How Can Obama Do and Say Such Stupid Things? [Reader Post]


Recently, President Obama talked about the Ground Zero Mosque and how they had the right to build a mosque anywhere they want.  Twice afterwards, President Obama has attempted to clarify his remarks.  Bill O’Reilly said, “He’s gotta know he’s gonna get hammered for these remarks all day long.” (I am paraphrasing).

He doesn’t.  President Obama does not know this.   He and much of his staff live in the White House bubble, insulated, to some degree, from the outside world.  Furthermore, Obama and his inside circle are a bunch of ideologues.  So, when Obama makes a pronouncement of great wisdom and truth (in their eyes), they are thrown for a loop when it goes bad.

Let me give you my opinion as to how they think:

They see much of the American population from an elitist viewpoint.   There are so many people who cannot make it from day to day without government help and assistance.  These same people do not see the whole picture, which Obama and company get.

There are fundamentalist Christians like me, who, in their view, cling to our guns and our religion and view those outside our cultural circle with suspicion and antipathy.  Many of us are not too bright, and we get ginned up by various entities, like FoxNews.

So, when Obama makes a statement, primarily to a Muslim group, sounding as if he completely supports building the Ground Zero Mosque, he knows in his own heart that he is completely right on this issue.  He and his inner circle have no doubts as to their brilliance and grasp of human events (after all, Obama did teach the constitution at the University of Chicago; and his inner circle is filled with intelligent and educated people).

So, how do the people get it so wrong, in his view?  First, there are political forces on the other side who organize opposition to him.  This is the great right wing conspiracy, and this is why Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi can say that we need to investigate the funding of these people who do not support the mosque.  This is how they think.  They do political organizing; they pay their own minions to write and to organize, so they believe there is this vast right wing conspiracy out there doing the exact same thing.  It is all about power, and it is what they believe the Republicans are doing.  They judge others based upon their own actions.

Remember how the left accused FoxNews of receiving talking points from the White House?  They simply assumed, based upon what they did, that those on the right must be doing the same thing.

Secondly, because people are not that sophisticated or educated (in their eyes), they are easily driven by FoxNews and TalkRadio.  So, when we, the hoi polloi, hear about the Ground Zero Mosque, we do not think much about it, but then, when we listen to Rush Limbaugh or to FoxNews, their persuasive speech gets us all wee-weed up.  If we could hear a different viewpoint or be willing to watch a different newscast (which the president has suggested to us on the right), we would better understand the issues, and more of us would take Obama’s side on this.

This explains why the White House began to get in a war with FoxNews and proclaimed that they were not really a news-gathering operation.  This explains why the White House goes into full panic mode because they think Shirley Sherrod is going to be on Glenn Beck.  It is not that they find Shirley Sherrod to be wrong, but they are panicked that Beck is going to turn us into angry mobs.

So, why does Obama push through an unpopular healthcare bill, even though the polls are against him?   He knows that we, the American public, have gotten all mixed up listening to TalkRadio and watching FoxNews, and that all he has to do is, get out there, and calmly explain that he knows what is best for us (yes, Dr. Obama with his extensive understanding of the medical profession), and we will get it.  It does not occur to him that he is wrong; he simply thinks that his messaging is off and/or there is this vast right wing conspiracy out there trying to unseat him.

So, if you understand the White House bubble, the idea that we, the public, are really not all that bright and too easily swayed by persuasive speakers, then the things which President Obama says and does, no matter how wrong, make a lot more sense.

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Poor dears, they are so frightened they don’t know what to say. . . as they hunker down in the oval office. . . clinging to theirThoughts of Chairman Mao and their Lattes.

Because a slim majority of the dumbest generation of Voters evah believed that the Magic Half Kenyan told them what they 2qnred to hear and lied to them all.

Imagine that…

Because Obama is far below #2, he tries really hard to say and do stupid things.
Note: It just comes natural to Joey “Plugs” Biden.

… because imbeciles like johnnie ryan will cheer him on.

b-a-ho is a pomous elitist TURD. I have talked to man in person, three feet from his face. HE IS a condesending IDIOT. It make NO difference what you say to this twit YOU ARE wrong . you are not worthy of comment on HIS actions. He is always right just ask him. he is not EVEN a good liar. You can tell when he is not telling the truth, his lips are moving. EVERYTHING he says has no substance to it. It is all puffed up BULLSH$T>

Gotta go with Wilford. Elitest TURD! It fits and he is baking it up with personal experience.
It does make sense however, that the Prez and his advisors do lack any pretext of being aware of the public. And as the Lightbringer, obama is supposed to be able to sooth and fix everything. And then as the good little proletariat we should fall in line. And suddenly we go…………wait a minute pal!

WILFORD #8 Brilliant

OLD TROOBER2 #2 Obama had 8 million vote plurality in 2008. W lost popular vote in 2000 and won by less tnan i million in 2004

rich wheeler…and you do not have the good sense that the signers of the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution had on the scrapings of their boots.

You were a Limited Duty Officer in the USMC and never Fully Commissioned.

Stop posting your bull crap here Junior.

Some of Us know better and you know that.

OLD TROOPER 2 You must really be an old fart to call me junior.I was commissioned a 2nd Lieut. in the USMC in June 1966 spent 13 months in V.N. and was discharged from active duty as 1st 1969 :promoted to Capt. in reserves in 1970.What the hell is a Limited Duty Officer and where do you get the balls to question my service?

“Twice afterwards, President Obama has attempted to clarify his remarks.”

Perhaps, as the President of the United States, he felt a need to repeat his unqualified support for the First Amendment to the Constitution, since a significant number of conservatives who like to think of themselves as supportive of the Constitution didn’t appear to be getting it.

Contrary to popular belief, the First Amendment does not open with the words, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, except in the case of Muslims.

What he said was perfectly clear. Anyone who doesn’t understand what he said simply doesn’t want to.

Those who do understand what he said, but disagree, should stop thinking of themselves as unqualified supporters of our Constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms.

Rich Wheeler,
Old tropoper 2 has been there, done that. He was never awarded the T-shirt because no one else knew he was there. That is what SF is about. If you would like to compare your experiences as a butter bar and a still wet behind the ears Captain, then you are what he described.

When I retired, I carried a similar rank as Old Trooper 2. You will never find me attacking his knowledge on how things work. I might have as a company grade officer, but never now. A lot has happened in the world since the 1960’s. I always told my sons, my enlisted troops and junior officers to listen first instead of shooting off my mouth or in this case, shooting off a post. Maybe that advice would do you some good, too.

Obama has an agenda, and he’s not about to let the needs of America get in his way.

Rich wheeler: OLD TROOPER is home here and what he says is not to be challenge,
because HE does’nt talk for nothing, as you do.

To use Mr. O-bummer’s own words, “he acted stupidly” when he decided to chime in on the Ground Zero Mosque.

Greg, go back in your crib and stop trying to play with real grown ups. Your diapers must be really stinky given all the BS you attempt to lay on us. Obviously a blinded Democrat.

Well said. But remember, the left is perpetually in pursuit of absolute, dictatorial power. So although leftists excoriate FOX, Rush, Savage and the like for “misleading” the little people, in effect, corrupting the bright and true path progressives have laid for the betterment of those who are incapable of managing their own lives, at best this is only a feigned outrage over the rights interference with the selfless work of our betters. The left wishes to dominate and RULE. Conservatives–that is, actual Americans–stand in the way by exposing leftists for their true purpose and agenda.

OLDPUPPYMAX : hi, YOU said it all, and for all to understand, I call that, very EFFECTIVE. bye

I believe it’s more than a case of the progressives having an agenda. They truly believe that they know what’s what, and that any intelligent person will find it obvious that they are correct. When intelligent people see things differently, they ascribe it to sheer perversity and a desire to do evil. That’s one reason they respond with an -ist word (or, occasionally, an -ophobe word).

That line about their being the “reality based community” is not just a riff. It’s something they truly believe. If you don’t agree with them, you can’t be based in reality. Ergo the statements about clinging to Bibles and guns, the statements that commentators on the right are merely demagogues rousing the rabble with emotional rather than intellectual content.

Very few Marines are as stupid as Randy, if he is a Marine, I say is because once a Marine always a Marine. The only other as stupid and corrupt was Jack Murtha.

Randy and Bees In previous posts I have applauded O.T.’s service. Why should he question mine?.My post re 2000-2008 elections were accurate.Do you question them?

jainphx. WHY RANDY?, HE said it like it was very clear,AND it was right. FAR from stupid,

Dear friends,
It is not about any poster here.
It is about whether those of us who are U S Citizens are capable of coming to our own conclusions, making our own decisions, and deciding for ourselves what we like and do not like.
I, for one, do not need someone to decide for me whether I will assent to a Ground Zero Mosque or not.
I have an earned doctorate in Mathematics from a major University. I have access to the internet, and I have read the Koran. I have read extensively from, a website documenting the depredations of Islam in India.
Go for a visit. Then be afraid. Be very afraid.
An adviser to President Bush wrote an article today about how Islam is Peace. She cited no documents, provided no evidence, and just claimed that Muslims can live right alongside everyone else without conflict.
If Islam is Peace, I have not found the country controlled by Sharia where peace applies to women. Nor where peace applies to non-Muslims. In fact, quite a bit of Islamic activity is directed towards other practices of Islam (for example, Sunni vs Shi’ite in Iraq).

A President who has never been responsible for a payroll is not qualified to speak on the issue of small business.

A President who has never practiced medicine nor worked as an insurance underwriter is not qualified to decide for me what health insurance I purchase.

A President whose entire career, prior to the Presidency, is a closed book, is not qualified to speak about openness.

In terms of the record, this President is qualified only to read from a teleprompter. I know of no documentation of other skills and abilities.

A President who is clearly oblivious to how he is perceived by the thoughtful people in the United States has a major problem.

It is not that we do not understand his message. We get it, we don’t like it, and we wish he would stop.

Rich Wheeler,
I think you missed the point of OT2s post. As far as the junior comment, I think officers below the grade of Major are still refered to as junior officers.

Randy He didn’t say junior officer. He said “never fully comissioned officer” Never heard of it.

in all reality he is doing a fine job unseating him self every time he opens his mouth with statements like our borders are vass mean while he is telling the republican and democrates unless you pass the amnesty bill we sill not do any thing about the borders . and with iranian terrorist flying into south america ,the iran ship with crates labled tractor parts? which was bomb assembly parts and their new suply of uranium from south america our southern border is no longer a immagration closure but a security measure to prevent dirty bombs being delivered by crossing the borders then he opens his mouth saying the constitution gives the muslims the right to build their moss when so manny christians have had their freedom of religion taken away from them in the schools, public court houses and at their work places .
it is all politicial bull with his adminastrations own agenda has they try to cover up what they are really doing . trying to make our government into a socialist government has they strip our constitutional freedoms away.
even a fool who has read their constitution knows this or can at least see this has our future and we the people better wake up and remember this at the voting polls

Mathman –
Well expressed. Logic is not the domain of the Progressives. Confusion and trickery are the hallmarks of Progressives. In NY state the candidate Andrew Coumo makes no pretense of being anything other than a Progressive. Sound bites of his campaign speeches show he names his party Progressive. Ah, the last several years of seeing Progressive insurance on televison, all beautiful in white surroundings, helpful associates in white lab coats, giving you whatever product in insurance you desire. To me it was a set up for Democrats coming out and you can guess the rest….

If you recall, back in the 60s-70s there was a silly system for commissioning officers. Everyone held two ranks. One was a war time rank and a reserve rank. This system changed in the late 70s early 80s. Remember MG Custer held a reserve rank of LTC?

I think that when you started discussing popular vote which means as much as how many toes my cat has, OT2 saw you going off into a place he values beyond life. You have consistently posted thoughtful ideas. I think you rubbed the wrong way.

RANDY Thanks for your kind response O.T. said the 2008 election was decided by a “slim majority—- ” i suggest 69,456,897 to 59,934,814 and E.C. vote of 385-173 disputes his assertion’.

I was a fully comissioned officer in the USMC.THAT’S A FACT.

To my fellow Jarheads, cool it Gentlemen, this is not about our little scuttlebutt hash it over for the sake of who’s right on anything, it’s about a CnC who is quite possibly the most dangerous, lieing piece of shit who ever hit the address of 1600 Pen. Ave. What a disgrace for all of our fellow Comrades in Arms. If this pos will willingly lie about his past, what is he capable of lieing to us in the curent? His opinions mean squat to me.
Do not give him the satisifaction of remoltely reconizing him as a CnC or anything else for that matter, Remember our slogan, “never given, always earned.” One may have a great deal of respect for the Office of the Presidency, of which I do and always have but, this traitor to our Republic deserves not to even wipe clean the blood from the boots of any of our most Patriotic among us, our Military.
A Republic, if you can keep it, always comes to mind, even in times such as these. Yes we must be vigilent right up to the point of voting for the American who represents We the People, not those who voted for us the government, of the government, and for the government. DO we need to waste precious resources or our minds on those who we disagree, yes but only when it is historically correct, ideology never counts does it. Although We the People have many diverse ideas, faiths, fortunes nothing ever counts if it lacks the principles and values we not only respect but we must demand HONOR by those who We the People chose to Represent We the People. Anything less is a non-qualifier.
Our current CnC is in way over his head, wether or not he claims to be a christian, a mulims, or even a Jew or a non-faith person. It is his desire to rule that we should concentrate on. He is in over his head because he’s a self loathing fool of the first order, if it is not about him it is of no real concern to him. We are past this notion and have been from the start, well at least some of us are anyway, so we must reconize the only objective is to soundly defeat him and his merry band of theives come next election.
The injury he and his henchmen are inflicting upon these United States is nothing short of treason, a traitors mentality, and as long as there are too many with the D after their name, nothing is going to change, nor will they reconize the need for impeachment. So our fight is to get these fools off our backs, reclaim our individual rights and demand a new process for vetting, you know the saying fool me once.

Average Infidel: hi, WE should put you on a top place of the votes,
BECAUSE we can beleive that you are diserving to be on the front, to repair and bring back the PRIDE and HOPE for the FUTURE in AMERICA FOR THE AMERICANS.
BEST to you SR

The problem with him and many people like him is this: They have been coddled and glorified their whole lives and they were never allowed to associate with anyone who didn’t agree with them or think that they were as great as they thought they were.

So what happens to a person when you surround yourself with only people who tell you how brilliant you are? Eventually you believe it.

Our commander in chief is a prime example of self esteem programming gone amuk. Everyone needs a crusty old John the Baptist around you to keep you real. He doesn’t have that person. I don’t condemn him. I pity him.

Average Infidel- well well said. I do believe he is out to ruin this country. Remember one of his campaign lines ” We live in the greatest country on earth. Let’s change it” Yeah, and he sure meant it.

I did disagree with former presidents about their policies and self interest, but I never, ever questioned their loyalty or patriotism. That all changed with barry soetoro. I think HE is the Trojan Horse, not the proposed mosque that is the subject of another post.