Section 8 Housing [Reader Post]


In case you did not know what section 8 housing is, the government pays a portion of a family’s rent (as much as 100% of it).  Almost all of these families are single Black females with 3 or more children (based upon applicants which I have seen in person—I can recall 1 white applicant and 1 Hispanic applicant over the past 10 or more years).  I have had periods of time when my only applicants were section 8 people.

Once these women get section 8 housing, they seek to hold onto it for as long as they can (20 or more years, if possible).  That means, no marriage, no taking a better job, no working 2 jobs, etc.  If you are careful enough, and keep your income low enough, then you can get the government to pay for 100% of your housing and food.  There is some possible corruption, because I have had section 8 people spoken to by the counselors to try to get them to take housing other than mine (although I have a perfect record with section 8 as a landlord).  From what I can figure out, there are builders building new houses specifically for section 8, that they will hold and lease out only to section 8 people (I suspect that there is some paying under the table, but that is only an unconfirmed suspicion of mine).  I have had some section 8 women turn up their noses at properties of mine because they were too old (“That house is 20 years old; no thank you”).

I have one very nice house which is huge (3600 sq ft) and half of the people who have called me on this house are section 8.  I am unaware of how many people are on section 8.  I know that for my rentals, about half of the people who call me (maybe a little less) are section 8 applicants.

Now, just because a person is section 8, it does not mean they are a bad person, trashy, or whatever.  If the government said, “This is money for you to get a nice house” you might be willing to take it too.  How many here have taken an FHA loan?  That is a government program.

I have had section 8 people who have trashed my house; and I have had section 8 people who have kept the house nice.  I have had section 8 people who have lied to me and the government; and others who have been above-board about everything.

Obviously, this is Democrats buying votes, and the cost is huge (figure $800-$1200/month for 1000’s of families in every major city in the United States).   If you wonder why your property taxes are high, this is one of the reasons.

I have no idea how many people are on section 8; I don’t know if the government releases those stats.  I think that we would all be shocked.

One more thing; here is how a recent program worked.  A woman paid me about $200/month and section 8 paid me about $900/month.  Section 8 set aside matching funds for what she paid, and applied that to the purchase of a home on her behalf (yes, her income and credit would not have qualified her to buy a home).  Of course, she was able to get the house for virtually nothing out of her pocket.

You may think I am a terrible person for taking on section 8 tenants, but financially, I have to make a judgment; do I take a section 8 tenant today, or do I wait a couple of months (in one case, a year) without a tenant?  When I began buying houses, there was no such thing as section 8 (insofar as I know).

Someone else posted this link in the comments, but I am sure it will interest many of you.

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I worked for Section 8 back in the 80’s. One of my jobs was compiling the statistical reports every month to see what the demographic breakout was among the population receiving benefits. Without fail, black single female head of household and white single female head of household were neck and neck for top slot every single month.

The lowest demographic was among Orientals and Alaskan Natives, mostly because I believe their culture emphasizes family.

I also worked as a field inspector and many the time I had to shoulder in an apartment door because the trash was stacked neck high on the other side. We reimbursed the landlords for damages back then, and undertook the hilarious task of trying to make the tenant responsible for it. I saw a lot of great landlords and some pretty crappy ones. I saw good tenants and really bad ones. I’ve had a landlord try to bribe me when I failed one of her units, I’ve broken up fights between landlords and tenants. I’ve drug lots of men out of closets and from under beds.

It sounds to me like your experience has been better than most. That’s great.

The government spends several million of our taxdollars on welfare housing every five years or so in this area. Six months after they finish rebuilding the apartments and putting in appliances I can’t afford they are garbage dumps. Things like convection/microwave/conventional oven combinations and glass top stoves are the normal. Price one of those suckers. Contractors doing the remodeling walk off with a lot that they remove and replace because the sorry asses who lived there were too stupid or lazy to use them. Actually they trade enough food stamps for money to eat out most of the time. The credit card style food stamps didn’t help. The just take a shopping list from anyone, fill the order and charge 50% of what it cost. That’s booze and drug money. Between medicaid and food stamps the taxpayers are providing 90% of the drugs on the street.

Thank you for this article, i’s right to the point!
What I have observed over the years is this, and before anyone labels me racist, so be it: Many in section 8 are black, with children out of wedlock, even have more than one father regarding the amount of children. After they into the housing, usually a boyfriend moves in (against section 8 rules). You can see BMW’s, Escalades, Mercedes etc parked in front of the unit. I ask myself how is it possible that this is going on, and most of all, how wrong it is for people like that to be granted section 8 housing. It infuriates me, because this is one of the sams run by those knowing how to ‘milk’ yhe system. It’s the same with foodstamps, which are being traded for cash in many instances. I’ve seen enough that it makes me angry, and can’t for the life of me figure out how they do it!

I once bought a very nice house that bordered a green belt which also bordered a very nice and large rental apartment community. The woman that owned the complex had no mortgage to service and charged very low rents. She screened applicants vigorously and there was a 6 month waiting list.

I never had an issue with the neighborhood.

Then she sold the complex to HUD which immediately implemented section 8 housing. Within the year I had three burglaries of my property… One occurring on a Christmas eve… all the presents under the tree were stolen and our children’s Christmas ruined. The value of our property took a trip south because of the proximity of this HUD housing and I lost $40,000 selling the property… all due to the devaluation that occurred because of the character of the people living in the HUD property.

Without a down payment available for another home we moved to an apartment. All was fine.. then they began accepting section 8 tenants… we were burgled again, we were awaken many times in the middle of the night as police slammed crack addicts or drug dealers up against our front door. We couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

The manager of the complex would lament the change allowing section 8 tenants, and would show me the aftermath when a section 8 tenant left. The apartments were typically destroyed and the area quickly became ghettofied.

I have to attest as well that Section 8 housing brings out the lowest denominator when it comes to humans. My Step dad is a plumbing contractor who used to help build a lot of homes and apartments in the area. His one requirement up until he retired is that if the property is being built for Secton 8 he will not do follow up maintenance due to the loss of equipment and trucks he has had stolen from him over the years. Not to mention the amount of damage he sees rivals that of some prisons and war zones. It got so bad he had to hire someone to sit on top of his truck with a section of metal pipe to watch his trucks. He finally had enough and wrote it into his contracts he won’t deal with them any longer.

I have no problem with Section 8. Really, it is a much cheaper alternative to allowing people with underfunded communities than just allowing them to go homeless.

It’s not perfect but until we fund schools and communities like we fund our pointless wars it will be acceptable.


You might want to check what the actual expenditures in this country are when comparing “pointless wars” vs schools and communities.

If you add them up, you will find that we spend trillions more on schools and communities than on “pointless wars”.

The only real difference – wars end and the funding stops, where social programs only grow over time.

Of course, if you do wish to look at the figures, a little reality might interfere with your fantasy and that would be a bummer, dude.

@googoo You probably don’t have a problem with Section 8 because you are not a landlord, aren’t a tradesman that has to deal with the destruction, or you don’t live near Section 8 housing…

It’s easy to not have a problem when it doesn’t affect you.


Your point will have merit when generals, not teachers, have to hold bake sales to raise funds for their communities.

It is your kind of thinking that leads to underfunded communities.

@Donald Bly

I live in a condominium complex that is shared by Section 8 tenants. I have never had any problems whatsoever with them.

@googoo / thegayrepublicanmuslimjew:

You should be aware that here at FA we have a strict policy prohibiting multiple user names or “sock puppeting”.

Pick a user name and stick with it or you will not be allowed to participate.

This will be your only warning.


It’s not perfect but until we fund schools and communities like we fund our pointless wars it will be acceptable.

Really? That is a tired argument that has been proven wrong many times over.

When Ike was in the White House, military spending was 50 percent of the federal budget. (No wonder he was reluctant to spend more). Today defense spending is less than one-fifth of the federal budget and going down.

National defense now ranks fourth in overall government spending priorities, falling behind the combined cost of Social Security and Medicare, public education, and means-tested welfare aid. A recent report by Robert Rector at the Heritage Foundation shows how welfare spending has leapfrogged over the Pentagon’s budget. In 10 years, he finds, our state and federal governments will shell out $10.3 trillion on welfare programs (and that’s not counting the trillion-dollar-plus increase in federal health spending proposed in Congress).

Since 1993, government spending for Education has surpassed spending for National Defense. Has our childrens’ educations been better off for it? Or has the teacher’s salaries been the big winner?

Feel free to peruse the chart presented at the site above. It may be eye opening for you.

Throughout the 90s I was involved in low income property management and am very familiar with S8 of that era. In the early 90s, S8 rules strongly favored lower cost properties. They would not fund locations charging more than the median for the area. They also did things like defend residents against evictions. We had one renter whose last straw involved being surrounded by cops in the parking lot waving a large piece of kitchen cutlery and screaming that “they pays me to be crazy and I gives them they money’s worth.” Yeah, she was on other programs as well. Section Eight brought in a lawyer to fight her eviction.

Then, congress decided that only paying enough for poor people to live in poor neighborhoods was discriminatory, so they changed the formula for benefits and started paying for more expensive housing. That lasted about a year. The change introduced a whole new category of landlords to S8 tenants and they were unamused. They also were not people who could be dismissed as “slumlords.” So the rules changed. S8 stopped paying to fight evictions and adopted a somewhat less adversarial attitude toward the property owners. There were still some catches, tenant damage was to be billed to the tenant, but must be repaired to continue receiving payments. The tenants did not much pay, and were often happy to trash the place and then move on.

googoo: hi, I hope you would not want school to be funded like MILITARY’S funding, because
THEY are UNDER funded all the time and the GOVERNMENT try to cut some more.

I think schools and inner city communities that are underserved should be funded 100x better than the military is.

googoo; can I say that no matter the funding, IF you have A bad or mediocre TEACHER who dont care, THE school will be mediocer too. bye

@googoo… you can throw money down a rat hole all day long,… money doesn’t make the difference. Personal responsibility and personal pride do! Until a person begins to care about their own environment… no matter how many bleeding hearts are pulling for them.. it won’t mean a thing.

Now pull your head out before your sphincter snaps your neck!


I suppose flying unicorns and rainbows on every street are part of your vision of America as well.

It’s hard to take someone seriously when ignorance shows so clearly.

Do you know the cost differences between public and private schools? How about the obvious difference in quality of education between public and private schools?

Cost(although this is based in MI, it is equitable elsewhere as well):

n the government school system, Michigan anticipates a per-pupil “guarantee” or “foundation allowance” of about $5,445 per pupil in fiscal year 1998.

Private school tuition in Michigan averages about $2,500, with significant variation among schools.


In the USA, the situation is similar: there are good public schools but many of the best overall schools are privately funded. A study by Harvard University found that private school students averaged higher than their public school counterparts in standardized tests in 11 of 12 comparisons of students.

A study conducted by researchers from the University of Wisconsin, Georgetown, and Harvard found that Black students participating in privately funded voucher programs in Dayton, Ohio, New York City, and Washington, DC performed significantly better on tests after two years in private school than did the students who remained in public school. In addition, the participating students narrowed the gap between their scores and those of white students by one-third.

I haven’t even tackled the Constitutionality aspects of your statement. Suffice it to say, Defense spending is one of the few areas the Constitution has specifically stated that the federal government is to spend money “to provide for common defense”.

The government should change its priorities to fund underserved communities and education instead of funding pointless wars that go nowhere fast.


The government should change its priorities to fund underserved communities and education instead of funding pointless wars that go nowhere fast.

What you propose for the government is against the Constitution. Are you saying the Constitution needs to be changed?

Our government does not operate on wishes and dreams, friend, but on adherence to the Constitution and Laws of the land. Although, I will admit, that lately it seems that it does not operate as it should. Maybe that is why you have stated otherwise.


Your point will have merit when generals, not teachers, have to hold bake sales to raise funds for their communities.

Your rebuff is laughable. The public school system spends more per student than private schools. This table shows it. According to this article, private schools spend a weighted average of only $7700 per student, with only 32 percent charging more than $6000 per student. The difference is public schools are run by an ineffecient, bloated bureaucracy. The needed money gets stuck at the top, and never gets to the classroom to pay teachers salaries and buy school supplies.

I get pissed off everytime I hear that we don’t spend enough on public schools. We spend way too much on bureaucrats that take our children’s school money and dreams.

Nevertheless, I think underserved communities should get funded better.

Children will perform better if they can see greatness outside their school windows, instead of undserserved communities with no hope.

And yes I think the Constitution should be drastically changed. It should be re-prioritized to reflect the issues and problems of the 21st century. It is too outdated to deal with modern problems like poverty, energy, healthcare, sustainability, housing, loans, education, family values, etc.


Thanks for outing yourself. We can see now that you are in the camp that believes the Constitution should be a living document, changed at the whim of the moment, including, even, by liberal activist judges. That is a harsh road to tread around here friend, as most of us believe the Constitution is part of the bedrock foundation of America, and no amount of ‘feelings’ or ‘compassion’ by liberals should ever change that.

Your problems that you list are not new, and certainly not just limited to the last century or so. What you wish for is a centralized, massive government. The Constitution was written to prevent that very thing. It was intended as a guide to prevent the massive accumulation of power within one central government that we have been witnessing for the last 80 years or so. The founders believed that problems and issues could best be handled locally, or within the state. They understood that unique, regional issues could never be handled adequately enough from a national body of legislators whose agendas wouldn’t always mesh together.

I am proud to have a Constitution that means something, even after 230-some years later. It means something that it can’t just be changed ‘on-the-fly’ like some people want. It means something that the document itself, is the greatest symbol of American ingenuity we can claim as a nation. It means something that it has been a protection against outright tyranny, even though the ‘soft tyranny’ of liberalism has crept upon us.

You see a document that is outdated. I see a document that is every bit as forceful and relevant as the day it was written. You see reprioritizing being needed. I see it listing every thing it needs to.

I swore an oath, some 20 years ago, to protect and defend that very document, and what it stands for, against ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic. The fact that I can still honor that oath, even after my service has ended, means a great deal to me, and I still see it as an affront to liberty and freedom when someone like you thinks it should be thrown in the trash.

@ googoo

What subforum on DU did you come from?

Underserved communities? Underserved by who? Taxpayers? Well, I’ve got news for you and your buddies at DU/KOS/Whatever slimepit you crawled up from….we’re tired of serving the overserved and under motivated.

Go back to mommy’s basement.


Children will perform better in school when their parents take personal responsibility for their education and get active in the PTA, etc.

Sorry to shatter your pink unicorn pinata, but you have the kids, they’re YOUR responsibility.

@ john galt:


Thank you for your service.

Some quotes by some very intelligent Americans.

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.
Abraham Lincoln

“The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure.”

Albert Einstein

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”

Patrick Henry

“In matters of Power, let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”
— Thomas Jefferson

“The government was set to protect man from criminals — and the Constitution was written to protect man from the government. The Bill of Rights was not directed against private citizens, but against the government — as an explicit declaration that individual rights supersede any public or social power.”
— Ayn Rand

“Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.”
— Daniel Webster

And now for the less intelligent voices (LOLOL)

Just talk to me as a father – not what the Constitution says. What do you feel?
Joe Biden

It is the genius of our Constitution that under its shelter of enduring institutions and rooted principles there is ample room for the rich fertility of American political invention.
Lyndon B. Johnson

The United States Constitution has proven itself the most marvelously elastic compilation of rules of government ever written Franklin D. Roosevelt

I think the Constitution should be changed to fit today’s lifestyle though.

For instance we should change the first amendment to specify that we only think Christians have the right to practice their religion.


I’ve had enough of this nonsense. Don’t we have a troll-hammer? 😡

@Gary Kukis:

One of the things which interested me is, that the separation of powers in our constitution was based upon a verse in the Bible.

I’m not sure that the separation was based on an individual verse but I know that the whole governmental system we have was based in Old Testament scriptures.

I will find the reference materials for you when I get a “real life” break in a bit.

Did you ever see the Documentary on the section of Pittsburgh occupied by almost all blacks completely ruined by HUD? It was so telling of how the government should not be in anyones business. Prior to HUD it was flourishing and very livable. HUD turned it into a living hell.

So in reading all the comments..does anyone know how to get rid of an annoying section 8 tenant? The landlord is her friend so isn’t going to kick her out! She’s milking the system.. Does not work, live in boyfriend and 4 children by different fathers that aren’t around, has parties, disturbs the peace and people over being loud at all hours of the night.. So again, can anyone help!?!?! Has 3 cars, trampoline, large pool, bbq grill and trampoline. How is that okay? Can someone pay my rent and food because I opened my legs and to lazy to work??? Any help..please?!?!

Well I’ve done all of that..we even had a restraining order against her verbal harrassment and threats she told me and my family, took the copy to our city housing assistance dept…and yet did nothing. I cry a lot due to frustration and disturbances. Who can I go to and maybe can help. I’ve prayed on it, and feel helpless. 🙁 Sorry..I just gave everyone my business.

My my. I am a college educated female who has been unemployed due to health issues. There are some days that I am in so much pain that I actually throw up. But guess what- I force myself to go I have no insurance and.. I get no government assistance. Instead, I provide childcare for different individuals. Since I reside in a one bedroom/one bathroom apartment the state will only allow me to care for three children at a time. Four years ago I took in a child who is not related to me. He has Hyperactivity Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder and Oppositional Defiance Disorder. The mother has six children in all and has custody of none. The first two are twins and she was married to their father, the third and fourth are the same age because she had them so close together and one was premature and have different unknown fathers; the fifth one lives with the married man she claims is his father and the one that I now call my own is asking about his father, also unknown. All the children have some type of disorder such as the ones I mentioned earlier. The last two children would be left alone in motel rooms alone without food for days at a time-the baby was only a few months old. At times they lived in shelters but she would walk the streets with the two children because shelters have curfew and she refused to comply. She was arrested four different times for imminent child endangerment-arrested numerous times for other things as well. She changes men like she changes underwear and will lay down with any man who looks at her or will buy her drug-by the way she drank, smoked and used drugs with the last two. Her family has the other four but refused to take in the last two. The last I heard she was prostituting.. But enough about her. I also have custody of another child who’s father is my brother. Well, as you can imagine my apartment in which I have lived in for nearly thirty years is quite cramped. So I started looking for a new place and was horrified at the cost of rentals-my current rent is $375.00 monthly and includes water and gas. Its difficult even for two income families here to cover housing cost since we live in a college town- college students rent a three bedroom and split the cost. I have seen as many as six cars at homes that I know have three bedrooms,so if rent is $1200-$1500.00 that means each student is paying $200-$250.00 each and splitting utilities. They throw wild parties, do not mow the lawn and just destroy the house. Now back to my situation. I heard about Section 8 and decided to apply. There was so much paperwork and forms to fill out, I had to take papers to the police and sheriiff’s department and have them sign them to show I had no criminal record, I had to take papers to two housing projects for managers to sign and state that I never lived in or was evicted from either and this had to be done in a day’s time . I was then placed on a waiting list for three months, then contacted and given sixty days to find a three bedroom house or apartment for $650.00 a month. To assist in my search I was given a list of prior approved landlords and dwellings. I was so disgusted by some of the places-none were in decent areas and all were smaller than my current residence. I know of people who live in nice areas in three and four bedroom homes and they are on section eight. I discovered that Section 8 pays all of their rent and if not they were allowed to pay the difference. When I brooched the subject with a lady fro housing I was told no that I could not pay the difference because after all I had applied for Section 8 because I “didnot have money for rent” and the program was for people who could not afford rent. I explained that I had no problem paying my current rent on a place designed for one person but needed assistance for a bigger place. By the time I got up the nerve to approach a landlord about my paying the difference my sixty search period was up. So now the kids and I live in a nice and safe area in my cramped but clean one bedroom apartment. By the way, did I mention that the children’s birth mothers and the college students are white. I am black and I am nothing like the people all of you are writing about. I myself do not wish to live near or associate with such people be they black or white and I see lots of white people in my town doing the very things all of you contributiing to blacks. So just for your info not all black people on assistance are triffling nor would I want to rent from, live near or know someone who thinks so. Another thing, I was the first person of color to rent in my current neighborhood and in my building-a tri-plex. Over the years I have seen white people come and go here, some got evicted, some just left rent unpaid, most tore up the unit, and not one made improvements inside their units or did anything outside to improve curb appeal. Over the years I have planted flowers and trees and kept my unit clean inside and out. Only one other tenant stayed any lenght of tme, payed rent on time and added to value to this building-he”s black , had been here ten years but left three months ago because he purchased a home. Again be careful not to lump all blacks on assistance into one pot. After all I am sure if I judged all whites by the whites I know of on assistance, white females with, anywhere from two to six kids with different fathers, the young white mother across the steet who could not describe her two year old or knew what he had on when she reported him missing( he was actually at the police station and had been there all day while she slept) because she did not dress him -the five year old did it before he left for school on one of the rare days he went to school since she usually kept him home to watch the two year old while she slept; the whites who pass my home and toss trash and beer cans in my yard, the whites who park in front of my mailbox even though I ask that they not do so and least I forget the white college students who remove my trash cans from the curb on trash pickup day because they need a place to park and walk to class. One last thing, my mother gave birth to eleven children – two by my father and nine by stepfather and raised my niece- and we are all educated. One of my brothers even continued working towards his Master’ Degree while being treated for Hodgkins- died shortly after graduation. I remember when my niece’s mother died and social services contacted my mother and offered her $24.00 a month “since she was a relative and social services paid more to a none relative” to care for the child instead of placing her in foster care. My mother’s response was “keep it and give it to someone who need’s it because I pay more than that for her dresses.” They tried to give my mother that $24.00 for nearly eighteen years. Another deceased brother’s two sons are in my mother’s custody-their mom is deceased also. When we applied for survior benefits via SSI for them we were told that since my brother had died so young the children then age one and two were not eligible for SSI. They are now nine and ten and my mother with help from my sister is raising them on Social Security. Yet, there is a young white mother across the street from my mother with two children by two different fathers who gets SSI for herself and her children because -she has mental issues-as well as food stamp and WIC(free milk,eggs,cereal,juice and cheese) for the kids. She is also on housing. Sleeps all day while the kids both under age four play outside all day and are never clean. Need I say more!!!!!!!

J.D Anthony: hi, I find you so generous,and like your family;
those agent are ignorant, they deserve to be fired on the spot,
but there is a lot of them in agency that just don’t want to be disturb as they don’t care,
the CONSERVATIVES are not discriminating against blacks for sure, this is carried on by the DEMOCRATS, which are the one always using the racist card against who ever is on the
oppose of their side of their destructive policies; you just watch their speech in public or to MEDIA.
they want to keep the blacks on their side, and they are desperate;
I see some very smart people here seeking the high command job and he is black and has the intelligence to do the job without having to use corrupt elements and programs in his carreer,
a very respected COLONEL MILITARY, so you see no people are the same,
some are so good and excel in what they do, but need support just like you do;
I sure hope that you countiniue to seek the house you want and need for sure to help those children.
best to you, and you are among the best of AMERICA, we must be to do the right change.

googoo: they are in trouble specificly because they try to go around the CONSTITUTION
and change the rules,contrary to what your saying,
It will not work,ever. bye

this is carried on by the DEMOCRATS, which are the one always using the racist card against who ever is on the oppose of their side of their destructive policies; you just watch their speech in public or to MEDIA.

I have long felt, going back to when I became a conservative with Reagan, that this is precisely the case. The Democrats are brilliant at creating the architecture that keeps the ne’er-do-well, their major constituency, right where they’re at, while promising forever a pot o’ gold at the end of the rainbow which is filled with nothing more than proven failures of socialism. The end result is a disgusting burgeoning bureaucracy which serves nothing but its own. The Florida Lottery, in fact, is a perfect example. It’s number one beneficiary is the bureaucracy within itself. Another is the trillions of dollars spent starting with the Johnson administration along with attendant empty slogans, no more meaningful than HOPE. Nope, the Democrats are the true enemy of the poor, and the true Shits of America.

J.D. Anthony…. seems like the problem is government programs period. Not the color of anyone’s skin.

I am not sure how old this post is, but, I do have a comment.
My husband and I are currently looking into Section 8 housing- not rent, not as landlords.
We are both full-time students, ages 25 and 26. We have one daughter- not out of wedlock. My husband works part-time as a cook and I work weekends waitressing so that we do not have out our daughter in daycare. Our annual income is about $20,000 combined. My daughter is also on Medicaid so that she can get proper medical care seeming that our employers do not provide any wort of medical insurance and we can’t afford private right now. Our rent is $650 right now and we usually have to pay it late every month which is an additional $50 late fee, basically making our rent $700. On top of that, we pay all of our utilities. Unfortunately, with student loans and being constantly late on all of our bills, our credit isn’t that great either. We know that we could purchase a home for much less than we pay per month for our tiny 2 bedroom house but we can’t get a loan.
We are hoping that Section 8 will alleviate a little bit of our financial burden during our last 2 years of school so that we aren’t so stressed about money every day. We are not on WIC, food stamps, etc…I don’t like having to need the help but we are stuck- much like many people I’m sure who turn to government assistance for basic needs.
I know there a lot of people who abuse such programs but there are also many who do not and truly need them just to stay a float- especially people like ourselves who are just trying to give ourselves and our daughter a better life by getting our degrees so that we won’t have to worry about relying on anyone but ourselves.
Don’t allow one bad experience or “tale” group all people using government assistance into a negative stereotype. It’s simply not fair and it makes the “non-trashy” people who actually take care of where they live a bad name.

*** I’d like to note that we do not currently have Section 8 housing, nor have we yet applied. We are just trying to figure something out before our landlord gets really impatient with us and evicts us… then we will have no where to go.

Jennifer Scott; hi, I was thinking, of how hard it is to be young in our times, I put myself in your place and try to figure the problem of being always late to pay the rent.
AS we know It’s also hard on the landlord or owner who for many have unsecure tenants,
because of late payers, it create a chain of misfortunes all the way down.
IF you would start regressing your usual late day of paying just let say 5 days every month,
it would tell your landlord of your good will to meet your obligations, until you get back to the right day of the RENT DUE, IT WOULD NEED EFFORT OF COURSE, BUT IT WOULD BE EASYER,
AS you know your whole life will bring challenges, and you may as well start now to deal with it,

@Jennifer Scott… We all make choices – I congratulate you on being a married woman with a child rather a single mom on the dole. My x got knocked up by her “boyfriend” and actually quit a good paying job so she could “get the benefits”. He skipped the state!

Perhaps it is time for one of you to postpone school and work full time. Learning to set priorities at a young age is important. Sometimes just because you desire something, two degreed individuals in the family, it shouldn’t be a license to feed off of the life blood of others which is what people on Section 8 housing are doing. It might be more prudent to keep a good credit rating, pay your bills on time and one of you make the sacrifice of postponing your education for a very short time so that they could work more hours.

Another option is to seek a position at a company that pays tuition.. there are many. I realize that this isn’t the most opportune time to be seeking employment but someone with 2 years of college already under their belt might be able to find an entry level position at such a company. Sometimes it is necessary to step out of ones comfort zone.

I again congratulate both you and your husband for attempting to better your lives… I simply ask that you don’t do it on someone elses dime. Set your priorities!

Donald Bly; hi, you know the TXA POST is getting close to 200
so if you want it check it up now. bye