President Obama Finally Speaks Out During White House Iftar Dinner


In wake of declining approval ratings and opinions of him in the Muslim world, President Obama, hosting a White House Ramadan dinner, finally spoke out on the Cordoba House project, which has become a national issue:

Previously, the Obama administration had left the defense to Bloomberg and others, repeatedly calling the issue a local matter that the White House should not be involved in.

But on Friday, the president said America’s message to the rest of the world must remain one of religious tolerance. He called the country’s “patchwork heritage” a strength even though such diversity can lead to disagreement.

Transcript here.

Would President Bush have said anything much differently?

One of the new recent criticisms and uproar over Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf (and of the Obama Administration) is that the State Department is responsible for funding his trip to the Mideast to discuss what it’s like being Muslim in the United States (these days, perhaps not very positive). The problem with attacking the Obama Administration on this from a political standpoint is that the program that funds the trip was started under the Bush Administration:

Amusingly enough, members of the administration presided over by Liz’s father, such as Karen Hughes, included this Imam in administration programs designed to improve relations with Muslim countries.

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Yes, I think President Bush would have said/done differently. President Bush was mistakenly “reaching” out to Islam, claiming Islam is a religion of peace. President Bush, however, unlike Obama, has an emotional connection to Ground Zero. President Bush also understands his fellow Americans’ emotions regarding Ground Zero, something Obama appears incapable of. I think President Bush would have pushed for the center/mosque to be built elsewhere. Look at the pictures of President Bush greeting troops @ the airport vs Obama with the troops. The difference between these 2 Presidents regarding Ground Zero is just as stark.
I do not mean that GW should not have engaged Muslims, etc, but I believe he sugarcoated Islam.

President Bush got sucked up into the whole “islam is a religion of peace” thing only because a political move in another direction would have played right into the hands of the commandant of all muslim’s, usama bin-Laden, when he tried to play a tune of Americans are going to wage a war against islam, i.e. all muslim’s both in the United States and abroad.
The pretender-n-theif, i.e. obhlabhla ama, in fact spoke of turning against the American’s if and when things got tough with the muslim’s here and abroad. Two wrongs do not make a right. I don’t care what this pos said or does. I can almost bet before the end of the day regarding this injustice known as the Cordoba mosque, islamic headquarters for thier iman (general) and foot soldiers, is over their will be hell to pay for this blantent display of total disregard and disrespect for the individuals who died around this site.
There is a reason why there are no mermorials placed for the jap’s at pearl, no memerorials at any of the world’s most hateful displays of human kinds barbaric attitude at any site where thousands are honored by those who commited their devious acts, it’s called places of respect for the victims for a reason. The grounds around the site of the towers belong to those who lost their lives in this brutal attack upon our way of life, *uck the muslim’s and the horse they rode in on. If they want to wage war upon our lives, I say let’s just get it on and see who it is who is willing to sacrifice more for their principles and values towards life. Religion of peace my ass, there are nothing but a barbaric cult of death to any and all who go against their grains, period.

Bush would have been sensitive to the victims as well, unlike Obama. There has never been a greater poison on this country than the phrase “celebrate diversity.”

“* Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the State Department is funding his the Mideast to discuss what it’s like being Muslim in the United States. The Trip is designed to improve relations with Muslim countries.

An open and honest discussion on:
What its like being a Christian in a Muslim Country, the differences and comparisons (if any) to what it’s like being Muslim in the United States.
Would be more useful and insightful….but no one is up for that discussion.

Building the Cordova Mosque is a must for Obama so all Muslims can pay their respect to the 19 Jihadists who killed innocent Americans on 9/11. That’s freedom of religion in the U.S.
Just like flying the Nazi flag with Hitler’s photo at Auschwitz or having a Japanese flag at the Arizona’s in Pearl Harbor.
Obama is out of touch with the American people. The Bilderbergs are planning to steal the elections a la Stalin and that is why they have given Obama the green light to be” himself”. The next Mosque is going to be build at the White House so that he can workship there.

Where is Cass Sunstein these days?

IT surely was a long speech adress to muslims all over the world, specialy for them, and he came out with the mosque he wanted to be build, and said it has to and it will .
Is it his longest speech?

Obama just endorsed the ground zero mosque……the 3000 dead turn in their graves.


Anybody that thinks that Islam is a religion of peace is out of their gourds. I wonder if the left that seems to favor this group would fair well under Islamic Law. The liberals would love to make us their slaves, but Islam would do the same to them. I’m not ready to become a slave to anybody much less a bunch of rag heads, so I’ll be keeping my powder dry.

This Mosque would have not been built on President Bush’s watch. You do not kill 3000 Americans on American soil, in the name of Allah, and then erect a Mosque to his glory on their grave. Any body with an ounce of common sense would understand this concept.

Islam clearly has some problems in the interpretations of some of the passages in the Koran- I guess since they were a johnny-come-lately religion that sprang from the seeds of Christianity, they thought they needed to be more provacative, orelse it gave them religious “cover” for their bloody conquests, but I do know that NEITHER Crusade would have been fought by Christians if the Muslims had not tried to conquer the Holy lands.
And, it should be no comfort to anyone that these muslims have ALWAYS put their mosques over conquered holy sites, whether the Temple mount, or Ground Zero. If they would have been allowed to, they would have sited the mosque directly in the middle of Ground Zero- kind of like a dog marking its territory. The history is there for all to see.
Now, IF Islam was truly a religion of tolerance, they would WILLINGLY move the location, in order to facilitate tolerance and understanding, but nooooooooooooooooooooooo-

Someone in the Bush Administration would have had a quiet little talk with the project sponsors about an investigation into the sources of funding, and at that point the plans would have dried up and blown away.

I weep with thoses mourners now that the PRESIDENT agreed with THE MOSQUE to be,
THE free world is weeping also for they love AMERICA.

Maybe Bush stopped the building of the Mosque, and with the election of Obama, it is now moving forward.

Why are we talking about Bush again?

The crypto-muslim from kenya/indonesia did what is plainly treason, and a slap on the face of every REAL American. Bush has nothing to do with what the crypto-muslim said while celebrating ramadan in the WH yesterday night.

This moron must be impeached, and bringing Bush into the discussion sidesteps the issue.

To revisit a NY fireman’s comment: Obammy has just (again) kissed Osama B-L’s royal saudi A$$ — not to mention all of islam’s collective a$$

Come on NY — man up!

The whole country better man up real damm soon!

JAMES F: hi, YES, but the whole majority is complaisant with him, no one has risen
to make the point of corruption, so If you impeache him, the rest will still be on that job, that is why It has to be by vote to demolish all at once, It must be done,that way, other wise you would see the PATRIOTS on the move. bye

My friends, it’s time for the Second American Revolution.

If we don’t want this moooslim monstrocity on Ground Zero, WE should prevent it from happening.

If we expect others to do the job for us, they will indeed do the job to us.

kathie, you said, anyboby with a ounce of common sense would understand this concept:
I repeated it because I thought about BEING found INSANE could provide tools in the CONSTITUTION,to prevent that building to be BUILT in there;
ANY one can answer that?


I don’t think there’s anything in the Constitution that could be used unless the US somehow declared war on islam in some form. Since islam is the dominant religion/political system in so many countries, I don’t see how that’s really a possibility. On the other hand, there are many legal means people have to throw roadblocks in the way – and I think they should use every one available.

By the way…I think your written use of the language is getting much better…!

You know, of course…that “anyboby” is a misspell/ mistype. Some will assume you mean “anybody”. Personally, I think “any booby” is a better assumption…!

It is also time to stop pretending this has anything to do with religious freedom/tolerance. Churches have to abide by zoning laws – does that equate with religious intolerance? Yuma, AZ denied a church permission to open in downtown Yuma because the bars thought the church would be bad for business – the case is going to court.
Even “moderate” Muslims are saying this is a intentional provocation:

@JamesF – Right! Obama should be the topic – he’s the President supporting Islamic jihad

Hey Obama, when’s the dinner for the Christians and Jews?

suek: I appreciate the compliment, I keep trying to get better, and I like the way you gave me the right word also: That is the way I would do to ANYBODY. bye, thank you
THAT means any insane person can built a MOSQUE anywhere? hum hum

Rebuild the church FIRST!

The way I look at Obama is this: If the American people are AGAINST something – rabidly, i.e., healthcare, immigration or are in SUPPORT of something, i.e., the immigration bill in Arizona, no moratorium on oil drilling in the gulf, etc.; then you can expect Obama to do the OPPOSITE. This man is NOT the president of the people. He is the president of a few interest groups, i.e., ACORN, unions, etc. The common working everyday joe of America is NOT represented by this president.

In my lifetime, I have NEVER seen a WORST president. He does not lead or inspire confidence. Indeed everything Obama does is destructive. He is destroying this country from within with his tyrannical rulings. I don’t know how much more we Americans can endure.

I wasn’t wild about Bush, especially after the immigration fiasco in 96, but at least he was a President to ALL the people – not just special interests.

Just look to the contrast between the two men. One is welcoming troops home in Texas and the other is spitting in the eye of Americans with his support of the mosque. You decide.

You HAVE to take into account the Muslim tradition of raising Mosques on what they consider “Conquered” ground- look at the Temple Mount in Jeruseleum- they built a mosque on top of what had been the Jew’s holiest Temple- even the name, Cordoba denotes the high water mark of muslim conquest in Spain, where they built a temple on top of the largest cathedral in the city of Cordoba.
Much like a dog marking its territory, the muslims seem to enjoy doing this, which is why, despite there being NO muslim presence to justify the mosque’s existence, they will not change their plans.
The last chance is to follow the money- see where the funds to build it come from.

BLAKE: hi, I heard on a link that CONSTRUCTION workers refuse to build that building, I’m am EXpECTING some confrontation between others who would. bye

As a Construction worker, I would not help. Some things are worth more than money.

BLAKE, If ALL decide to not do it; IT wont be done; THEY are the last braves to decide in MAJORITY, for AMERICA. JUST like you say it. bye