In yet another demonstration of what it means to be a class act, President Bush made a surprise trip to the USO at Dallas/Fort Worth airport to greet US troops who were returning home.

“What an AWESOME moment,” Robert Rowe wrote. “If anyone can’t see the President and First Lady’s love for our nations troops, they must be dead or blind. May God Bless them ALL !” Richard Cruz wrote: “The look on that kid’s face says it all….”
And Shirley Lovely Fry added: “A President and First Lady who love their country and their country’s military.”
The USO posted some of the pictures on their Facebook page.
Thank you President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush for taking the time to show the appreciation that you, and the rest of us, feel for our fine men and women in uniform.
I can’t believe I’m saying this…but…
I’d take a third term of Bush over 18 months of St. Barry.
I was so aggravated with Bush in his last year in office, but even at his lowest points, he’s still light-years ahead of Barack Obama.
There, I said it.
Just a few minutes of his time and look what the man can do for these young patriots.
They will always love our troops and never forget the sacrifices they have made, the troops know it. So nice to see this!
All the photos speak for themselves, everyone there was so excited to have President Bush and First Lady Laura welcome them home. Bless them all!!!
When I arrived in the Atlanta airport back in 2007, I was impressed by the people who lined up to welcome us back. It was a real psychological lift. I can not imagine what it was like for these soldiers!
OH, and at the time, Barry was at a fund raiser…
Which says all we need to know about HIS priorities.
For all Bush’s faults, he did have one thing dead on.. Find the terrorists and kill them. He asked his troops to do the job and loved them for it..
Watch the reception the troops give Beavis in the White House vs what they gave Bush.. Troops have NO trouble knowing who supports them and who’d rather be on the golf course.
Every vote given to Beavis was a repudiation of our troops for which they should be ashamed.
PS…The Troops Know the Difference!
As others have said, GWB may have had his faults but he truely loved this country and the troops that protect it. I can forgive all the other mistakes simply for this fact alone. How many other Presidents do you see going out and meeting troops who put thier lives on the line every day and not cart along an entourage of press and hanger ons? None.
😉 This is class…
No politcal gain, no photo ops, no other motive than
express Thanks to our HEROs who give all the right to live free!
Sentinal: hi, YOU said it well: GEORGE BUSH HAS the CLASS that helped him during his PRESIDENCY, and people now see it more clearly. bye
And to think of the refusal of over 10k military votes in the recount in Florida in the 2000 election. They should have been the first votes counted. The overseas voting should be completed 3 mos before any November election.
I still shake my head at the dingbats that say we support the troops, but not the mission. Absolute bs and leftwing insanity.
I was at the DFW airport in June, and there were many troops in uniform arriving and departing. It did my heart good to see how many of my fellow Texans/passengers took the time to personally thank the military men and women for the great job they are doing. You sure don’t see that in DC.
George W Bush is a class act all the way
Feel like crying for 10 minutes?
[Video embed by Aye]
@Missy #14: You’re right. It’s a beautiful tribute to our soldiers and their families, but you better have a box of tissue handy.
I wasn’t able to see the whole thing….I had something in my eyes.
I love President Bush! I didn’t love all his policies, but GW loves America and Americans. President Bush’s love just beams out of his eyes and smile.
From the vantage point of over 30 years in boots I cannot recall a CIC that I respected more
or a First Lady that was more gracious or a Man that I admire more than any of his predecessors in my days in Service except perhaps Ronald Reagan.
His Successor measures up way short by my standards and the Troops know the difference.
Yeah, that’s a real “class act”.
Just looking at these photos makes you feel so good and energized. It’s like America again with a president who genuinely relates. Thank you George, Laura and Troops.
WHEN THE TIME COME: THERE will be a PARADE like AMERICA has never seen before, and the troops will come in that PARADE and the AMERICANS will give them RECONGNITION and praise, from the 4 corners of this BEAUTIFULL COUNTRY, ALL will come and celebrate the rise,
BACK to A SUPERPOWER, and the free world will be happy again.
President Bush was a real President and continues to be. Mrs. Laura Bush would never have vacationed in Spain with her daughters…only drug dealers and Saudi pimps go to Southern Spain for ” vacation”. The Obama Regime is out of touch!
The Liberal media and the Bildenberg Group are making a big mistake for not listening to the mayority of the people in the world! Marxism doesn’t work! It never has and it never will.
URI #22:
Tell me what Marxism is?
One has to wonder just who you believe is a “class act”.
*System of economic, social, and political philosophy based on the idea that class struggle is the “”””motor of history,”””” and that the outdated class structures will be overthrown with force (revolution) instead of being replaced through patient modification. It explains that as the capitalism has succeeded the feudalism, it too will be removed by a dictatorship of the workers (proletariat) called socialism, followed quickly and inevitably by a classless society which governs itself without a governing class or structure. Developed in the 19th century jointly by two lifelong German friends living in London Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) it forms the foundation of communism.
**Definition of Marxism: The economic, social, political, pseudo-scientific philosophy, theory, belief, or system based on the works of Karl Marx of Germany. The theory seeks the elimination of the notion of private property in order to gain control of the economic “means of production” by taking it from the bourgeois (the wealthy or propertied class) for the benefit of the proletariat (working class.) His philosophy of history was called “historical materialism” in which his goal was to bring about the end of history, by means of an eventual perfect, classless, utopian society he called Communism.
Marxist notions of collectivization and redistribution of the property of the bourgeois puts it on a collision course with the economic philosophy of Capitalism and free markets, and also with the social-governmental philosophies related to Democracy, in the oldest, pre-Marxism sense of that word.
Marxism seeks to promote class warfare or, today, at least, class strife, and succeeds best where clear, major delineations exist between classes. Since the USA has an enormous natural “middle class” and little or no obvious delineation between classes, Marxism has only made inroads there among the SLIMC, which represents a very small but vocal minority that has a very high visibility, and a lot of influence. At the moment, the majority still rules in the USA. (Except when representative law is overruled and when new unrepresentative law is established by the unrepresentative courts.)
In the intermediary phase between Marxism – the conquest of Capitalist-exploiter Bourgeoisie and “The State” – and Communism, which is called, alternatively, Socialism or the “dictatorship of the proletariat”, the “Party” rules. Marx referred to this Socialism, or Dictatorship of the Proletariat, as an unpleasant but necessary phase until the population and the workers were “perfected” and ready for the next phase, the worker’s paradise of Communism.
As a point of historical fact no nation that ever entered the “temporary phase” of Socialism ever got out of it on their own. There is no next phase. Socialism is, in reality, almost definitively, dictatorship, pure and simple. It is the death of representative government. No Marxist will ever admit it, but permanent dictatorship is the true but hidden ultimate goal of the Marxist movement. A devout Marxist is necessarily a MEJTML, who must and who will promote the great Communist Lie to others.
The fatal flaws of Marxism are not merely obvious, clear and present in Das Kapital, and in the historical record of the movement, but even in the most brief, cursory, nutshell definition of Marxism, as in this one.
Perfection is not of this world, but the next, and so a perfect or “pure” Socialism is quite unlikely to exist. However, in the interest of showing the ideal that a pure Socialism strives for, the Pure Socialism link will describe that ideal. Under the definition of Marxism, Socialism, remember, is a mere stepping stone leading to Communist Utopia. For the counterpoint to Pure Socialism, look at the Pure Democracy link.
Communism – in which history stops and everyone is perpetually happy in a worldly worker’s paradise – is, of course, nothing but a silly pipe dream.
And so is the false notion that Marx presented to the world a system of “Natural Social Evolution” in which Capitalism is a mere stepping-stone or link “species” along the evolutionary way into Socialism and eventually Communism. America became the recognized America she is not by gradual evolution, but by violent revolution. It started July 4 1776, and it was a very big deal at the time. It was even in all the newspapers. Most Marxists missed it completely, or pretend it didn’t happen.
The false Utopian claim that Communism will eventually “feed all the people” and eliminate hunger from the world is the seemingly moral bait that draws in the young, the idealistic, the naive and the inexperienced. Communism does not exist, and Socialism is among the most closed, menacing, inhospitable, uncharitable and impoverishing government systems in existence.
Marxism, like Islam, is so antagonistic to the American Constitution as to render them mutually exclusive ideas and ideals. One may serve Marxism or the American Constitution, but not both. Constitutional America and Marxism cannot be merged and cannot coexist. Only one may survive; the other must die. It is not possible for any Marxist to swear any oath to uphold the American Constitution without giving a false oath. Not an oath of office; not an oath of American military service; not an oath of naturalized citizenship; not any oath to support, protect or defend the US Constitution. A Marxist may not honestly profess the pledge of allegiance to our flag. But then, Marxists are not honest.
Go to the actual Marxism page to see a more in depth treatment of Marxism, and a realistic comparison of Marxist Socialism to the combination of individual liberty and Capitalism.
For classic examples of the elaborate “open lies” of Marxism in the quoted words of History’s most preeminent Marxist practitioners, such as Lenin, Khrushchev and even decisions of Congresses of the Communist International, see the Marxist Fundamentals page by Prof. Libor Brom. There you will see that Lenin was quite open about his intention to destroy America and about exactly how he planned to do it.
Lenin is touted by Marxists to be the “good guy” Marxist, at least when compared to Stalin. Note well that Lenin, among modern rulers, was the second (after Robespierre) to employ a state terror campaign as a political tool, and his terror campaign was the worst in history up to that point. The only reason he didn’t kill and impoverish more citizens than Stalin or Mao was that he had a stroke and died before he really got rolling.
Class Warfare…Check
Redistribution of Wealth…Check
Elected Officials swearing a False Oath…Check
State Control of the Means of Production…Check
Appointing Activist Judges…Check
@tadcf: any of this look familiar?
@Old Trooper
I’m glad you took the time to do that. I thought about it, but didn’t want to feed tadcf any more than I already do, lol. You realize, of course, that you didn’t produce links to support what you wrote and that tadcf is all about providing links.
I had been very lucky and got to sit down and actually talk with 43 (GWB) on several different occasions and on anything I wanted to, in my past life. The man was intelligent, articulate and down to earth (and strong and very fit, too!). The First Lady was a true “class act” also. He would speak his mind (in confidence) and you really knew where he stood. When he spoke of the troops and some of the loses they experienced, he would actually get tears in his eyes. This man cared a lot about his troops, deeply, and I believe he still does and always will.
And yes, I didn’t agree with some of his choices on policy/action, but he did what he did and stood by it. He is, and continues to be, a real American. Thank you and God Bless Mr. President (Bush).
@johngalt: Do you think he would do any homework on anything that conflicts with his “talking Points” that he gleaned from his last Young Pioneers Leninist Club meeting?
No links for lefties is my motto. Let Em do their Own Homework. The fact that Socialism has utterly failed anywhere it was tried on the Planet exposes him as uneducated and lacking in common sense. Lefties and Fools never do their homework as it gets in the way of the truth.
I’d like to have Him on my place in Montana for a week or so. I have some horse droppings that need shoveling and that appears to be his area of expertise. Having read some of his postings I have determined that he needs to do an honest days work at something. Shoveling honest to God horse crap as opposed to cyber horse crap can be theraputic for those that are “reality challenged”.
Right now, Capitalism is threatened by the Current Economically Illiterate Regime. I’m doing my best to insure that Capitalism remains alive and well. A hard days work on my spread consists of the reality that Capitalism works and redistribution of wealth does not. Charity is voluntary up here. But I do feed stable and cow hands well. We are NOT herding Cats here.
We herd Hereford Cattle here.
OLD TROOPER2: hi, YOUR COMMENTS REFLECT WHAT IS missing and why the government
iS failing the people, and what should be done to correct it. bye
SSDVC: hi, the democrats insert some of their demands inside some bills demands from
THE PRESIDENT consealing it from the PRESIDENT it happened and mister BUsH took the responsability, because he was the PRESIDENT, IT shows the dishonesty of DEMOCRATS,
AND how far they can go to hurt their opponents, so It was for the majority DEMS to
put a screw in, and hurt the president CREDIBILITY, by twisting his bills before they submit it. bye
As far as I’m concerned, Bush screwed the pooch on his domestic agenda. Like his father he rolled over for Democrats.. Dems should love the guy because he rarely if ever used his veto.. He gave them everything they wanted except: He truly did see the need to kill terrorists.
The Dims even agreed with that initially but true to form they will not stand firm for anything that is in America’s best interests. Misguided as he was in believing that giving in to the Dims would gain him anything, he did love his country and he did support the troops. Unlike the Zero we have now who hates America.
Ask yourself one question: What would Zero do different if he did not hate his country?
Thanks to all my friends for trying to explain Marxism to this moron.
President Reagan said so well, it is what you read and what we understand.
It is creation of a parasitical world by a Jewish man, son of a Rabbi, who could not stand himself or his kind, changed even his name from Mordechai to Karl, and hated other Jews like you cannot imagine. Only the mentally ill and sick can adhere to this type of ideology..
Old Trooper 2, BRAVO to that wonderful history lesson! I don’t think it could have been put down any better. You sound a tad like Skookum, spose that’s cause you’re both cowhands. (or would it be cowboys)
John Galt #26:
All I want are facts–do you know what those are? Links provide a source of facts, so that they may be judged true or false.
tadcf: you better be more polite with my friends, they are a lot smarter than you,
SO take a course on politness and think further than your nose.