough to entice men of science to forget their critical analysis when faced with obvious forgeries, will the American people be willing to accept this International Socialist Redistribution of Wealth to support a program that is based on fraudulent data from the East Anglia University and for a theory that has had the UN panel on Climate Change rebuked by an independent investigative panel of scientists as being sloppy, inconclusive, and unscientific. Are the citizens of the United States to be the fools who will buy into a fraudulent science because of the charisma of Obama and Gore? Two men who are trying to pull off a scam even bigger than Bernie Madoff’s scam and if they didn’t have the protection of government, would probably be doing time with Bernie.

This is the big question, are we so naive that we are still willing to be pulled into the control of the UN and its scam to bilk the United States of its wealth to feed the Socialist Dictators of the world?

Are we to stand idle while our country is castrated so that men like Obama and Gore can hopefully become Elite rulers of a world wide Socialist Dystopia, while the rest of us are mired in Socialist Poverty?

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Slow learners, we are.

Or maybe not.

Maybe we don’t learn at all.

What’s wrong with wanting proof? Of course – you have none. You didn’t even attempt to give one lame piece of ‘evidence’. I guess some Christians are happy to criticize other religions and non-believers but then suddenly get thin skinned and ultra sensitive when someone dares to criticise their religion.

That quote is from Gaffa in another post thread. I placed it here because of the topic Skookum has written about. The AGW theory presented by Gore and his contemporaries in the world of charlatans wish us, the people, to place faith in what they tell us is happening. Proof? Who needs proof, when you have faith that the world will end if we all don’t go back to living in the stone age.

When criticized, even with contrary scientific facts and theory, the AGW proponents attack the critics personally, referring to them as deniers, trying to place as negative a label upon them as they can. We, the people of the world, are expected to take what Gore says about AGW at face value and support legislation that claims to lower carbon outputs. In reality, carbon outputs won’t be reduced, and the government, Gore and others will make billions off of the people as a result of this sham. Again, we are to have faith in Gore and others who know best what we need to do.

AGW theory is not just a religion. It is closer to a religious view perveted by personal motives in order to fleece the people of more of their hard earned money. Gore should be brought up on charges and sent to a jail cell next to Mr. Madoff. Anyone else who supports the legislation should as well.

SKOOKUM: hi, WHEN I saw the pictures, I knew It was SKOOKUM’s AUTHOR,fast enough, for AMERICANS
ARE’nt we are getting smarts?:
IF I may say so,: THE GUYS who are running the NOBEL PRIZE BUSYNESS,
ARE getting to skisophrenic, the forget to inhale their medecines, OR
THEY are pushing for the UN’S WORLD ORDER who want to take control of this SUPERPOWER,
WHICH is AMERICA, and own it’s finest productive LANDS, and redistribute not theirs ,
BUT AMERICANS WEALTH, among ennemies of AMERICA,whos goal is to take control,
OF all which is and has been PRECIOUS to AMERICANS, to name some; FREEDOM, and
THE CONSTITUTION as it is written, THE free choice of CHRISTIANITY, IN their life and
their children’s learning, free ENTERPRISE seeking for a great economy boost,
AND so much MORE:
the time needed to achive those desire to restore the real values, THAT time is not coming
FAST enough, as the frustrations are mounting accumulating as the suffering of day to day.
THAT’S why the control must be kept strong until the day of actions by VOTES from the MAJORITY,
THEN, the end of frustrations will be past, and the great joy and DELIVERANCE will be shown
TROUGH all the free world who love AMERICA, and the people will have a MEGA PARTY,
NEVER MATCH before. IT will be all WORTH WAITING for.

2010 so far is NOT hotter than 1998:

August 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.51 deg. C

Lets All hope that the bottom drops out of the “Snake Oil” Market soon.

The Pretender is on a road trip selling a 50 Billion $$$ Stimulus 2 Plan as I type.
Just how much borrowed money does He think We have?

Forget about Saving the Planet. We quite frankly need to Save the Republic at this point.
The Planet takes care of itself.

SKOOKUM: hi, YOU made it so funny,that I had tears of shame,
AND so much to learn, THAT you underestimated my ignorance,
AND my potencial to miss on some of it in future comments:
IS nt it” TRYING enough?”, I know you are a perfectionist human looking down at
A BEE flying to cloose to you, BUT you would surely enjoyed the pure HONEY she makes;
ALL that to say, thank you and I appreciate it much.
bye SR

OLD TROOPER 2: hi, FUNNY, IT came to my mind, WHEN I read “saving the planet”
yes, you’r right, they should start by saving the AMERICANS from BANCKRUPSY.

Ego the force that inhibits admission of a mistake. You find this in most bureaucrats, and politicians. Academia elitists also fall to this malady. In their striving to be published, acknowledged and revered by their peers, fantasy tales hold.
I recall when the infamous crop circles appeared in the fields of England, prominent intellectuals studied and pondered their origin. They published papers, books and scheduled lectures to explain in scientific terms the forces that created the phenomenon. Years later the two gentlemen who started the crop circle hoax came forward and demonstrated how they accomplished the making of the complex geometric designs. But this was not acceptable to the scientists and scholars who benefited from their publications and lectures and status. They denounced the hoaxers as hoaxers, not because they made the circles but because they exposed the intellectuals as fools for believing that an ex terrestrial force had to be responsible.
Then again something it is just greed as in Algore and Pachuari case.

Hey! Don’t knock Louis Lamour!!!

He _must_ be a terrific writer – he took the same basic story and told it in about 30 books in such a way that you couldn’t put it down until you finished it!

Although…in some of his later books, I did catch him switching his horse info on different pages, and in reality, his horses accomplished things that are _highly_ unlikely for living horseflesh – even his beloved mustangs… I suspect he had sub writers for different chapters…but that’s just a guess.

Al Gore, Phil Jones, Michael Mann and others have committed fraud. As far as I know there are still laws on the books for this kind of activity. The fact that they are not under indictment is an indication of cowardice and corruption on the part of our legal establishment.

Suek: I must have read twenty different Lamour books before I realized I was reading the same book with a different cover and different characters. The last one I read, after I hopped on the wagon, was “The Last of The Breed”, he died before writing the sequel and I have been p!ssed off ever since Louis left us in suspenders. I thought it was extremely inconsiderate of Louis to check out before finishing the story.

I enjoy comparing Louis and William, they are two of the most successful and prolific writers that have ever lived; no matter how vivid their imaginations, I had to draw the line at Louis when he wrote of shooting a bull elk and putting the hind quarters in a fresh hide and walking several miles to cook the proverbial basics of his food triangle, beans, bacon, and coffee for the heroine. It makes a nice story, but you may take my word here, we are talking of at least a three hundred pound pack and that would be a small elk, that is one hell’uv a hero.

You also seem to have picked up on his basic lack of knowledge concerning the horse: I would have gladly consulted for factual material concerning these two deficiencies and saved him some literary grief among perfectionists.

Other than that Louis made no excuses for his lack of literary abilities, in his own words, “I am just a story teller”. You must admire the man for his abilities at story telling and his honesty; besides that, never knock success.

My criticism is tongue in cheek, only meant to entertain, sort of like Louis and William.

Los Angeles school named after Al Gore,0,719678.story

He’s the first vice president to have an L.A. school named after him, sharing the honor with author Rachel Carson. Fittingly, the campus will be devoted to environmental themes. But there’s a catch. Al Gore has had some tough breaks — like losing the presidency after getting more votes than the other guy — but the noted environmentalist achieved a singular honor last week, becoming the first vice president to have a Los Angeles school named after him.

And, fittingly, the school will be devoted to environmental themes.

But as in the 2000 election, there’s a catch. Critics say the campus’ location poses a long-term health risk to students and staff.



BBob, that is a perfect illustration. I was unaware of the final outcome of the circles, thanks for sharing more of the lunacy of hysterical gullibility of not only the masses , but of academia and the so-called scientific community as well.

SKOOKUM: I dont see any SPELLING GUIDE here at FA

I think we might start naming prisons after Gore, so that he will be more comfortable during his inevitable “tenure”.

It is time to start demanding prosecution for those who perpetrate fraud upon the public, it is perhaps the only way to stop the nonsense and to make the public aware of the fraud; of course, putting a few of the con-men in prison will tend to lessen the incidence of fraud in the future.

Bees: We have a problem. It is time to contact Fearless Mata: she is the Wizard of all things cyber and can accomplish miracles. It is not the responsibility of FA to provide a spelling guide, there is another aspect of computers far beyond my humble powers to add or detract that accomplishes this heroic mission without ever showing signs of fatigue. For some reason, it functions on my computer and on others I have used on the road under the pseudonym of Skookum 2. Your machine probably needs a little tweak to unleash this awesome feature that makes older school teachers tremble with rage. On the computer, I am either a functioning illiterate or a barely functioning literate, or somewhere betwixt.

Call Mata or Email her or contact some other genius. You women have ways that I don’t pretend to understand.

@ Ms Bees & Skookum:

The Google Toolbar offers a Spell Check option that is adequate for my simple needs, also a Translate option as well.

If I had a neighbor that sold moonshine and a neighbor that sold Carbon Credits, Id consider the
Moonshine Distiller to be making an honest living. The Carbon Credit rascal would starve in my neck of the woods.


Agreed. When they first started talking about Carbon Credits, I asked myself _what_ they were selling…and came up with ZERO. Nothing. That – in my book – amounts to a simple no argument TAX by another name. And people are buying and selling these credits??? unbelievable. Even worse than the Dutch Tulip fiasco. At least the Dutch got pretty flower beds and a long term industry, even if not quite so profitable short term…

Suek: In “Last Of The Breed” An American Indian fighter pilot was shot down over Siberia ( an area the size of the continental US) and walked around on elk feet? across the breadth of Siberia with men chasing him. It was a good story. Like Global Warming, it takes a certain belief in the story to accept the premise.


How do you browse the internet? do you use Internet Explorer? You might want to consider Firefox

( ) It’s a free download, and offers a lot of options. I can’t say it has more to offer than IE, because I haven’t used IE for nearly the entire time I’ve been on the internet, so I can’t really compare. I switched during the time that people were introducing the email viruses that were a big problem – you’d click on an email and the virus would automatically down load, because IE automatically opens attachments unless you know to disable that function. Foxfire doesn’t do that. (by the way…if you _do_ use IE, I was told that one way to be aware of those email viruses was to put a fake email address in your address file. That way, if a virus sent out virus emails to everybody in your address book, you’d get one you _know_ would bounce, and it would be one you’d _never_ use – cause it was fake – so if it bounced, you’d know you had a problem. Solving the problem is a different story! I don’t know if email viruses are still a problem.)

Anyway – Firefox has an automatic spell check…the little red squiggly line under a misspelled word. Then you right click, and it gives you a choice of several spellings – some of which are pretty funny! You can then highlight on the one you think is right (and it might be the wrong word for your usage, but it _will_ be spelled correctly!) and click on it, and it will automatically correct.

Anyway…check it out. You can always delete it if you don’t like it…

I remember that one… (Last of the Breed). It came out about the same time as Clint Eastwood’s movie “Firefox” – they’re linked in my mind. Maybe just because of the Siberia thing…

I wasn’t especially aware that he had died right after that. He also started that New Mexico series…going into the underworld of the ancient religion … he lost me on that one…but I think he just wrote one or maybe two books with that theme. So…I may have just mentally have put the “last of the breed” into the same category.

I thought SKOOKUM meant the spelling gadget AT FA, on his comment, so I was trying to find it after I read: I always write my comments from FA, because IF I use my own site,
THEY will swich the return comment with my real name but I do have the SPELLING GADGET
at GOOGLE like OT said, I use it on my personal gmail only, but I will never send a comment from there
thank you all for the infos, I appreciate.

suek, thank’s, I have also FIREFOX, and I like them to, but I transfer to gmail, since
I come to FA, because I receive my FA comment there at google, and I find it easy to sort it,

Spelling is not the issue.
The nature of science is the issue.
Anthropogenic Global Warming is not science.
Any scientist, carefully considering all of the evidence, would conclude that the noise swamps the signal. There is as yet no consistent and coherent method for measuring global temperature on an historic basis. The capability of putting a number to temperature is very recent (19th Century).
See the famous (if somewhat eccentric) blogger Iowahawk for the details of what happens if you use all of the available data sets to estimate temperatures during the past millenium.
There are cogent and credible objections to the notion that carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere precedes temperature change. Indeed, the data from ice cores indicates that carbon dioxide concentration follows temperature change by about 800 years. In other words, we are seeing now carbon dioxide concentrations which are the direct result of the Medieval Warming Period (Greenland and all that)(wines in northern Britain)(colonization of Newfoundland). See the superb work of Lord Monckton for details.
The indisputable fact is that the Statist faith in the Universal Socialist State is a heresy which will not die. The Statist heresy has led to the deaths of billions; billions more will be put to death unless we return to the straightforward postulates of our Founding Fathers.
In the words of the legendary Robert Heinlein: “who decides?”
One part of Statism is the flawed and demonstrably failed theory of Keynes, that government spending has a multiplier effect. Indeed, government spending has a siphon effect: moneys diverted from the public pocket into government control end up being wasted on boondoggles and inflated government salaries and unsupportable bureaucracy.
So Al Gore will win, as we tax ourselves back to the stone age, and go back to living in trees.
Hooray for progress!

@Mathman: Just perhaps, carbon is not even a significant factor in the determinants of climate. Socialism is about control, with control you supposedly have predictable results. What a great coup for Socialists to boast of being in control of the earth’s climate.

In the future, Iowa will continue to grow more grain than most countries, the world will be fed and we will owe our allegiance and very lives to the Elites like Obama, Gore, and Pelosi. There will be years of drought and pestilence, but with careful manipulation of the climate and taxing businesses ‘where it is most appropriate’ they will allow the system to self-correct. This is the result of having omnipotent Elites who can allocate the world’s resources and control the climate, thus the miracle of Socialism will save not only the planet, but mankind itself.

mathman: hi, YES, NATURE knows how to heal herself, FROM the beginning of the humans world,
with few of them that multiplyed to todays world.
I have a thought about that particular last words, meaning that the transit of humans should be limited in a country where the people begin to notice that there is a degrading
situation happening in the COUNTRY, where the government is favoring all out entry in the country, AND decreasing the quality of life from the people who have been rooted with generations before them, who have given them the teaching of these values learned
with SWEAT and pain and blood spill. JUST my opinion. bye,thank you for your knowledge

Anthropogenic Global Warming is not science.

It is a racket, not science that is founded on reliable data. It is a “creation” that is man made
and “Snake Oil” of the lowest order. It is like buying stock in derivatives or the tooth fairy.

It is Fraud. Period.


I love your response!

SKOOKUM: hi, I think you can finish the book yourself, with the skill you have, and no one would even notice it even if you mention it by advertising;
CAN you see how many have the unfinish book;wanting to see the end of the story,written by you:
WOW, I can see some money coming by mail to you. bye

MISSY: than you.

If you dump 29 thousand million tons of fossil carbon into the atmosphere yearly while simultaneously reducing the living global forests that absorb and hold carbon dioxide, there are going to be climate consequences directly related to that activity. It never ceases to amaze me that any reasonably intelligent person would think otherwise.

The amazon is growing back at a rate of 50 acres to each one cut down, greggie. New growth over the past ten years is as high as 15% in some regions of the world.

And 29 gigatons is is like spitting in the ocean. It won’t make a damn bit of difference and the fish will think you are stupid.

@Otter, #26:

“The amazon is growing back at a rate of 50 acres to each one cut down, greggie. New growth over the past ten years is as high as 15% in some regions of the world.”

It’s true that the rate of global deforestation has declined over the past decade. That’s true in some areas of the Amazon, thanks to increased environmental awareness, new national conservation laws, large-scale commerical replanting, and economic factors that have slowed slash-and-burn clearing to make way for commercial agriculture. “The amazon is growing back at a rate of 50 acres to each one cut down” is a grossly misleading generalization, however. Global deforestation is continuing at a rapid pace.

“The net change in forest area in the period 2000–2010 is estimated at –5.2 million hectares per year (an area about the size of Costa Rica), down from –8.3 million hectares per year in the period 1990–2000.” (Global Forest Resources Assessment, 2010)

That works out to a net loss of 128 million acres of global forest over the past 10 years. To the extent that this figure is down from the net loss of 205 million acres during the decade before, it’s an improvement. It’s good news that we’re not killing the ecosystem that sustains us quite so quickly.

“And 29 gigatons is is like spitting in the ocean. It won’t make a damn bit of difference and the fish will think you are stupid.”

Unlike fish, which are incredibly stupid, human beings know that things present in relatively small quantities can be of enormous importance to the balance of an entire system, and that slightly increasing the small quantity of such a thing can sometimes produce effects totally out of proportion to the degree of alteration.