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$40 for internet.
$7.99 for my domain
Constitutional backing that guarantees my right to free speech and my right to vote that witch outta office .. you get it.

Lest we forget, tack on my tax *before* I get to vote.

November cannot get here fast enough…

I’d hate to think that the stupidity of this dumb wench is in any way a reflection on the intelligence of voters in San Francisco.

of course we should be investigated! why my gosh who’s funnding me and my oposition to a victory mosque virtually at the edge of the crater?

we are bad people….. nancy and wordsmith say sohow dare we be suspicious of rauf, islam or its intentions, why, ive watched an islamic cable channel devoted to explaining islam and how wonderful it is and misun derstood for a long time….. well,,, right up untill the founder of the channel cut of his wifes head in orchard park new york with a dull kitchen knife…. but hey, my opposition to a victory mosque is irational…. ///////

To all of the ugly liberal women out there: See what botox can do to your brains!(then again, does she have a brain?)

That traitorous bitch needs to be tarred and feathered.

Minuteman26 — 100% agreed…

How about sending her to Iran? she loves to travel to that part of the world(one way ticket only)

Well, I’ll make it easy for Nancy.

I’m being funded by ME! Full time job, professonal engineer.

I welcome any investigation. I suppose that I’ll be arrested for my weekly $20 to my local parish and contributions to Catholic Relief Services?

Dam, someone is funding US?

Wheres my check?


You work for the Government now??? 😈

America would like to welcome tyranny …

Once WE take back the House, I hope Rep. Issa has a whole bunch of subpoenas for all the crooks (of all colors) that have spent money we don’t have. I’d love to have them investigate the wicked witch of the west!

Nancy’s idea of an investigation is pretty keen. Lets start with Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters first. No House Ethic’s Committee BS, sworn testimony in Federal Court.

This Regime has meddled in everything that is not within it’s Constitutional Powers. The Regime is out of control on more than just trashing the economy.

The Holder DOJ wants to take on the State of Arizona, Gov. Brewer and Sheriff Joe too. This is total nonsense.

These meddlesome SOB’s need a comeuppance in November or there will be some very real trouble down the road from here.

OLD TROOPER 2: hi, SHE’S got a long way to go, with a majority against the building,
MAYBE she should start With MAYOR BLOOMBERG,

Something that hasn’t been getting reported on, but that she clearly states in her remarks;

here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we’ve been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community

For those who are unfamiliar, Treasure Island, or TI, is a man-made island owned by the US Navy that it no longer uses in the bay. SanFranNan was behind legislation that would have forced the Navy to give up the island to the city of SF for no reimbursement whatsoever. What is more, the development of the island itself was awarded in a no-bid contract to a group that calls itself Treasure Island Community Development, and includes in it’s membership prominent Democrat lobbyists and financial backers in the SF area. Just another case of cronyism run rampant.

One has to wonder just when the ethics will return to Congress.

I don’t know why we worry about pirates in Somalia when our own Congress is full of them. That the Dem piRATS are trying to claim Treasure Island as their own is just too ironic.

Maybe Nancy can start with Hairy Reed

No, check that- Obi One is OK with Reid’s opposition

It’s non-Democrats who are at risk.

Democrats are stinking hypocrites.

I want the Hag of the House FIRED!!!
She wants me investigated…easy…here I am!!

She may end up no longer being the Speaker of the House but she won’t lose her job.
Libtards in San Fran love this kind of stupidity and she has plenty to go around…

@Toothfairy: #20 Maybe we should call the liberal democrats “piratecrats.”

I would like to see the commission who voted to approve the mosque investigated to see if any of them took a bribe for their vote. A poll by the Siena Research Institute finds that 63 per cent of New Yorkers oppose the project, with 27 per cent supporting it. I didn’t find any other poll on the subject.

I wanna testify.
I wanna.
I want to see all the checks which I have supposedly received from foreign nationals.
My cash flow could do with some help, here.
I wanna get dressed up and go to Capital Hill and talk about the first Cordoba House, and its celebration of death to the infidel.
I want to have an explicit itemization of the 12,000,000 donations to Barack HUSSEIN Obama from foreign nationals, which were used to support his election campaign.
I want to know how, exactly, George Soros benefits from our funding of Brazilian drilling in the Atlantic, for the purpose of sending oil to China.
Nancy should not go here. It will open the can of worms, which is the influence of foreign nationals in our political process.

@mathman: You gave me a great idea. Let’s all email Nancy and tell her we want an investigation. Her email address is

You have to give them your name and address or it won’t mean anything. Here is what I sent her. Add or subtract what you want, but keep it short and polite. Don’t write like the democrats would. If you like the idea, pass it on to others. I would like to see Queen Pelosi get millions of such letters.

Dear Speaker of the House,

Please let me know as far ahead of time as possible when the investigation of us Tea Partiers will start. Since I will be one of the accused, I would like as much notice as possible.

I also request that the investigation be expanded to include any political crimes, such as:

(1) Members of Congress holding secret meetings to write bills and not allow republicans to attend.

(2) Members of Congress passing bills before they are even completely written.

(3) Obama getting millions of dollars in donations from foreign people even though it it illegal.

(4) Obama using a Social Security card that was issued in Connecticut even though he never lived there.

(5) Obama using up to 39 different Social Security cards so far.

(6) Obama not showing his birth certificate because he is actually an illegal in the USA.

(7) Obama attending Columbia University but none of the students remember him. Fox News contacted 400 Columbia University students from the period when Obama claims to have been there, but none remembered him.

(8) There is a picture of Obama in kindergarten and one of him in 3rd grade in Hawaii, but his information about himself says he was some place else at that time.

(9) Democrats pretending to be Tea Partiers running for office just to pull votes away from conservative candidates.

Please start this investigation of possible wrong doing as soon as possible. I am glad somebody finally wants to investigate wrong doing within our government. May you root out the law breakers, and may they be given the punishment they deserve.

A supporter of this cause,

How can this woman be in this position? How can she be so utterly clueless?
How can she keep saying the most idiotic things and not be committed?

I’m sending Smorgasbord’s letter.