Nothing short of brilliant… Can’t wait for the movie.
14 years ago
The Video needs to be released NOW! Before the November elections.
14 years ago
Writer/blogger and all around brilliant thinker Donald Sensing, added a comment/link at Gerard’s American Digest that added much to the video-message, from an allegory by Plato:
Electrifying use of sound and picture. Had me in 10 seconds flat! Like a Walter Mosely one-two punch to the gut!
Oh, to be black and conservative in this day!
I’m runnin’!!!
Slave No More
14 years ago
Wow! Now if they would only release it next week!
Susan Amos
14 years ago
Powerful! Black Friends, please listen to this message and turn your backs on the people who are enslaving you for your vote! Reach out and take your freedom. Its there!
versionthirdteen: hi, dont run from us, there is to much fun here,not to be miss
one for all and all for one. WE’LL get there. bye
14 years ago
Thing is… this messege if for all Americans…
We are becoming slaves of the banks, and the State.
The American dream of house, cars, and College, forces people into debt…
I’m in the process of trying to break those chains on myself, by clearing all debt, and selling the big house (which I no longer need as the kids are gone).
Excellent point Romeo. I understand the point in the video about white people not being able denounce the slavery of the black population to the democrats, but in general, all Americans are slaves to the system designed by politicians and lawyers at the urging of the ‘progressive’ mindset rampant among the influential.
This is what should be promoted to all Americans.
14 years ago
The message of “Runaway Slave” and the Tea Party movement to socialist/communist progressives is the same: “We are a free people. We are not your ‘proletariat’/slaves.”
It’s a shame a lot more people can’t see how this racial crap is tearing things apart. It’s funny how a lot our (America’s) past history is buried because some elitist folks think the truth is not good for thier agenda.
Can’t wait for this to come out.
bob wasem
14 years ago
Out FU@K-EN STANDING trailer (How good can the MOVIE be???) EVERY TEA PARTY should play this trailer on BIG screen’s before anyone speaks. If you can’t play the whole movie-the trailer will do. Play it before Nov 2010, Play it after Nov 2010, right up until Nov 2012.
Per 1960 just about all black’s were (R’s) then after the Kennedy-King 95% flip to (D’s) ???????
One person can have that much power in flipping 13.5% of the people??????
14 years ago
So, the problems in the black community are the Democratss fault? Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
Black conservatives who blame Democrats for their problems are no different than black liberals who blame “whitey” for their problems. This is the same hustle and jive we’ve heard for years. White people have the same access to welfare benefits as blacks but you don’t see 70%+ of white children being born out of wedlock.
This movie will not have any impact on black voters because it was not produced for them. It was produced for gullible, white Tea Party members who are scared of being called “racist” and who will lap this crap up.
@Realist…You certainly don’t live up to your screen name. The point of the video isn’t a “blame game,” rather it points out the entitlement trap that the far left have been using to prevent many in the black community, and the poor in general for that matter, from standing on their own.
For the more a people is beholden to the entitlements for their sustenance, the more they vote those who provide the entitlements into power. It is all about numbers for the far left. A means to and end and they don’t care whose lives the wreck. For proof of this, look at what Gingrich and the Congress did when Clinton was in office. They reduced the welfare state tremendously by giving people the chance to have some self respect.
Under Clinton and a GOP controlled Congress, the Welfare Reform’s results are unprecedented. And of course, those on the left were furious. They protested and yelled and railed on and on about this legislation:
The chorus of outrage from the left was deafening. Marian Wright Edelman, chairman of the Children’s Defense Fund, warned that Clinton’s signature would “leave a moral blot on his presidency and on our nation.” Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont denounced the bill as “anti-family, anti child, and mean-spirited.” Hugh Price, head of the National Urban League, declared that “Washington has decided to end the War on Poverty and begin a war on children.” Over and over it was said that welfare reform would wreak social devastation, throwing vast numbers of people, including a million children, into poverty.
Peter Edelman, the husband of Marian Wright Edelman and an assistant secretary of health and human services, resigned in protest and condemned the new law in a long article — “The Worst Thing Bill Clinton Has Done” — in The Atlantic. It predicted, among other things, “more malnutrition and more crime, increased infant mortality, and increased drug and alcohol abuse . . . increased family violence and abuse against children and women.” He concluded, this “terrible legislation” would do “serious injury to American children.”
It did none of those things.
The results speak for themselves. Since peaking in 1994, the nation’s welfare caseload plummeted by 60 percent, falling from 5 million families to fewer than 2 million.Welfare recipients went to work in droves. The employment rate among those who had been likeliest to slip into long-term dependence — young mothers who had never been married — soared by nearly 100 percent. And as more and more mothers left welfare and got jobs, more and more of their children were lifted out of poverty.
Far from throwing a million kids into the streets, welfare reform sent the child poverty rate tumbling, from 20.8 percent in 1995 to 17.8 percent in 2004. In black communities, where welfare had done the most damage, the decline was even more dramatic. “Black child poverty plummeted at an unprecedented rate, falling to 30.0 percent in 2001,” Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation testified before Congress . “In 2001, despite the recession, the poverty rate for black children was at the lowest point in national history.”
What a shame ….or a SHAM …on the bigotry and racism that still flows daily in our hearts. When Martin Luthur King, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Malcom X, and so many others carried the message of freedom back in the 60’s as a huge push to finally recognize that ridding ourselves of these diseases…and for the most part the country embarrassed the ideals these men and men like them took the courage to spread the message of equality for all people.
Now I am not going to blow smoke up anyone’s butt about what has happened since then…A huge number of America took the idea to heart . All races seemed t be ready and each one was waiting for the other to start making things better. Today in 2010, I do not see racism as it was then by any resemblance.
America has come full circle with the exception of a now minority who still hold to those old ideals. Is that to an acceptable standard? Close but no cigar…yet we are still on the right path…one indicator are interracial marriages of both genders have indeed made huge advances to the ideal and it works for them.
Today we Americans face a new tyranny that threatens to shake the very foundations of America..the attack on our constitution.
This film MUST be shown as soon as possible to cover all of Americas citizens to what we now face..the extinction of our entire system of FREEDOM.
Now WHITE America needs to stand tall along side all our brothers and sisters in the name of freedom and the American dream which we all must now TAKE BACK from the powers that we put into office coming to us as Sheep in Wolves clothing. Time to Flip this congress and let them all know WE are America and WE are the ones holding the power to take our country back from just over 500 idiots with a few scattered good members who we need to be able to discern who is trustworthy to remain or leave. Let’s be smart and finally take the time to READ on who it is your voting for. What they stand for and the final thing we need to do is VOTE.
We Control Our Freedom… will you join in too and find out what you can do for YOUR country.
14 years ago
Meh, not so impressed with this video.
14 years ago
YOU ARE WRONG! I would not be here if this were racist.I am a SCICILIAN woman who would not tolerate it! You are a droid if you are listening to liberal crapola!
WHERE is your proof?All you have is hearsay..LIES!
They said “The JOKER “signs were racist…HELLO,THE JOKER IS WHITE!!,so if it’s racist,it'[s against O’s WHITE HALF!
They say there were “CONFEDERATE FLAGS”…believe me,I WAS LOOKING because I HATE that’s TREASONOUS..A DEFEATED flag! They were seeing “FLORIDA STATE FLAGS” because they look similar.
GO to the Tea Party ,you will see blacks.IF you look at the YOUTUBE video’s of 9-12 YOU WILL SEE BLACKS! Not a big “percentage” but lets be a “REALIST” the population ,they aren’t a big percentage either.They are a “MINORITY” remember?? So,it’s LOGICAL that they would be a MINORITY at Tea Party events!!!
Hopefully you aren’t confused by this logic & you are a real TRUTH-SEEKER.
Go to YOUTUBE “DC 9-12 shofar”
to see my black/JEWISH friend who I travelled 15 hours on a bus with, to blow his shofar at the capital. WHICH HALF of Pres. O is He racist against?? Must be his WHITE HALF!!
Bee, your comment reminds me of that old saying – “It is better to keep your mouth shut and let the people think you a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”
Saw this on Facebook last night. CAN’T WAIT! But why are they?
Wow….. what a refreshing and uplifting message… I hope it gets some traction.
But who did American Digest Hat-tip for the video?
Nothing short of brilliant… Can’t wait for the movie.
The Video needs to be released NOW! Before the November elections.
Writer/blogger and all around brilliant thinker Donald Sensing, added a comment/link at Gerard’s American Digest that added much to the video-message, from an allegory by Plato:
Electrifying use of sound and picture. Had me in 10 seconds flat! Like a Walter Mosely one-two punch to the gut!
Oh, to be black and conservative in this day!
I’m runnin’!!!
Slave No More
Wow! Now if they would only release it next week!
Powerful! Black Friends, please listen to this message and turn your backs on the people who are enslaving you for your vote! Reach out and take your freedom. Its there!
versionthirdteen: hi, dont run from us, there is to much fun here,not to be miss
one for all and all for one. WE’LL get there. bye
Thing is… this messege if for all Americans…
We are becoming slaves of the banks, and the State.
The American dream of house, cars, and College, forces people into debt…
I’m in the process of trying to break those chains on myself, by clearing all debt, and selling the big house (which I no longer need as the kids are gone).
Excellent point Romeo. I understand the point in the video about white people not being able denounce the slavery of the black population to the democrats, but in general, all Americans are slaves to the system designed by politicians and lawyers at the urging of the ‘progressive’ mindset rampant among the influential.
This is what should be promoted to all Americans.
The message of “Runaway Slave” and the Tea Party movement to socialist/communist progressives is the same: “We are a free people. We are not your ‘proletariat’/slaves.”
Awesome trailer, I HAVE to see this movie now!
It’s a shame a lot more people can’t see how this racial crap is tearing things apart. It’s funny how a lot our (America’s) past history is buried because some elitist folks think the truth is not good for thier agenda.
Can’t wait for this to come out.
Out FU@K-EN STANDING trailer (How good can the MOVIE be???) EVERY TEA PARTY should play this trailer on BIG screen’s before anyone speaks. If you can’t play the whole movie-the trailer will do. Play it before Nov 2010, Play it after Nov 2010, right up until Nov 2012.
Per 1960 just about all black’s were (R’s) then after the Kennedy-King 95% flip to (D’s) ???????
One person can have that much power in flipping 13.5% of the people??????
So, the problems in the black community are the Democratss fault? Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
Black conservatives who blame Democrats for their problems are no different than black liberals who blame “whitey” for their problems. This is the same hustle and jive we’ve heard for years. White people have the same access to welfare benefits as blacks but you don’t see 70%+ of white children being born out of wedlock.
This movie will not have any impact on black voters because it was not produced for them. It was produced for gullible, white Tea Party members who are scared of being called “racist” and who will lap this crap up.
@Realist…You certainly don’t live up to your screen name.
@Realist…You certainly don’t live up to your screen name. The point of the video isn’t a “blame game,” rather it points out the entitlement trap that the far left have been using to prevent many in the black community, and the poor in general for that matter, from standing on their own.
For the more a people is beholden to the entitlements for their sustenance, the more they vote those who provide the entitlements into power. It is all about numbers for the far left. A means to and end and they don’t care whose lives the wreck. For proof of this, look at what Gingrich and the Congress did when Clinton was in office. They reduced the welfare state tremendously by giving people the chance to have some self respect.
Under Clinton and a GOP controlled Congress, the Welfare Reform’s results are unprecedented. And of course, those on the left were furious. They protested and yelled and railed on and on about this legislation:
Sorry for the double post.
What a shame ….or a SHAM …on the bigotry and racism that still flows daily in our hearts. When Martin Luthur King, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Malcom X, and so many others carried the message of freedom back in the 60’s as a huge push to finally recognize that ridding ourselves of these diseases…and for the most part the country embarrassed the ideals these men and men like them took the courage to spread the message of equality for all people.
Now I am not going to blow smoke up anyone’s butt about what has happened since then…A huge number of America took the idea to heart . All races seemed t be ready and each one was waiting for the other to start making things better. Today in 2010, I do not see racism as it was then by any resemblance.
America has come full circle with the exception of a now minority who still hold to those old ideals. Is that to an acceptable standard? Close but no cigar…yet we are still on the right path…one indicator are interracial marriages of both genders have indeed made huge advances to the ideal and it works for them.
Today we Americans face a new tyranny that threatens to shake the very foundations of America..the attack on our constitution.
This film MUST be shown as soon as possible to cover all of Americas citizens to what we now face..the extinction of our entire system of FREEDOM.
Now WHITE America needs to stand tall along side all our brothers and sisters in the name of freedom and the American dream which we all must now TAKE BACK from the powers that we put into office coming to us as Sheep in Wolves clothing. Time to Flip this congress and let them all know WE are America and WE are the ones holding the power to take our country back from just over 500 idiots with a few scattered good members who we need to be able to discern who is trustworthy to remain or leave. Let’s be smart and finally take the time to READ on who it is your voting for. What they stand for and the final thing we need to do is VOTE.
We Control Our Freedom… will you join in too and find out what you can do for YOUR country.
Meh, not so impressed with this video.
YOU ARE WRONG! I would not be here if this were racist.I am a SCICILIAN woman who would not tolerate it! You are a droid if you are listening to liberal crapola!
WHERE is your proof?All you have is hearsay..LIES!
They said “The JOKER “signs were racist…HELLO,THE JOKER IS WHITE!!,so if it’s racist,it'[s against O’s WHITE HALF!
They say there were “CONFEDERATE FLAGS”…believe me,I WAS LOOKING because I HATE that’s TREASONOUS..A DEFEATED flag! They were seeing “FLORIDA STATE FLAGS” because they look similar.
GO to the Tea Party ,you will see blacks.IF you look at the YOUTUBE video’s of 9-12 YOU WILL SEE BLACKS! Not a big “percentage” but lets be a “REALIST” the population ,they aren’t a big percentage either.They are a “MINORITY” remember?? So,it’s LOGICAL that they would be a MINORITY at Tea Party events!!!
Hopefully you aren’t confused by this logic & you are a real TRUTH-SEEKER.
Go to YOUTUBE “DC 9-12 shofar”
to see my black/JEWISH friend who I travelled 15 hours on a bus with, to blow his shofar at the capital. WHICH HALF of Pres. O is He racist against?? Must be his WHITE HALF!!
I am a member of :
Also go to
This guy looks like a fat black horribly dressed pimp! Get with the program, this mess was made for racista white folks!
Bee, your comment reminds me of that old saying – “It is better to keep your mouth shut and let the people think you a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”