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Its going to be very interesting to see how this plays out.

Just speaking for myself,

Even though Beck does not speak for the Tea Party movment, many think he does….

Many folks, like myself, have an almost instinctive distrust of people who tie religion into politics… and using the name 9/12 and restoring American Honor to create this, then brining in both a Political, and Religious messege, may backfire.

There are many many Secular Constitutional and Fiscal Conservatives out there… for whom this may end up being divisive, rather than somthing which brings us together…

And THAT is the one issue that can divide the Right…

It wasn’t half a million, but it was at least 40 times what the racist rally got.


I share your concerns about inserting “Christianity” into a constitutional debate.

As much as I was turned off by the religiosity of the event, it may have it’s place as it did 240 years ago. Although not Christian or Jew I accept the fundamental humanistic premises of both religions and it’s blind for us to think this nation wasn’t founded on them.

I’m not sure it will backfire it it doesn’t become too overtly Christian or focused on “social” issues like abortion and gay marriage. We really need to minimize the voice of the extreme religious right in this country as much as we have to silence the voice of the Marxist left.

The “Tea Party” movement is the 1st in my life that seems to primarily focus on libertarian small government politiics which have always been too often overshadowed by social issues. Personally I believe the the social issues must be left to individual communities and states.

It’s essentially what a libertarian like Thomas Jefferson said and I firmly believe. I just want the federal government out of my pocket on issues other than national defense and national and international free trade. I think this is the heart of the Tea Party movement.

I think also it’s a states rights constitutional issue without being unfairly attributed to racial divides, The Civil War, and the Jim Crow Era which was, at least legally, put to rest in 1964.

The message yesterday did not divide any of us that were there and we were a large cross section of America who were there. C-Span taped the whole event and as one who was there, I assure you it is worth watching.

Just because you think GB is a creapy, self serving screwball, does not mean you are a liberal.

PAUL HAMMOND: hi, MOST of those who critizise GB, have been sold the rhetoric of liberals, who
needed to blame GB in order to win their game,because they had nothing constructive to offer the voters, too bad; now the VOTERS are seeing what is going on and will redress it. LATE but SOON. bye

Who let the trolls in? This country was formed based on Jedeo/Christian principles. If we ignore them this country will lose its greatness. What the “Founding Fathers” wrote needs to be upheld. While I don’t agree with everything Beck says, I do believe he is trying to instill the core beliefs upon which this country is based. The MSM media reports on yesterday’s event on the mall show why they can no longer be believed.

Isn’t it funny that Becks rally never mentioned Al Sharptons goons…They spent 200 minutes speaking about hope, faith, charity, love of country, and praising our soldiers…Al’s message was “Beck is evil”…Ha!

So what is that Al and the clowns are against? Becks rally focused on returning our faith in God, are they against GOD?
Becks rally focused on truth, are they against truth?
Becks rally focused on Hope, are they against HOPE now?
Becks rally focused on charity, are they against charity?

You can truly see the differences in people when you look at what one has to be for if they are against the other. You can also see by the people standing beside you. if your message is true or ridiculous. Who was with AL? Code Pink, Socialist Workers, NAACP, Black Panthers, NAN, ANSWER, SEIU and a few other groups that made up more than 3/4 of the participants of the “Reclaim the dream” march….I would be willing to bet if MLK were alive, he’d have been at Becks rally.

“CBS News: “I’m noticing that there are not a lot of minorities here today, why do you think that is?”

“Black woman at Glenn Beck rally: “They’re probably over there with Al Sharpton.”


Robert#8 Faith,Truth,Charity,Hope “One voice can change the world.”Mr Beck is echoing President Obama’s message.Maybe not quite as eloquently but God love him for trying.

Hopefully this is a message we can all strive to live by.

Semper Fi

rich wheeler, HOW come the SHARPTON group SPEAK so bad, and spout racist blurr to justified themself, all the time,arent they suppose to represent their party
In showing good manner to the young generation?.

Rich, The funny thing about the Obama’s version of those things and Becks is: Actions for them. Has Obama exhibited any of them since taking office? He surely didn’t before.

Lets take Honor first: IS it honorable to blame your predecessor for all the worlds ills, yet take credit for the ones that have worked even though you were against them? (Think Iraq)

Is it honorable to not prosecute those that have spilled your fellow American blood in order to pander to your muslim extremist buddies in far off lands? (Think the USS COLE)

Then look at truth: Do you believe Obama has been truthful with the nation? Think Van Jones, Rev Wright, Bill Ayers, Any of his “We must do it right now or children will die” speeches to bailout unions?

Actions gain respect, words get you in the door. He got in the door but he is a disaster because of his character. Beck on the other hand is not running for office, he is merely trying to push US to be better. Obama is only out to make himself LOOK better. No action to back it up.

Wake up America.

RIVER RAT, HI, SO many true storys have been report, that the FAITH in GOD is being disregard, in order to accomodate the MUSLIMS ; telling at students telling at a government event, telling to familys, ecetera, to refrain the names of JESUS SON OF GOD,in other words : DONT mentiom GOD because it might OFFEND OTHERS: well today’s rally was to put GOD on the top list
to all AMERICA without the fear of OFFENDING:
THAT rallys was to remember how nice it is to be AMERICA the real way,
AND they did not need to talk politic,or to mix politic with GOD, BUT we all know HOW IMPORTANT GOD is in every thing, dont we. bye

ROBERT: on your 12, I must say that when i read rich’s comment to you, I mumble to me, OOPS he’s got the wrong guy, and I was expecting your 12 any time. bye

MS Bees The vitriolic lanquage and utterly disparaging treatment of our current Pres and our former Pres. should shame all Americans who’ve participated.

Some time in The Corps would teach all these punks a good lesson and respect for our Republic and our Democratic system of elections that many of us have fought for.Where did Beck serve? I spit on all who villify our freely elected leaders particularly those who wrap themseves in the flag praise the Lord and duck military service.

ricky wheeler~ SCREW obummer. Thow the obummer Out. Impeach obummer. He is the worst president of all time. jimmuh carter is jealous of his efforts to bring down Israel. Taking food stamps from the poor to pay off union bosses is one of the Slimiest things I’ve ever heard of.

I could go on for quite some time, but there is a line several tens of millions people long, waiting for their turn.

Robert, I can guaranteee that GB will spend plenty of time on radio trashing Obama and Al Sharpton. He is very media savvy and knows when to smile for the camera.

ilovebeeswarzone, there are plenty of thinking people, liberal, conservative and neither, who question Beck’s and other’s veracity and sincerity. If Republicans continue to nominate angry right wing candidates, the center will either stay home or vote Democratic. The results in November may not be what you hope for.

Otter You’re a poster boy for the aholes I’m talking about.Thanks

Small minds like you want to think so, ricky.

So let me rephrase:

FUCK obummer!

PAUL HAMMOND: YES I see your anger just by the words you write, so you know that GB has more CLASS than to spend time trashing someone on radio, although, I’m sure HE would have a lot to say: AS far as angry right wing candidates, I think that you are mistaking the word
ANGRY for the word CONCERNED about what is going on at the top of this beautifull AMERICA,
AS you can see MR BECK ‘s rally can tell which side the angrys are by looking at the SHARPTON ‘s rally, and dont forget that, when you vote

Unlike the Leftys… and what they tried to indoctrinate us with in school… Most of us believe that there is a time and place for anger…

Its a motivator. It gets things done…. and sometimes it IS the correct response.

Some of us ARE there… myself included.

ROMEO 13: I agree with you, when it is legitimate, but some will use any excuse to flush out their anger, regardless if they trash the caracter of a peacefull citizen,that become wrong, bye

@Mr. Wheeler

MS Bees The vitriolic lanquage and utterly disparaging treatment of our current Pres and our former Pres. should shame all Americans who’ve participated.

And I guess you were on the front lines defending Bush? No? Yes?

I’m sorry guy, but I love my first amendment rights, including the right to defend people against that type of language and treatment if I feel it necessary, and also to engage in that type of language and treatment, again, if I feel it necessary.

I’m sorry, but from what I’ve seen here, you’ve berated damn near everyone who has had anything negative to say about Obama. You’ve also disparaged some who served in the military, and most who haven’t.

I spit on all who villify our freely elected leaders particularly those who wrap themseves in the flag praise the Lord and duck military service.

Guess what? I don’t. I served my time so that people can be free to speak as they wish. I served my time so that others might not have to. I served my time so that others could wrap themselves in a flag and praise the lord or whoever they wish to praise. And afterwards, I didn’t ask for anything in return from those people, not even respect, which I believe all who have served deserve.

That statement that you made is about the most disgusting thing I’ve heard in a long while. You, who have served, know what sacrifices you made in your life at that time, and as such, you know what price you paid for the freedom that people engage in vilifying the leaders. To have you say that you would ‘spit’ on them is to devalue your own service. Make it not worth the price you paid. Make it not worth the price we all paid.

@Paul Hammond:

Speaking of radio and television personalities:

Mike Malloy
Randi Rhodes
Rachel Maddow
Ed Schultz
Keith Oberman
Senator Smiley……sweethearts all, never would resort to attacking President Bush on television or radio, no, never at all, but did they smile while doing it? 🙄

How about Hollyweird:

Sean Penn
Janane Garafolo
Rosie O’Donnell
Alec Baldwin
Babs Streisand, etc. etc. etc. all so kind to President Bush.

How about Michael Moore, now there’s a real chap, compared the Taliban to Freedom Fighters produced films full of lies and distortions about President Bush and family.

Code Pink, stood outside of Walter Reese on Friday nights so they could scream at our wounded vets as they were being bused out to enjoy the evening away, they always showed the utmost respect to our former president, wild times. eh?

And then, those democrats just keep nominating and electing angry candidates……Stark raving mad Pete Stark, Crazy Alan Grayson, Dick “Pol Pot” Durbin, Harry “Loser/Capitol visitors are stinky” Reid, Nancy “Astroturf” Pelosi, I believe she once alluded to President Bushes mental health and never to forget President “Sorry, Sorry/Blame Bush” Obama.

Guess what? It’s ok for the conservatives to use the same methods, angry democrat candidates were elected in droves……the bar was lowered in ’06 and ’08. 🙄


I’ll start feeling bad about folks talking smack about Obama, when Obama STOPS talking smack to those he’s been charged with leading. So far, he’s managed to vilify and disparage damn near 80% of us.

And I can assure everyone here that the rank and file of the Corps don’t have many nice things to say about him either. It’s just that they’ve had to put their Rights on hold for a bit. Jarheads have a nose for good leadership, and this guy smells bad to them.

As to the topic at hand…

Obama will claim he either didn’t notice Beck’s little party, or that he ignored it…
Bullshit. It cut him deep, and the narcissist in him will eventually lead him to comment about it.


I doubt it will be long, now that he’s off…..another vacation, there’s a bunch of campaigning scheduled, he will comment, he’s just toooo cool and knows his minions( :mrgreen: ) are waiting for it.

Missy, I don’t speak for any of those people you mentioned. Neither do I watch or listen to them, especially since I don’t get cable news. So you are saying, “They started it.”, which makes it OK of course.

Are you also saying that George Bush and the Republican Party bear no responsibility for the current economic crisis? Do you recall Sept. ’08 when we all feared we were going over the cliff? Also calling people cute names is just silly.

ilovebeeswarzone: I’m not angry. I just saying, the further right you go, the less likely you are to get elected. Fortunately for me, there are no competitive contest in my state this year and I am spared the endless nonsense of political ads. That would make me angry.

Nobody noticed: It was great planning on the part of the liberals.

1. Liberal Sharpton held a “rally”, while Conservative Glenn Beck had a HUGE rally with hundreds of thousands of people in attendance, mostly conservative and almost entirely white.

2. Obama, when he heard 90 days ago that Glenn Beck would be having a rally, decided to take a vacation — hide away from the crowds. Obama has been, over the last few days as very bad news on the Obama economy is in the news, missing in action. No comments from Obama, but instead a few words from Bernanke — the same bull-sh*t he said last time when the economic going got tough for Obama. Bernanke and ten others can’t do anything at all. And, supposing he could, why wait? Why wait as Bernanke says, “if the situation gets worse”? What? Why not keep the economy from going down further? Take action NOW. It’s all bull-sh*t.

But the real laugh of the day has to be the news that Obama is now pledging to “Stand with New Orleans”. What he really means is “Please stand with me until my term is over, because there is the real possibility that I may get kicked out very soon.” Obama is in so much crap now, even his dogs won’t “stand” with him.

And, after Obama’s “forceful” push for the Ground Zero mosque, Obama should hide. Over 70% of American’s do not want any mosque at ground zero. Also, remember that there is no such thing as a “moderate” Muslim. Both “moderate” and “radical” Muslims read from the same game plan — the Koran. Extreme radical terrorists as well as “moderate” Muslims read the same (Jewish and Infidel) hatred that’s in the Koran. Their modus operandi is different, but it’s the same game plan.

Furthermore, because of the hate that the Koran spews throughout its pages, it has been compared to Hitler’s Mein Kempf. The moderate Muslim is the Muslim that does NOT read or believe in the Koran. America, like Europe, should ban Mein Koranf (the Koran) for its content of hate and call to radical terrorism. It’s not freedom of speech; it’s HATE speech.

Oddly enough, the despicable attitudes in Islam are not limited to others, Muslims treat their women like dogs and treat their youngsters with contempt. When the U.N. catches up, there will be no room for the Koran in any modern tolerant society.

Of course, Islam knows not a thing about the hatred of Jews. Except for passages like the ones found below FROM THE KORAN:

Examples (from Atlas Shugs — see link below)


Qur’an 4:46, which says Allah has cursed the Jews for their disbelief.

Qur’an 5:41, which says the Jews love a lie.

Qur’an 5:51, which commands: “O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.”

Qur’an 5:64, which says Jews’ goal is mischief/corruption in the land. See 5:33 for the penalty for that.

Qur’an 5:82, which says “Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans.”

Qur’an 9:30, which castigates the Jews for extolling Ezra as the son of Allah (what?).

Then there’s the good old ahadith. Sahih (i.e., sound, or reliable in the Sunni tradition) Bukhari 4.52.177: “Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”

Source: http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/08/islamic-antisemitism-101-the-daisy-khan-con.html


Islam is NOT a religion. Witnesseth:

In Italy Islam Not Recognized as a Religion — Denied Religious Tax Status


In Italy Islam denied income tax revenue

America has no tolerance for books that spew HATE or people who preach HATE.

God damn Obama (a closet Muslim and worst “president” ever).

Let’s keep American STRONG. God bless America.

“Just because you think GB is a creapy, self serving screwball, does not mean you are a liberal.”

Yeah. It does.

Unless you would prefer the more accurate “progressive”.

PAUL HAMMOND: hi, I just want to say this: I hope you will stay with us and vote for our own who will do the best job for this BEAUTIFULL AMERICA, best to you.

@Paul Hammond:

Missy, I don’t speak for any of those people you mentioned. Neither do I watch or listen to them, especially since I don’t get cable news. So you are saying, “They startSed it.”, which makes it OK of course.

Actually, I am being sarcastic, note the emoticon. It gets tiring when posters come in here with sophmoric threats such as this.

If Republicans continue to nominate angry right wing candidates, the center will either stay home or vote Democratic.

The center obviously didn’t stay home the last two elections but a few now want to impress upon the conservative blog world that due to their purity a vote for an angry conservative may be hampered. It wasn’t the conservative vote that put the angry left wingers in office, and one cannot say “the center” didn’t play a major role.

BTW, I have noticed quite a few in “the center” that are being honest, upfront and publicly regret voting in this mess and aren’t claiming their lily white hands can’t vote for an “angry Republican.” They’ve learned a valuable lesson, I doubt you are one of them.

Are you also saying that George Bush and the Republican Party bear no responsibility for the current economic crisis? Do you recall Sept. ‘08 when we all feared we were going over the cliff? Also calling people cute names is just silly.

This has been hashed and rehashed, instead of hijacking this thread with something that requires a long response, go to the archives.

“silly?” Pfft!

Well Mr. Sheldon, I am neither, unless that is how you define people who disagree with you.

AdrianS: Have you ever thought about running for office? I think you would make a wonderful candidate.

ilovebeeswarzone: It is beautiful. Best to you as well.

Why the damning of Glen Beck? I don’t listen much, but I’m not ignorant of what he believes. He sounds like he is worried for our country. Aren’t we all worried about our country?

How is he self serving? Why is he a screwball? Is it all lies that he is speaking about? Don’t you get SUED when you lie about someone? Or the threat of.

People make fun of him because he gets weepy eyed. Well some of us do.
I’ve passed more than a few servicemen in an airport that I would have loved to offer my thanks and lunch, but the eyes give me away. So I don’t. Didn’t even make it through Hannity’s Freedom show with a dry hanky.

You should appreciate someone with a love of God and love of country and is out there preaching it.

To those of you in the Military I would like to thank you for your service. No one on this side of it will ever know what it takes to do what you have and are doing for the benefit of us all.

God bless you all.


Does Freedom of Speech, and conscience, include the RIGHT to be angry? To speak out agianst things you disagree with? To make fun of that which you think should be made fun of?

Obama Dismisses Failure Facts

President Barack Obama said on Sunday that he was not worried that the great majority of Americans believe he is presiding over a failed presidency.

“I can’t spend all my time with an “F” plastered on my forehead,” Mr. Obama said in an interview with Brian Williams on “NBC Nightly News.” “The facts are the facts. And so it’s not something that I spend all my time worrying about. And I don’t care if all the American people want me to spend all my time worrying about it.”

Mr. Obama, who is a failure, said that as a candidate, and now as president, he has repeatedly dealt with persistent rumors about his failure and with doubts about whether he can govern the United States. A recent poll showed that over sixty percent of the respondents believed he was a failure.

The poll, conducted by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center and its affiliated Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, found that 66 percent of the people surveyed thought Mr. Obama was a failure, according to a report by The Associated Press.

A similar poll in March 2009 found that 50 percent of those surveyed thought the president was a failure. The portion of the 3,003 people surveyed in the most recent poll who incorrectly said Mr. Obama was not a failure was 30 percent, down from 40 percent last March, The A.P. reported.

Mr. Obama attributed the knowledge of his failure about his policies and incompetence to “a series of events that in a new media era can not easily be covered up successfully.”

“We dealt with it when we were first running for the presidency,” he said. “There were those who said I couldn’t legislate as a U.S. senator because I was inexperienced and people would be able to easily see my incompetence. Notice how I had fooled them.”

“We ended up winning that Senate seat in Illinois because I lied to the American people to get beyond all these negative personal traits and I focused on the lies that I was pandering them with. ” Mr. Obama said. “And so, I will always put my money in my bank, a bank which I will never let fail. And I’m not going to be worrying at all about what the ignorant American people believe.”

(This, of course, is a joke. A very good one I think because of its accuracy)

AdrianS #30: Ad hominem circumstantial progressive attack – YOU ARE A BIGOT (not). Thought I would get this in before one of our sponsors did.

and Missy: Obama will have plenty to say as soon as TOTUS gives him the “perfect” punch line. I guess his keepers haven’t figured out how to fit the rally into the car metaphor yet.

Rick #18: One does not come off very intelligent when one calls a person a name for calling someone else a name.

A Vision

As I sit here laughing at your prose, a vision fills my mind.
It just occurred to me, your Obama’s ahole he couldn’t find.
That would explain your obsession with the aholes in your pants,
And also gives a perfect reason for all your ugly rants.

I laughed so hard I thought about those aholes you talk about.
They are living in a mirror looking for a way to get out.
Imagine such a sight as this before a computer screen;
An ahole sitting in a chair smacking all the aholes he has seen.

A part of me was yelling out, don’t dare laugh at such a scene;
For little Ricky may just be sitting before his screen;
And the aholes that he’s obsessed about may be in reality
Sitting at his computer screen getting really mad at me.

I laughed again at this strange thought and quickly held my breath,
For there before my very eyes was little Ricky in a sweat.
Little Ricky sent out a really big rant – totally insane.
He yelled out with all his might – you’re causing me some pain.

Now imagine such a sight as this occurring in your dreams.
Would you be laughing hard or just wondering what it means?

If I have learned anything in 71 years, it is that I am not a very reliable reporter on what I am.

(I can accurately tell what I want to be, what I try to be, even what I think I am.)

But somebody else is almost always better at running the list: Feature A? check, Attribute B? yup.

at the end: the facts say you are ……


It occurred to me in the bathroom a bit ago (I am always amazed at comes to my mind there) that when I did some Kentucky Windage estimates of the crowd size, I said at one point “Wow! There might have been a million people there!”

I’ll come back to that in a minute.

When ever I am doing some task the involves arithmetic I do what I call an order-of-magnitude estimate. (I might have learn3d that some where–I’ve called it that for a long time and I no longer remember where I learned it).

The process involves rounding all the numbers to easy-to-do-in-my-head values. An example:

Find the volume of a rectangular solid 6.4 cubits by 8.6 cubits by 11.8 cubits.

I think 6 times 9 is 54, times 112 is 468–the answer ought to be around 648 cubits.

If I get 6.49 or 64947.2 I know that something is wrong.

Now back to the problem at hand–suppose CBS’s prohibited airspace violators didn’t check their work and missed that their answer should have been 870,000 people–which for me would be infinitely believable.

@ Romeo13:


Does Freedom of Speech, and conscience, include the RIGHT to be angry? To speak out agianst things you disagree with? To make fun of that which you think should be made fun of?

Answer: Hell Yes it Does!

However; When folks get emotional and scribble or shout their juvenile “feelings” on FA like it was a bar room or a public restroom wall in an inner city bus station, I am not greatly amused. A debate should involve some logic and a little decorum. Otherwise it degrades into a pissing contest conducted by idiots.

Then some folks wonder why posts are edited or deleted. In my over 30 years in boots I have been deployed more than a few times by Idiots in the White House. I reserve the right to call them dumb bastards now that I am retired. I earned it. When some dumb bastard’s Foreign Policy fell on it’s ass, Folks in the Military get Deployed. That is our job. We worked within the restrictions and limitations that some dumb bastards in the State Department or the UN placed on Us.

The Current dumb bastards of the Current Regime can’t deploy me anymore. Another thing, just because You got deployed somewhere some time ago that does give you the right to criticize both current and past regimes. Just refrain from the F Word or the Ahole word here
because it reveals more info about your character than I need to see here at FA. You would think that this place is an elementary school yard sometimes.

Folks that are no longer on Active Duty are CIVILAINS and just Taxpayers so your Rep only counts at the VFW or Legion Club, one a year for the Dead, Memorial Day, and once a year for the living, Veterans Day.

@Mr. Sheldon

I think you might be over-generous in your hypothesis about the number being a mistaken step-function of actual reality.

-They do it on purpose. It’s not a typo, or a wrong decimal point. It’s a feeble attempt at minimizing the feelings and voices of those they oppose. Period.

(PS, I’m an electro-mechanical engineer, and regardless of how much actual math I know, I still do the same “trick” as you described.)


When you see them at the airport, go hug them!!!

Honey, I am a 6’5″ big freakin-almost-50, ex special-forces dood, and when I see them, I don’t even try to hide my tears of joy and gratitude.

I hug them, shake their hands, and welcome them with food, drinks, taxi’s…I’ve even bought airline tickets for their families, so that they could join up early.

They love it all, and are more shy about it than you are. They WILL remember you, even if at first they seem kinda shocked about all the attention…The faster you can help them get their “guard” down, the faster they can assimilate back into “real” life. You can be that beginning.

I’ve been in their shoes, and looked in vain to see if anyone knew what we just accomplished in Grenada. Nobody did, and at that moment, I was one-with the “Nam” guys, and could truly feel their pain at being vilified for what they had no control over.

At least I was only ignored. But it still hurt. Bad.

Go. Hug. Them. Please.

All ya gotta say is: “Thanks. Welcome home.”

The tears mean that they’ll know you mean it.

@ Patvann, The Fine Folks at Bangor Maine know how to thank returning Warriors and their gratitude almost brought this old grunt to tears a few times.

They sure do, OT-2. They deserve a medal for what they do for both the departing and returning warriors, but they would probably turn it down.

“Everybody’s all scared an nervous an shit, but these ladies make ya forget all that, and really make ya wanna come back for that welcome-home-hug they promise…I ain’t gonna let them down, cuz I want my hug.”

-Marine Lance-Corporal “JohnVann”

I just read an article on FoxNews entitled, “Wright Describes Voters Who Believe Obama is a Muslim as ‘Sycophants'”

I left a comment, however, I don’t believe that they (FoxNews) will post it. So, I am posting it here again for consideration and so that the fools who think we are fools will stop the non-sense of saying we don’t know what we’re saying when we say Obama is a closet-Muslim.

My post:

Preface: Jeremiah Wright says Obama is a Christian. What the article DOES NOT say is that the Rev. Wright was ALSO a Muslim, and perhaps still is. Proof of Jeremiah’s wrath for America, no doubt learned from the Koran, is that his “church” teaches hatred of America. Rev. Wrong is the one who say infamously, “God Da*n America”. Read the following article for enlightenment.

Jeremiah Wright Was a Muslim: Why That Matters
From: http://www.noquarterusa.net/blog/2008/04/10/jeremiah-wright-was-a-muslim-why-that-matters/


Al-taqiyya and dissimulation are words used for a practice of Muslims blatantly lying to non-Muslims. All but some of the most undamental Muslims consider the act of Al-taqiyya or lying to non-Muslims to be a good work. This is very important when one remembers that, in Islam, salvation is determined by good works. This means that a Muslim lying to a non-Muslim is that Muslim doing a good work to earn salvation.

From: http://actioninengland.mywowbb.com/forum68/207.html

Obama is a closet Muslim, a Muslim none the less, of this there is no doubt. Newspaper and radio reports say he is a “lifelong” Christian. It’s a lie. Nothing could be farther from the truth. As a young boy, Obama recited the Koran (a book of hatred toward Jews and Infidels whose goal is to kill) and studied in a mosque. All of Obama’s relatives and friends were, when Obama was a child, and are still Muslim. There is much to be said about why Obama is still a Muslim. But Al-Taqiyya says it best. Wonder no more as to why Obama is a constant, incessant liar with no conscience or remorse.

Obama, in his book, Dreams from my father, is quoted as saying, “Muslim Call To Prayers’, is “one of the prettiest sounds””.

Glenn Beck has begun officially a take-back of America from those liberals and radicals who would force foreign crap into our beloved country. Now the march begins. Out with those who do not cherish the American Constitution. God bless America.

Summer of Wreckovery is just about done. Nice to see conservatives steal the Bamster’s chutzpah. The Reverand Al Sharpton doing a simultaneous rally to keep his oppressed people on his plantation. The Reverand Jesse Jackson wanted to denut the Bamster but, apologized for having the microphone on. This summer, there was not a microphone that he could avoid. Seeing the race card become irrelevant is about the only good news this summer.

It is refreshing that we can agree to disagree regarding religion, and politics on sites like these.
It is also refreshing -not- to be labeled with names on sites like these, when one disagrees.
Sure, many say, religion should not mix with politics, but I have a question for all those, whose faith does influence their decisions in life? Why do we allow our faith to guide our lives, and decision? I find, it’s because faith does need to be recognized, which ever form or fashion, that it is not seperable.
Jesus taught to ‘Give Caesar (government), and give God what is God’s’.
He also taught, that government must run parallel to government; only then a government can govern for the people.
This is what I took from my teachings of The Bible, and also from the ‘Restore Honor Rally’, given this past Saturday.
What what also noteworthy is the fact, that the counter rally given by Sharpton was pessismistic, while the people, and the speakers at Becks rally were optimistic, and genuinly positive.
This is what differentiate us from the left, our faith does not allow us to be mean, hateful, or even slotheful, nor looking for others to place blame, where it doesn’t belong.
Responsibility comes from within or each one heart.


Pat, Thank you so much for sharing your pictures!

Who would not want to hug him? That lucky lady, she gets to love up on our troops and I’m walking shelter dogs, got to quit drawing the short straw! 😉