Obama’s Mosque Sets Democrats Into Panic [Reader Post]


Barack Obama’s support for building a mosque at Ground Zero has set Democrats in a sheer panic. The NY Times reported that Obama “strongly” supports the mosque and his remarks set off a wildfire of response. While Obama is “strongly” in favor of the mosque at Ground Zero, Americans are “strongly” opposed to it. And that is spilling over into the election cycle.

Big time.

And Democrats — at least those who were willing to comment — could barely contain their frustration over Obama’s remarks, saying he had potentially placed every one of their candidates in the middle of the debate by giving GOP candidates a chance to ask them point-blank: Do you agree with Obama on the mosque?

This is going to be a powerful campaign issue, and liberals who recognize that this is a major loser are rapidly getting all wee-weed up. If you happened to be in DC or New York City over the last two nights and you happened to cast your glance skyward you would have seen the Journolist signal:

journolist signal

And they sprang to work to rescue the One.

GOP keeps mosque flap alive

Republicans jumped Sunday on President Barack Obama’s defense of a proposed mosque near where the World Trade Center stood before the Sept. 11 attacks, seeking to make his comments a campaign issue for Democrats come November.

GOP takes harsher stance toward Islam

The harsh Republican response to President Barack Obama’s defense of a mosque near ground zero marks a dramatic shift in the party’s posture toward Islam — from a once active courtship of Muslim voters to a very public tolerance after Sept. 11 to an openly aired sense of mistrust.

Republicans attack Obama over Muslim center comments

Republicans attacked President Barack Obama on Sunday for his comments on a controversial plan to build a Muslim cultural center in New York, saying he was “disconnected” from the nation in an election year.

Newt Gingrich compares mosque to Nazis

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Monday compared the mosque planned to go up blocks away from ground zero in New York to Nazis protesting next to the Holocaust museum.

White House tries to move on from debate over controversial N.Y. mosque

White House officials are ready to move past President Obama’s controversial decision to weigh in on the so-called Ground Zero Mosque.

Obama’s comments seemingly endorsing the building of a mosque several blocks from the site of the 2001 terrorist attacks sparked a firestorm over the weekend. Many Republicans appear intent on making the comments a midterm election issue.

But now that the president has had his say, the White House communications shop is looking to move on, according to spokesman Bill Burton.

Not so fast, cupcake.

Greg Sargent unleashed a torrent of self-righteous posts insulting those who oppose the Ground Zero mosque and imploring “commentators” to condemn GOP criticism of Obama’s support.

The singular most pathetic offering came from David Halperin. Halperin recognizes that Obama has lit a match in the dry forest and a conflagration is coming. Obama and has stepped in it and Halperin wants us all to ignore the stench and overlook the footprints on the floor.

The political potency of the issue is obvious. Polls overwhelmingly show the President has put himself on the wrong side of public opinion. Opposition to the new facility arouses acute emotion and creates near total unity among relatives of 9/11 victims, first responders, Republican officeholders, potential 2012 presidential candidates, Tea Party members, the Fox News–talk radio–Drudge Report echo machine and many of the highly coveted swing and occasional voters whom you will need at the polls to win in November.

So what should Republicans who hold the most potent campaign issue since “Read my lips” do?

Why, they should be good sports and not use it!

Yes, Republicans, you can take advantage of this heated circumstance, backed by the families of the 9/11 victims, in their most emotional return to the public stage since 2001.

But please don’t do it.

Halperin’s liberals called Tea Partiers “teabaggers.” They called Tea Partiers bigots. They called them no end of names. They falsely accused them of using racial pejoratives. Anyone critical of Barack Obama is called a racist.

As I said, Republicans, this is your moment. As a famous New Yorker once urged in a very different context: Do the right thing.

You had your chance to do the right thing and you didn’t do it, Halperin. Now your advice is for Republicans to stick their own heads up their rear ends?

Go f*** yourself.

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Sure makes me wonder what the “October Surprise” is going to be.

It sure better be a humdinger if they think they can squelch this…

I heard you have a f-up liberal here so I’m taking you off my side bar!


THE signs where there all along to see this coming, HE just could’nt resist it, why?, because he’s one of them, and HE WON, why should he restrict himself, THIS is a payof for services renderd.

dcat: hi, excuse me but I’m trying to understand your line, and who is the traitor. bye

It isn’t Obama’s, except in the hopeful republican imagination. He spoke out on the fundamental right of religious people in America to build where local ordinances allow, without being singled out and persecuted because of their culture or faith. Good for Obama.

It isn’t primarily a mosque. It’s an Islamic cultural center. There will be public meeting rooms, reading rooms, basketball courts, even a culinary arts school. Does that sound like a mosque? There will be prayer rooms on the upper floors. Muslims pray five times daily. What a shocker that there should be special areas devoted to that.

It isn’t at Ground Zero. It’s two New York blocks away. You won’t even be able to see the place from Ground Zero.

“Nazis don’t have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust Museum in Washington. We would never accept the Japanese putting up a site next to Pearl Harbor.”

American Muslims aren’t nazis, Newt. American Muslims didn’t attack the World Trade Center. There were American Muslims among the first responders on that day, and there were American Muslims who died in the attack.

I can’t believe republicans of Gingrich’s stature are blatantly attempting to exploit religious and cultural intolerance to blow up a minor local issue into a contrived, divisive national issue. What he’s been saying runs contrary to everything I was taught America is supposed to be all about. It’s a serious political miscalculation, in my opinion. They’re setting themselves up for a backlash. Someone is going to connect the dots for people, and a lot of Americans aren’t going to like the picture of the republican party that emerges.

What’s totally astonishing is that there are plenty of real issues they could be focusing on.

WHAT you call a MAJORITY that express their will to refuse an abomination to be happening.
DONT blame a party or a person in particular, because you would be blaming AMERICA itself.


What’s totally astonishing is that there are plenty of real issues they could be focusing on.

I can agree with that, although I’m sure the way those issues should be dealt with are different between us. 😉

I can picture the outcry of the DEMOCRATS and their MEDIAS, IF GEORGE BUSH would have done that.

GWB might well have made some very similar statement, if he were still President. As much as I disagreed with him, he always stated very clearly that America was at war with terrorists, not with Islam. I give him credit for really meaning that.

Actually the likes of Maureen Dowd are begging George W. Bush to get involved since President Obama has not delivered.


Smell the desperation. Cordoba House is rapidly becoming the Dem’s Brooklyn Bridge sale.

Hey Smorgy: Soups on again!

Unfortunately, I wouldn’t look for many republicans to make this the big election year issue it should be. As spinelessness has taken over the party, most of our slack jawed candidates will practice the tried and true, Mitch McConnell drill of hiding under their desks. The left has “warned” republicans to not make hay of the issue, secure in the belief that most will obey! Juan McCain’s supple spine and flaccid wrist at their finest.

It’s people like Greg that have brought us to this situation, you see they are just so much more caring and knowledgeable than us little people. Understanding the mind of the Muslim isn’t hard, look around. Honor killings, stoning women to death, women wearing full body lamp shades, being kept from an education. All this in the name of allah, it’s called sharia. Keep up the pretense that it’s all about “freedom of religion” Once built, can an “infidel” go there to pray or just visit. How about women, are they allowed in the mosque? How fast the left, that can’t find words in our constitution that are there, now presume to lecture us all on the Constitution. You find words that are NOT there, because you see, it’s what you say it is. People don’t fall for their bullcrap any longer.

Greg- You have got to be kidding. Why not ask the families of the murdered 9/11 victims whether they want the 13 story “cultural center” – a citadel to Islam, a block and a half away from where their loved ones are buried? I lost friends in the WTC. I find it reprehensible that they want to erect this citadel anywhere NEAR Ground Zero. Why right THERE? If they really wanted to promote multicultural understanding, then they would heed to sensitivites of people who oppose it and build elsewhere.

You do know what Cordoba stands for, right? Islamic victory over the infidels.

And what’s with Princess Pelosi calling for an “investigation” into those who oppose the citadel?

You all DO know that Muslims say they won’t show their true faith to non-believers. These will be the same people who form the sleeper cells that are being homegrown right now. This citadel is a Trojan Horse. Just watch.

GO when they will step on the platform, they dont have to take order from the DEMOCRATS,
THIS next election will be followed from all the WORLD, and all secrets on the list will be revealed to AMERICANS so
they will make their own choice, not like the last election: IT will be TRUTH. bye

Greg, do you really like displaying your ignorance and insensitive nature for all to see?? The one argument Democrats and flaming liberals like you fail to apply to any argument is common sense. Do you believe that 9/11 was done in the name of Allah or 0bama?? I would love for you to take your smug attitude and face the families who lost loved ones on that day.

Greg 5 and 9. Great posts.As GWB said the war is with the terrorists,not with Islam.
Personally,I don’t give a rats– if they build the center or not.”A trojan horse” from which thousands of jihadists will scramble.I think not. “Insensitive” Most definately.
My greater concern is for the shabby treatment received by many of the sick and dying heroic “first responders”.Over 1000 have died and many more are seriously ill from cancer,respiratory complications and smoke inhalation diseases.Making sure these Heroes are properly cared for should be our country’s primary “ground zero” concern.

rich wheeler: yes what a good IDEA to build an HOSPITAL for ALL HEROS from GROUND ZERO, AND from all wars HEROS, with a nice restaurant for other peoples to spend money and eat the best and being intertained by MUSIC soft and from the old big bands ecetera like a barber shop and alike for woman, some SPA room, and more of thoses. WHERE THE VETERANS HEROS would mingle with the crowd and exchange nice feeling and get some grattitude from the public who in return would benefit from the exchange, and also from all the services I mentioned at the beginning. BUT that would have to be finances by AMERICANS who care. bye

@Mr. wheeler

My greater concern is for the shabby treatment received by many of the sick and dying heroic “first responders”.Over 1000 have died and many more are seriously ill from cancer,respiratory complications and smoke inhalation diseases.Making sure these Heroes are properly cared for should be our country’s primary “ground zero” concern.

I agree with that statement, but only to a point. As private citizens, we should be grateful to those who responded on 9/11 with honor and heroism. We, as private citizens, should ensure that their sacrifice was worth the pain and illness many of them have experienced and are experiencing at this time. But no public trust of money, appropriated by government authority, should be given. There are right now, thousands upon thousands, of Americans suffering the same or worse. Do we discriminate because their sufferings weren’t at the hands of other men, but of private enterprise or nature itself? No. The door opened a long time ago on governmental ‘charity’, and has grown into a mythological Hydra with thousands of heads.

You may call me cold, or callous. I do not care. It is not yours, not mine, nor anyone else’s money to be given this way. Doctors and hospitals may provide pro-bono service, if they want. Pharmicists and drug companies may provide drugs free of charge, if they want. Other, private charities, can provide other services, if they want. That is fine, and many people would give freely, of their own private properties, to extend services of thanks for them. But to suggest, that government itself, use monies appropriated from all citizens, including many who are worse off than the 9/11 responders, and deem it ‘charity’, is simply wrong.

An excerpt from “Not yours to give”, as related in Davy Crockett’s autobiography,

“Mr. Speaker–I have as much respect for the memory of the deceased, and as much sympathy for the sufferings of the living, if suffering there be, as any man in this House, but we must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for a part of the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living. I will not go into an argument to prove that Congress has not the power to appropriate this money as an act of charity. Every member upon this floor knows it. We have the right, as individuals, to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right so to appropriate a dollar of the public money. Some eloquent appeals have been made to us upon the ground that it is a debt due the deceased. Mr. Speaker, the deceased lived long after the close of the war; he was in office to the day of his death, and I have never heard that the government was in arrears to him.

“Every man in this House knows it is not a debt. We cannot, without the grossest corruption, appropriate this money as the payment of a debt. We have not the semblance of authority to appropriate it as charity. Mr. Speaker, I have said we have the right to give as much money of our own as we please. I am the poorest man on this floor. I cannot vote for this bill, but I will give one week’s pay to the object, and if every member of Congress will do the same, it will amount to more than the bill asks.”

In a recent interview with Larry King, Russell Simmons of Def Comedy Jam had this to say;

“If you’re blaming Muslims for the 9/11, you need to change your mind — did we blame Christians for the first World Trade attack [in 1993]?”

Stupid seems like too mild a word for Mr. Simmons’ affliction, doesn’t it?

I am not a fan of POTUS but I have to say for a community organizer he has risen very fast which points to a brillance on his part. I think we underestimate him. By supporting the building of the Mosque he shows tolerance. The Republicans by reacting so strongly to his support will come across in a couple of months as the intolerant war mongering ones. In a few months, we might be more terrifying to the electorate than the Dems who are trying to reach out to other groups.

I am saying that extreme reaction and hostility by the Republicans could be our downfall and maybe that is why the President is doing what he is doing. Putting forth to the public. Who is the lesser of two evils?

Just a thought.


Interesting take on this. The problem is that polling done on the issue shows an overwhelming majority against the mosque being built near GZ. Whatever the reasons, and there are many, the MSM is painting the objections as bigoted, and anti-Islam. I have faith in people to see through the smokescreen and see the objections for what they are, and not what some people wish them to be.

As an aside, thoughtful people realize that the issues facing the country go well beyond the simple action of a religious center being built. And what’s more, I have a feeling that more and more people are waking up out of their daze and realizing that socialistic programs are not the cure for any of the country’s ills.

johngalt: Do you know what the radical Islamic terrorist cried as he ran into the trade center. I’ll help you, he said allah is great. OK, trick question, which religion recognizes Allah? Nough said dude.

@ DKK: “You do know what Cordoba stands for, right? Islamic victory over the infidels.”

I doubt that. The Christians of Cordoba owe the existence of their impressive cathedral to the Moors. It was originally a far less spectacular Visagoth church, built after pagan Germanic tribes that drove out the Romans had begun converting to Christianity. The site was purchased from its Christian owners by Emir Abd ar-Rahman I after the Moors occupied the area. It took a succession of Caliphs over two centuries to build much of what’s there today. It became a Christian cathedral again in 1236, after having being a mosque for nearly 500 years, when Ferdinand III of Castile drove the Muslims out. I doubt if he paid the Muslims when he took their mosque. I can’t imagine how it could be thought of as standing for “Islamic victory over the infidels” when it was taken from them by an invading army.

“I find it reprehensible that they want to erect this citadel anywhere NEAR Ground Zero. Why right THERE?”

It isn’t “right there”. It won’t loom over anything. It won’t even be visible from Ground Zero. Why there? Maybe because it’s a good location for its intended use, and because the site was relatively affordable. Nobody else was buying it. A new $100 million building in a currently blighted area would normally be considered an improvement.

Somehow I find the thought of an Islamic cultural center a couple of blocks removed from Ground Zero less reprehensible than the current proximity of strip clubs like New York Dolls and The Pussycat Lounge. Opinions obviously vary.

Hmmm… was on another site, and had an interesting thought.

Under current US law, if you use a Church to make Political statements, it can loose its Tax Exempt Status.

Espousing Sharia Law is a BLATANTLY political statement. Thus, lets get people into the Mosques, and ANY Mosque that supports the imposition of Sharia law, which IS the overthrow of US law, looses its Tax exempt status.

TAMMY; hi, I dont think that someone who speak the truth is looking more terrifyring than
SOMEONE who try to divide the COUNTRY, with some who lies and insult the AMERICANS
promoting racist behavior as no one ever seen before, and spending spree not looking for tomorrows ruins at the door, THIS should terrify anybody,who glimpse at the near FUTURE.


I fail to grasp what you are driving at. Do you think I am a muslim sympathizer? Or apologist?

Nothing could be farther from the truth, friend. I have stated my views on Islam here, and they aren’t a rosy view either. I do not support the mosque being built where slated, but neither do I support irrational hatred of all muslims either.

We, as a country, and as conservatives, have bigger fish to fry. Without standing up for true conservative principles, it won’t matter in the future who decides to build what, or where they decide to build it, because if the progressives have their way, no one can build anything without ten government agencies getting involved and numerous payoffs to the local union reps. In short, it will be as the government wills it and nothing else.

@ilovebeeswarzone: I am surrounded every day by people who believe that vampires are real and plan their entire lives around a TV show. I certainly hope that John Galt is right, that enough Americans will wake up and take things seriously. We can only hope before it is too late. Many people don’t want to wake up and many don’t want the truth. They just want to smoke their dope, watch their vampire shows, or their Anatomy Grays and go through life expecting others to take care of them. I can only hope and pray. And for these people, the MEDIA is their God and they do what the MEDIA tells them to do.

Take care.


I do not underestimate him for one second. I believe Obama is extremely intelligent but I also believe that while he is a great community organizer he is a poor leader. He has a sense of entitlement and of self-righteousness. He is not President to all of America- he is unswervingly devoted to his left wing ideals.

He told us what he was going to do, and the press told gullible Americans otherwise.

He lacks maturity and is petulant. He doesn’t act- he reacts. He seeks to literally transform America into a socialist utopia- utopia for the beneficiaries and hell for those of us who work and pay the taxes. He wants nothing of a meritocracy except for himself.

He still has the Chicago mentality and he is still a Senator at heart. He’s spent more time on vacation than anything else over the summer.

He keeps beating on Bush while telling us we should look forward.

I despise him, but I do not underestimate him.


It isn’t Obama’s, except in the hopeful republican imagination. He spoke out on the fundamental right of religious people in America to build where local ordinances allow, without being singled out and persecuted because of their culture or faith. Good for Obama.

It is his now. He came down strongly in favor of it.

It isn’t primarily a mosque. It’s an Islamic cultural center. There will be public meeting rooms, reading rooms, basketball courts, even a culinary arts school. Does that sound like a mosque? There will be prayer rooms on the upper floors. Muslims pray five times daily. What a shocker that there should be special areas devoted to that.


It isn’t at Ground Zero. It’s two New York blocks away. You won’t even be able to see the place from Ground Zero.

A nosewheel from one of the jets went through the roof on 9-11.

TAMMY: hi again, what you mentionned remind me of a movie times ago, dont recall the name, it was like you described, A BIG BROTHER was dictating what a crowd of people where moving, and what their task to be,it was than impossible to beleive, that a future GOVERNMENT
would aim toward this kind of extreme socialistic life for all, I also remember some trying to get away, talking to other people, and some where caught fews tried to
liberate themself by exposing their views and where attack by their own friends and branded
as dangerous for the community, and sent to an hospital to reprogram their minds,
it was a good movie; BUT years went by and I detect today’s life as many are trapt in that
situation exactly as you mentionned, scary for thinking what’s next. bye

Let’s try this, Greg-

As reported by the Financial Times:
The former Republican speaker Newt Gingrich said the very name of the proposed project, Cordoba House, was an insult: “It refers to Córdoba, Spain – the capital of Muslim conquerors who symbolised their victory over the Christian Spaniards by transforming a church there into the world’s third-largest mosque complex. Today, some of the Mosque’s backers insist this term is being used to ‘symbolise interfaith co-operation’ when, in fact, every Islamist in the world recognises Córdoba as a symbol of Islamic conquest.” Gamal dropped the name.

No wonder calling this citadel to “unity and cultural understanding”- named Cordoba- incensed people. Just how stupid are we to not get the message?

And why THERE indeed? It just happens to be the burial place of the remains of hundreds of unidentified souls who perished- their remains were scattered all over that block. Disgraceful, and WRONG.

If these people are sincere about their promotion of understanding, then they will understand the sensitivites and pain of the loss of loved ones, and build somewhere else.

@DDK: “If these people are sincere about their promotion of understanding, then they will understand the sensitivites and pain of the loss of loved ones, and build somewhere else.”

Some no doubt feel that way. I understand why, but I don’t believe their pain and anger should be appropriated and used by others having an agenda that appears to involve the defamation of an entire religion. I blame 9/11 on Muslim extremist fanatics, not on all who embrace the Islamic faith. Some want to use culture and religion as a wedge issue, heightening the tension between Christians and Muslims. I think that’s a tactic that Islamic extremists would understand immediately.

Muslim American military personnel currently pray daily in a non-denominational Pentagon chapel, only 100 feet from where Islamic extremists flew a jet into their building. The chapel is shared by Catholics, Jews, Mormans, and Hindus–all Americans, and all something else besides. No one there thinks there’s anything odd about this. To me, that’s a very important part of what America is all about.

DKK: hi, ONE that is financely involve with muslims business wise, is MAYOR BLOOMBERG,
the BUILDING is very close to that, this from a link that one left on his comment,
SO I understood why he was working so hard with the support of that building,
there are many things that they dont want us to know. bye

Three thousand people did not die at the Pentagon.

The balance of equities compels the conclusion that they build elsewhere. I know the radicals were responsible. But if you know anything about the radicals, you know that there are sleeper cells with people who blend in for the sole purpose of destruction. Why take the chance there? On a burial ground?

While we’re considering articles, we might want to consider this one as well: “Islam-bashing Undermines U.S. Domestic Counterterror Efforts”


I think that people highly critical of Islam in its entirety should give some thought to what it is growing intolerance is most likely to be feeding.

GREG: SO, you think THE IMAN will get the message and back up from it, HE is responsible for unleashing the anger over that, nobody else is to blame. bye


If Park51 wants to build a non-denominational chapel, I’m on board.

drjohn: hi, there is THAT GREC CHURCH too, that needed some ok to renovate his was hit by the terrorist, and they denied him renovating being around the mosque and, ,now we know why the MAYOR did’nt want he had all figured that one before,

I read it Rich.

So- let’s appease them, lest they decide to commit MORE acts of terror? Hmmmm.

Sorry, not buying that one.

Seriously, who is doing a full scale attack on Islam? NO ONE. We just don’t want the citadel proclaiming the majesty of Islam be built over the remains of people who were murdered by Muslims- radical, yes, but still Muslims. What is so hard to understand about THAT? What sensitivities do moderate Muslims have that come close to the pain of our losing friends and loved ones at the WTC???

Why don’t we let those of us who lost family, friends and loved ones in the WTC decide? Wouldn’t that be the most fair, reasonable and sensitive thing to do?

@Common Sense #16:

I would love for you to take your smug attitude and face the families who lost loved ones on that day.

Just what “smug attitude” did Greg display? He gave his opinion. No ridicule or snide remarks tossed our way. For which he is pilloried with snide insults and condescension. Just beautiful.

Btw, 9/11 families aren’t all on the same side of the fence on this issue.

@Greg #5:

I can’t believe republicans of Gingrich’s stature are blatantly attempting to exploit religious and cultural intolerance to blow up a minor local issue into a contrived, divisive national issue. What he’s been saying runs contrary to everything I was taught America is supposed to be all about. It’s a serious political miscalculation, in my opinion. They’re setting themselves up for a backlash. Someone is going to connect the dots for people, and a lot of Americans aren’t going to like the picture of the republican party that emerges.

What’s totally astonishing is that there are plenty of real issues they could be focusing on.

Like the economy? GOP candidates should be very careful about how they approach this “mosque” issue. They should primarily keep Democrats on the defensive over the state of the economy.

@DKK #32:

Let’s try this, Greg-

As reported by the Financial Times:
The former Republican speaker Newt Gingrich said the very name of the proposed project, Cordoba House, was an insult: “It refers to Córdoba, Spain – the capital of Muslim conquerors who symbolised their victory over the Christian Spaniards by transforming a church there into the world’s third-largest mosque complex. Today, some of the Mosque’s backers insist this term is being used to ‘symbolise interfaith co-operation’ when, in fact, every Islamist in the world recognises Córdoba as a symbol of Islamic conquest.” Gamal dropped the name.

No wonder calling this citadel to “unity and cultural understanding”- named Cordoba- incensed people. Just how stupid are we to not get the message?


I think you’ve come into this late in the game. This isn’t the first thread on the topic and “Cordoba” is brought up ad nauseam by every new commenter that arrives, along with all the well-known and well-worn out “talking points” on the issue.

You can be suspicious of the naming of “Cordoba House” as intentionally symbolic of Islamic conquest and imperialism; however, if Rauf and company are in fact peaceful “moderates”, there could be another explanation, which is that for them, like multiculturalists, afrocentrists, and those celebrating chicano pride, they may have a different reading of history. A more romanticized reading that looks upon Cordoba as an Islamic golden age of cultural and religious co-existence, learning, and prosperity. Now you and I may not look at it this way, but that’s the lens through which they may see it. This isn’t much different than believers of American exceptionalism in reading American history and the way Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky may look at American history.

@Greg #37:

While we’re considering articles, we might want to consider this one as well: “Islam-bashing Undermines U.S. Domestic Counterterror Efforts”


Nice find.

@DKK #41:

Seriously, who is doing a full scale attack on Islam? NO ONE. We just don’t want the citadel proclaiming the majesty of Islam be built over the remains of people who were murdered by Muslims- radical, yes, but still Muslims. What is so hard to understand about THAT?

Well, Fred Phelps and ilk do some pretty reprehensible things in the name of Christianity. Should I blame that on Christianity or on their own dysfunctionalism? (Predicted response: “HOW DARE YOU APPLY MORAL EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM?!”)

Al-Qaeda has been marginalized in the Islamic world. Why alienate those who don’t buy into jihadism and al Qaeda theology?

What sensitivities do moderate Muslims have that come close to the pain of our losing friends and loved ones at the WTC???

Why don’t we let those of us who lost family, friends and loved ones in the WTC decide? Wouldn’t that be the most fair, reasonable and sensitive thing to do?

The thing is, there is no unanimity on the issue. There are families that stand against, and others who stand for and in support of.

Former Bush solicitor general Ted Olson lost his wife to the 9/11 attacks.

Bruce Wallace:

Those who live in the neighborhood overwhelmingly support the center, as evidenced by the community board’s unanimous-minus-one vote to approve the project. The dissent is mainly allochthonous. The most vocal are the bigoted team of Spencer and Geller who expend enormous amounts of energy masking their intolerance in the shrouds of the victims of 9/11. They don’t speak for me. The media seems eager to trumpet the feelings of those hurt by the idea of the center. They mostly ignore my feelings and those, like me, who feel the center is an important step for Americans.

We hear so much about how some of the 9/11 families are hurt by the thought of a mosque so close to Ground Zero. The same people are quoted over and over as if to multiply their numbers. What about the other 9/11 family members who are hurt at the thought of the mosque being denied the right to exist?

I am a member of one of the 250 families of September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows. My nephew, State Supreme Court Officer Mitch Wallace, was murdered on 9/11 as he rushed in to help the victims. We have made the conscious choice of turning our grief and anger into works for peace, not revenge. We do not succumb to fear-mongering.

Geller and Spencer don’t speak for me.

74 yr old mother of firefighter , Timothy Welty:

I represent Peaceful Tomorrows, an organization founded by family members of those killed on Sept. 11, 2001, who have united to turn our grief into action for peace.

We are unequivocal in our support of Park 51.

Fine, Wordsmith.

Tell me why Rauf STILL refuses to sign the Freedom Pledge.

And well, I may be late, but it makes my comments no less substantial. Tim Welty’s Mom is doing exactly what I said in a previous post- trying to make sense out of senseless and irrational killing.

Question for you- what is YOUR take on sleeper cells? What do you think about teh moegrown terrorism that not only do we know is brewing but is going to attack again?

Oh, and I LIVE in NY. And LIVED (thankfully) through the WTC terrorist attacks. Did you?

Sorry, hit the wrong key- I meant to say the homegrown terrorism –



Here’s the deal. The “Golden Age” of Cordoba does not equate into peace today. So their romantic reading of their past- just like the revisionist history of many other cultures– does not direct where OUR paths should be. Truth should dictate, not some fanciful “interpretation” of a culture. No doubt that the Hitler Youth believed in what they were told. Sad to say to so many libs, but YES Virginia, there IS a right and wrong.

AND this wrong interpretation may well, in fact, fuel the fires of further resentfulness against them.

And what the hell are you talking about? No one is alienating a MODERATE Muslim! That is the point. If they are truly moderates, then they WILL acknowledge that the mosque need not be built on the burial ground of hundreds of innocent souls. Geez man, this ain”t brain surgery.


Fine, Wordsmith.

Tell me why Rauf STILL refuses to sign the Freedom Pledge.

Ah, yes….today’s version of the loyalty oath; only this one isn’t even coming from the government.

Of what official authority does Former Muslims United have to demand such a signing? Of what good is it? If Rauf is some sort of “stealth radical jihadi”, your side would just poo-poo it having any kind of significance and chalk it up to Rauf engaging in taqqiya. Good grief! Ultimately, Rauf is the one who has to answer that one; but do you suppose it might be a bit insulting coming from former Muslims? Do you think Rauf might kill ’em on first sight, seeing as how that’s what Islam demands of him [/sarcasm]?

To my knowledge, only Jasser and one other gave it the time of day and bothered to sign. Good for them. But so what?

And well, I may be late, but it makes my comments no less substantial.

No, but for those of us who have been debating this for weeks, it becomes rather repetitive and tiresome. Forgive me for my rudeness.

Tim Welty’s Mom is doing exactly what I said in a previous post- trying to make sense out of senseless and irrational killing.

How is this any different from any of the other 9/11 families coming to terms with their loss and their grief?

Question for you- what is YOUR take on sleeper cells? What do you think about teh moegrown terrorism that not only do we know is brewing but is going to attack again?

I’m all for the Patriot Act, NSA surveillance/”wire”taps, and to an extent, profiling beyond just the behavioral.

Oh, and I LIVE in NY. And LIVED (thankfully) through the WTC terrorist attacks. Did you?

Glad you survived. But your attempt at a “chickenhawk” aegis of your opinion doesn’t shield it from criticism by me. (Side note: I lost my store manager who was aboard Flight 175- you know? The one immortalized in photos and film hitting the 2nd Tower? I wrote about his 3 year old son, who was also on board. You’re not the only one who suffered loss. The whole country did. This includes Rauf who lost members of his own congregation to the attack on the Towers).

So tell me who attacked us on 9/11? Perhaps this will bring clarity of why you feel as you do and why I feel as I do.

@DKK #47: Not saying Rauf’s interpretation of history is the correct one. But people are jumping to assumptions based upon their own reading into things.

AND this wrong interpretation may well, in fact, fuel the fires of further resentfulness against them.

True. But who’s to fault for that?

And what the hell are you talking about? No one is alienating a MODERATE Muslim! That is the point.

Look around in these parts alone. You will see strong anti-Islamic feelings that makes zero distinctions between moderates and radicals. jihadis and fundamentalists. To some, they are all the same. And poke around in the news. It’s not just this so-called “mosque” that’s being opposed at Ground Zero. There’s growing opposition to all things Islam in recent days. A big net that’s being cast, indiscriminately whether there are ties to Islamic radicals, terrorist sympathizers, or not.

If they are truly moderates, then they WILL acknowledge that the mosque need not be built on the burial ground of hundreds of innocent souls. Geez man, this ain”t brain surgery.

So truly moderates can only possibly see things through your vantage point and cease and desist? Otherwise they can’t possibly be “moderates”?

It remains possible that between now and the future, they will cave and the project will be derailed. But I won’t hold my breath that any of you will be singing any praises that they must be moderates after all for backing out in order to respect the sentiments and sensitivity of those who stand opposed.

I don’t forgive you for your rudeness. That is a courtesy extended to civilized folks, and if you KNOW I am new to this board, then what can possibly be the issue?

Funny, you go out of your way to grant so many other courtesies to people who may well just as soon have you self immolate, than to me, who only wish to engage in intellectual discourse. How very interesting. Think about it.

You assume a fact not evidence. No one need have “official authoritty” to request anything. Indeed, most of the time, the symbolic is just as expressive. Actuallyl, that is the point. And BTW, Rauf is ALL for sharia law.


Wow. Your liberalism has dulled your sensibilities to the people who actually have PAIN over the WTC issue. Wow. Sorry, I have no tolerance for those who ARE intolerant.

You can criticize all you want. “Chickenhawk”? For shame.

Go to town with that one. You cannot, and will not, diminish my loss just because you find others who have a Stockholm syndrome to bolster your story.