The Result Of Obama’s Socialist Vision Is A Double-Dip Recession


As Obama vacations the economy continues to slide further into recession:

The sputtering economy may be headed for a double-dip recession after the government revised the nation’s gross domestic product downward for the second quarter to 1.6 percent from an initial estimate of 2.4 percent.

The first quarter grew at a 3.7 percent annual rate, the second quarter 1.6 percent, and this quarter is not likely to be anything worth bragging about, with economists forecasting growth of only 1.7 percent. GDP is the value of all goods and services produced in the U.S. and it’s the key indicator of the nation’s economic health.

The numbers are numbing — not nearly strong enough to give the recovery enough stride so that employers will want to hire, consumers will have the confidence to spend, or for businesses to invest robustly in equipment.

As a result the Chairman of the Federal Reserve said they will do whatever “is necessary” to prevent a further slide, including the purchase of more longer-term securities and easing the interest rates it pays on bank reserves.

What they aren’t admitting is that interest rates are already at their lowest level in memory and it’s still not helping. The confidence in our economy just isn’t there due in large part to Obama and his policies. The country now understands the man wants to tax everyone and their mother, except for the very poor, and give it away. What business owner wants to put more capitol into a venture that is sure to get taxed more?

Recall that the CBO said the economy will fix itself if Government just stays the hell outta the way. But nooooooo. Obama’s remaking of the United States into a Socialist paradise just couldn’t wait.

And now we got a double-dip recession.

Thanks Mr. President.

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I agree, he not only wants to tax everyone and their mother, but also blame them for not being confident enough to invest in the environment he has created. Who does the chairman of the Federal Reserve think he is kidding. If they had more to do on the train wreck course they are going down it would have been done a long time ago. Maybe they should begin to think about another track for the train to go down. It won’t happen with this regime.

Is it possible to have a negative GDP? It’s gona get UGGGGGLLLLLY!

This is NOT a “U” recession. We are going to go back down to form a “W” depression. Hate to see it but the last real one, (I think) was Carter’w watch. And that was not fun for my family and for many others too.

Good luck to all

jensad 🙂


Well then obviously it has to be Bush’s fault . . . it even spells his initial . . . W

If it had just stayed a U it would have been Ubama’s fault . . .


Seriously though, I think you got it!

“The confidence in our economy just isn’t there due in large part to Obama and his policies.”

Perhaps confidence in our economy has been diminished in some small measure by 20 months of 24/7 doom, gloom, and fear mongering on the part of Obama’s political opposition.

An hour hasn’t gone by that they haven’t loudly repeated the message that the President is incompetent or worse, that anything and everything the administration does, or might consider doing, is wrong, and that any efforts on their part to encourage economic recovery are doomed to inevitable failure.

Such levels of relentless, orchestrated negativity could reduce any successful American business dependent upon maintaining the confidence of its customers to total ruin inside of a week. They can do the same for an entire nation. It just takes a bit longer.


That’s the stupidest and most desperate thing I’ve heard in a long time.

The left is running everything, including the media. The same media that crapped all over 5% unemployment 4 years ago. If nothing else, this media has had the “tingles” for everything this admin does.

It is not the “opposition” that named this the “summer of recovery” it was not the opposition that claimed handing a trillion dollars to government workers would keep unemployment under 8%. It was not opposition that claimed passing the healthcare bill would create millions of jobs, and 1099 forms for every damn screw a company buys. It was not the opposition that claimed going “green” would create jobs, it was not the opposition that closed down drilling and refining. It is not the opposition clamoring to shove job-killing cap and trade up our asses. It was not the opposition that just opened up a bottomless checkbook to only the biggest banks, it is not the opposition creating all signing spending bills for the past 2 years. It is not the opposition preparing to raise taxes, and threatening a VAT.

The market and the economy is reacting just as foretold by those OUT OF POWER.

The opposition is now responding to data.

Once again, the only line a Lefty can come up with, is yet another variation of:



If there is one thing to come from Greg that is clear to me . . . he and his kind are already defeated. Greg’s words are of desperation as you so clearly state. However, I do not want Greg to shutup . . . he is doing us great favor . . . keeping us tuned in to the sit-rep of the enemy.

So Greg is serving a valuable service. Thank You, Greg.

A double dip requires some sort of PEAK or RISE in the middle. Can anyone point that out to me???? Thanks to Hussein and his master plan to destroy the US economy, we’ve had a double WHAMMY, not a double dip~!!!

We’re not those with the lengthening enemies list. To a list of democrats in general, Obama voters in particular, environmentalists, mainstream scientists, educators, progressive intellectuals, union members, gay people, community organizers, womens’ rights advocates, those who’ve lost their homes to foreclosure, Hispanic immigrants, the freeloading poor, the lazy unemployed, and American Muslims, those on the right now seem ready to add all current state and federal employees and retirees. Perhaps some consideration should be given to how many voters will be left.

One shouldn’t mistake a hardening defensive posture for desperation. At some point people grow weary of continuous attacks.

@ greg “One shouldn’t mistake a hardening defensive posture for desperation. At some point people grow weary of continuous attacks.”

Bush didn’t why should you??

Greg #9 great post.Reminder Skooks wasn’t lying when he said “this is a tough crowd” for Dems and moderates.It does appear that the right’s DEMONIZING of so many groups will continue to leave them as a very loud minority, though they obviously don’t see it that way.
OldPuppyMax “Hussein’s master plan to destroy the U.S. economy”If you think that kind of rhetoric will improve your electoral chances I say Keep It Up.
I also remind the “birthers” to Keep Up The Fight.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like state capitalism but, instead of blowing borrowed money on failed union and state pension plans, and failed state budgets you guys could at least build a few nuclear reactors to help ease your energy problems. I know this won’t happen.

I remember a Texas power utility that had an incomplete reactor that sat dormant for years. These monkey bars were penalizing the consumers, and I don’t remember if the system was ever completed.

In a more perfect world, a reactor could be built in Wyoming where some of the waste heat could be used for the oil shales. You guys have the tech, technicians and some money to become an energy giant. Of course, this is a technicolor dream.

I couldn’t help but notice in the news today (online news) that none of the websites for newspapers had ANYTHING at all about OBAMA in headlines — NONE. I went from FoxNews, MSNBC, Reuters, USAToday to others and used by FIND feature on my blogger to see if there was ANYTHING to be found about Obama. With all the bad news coming out today, I thought maybe there would be some remark from Obama.

Nothing. The only entries were either old links or commentary, but NO NEWS headlines about Obama. None. Now that the Obama economic plans are tanking out, there is no word from the Commander-in-Cheese. A really genuine large RAT — Obama!

Is Obama still on vacation? Does the condition of the economy and the country not worry him enough to make a comment? And, is the MSM helping shield and hide Obama from the fallout of Obama’s lackluster economic plans?

What Ben Bernanke is saying today about the economy and the Fed, he said a few months ago when the bad news reared it’s ugly head back then. Same thing. If you have a brain cell you’ll note that the Fed can’t do a DAMN thing.

Why is Obama hiding? Because of the attention on the BAD economy and the state of the unemployed in America. The lights are on and the focus is on our economic future. So why is Obama hiding? You’ll recall that COCKROACHES only come out when the lights are out.

Yes Greg you are correct. All those special interest groups that are looking to gain something from the government are becoming the majority while those of us individuals who just want our individual rights back are quickly becoming the minority. With which group(s) do you obediently march in step?

Eleutherophobia- Fear of freedom
Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia- Fear of responsibility


You obviously have not stopped to think that at least eight of the categories you list does actually have conservatives among them. Just as faith based groups, CEOs here and overseas, Wall Street execs, big banks, big pharma, southern rednecks, etc., people the left makes a habit of demonizing, have liberal progressives among them.

Seems to me years of demonization of the opposition worked just fine for the democrats, all of a sudden the whiners are crying uncle. boo hoo. 🙄

@Greg 5

Ah… so the economy is all the fault of the Right??? Because we point out the F-ups of Obama and his policies?

Can’t be because of the coming largest tax increase in history? Or the unknown cost and ramifications of Health care “reform”? Or the unknown consequences of the latest “bank” overhaul? Or the latest changes from the Credit Card “fix”? Or the job killing ban on drilling in the Gulf? Or the upcoming EPA regs on CO2? Or the FCCs ignoring of the Court, and Law, and trying to regulate the internet?

Yep, its all because of a few folks on the internet… speaking their opinion…

Greg, are you really that ignorant and forgetfull?? Can you really tell me that the Democrats didn’t blame Bush for everything including the weather during his tenure. Sorry dude but you need to get real and understand that 0-bama has failed!! Not Bush and NOT the American people who have watched his socialist policies bring our country to brink of destruction. And all the while he takes vacation after vacation and his wife does the same. I have watched in amazement as you respond with your trash to every article that rightly points out how your boy has failed. I suggest you go back to your MSM networks and dring more of their Kool Aid vs. facing reality.

@Oil guy from Alberta: #12 Can we send the spent nuclear waste up your way to burry? That is the major problem. Where do your store radioactive stuff that nobody even knows how many thousands of years it will take to be safe? Too many things can happen in that time. Climates change. Dry areas become lakes and rivers. Land shifts. Earthquakes happen in unexpected places. That stuff could contaminate ground water without anybody knowing it. I’m all for nuclear power if they can solve the waste problem. Nobody wants it down here, so can we ship it up your way?

As a result the Chairman of the Federal Reserve said they will do whatever “is necessary” to prevent a further slide….” Does this mean that all of the Obama administration is resigning?

When the country is on the course its captain sets, the captain can vacation and party all he wants. The USS America is being scuttled by its captain and crew. Everything is going to their plan, so they can party on. The way I understand it, the captain parties an average of once every three days. I am going to guess that the further the USS America sinks, the more parties that will be held.


An hour hasn’t gone by that they haven’t loudly repeated the message that the President is incompetent or worse, that anything and everything the administration does, or might consider doing, is wrong, and that any efforts on their part to encourage economic recovery are doomed to inevitable failure.

Actually, the message from the GOP is much less than that of the TEA Party supporters, which includes self-identified independents and even a smattering of democrats. Not only that, but the GOP is almost as quiet as a church mouse compared to the constant chattering we heard when Bush was president, and the issues that are mentioned are no where near the lunacy the left engaged in.

Such levels of relentless, orchestrated negativity could reduce any successful American business dependent upon maintaining the confidence of its customers to total ruin inside of a week. They can do the same for an entire nation. It just takes a bit longer.

Really, now. The left tried this same tactic of blaming the right for the recession in the early 2000’s. They partially blamed Bush for discussing the economy negatively as a reason Gore lost the election.

Today you try the same thing. Blaming the right, who isn’t even in power, hasn’t been for almost 4 years congressionally, and hasn’t helped pass anything during Obama’s term in office so far. Your knowledge of business, as we have seen these past few days, is meager at best, yet you claim to know that constant belittling of the economy can cause a business to fail, and the economy itself, to remain depressed, or stay in recession.

Truth time, Greg. The business world is sitting on the sidelines, hanging onto capital, because Obama and his congressional leadership have chosen to ignore the people and vote into legislation a massive spending bill, stated to jumpstart the economy, but in fact, gives handouts to ‘privileged’ groups. Top it off with a healthcare takeover by the government of roughly 1/6th of the economy, that encompasses even more of the nations’ populace under entitlements. Add in pushes for CapNTrade, and talk about tax raises, and you get a very nervous public, unsure of what shoe is next to fall. The resultant contraction of economic activity is not a surprise to anyone with common sense about even the simplest aspects of economics.

We’re not those with the lengthening enemies list.

Tell that to the people who live on, or near, the Gulf and depend on the oil industry for their livelihood. Tell that to the people who live in Arizona, and the ones who support their illegal immigration legislation. Tell that to the closed GM and Chrysler dealers, forced to close at the behest of the feds. Tell that to people like me, forced already into paying higher premiums for healthcare. Tell that to the many more, who are soon to be affected negatively by Obama’s radical agenda.

The enemies you list? Most have been solidly in the lefts pocket for years and years, but more are waking up to the disingenuous policies the left foments upon them. I have a feeling that the left is in for a very rude awakening come November.

Can we send the spent nuclear waste up your way to burry?

Actually, France has been technologically way ahead of the US when it comes to nuclear energy. France takes spent fuel rods, breaks them down, getting rid of the more stable components, and manufactures new rods using new, and previously used material in the matrix. Their nuclear waste is very negligible considering they have two and a half times as many nuclear plants as we do.

Growing enemies list? 🙄 Yes, I guess we should simplify it so it’s just like the left’s enemies list which I have posted below.



The US currently has 104 operating nuclear power plants, France has 59 operating plants. However, France generates more than 70% of their electric power from nuclear where the US generates only about 19% of electric power from nuclear.

I was in the US Navy Nuclear Power Program for 10 years and then worked in the US commercial industry for an additional 17 years. I know well the challenges that are faced by the commercial verses the department of defense programs. Currently and since the inception of the defense departments use of nuclear power, all expended reactor cores have been reprocessed and useable materials recycled for further military use. Only about 5% of the fissionable material in a reactor core is actually expended, the remaining 95% is recovered and used to make new fuel. All reprocessing facilities are owned by the Defense Department. No civilian company in the US of A is allowed to own such reprocessing facilities.

Commercial nuclear plants at the present time must store all expended fuel either on site at the nuclear power plant or at an approved storeage facility. Most of the long term storage is in “dry” storage and the containers are located either in the outside areas of the associated plant or inside of specially designed fuel storage buildings. Such storage facilities are fully approved by the NRC with respect to all safety features.

The reprocessing of commercial waste (as in spent reactor fuel) is a political limit only. This is a carry-over limit from the “Atoms for Peace Program” that resulted in the commercialization of nuclear power, but also prevents the use of any commercially produced material from being used in a military application. Such use of commercial material of even a single atom would violate the Atoms for Peace limits. Thus the Defense Department can not reprocess waste (as in spent fuel) from commercial plants because the Defense Department can not assure the political agenda that NO ATOMS FOR PEACE are USED IN MILITARY APPLICATIONS.

@johngalt: #21 How close would you allow that “negligible” amount of radioactive waste to your house? Nobody knows how many thousands of years that stuff will last, and it will just keep piling up for those thousands of years as more waste keeps being added. It could even be hundreds of thousands of years.

@Tallgrass: #23 How long will it be before the storage areas are full? Keep in mind that the waste will last at least several thousand years and possibly many times more.

You do realize that ALL of the radioactive material we use already exists in Nature?

We do refine it, but the total amount of radioactivity is the same? But that is that pesky physics stuff… the same stuff that trips up the Global warming folks.


/Salute! Navy Nuc Power School, Oralndo Fla. Class 8006… didn’t finish, so my hat is off to you….

You are, of course, correct. I’m sure that I meant capacity related to total, and not actual power plants. That’s what one gets when trying to remember statistics and numbers when one is tired, lol.

I do remember reading an article in an industry magazine about France’s ability, civilian wise, of reprocessing the spent fuel being much greater than what the US is currently able to do, and that was my point.

I also spent just over ten years in the Navy Nuclear Power Program, from 89′ to 99′, but no time in the civilian sector. Was a great experience.

@Romeo13: #13 All of the stuff to make WMDs are on the earth tool. It’s when you bring a bunch of it to one place and process it that it becomes more dangerous. Nobody has answered my question if they would allow the stuff to be buried close to where they live.

All I am saying is that my opinion is that we shouldn’t build more nuclear plants until we figure out what to do with the waste that will keep piling up for thousands of years or more. That is all I am saying.


I was Nuc Power School Class 7101 at Mare Island, NPTU Idaho, USS Daniel Boone SSBN-629 and USS Seahorse SSN-669 (1970 to 1980)

Neglible amount of radioactivity . . . hum . . . how can I answer this without sounding like I don’t respect peoples concerns and fears . . . which I most certainly do have great respect for the fear that has been “purposefully” created. There was a time in the mid 1970’s through mid 1980’s when there were many, many “anti-nuclear” groups and organizations which when you added up the numbers of people that participated in the groups there were thousands, maybe hundreds of thousnds of people that were vehemently opposed to nuclear power. They continuously harped on “radioactive waste”, “reactor meltdowns”, “china syndrome”, “cancer rates”, ‘birth defects”, “millions and millions would be killed” . . . all fears based on ZERO real understanding of what they were talking about. It was a hopelessly confused situation and ultimately brought on the decline of the nuclear alternative. Not because of the loss of viability of the technology, but because of the “career” suicide it meant for any nuclear utility executive that supported it. Any electric utility executive knew that to announce the construction of a new nuclear power plant meant that their career was zeroed. The final and coup de grace to the industry was the Three Mile Island induced morotorium on new plants . . . then as now . . . our government discovered then that a “morotorium” on anything, as in the drilling for oil today, ultimately was a death blow to the industry.

So now lets talk about radioactivity. Neglible amounts, less than “minimum detectable” acitivity (the NRC words to describe this) exist everywhere on the earth, and in the universe for that matter. This includes even deep within the earth it self. If you build your home from brick it has slightly higher natural radioactivity than if you build from wood. If you have a basement again you have higher levels of radioactivity. If you get more medical x-rays you get more radiation exposure . . . ride on air planes you get more . . . if you live in the city surrounded by lots of concrete . . . if you live high in the mountains you get more exposure. A coal fired fossil fuel electric power plant that produces 1000 MWe of electric power releases more than 100,000 times that amount of radioactive material to the atmosphere than does the equivalent nuclear power plant. If you eat food produced in certain areas of the US you get more than if the food you eat comes from another area. All are neglible by government standards and are just a fact of life . . . thus neglible exposure to radioactive material is LIFE, period. So to be overly concerned about radioactivity and radioactive materials is truly and exercise in futility.

Then, why should I be concerned of nuclear power plants? Good question and it does deserve a good answer. You should be concerned because it is a high technology facility . . . it does represent a potential health hazard. With that said, and with all due respect, YOU should also be concerned with ALL high technology facilities NEAR where you live . . . and be aware that unplanned and dangerous events occur around such facilities . . . some of these unplanned events (PC for accident) kill people, damage the environment, poision the water, kill little animals . . . so since there is no hope of getting away from technology that does all these things . . . where would I want to live? Sure can not run off and hide in the mountains . . . heck even in the most remote areas there are dangerous technologies . . . so should I just bury my head in the sand? No don’t bury your head in the sand . . . find the safest, most monitored, most controlled, most public friendly and informative place to live. Want to guess where that would be? AT THE FENCE SURROUNDING A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. LMAO. I did exactly that. My home is less than 1000 yards from the fence around the site where a nuclear power plant was to be built. Note the past tense, WAS. The plant was ultimately cancelled, so there is no plant there. My lifetime career, which I did plan to spend at this NOT built plant was cancelled. I know first hand what happens when our government creates a morotorium!!! LMAO. Peoples lives are ruined or changed forever.

Now more on nuclear waste. The quantity of “high level waste” produced by a nuclear power plant of 1000 MWe is about 1 cubic yard each year of operation. This includes, spent fuel and any material that is subjected to high levels of radiation, such as tools, monitoring sensors and waste collected by cleaning and purification systems that are associated with the reactor core. Only the fuel is stored at the plants. All other waste are sent to government owned and operated storeage facilities where the waste is usually prepared for long term storage by encasement in glass and then placed in specially designed buried storage. Some of this waste, prior to burial, is processed to reduce the volumetric quantity by removal of water, incineration, compaction and other volume reduction processes. Thus, in 40 years of plant operation, which is the design lifetime of a typical nuclear plant, the plant will produce about 40 cubic yards of waste. Most of the storage facilities at the US nuclear power plants have been built to hold this quanity of waste. However, if additional storage is needed, it is built. Thus, the storage facility is NEVER full as the needs are evaluated and new facilities are built long before there is a need for them.

When, in the politically enlightened future, reprocessing of fuel from the commerical industry is allowed all of those waste storage facilities will become superfluous and basically the money that was spent to build those facilities will have been a cost that was unnecessary. LMAO. Most importantly, is that the concerns that we have today about the safety of the on-site storage facilities will have been a totally government produced safety hazard to the public. Thus, we must today accept the fact that if the government thinks it is safe . . . it is safe. Would it bother me to live near a nuclear power plant that has a fuel storage facility? Not at all, again I want to live as close as possible so that they will come and tell me when something happens. IMHO, it is better to live close to a defined hazard, that I will be warned about than next to a facility where they don’t bother to tell me because of the negative publicity. Get this difference, it is IMPORTANT.

So now a question . . . If you are a “Green Freak” and you belive in the concept of global warming . . . how can it be possible to be Anti-Nuclear . . . when literally millions of tons of CO2 are produced by coal fired electric plants? If you think solar, wind, and other forms of green energy are going to save your lifestyle then YOUR are an IDIOT and I can not help you.

SMORGASBORD: hi, I was thinking, HOW about STORING THOSE waste stuff up ward on
A satellite you can call “GARBIGE CAN SATELLITE” or other name. I think it’s doable. bye

TALLGRASS : I am impress with the knowledge, and logic,and easy way ,you write so we
CAN understand the SCIENCE: I think that the COST to build a facility to produce that energy, capable to meet the ever growing consumption from the communitys of the country as a whole,
become a big factor of rejection, from A GOVERNMENT who is against spending for the interest
of the country, and prefer to only talk about it, but not do any positive actions,or will create agencys to study the subject, where they will spend many years to come with some understanding of it, that to me is creating all kinds of DELAYS, so there will never action the project.
THANK you. bye

Obama – 1-24-2010:

“I have proposed an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan to immediately jumpstart job creation as well as long-term economic growth,” the president said.

Such a visionary….

Hey Bees;

Storage in space has been discussed and the feasibility has been studied. Thanks to NASA. There was a time, in the mid-60’s to mid 70’s when small nuclear reactors were used to produce electric power for satelites. The Russians used them more than the USA did. Some of these satelites have re-entered the earth’s atmosphere and burned up. The radioacitve material from those reactors has been spread across the earth’s surface and that material is still around today. Obviously we just live with it, there is nothing that can be done to collect and properly dispose of it.

The studies done by NASA include storage of hazardous materials on the surface of the moon. Yep, we would just load the waste on to a big rocket and send it off to the moon where it would just be crashed onto the surface of the moon and left there. Then someone realized, hey, we might want to build a colony up there one of these days and then we’d just have to collect that stuff up and send it on to the sun. So they studied that too. Why not just put it on a rocket, launch it toward the sun? Once the stuff came under the gravitational influence of the sun it would just continue on its merry way into the sun and be burned up by the sun. Then someone did the cost analysis and it turned out to be a lot cheaper just to live with it here on earth. They figured out that the cost of sending stuff up into space cost a few million dollars per kilogram and it just seemed like a waste of money to send it up there. So that idea just got put into the “round filing cabinet” and is now in a landfill somewhere, lol.

During the early days of nuclear power the US government had all kinds of “good ideas” to use nuclear power for including . . . hey, how about a nuclear powered air plane? So they built this 20 thousand foot runway up in Idaho so that they could have a place where the plane could take off, the run way can be found by looking at Google Earth, it is still there. The plane, well they built and tested a few different types of nuclear air plane engine, but they never built the plane (at least that is what is told to the public). Heck who knows, they might of actually built it and we see the darn thing as a UFO, lol.

They designed and built, but never used, a nuclear powered rocket engine.

The Russians designed, built and deployed a few thousand nuclear powered navigation stations. These navigation stations were deployed to areas of the USSR where there was no electric power readily available, like on the frozen tundra of Siberia or deep in the forrest of Siberia. They never bothered to collect up these navigation stations, just left them setting around out there all by themselves. Well, a couple of hunters were out there killing little animals to eat and they stayed out past dark and got lost. As they were wandering around in the dark they found this nice warm “thingy” and they said, “wow, we don’t need no camp fire, we can just sleep next to this nice and warm thingy”. So they did and they got a little fried . . . kilted both them boys. They’d done found themselves a nuclear powered heater and it was a terrible thing to happen, but they did sleep warm that last night they lived. No this is not a joke . . . it sounds crazy . . . but this happened.

Them Russians they was smart folks. They also figured out that if they irradiated Quadrotriticale . . . yep that stuff from Star Trek . . . it is real . . . and we grow it for food!!! We call it a much more mundane word . . . we call it wheat. Anyway, wheat that is irradiated will sprout at a much lower temperature. So hey, if we irradiate our wheat seed we can get it to start growing when it is cold outside and we can get more wheat since our growing season is longer. Wow, what a great idea. So they produced a type of seed planter with a radiation source on it. Just like a cancer treatment machine . . . it had a cobalt-60 radiation source on it and they zoomied the wheat seed!!! So they did this for a few years and pretty soon that seeding machine got old and worn out. So what do we do with a old worn out seeder? We put it out there with the old junk farm equipment. So the Russians now have thousands of old seeding planters strewn all over the old USSR countries that create huge problems . . . cause they kill people that don’t know what they are. I think that most of these have now been rounded up and sent off to Siberia where they are buried.

Why am I telling you all these stories? Simply because these stories represent the way it “use-ta-be”. Threre was a time in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s when the concern for radioactive material was much less than today. Today, the technology has advanced, humans have died, and we know now what we can and can not do.

Waste from a nuclear power plant is so small compared to what we and they have done in the past. We have learned our lessons. Just as the railroad only puts crossing barriers at crossings where people have died, we now know how to be safe with nuclear material too.

TALLGRASS; THANK YOU, I just want to say, there is a POWER nucleor plant SHOT down for defects,and to expansive to fix
A few years ago, around the MARITIMES in CANADA, and THE QUEBEC PROVINCE wanted to buy last year
THE electric company of this maritime province, so they would work and REOPEN that PLANT and put it in shape to regenerate electricity, and also they would have to be able to sell to USA their ELECTRICITE, which is a big market to have; BUT the DEAL fell down because the people refused to let the province sell their electric company. bye

@ilovebeeswarzone: #30 That was considered many years ago and quickly rejected. Rockets explode or go off course and have to be destroyed to keep them from landing in a populated area. Either way, the radio active waste could be spread over thousands of miles or just a few, contaminating millions of people with small doses of radiation or thousands of people with massive doses.

I still haven’t heard anyone say they would vote for the waste to be buried near them. I’m not thinking of now. The stuff will last for thousands of years. Will it be safe for people after that time? Will the government pay for monitoring all of the sights during those thousands of years? Will the land it is buried under be there in that length of time? That is my main concern.

I don’t mean to go on about this, and I know others don’t want to keep reading about it, so I will end my comments on it.

@ Greg

Besides the fact that you have once again used a strawman by failing to address the arguments proceeding your post, you seriously want to bring up an enemies list? Name an organization that isn’t a union that hasn’t made Obama’s enemy list. Let’s see, there’s banks, insurance companies, coal, you know what, let’s just say all American business unless you make batteries that power the Chevy Volt to that whopping 40 miles to the charge. We can add a few countries to that list too: England, Germany, Australia, and of course Israel.
By the way, I’m an enviornmentalist, I think you meant enviornmental whackos. Funny how the “environmentalist” rallies are the ones that leave the most trash behind –
Oh and that sweet carbon footprint the environmentalist left at Copenhagen –

By mainstream scientist, I suppose you mean scientists that agree with you. If they don’t there is no way they could be mainstream, right? Everyone knows that the very foundation of science is consensus. Why search for the truth when consensus fits your agenda.

Your arguments are weak. There are other victims besides those that have lost their homes. There are people that could actually afford to pay their mortgages that have homes that are now worth less than half of what they used to be. Democrats caused the housing crisis. And I see that Barney Frank has now changed his tune –

Sorry Greg, but when even Barney Frank starts to see the light, your side is in serious trouble.

Keeping in mind that the CBO report cited (February 4, 2009), did not say that the economy “will fix itself if Government just stays the hell outta the way”, as this author purports. Actually, the CBO is reported in the original article as saying, “President Obama’s economic recovery package will actually hurt the economy more in the long run than if he were to do nothing.”

But, it does not logically follow from that statement that the economy ‘would fix itself’ if he’d done nothing. Actually, I agree with many economists, that the Administration should have done more of the right things to stimulate the economy, rather than the actions that have been taken, or doing nothing.

Many socialist countries are exhibiting recovering economies: The UK economy, Europe’s second largest, sustained the fastest pace of growth in a year during the first quarter on a revival in industrial production.

AQUA “Democrats caused the housing crises.” That statement is blatantly false and has previously been beaten to death.

@ rich wheeler

Really Rich? Maybe it’s just a matter of semantics. How ’bout enabled? That better for you? Here’s some stuff from Fact Check:

The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.

Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.

Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.

Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.

The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.

Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.

Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.

The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.

An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.

Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.

I’ll buy most of this stuff that Fact Check says is responsible for the crisis. But they all have one thing in common, The Community Reinvestment Act. First signed into law by Jimmah and later expanded by Slick Willie. Presented to each democrat president by a democrat congress. But I’m sure you would rather blame Wall Street, the bankers and mortgage brokers, right? They should have lent the money and then carried the mortgages when people couldn’t pay them back. Wall Street should have bought these mortgages as an act of charity, with no plans whatsoever to find a way to profit, right? That’s what companies do you know, exist for charity, not profit. Bankers that were being demonized by “community organizers” to lend money for risky mortgages should have held firm. And how about the democrats in congress that never met a regulation they didn’t like when it comes to private business calling the attempts for oversight of Fannie and Freddie and attempt to “lynch” Franklin Raines?
You can say it’s a false accusation all you want, saying it doesn’t make it so. Facts are facts and even Barney Frank knows it’s true. You can hear it in his own words, just as I posted above.

AQUA ” I’ll buy most of this stuff Factcheck says is responsible for the crisis.”That’s mighty big of you.I’ll buy all of it and say it makes my case that there are so many factors involved it is not a Dem vs. Repub debate.

Note When I was a mortgage banker and broker I can assure you “W” was PERSONALLY stressing the advantages of home ownership for all.He saw it as beneficial to the overall community,home owners generally being more law abiding and more community involved.

@ rich wheeler

Excellent. If you buy all of it you have to conclude that the whole crisis was enabled by the CRA signed by Jimmah and expanded by Bubba.

Let’s see, which one is worse; two democrat presidents that signed into law programs that relaxed credit requirements, a current democrat president that claims one of his proudest achievements was housing advocacy, (a nice way of calling bankers racists if they refused loans to uncredit worthy applicants), or W PERSONALLY stressing the advantages of home ownership.

I’m going to go with the democrats on this one. And you know how you can tell when a problem was specifically the fault of democrats? It’s when a democrat says it is not a dem vs. repub debate.

I’m an engineer, in my line of work when something fails we do root cause analysis. Although there may be many contributing factors, you can ALWAYS point to the one thing that set the dominos in motion. Did the Federal Reserve screw up, yep. Did bankers get greedy, yeah, do scorpions sting? Did Wall Street try to profit? Bear = woods. But these actions are a direct result of the CRA.


A question for you – though it may be outside your expertise… any guesses acceptable!

You’ve probably heard that hunters in Germany have been warned that wild pigs are contaminated with radioactivity that is supposed to originate from vegetation eaten that has been affected by the Chernobyl incident. As I understand it, the hunters are supposed to take their kill to stations where they will be tested for radioactivity. There are lots about this that has me puzzled, but among other things – how long should this be expected to be a problem, and how much of a problem _is_ it? for example … it seems to me that one of the fears we’ve been warned of has been the effect on genetic mutations – if there’s enough radioactive contamination to make the meat unsafe to eat, would there be enough to cause mutations? Is it likely to affect the lifespan of the wild pigs who _don’t_ get killed?

It’s an interesting situation – which I don’t understand in the first place, since I don’t think wild pigs migrate, Chernobyl is a _long_ way from Germany, and the winds blow to the east – I think. But…ignoring all that – any opinions?

“Let’s see, which one is worse; two democrat presidents that signed into law programs that relaxed credit requirements, a current democrat president that claims one of his proudest achievements was housing advocacy, (a nice way of calling bankers racists if they refused loans to uncredit worthy applicants), or W PERSONALLY stressing the advantages of home ownership.”

thank you, well said Aqua.

Aqua The CRA,as we all know,had little to do with the loans my industry was making from 2002-2006.The 30 to 40 % decline you and I have incurred in our home values 2006-2010 follows up an inflated rise of over 100% between 2000-2006.It was funny money profit unless you sold or took it out in refi or LOC.

@rich wheeler 44

No, the loans made during that period were based on the knowledge that Fannie and Freddie would take those loans off the hands of the origionator company… thus handing the liability for a bad loan to a Gov backed entity.

So, as long as the loan looked OK on paper, there was little to no real liability to those giving the loan…

And because of the “Jumbo” loan packages available, housing prices rose because that money was available.

But because the Governemnt primarily gages economic success by how much money is changing hands (GDP)… those higher prices for housing looked good… and housing became an ever greater portion of the GDP (because housing has to be a somthing built internaly to the country, ie, you can’t import housing…).

So, IMO, its not so much a Dem or Repub created problem… as a Washington created problem, with the collusion of the Fed Res Bank (whose members made a BUTT load of profit those years, while handing the liability off to Fannie and Freddie ie, the Government).

@ rich wheeler

You are absolutely correct Rich, between 2002 and 2006 it was the federal reserve cutting interest rates and creating a lot of loose or as you called it funny money. But the lynchpin remained the CRA. The pressure from congress to reduce the need for down payments and good credit were mixed with the lowering of rates by the fed to create the perfect storm. People began refinancing their homes and yanking out equity, buying bigger homes with little or no money down, and start up banks were dealing almost exclusively with CRA loans in the hope of being bought by bigger banks. Having a high CRA loan rate made them appealing to larger banks so they could be in compliance with CRA. No matter which way you run in the circle Rich, you will end up back at CRA.

@ Curt

Explained perfectly. I hope Rich reads it.

As Rich Wheeler keeps pointing out, the CRA had little to do with the subprime mortgage crisis. If you wish to conclude that the CRA was the root of the problem, you’ll have to base that conclusion on something other than the facts:

“Two basic points emerge from our analysis of the available data. First, only a small portion of subprime mortgage originations is related to the CRA. Second, CRA-related loans appear to perform comparably to other types of subprime loans. Taken together, the available evidence seems to run counter to the contention that the CRA contributed in any substantive way to the current mortgage crisis.”

They support thir conclusions with the numbers.

I don’t know much about the mechanics of the economy, but I have lived through several recessions, and it is always the same. When you raise taxes, the economy goes down. When you reduce taxes, the economy goes up. What the propaganda media and the democrats aren’t telling us is that after the George Bush tax cuts the USA took in more money than before the cuts.

The libs aren’t going to believe #10. They know that by lowering taxes the economy goes up, so why would they raise taxes knowing it would lower the economy? Have you figured out yet who’s side they are on?

@Aqua: #39 Let’s not forget the people that didn’t even have jobs that the democrats forced the banks to give low interest loans to. When the interest went up, the still jobless couldn’t pay the payments.

Let’s look at how much each politician made from Fannie Mae and Freddie mac.

Let’s not forget how much was donated to politicians by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and who got the most.

We need to take the money out of campaigns. Some say the Federal government should pay for them. I am open for any reasonable idea. Right now money rules. A lot of companies and wealthy individuals donate to both parties so that no matter who wins they get what they want from the politicians.