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President Obama drives a Chevy Volt at a GM plant in Hamtramck, Mich. In the passenger seat is plant manager Teri Quigley. (Larry Downing, Reuters / July 29, 2010)

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The GPS says the nearest cliff is just to the left.

“Cool. It’s so neat that electricity is so clean since it comes from a hole in the wall.”

“I know this car isn’t going to sell but for all those tens of billions I gave you, you need to make this radio block out Limbaugh and Hannity and only play NPR.”

Set the GPS for Chappaquiddick & pop the cork!

A range of 40 miles… and it only costs $40,000, sheesh… that’s almost as efficient as my stimulus plan!

Is it GM’s coffin

Not to worry…. I have a great marketing plan… We’ll levy a 200% tax on any car that has a range of more than 41 miles. It’s hidden in the cap and trade bill… but you’ll have to pass the bill before you can find out where we’ve hidden that passage in the bill.

We can extend the range by letting the air out of the front tires, that way it will always be going downhill, like the economy. We can call it a car for the Obama Economy.

It is a major improvement of golf cart technology.

“What? You mean I have to press the race button to make it go fast?”

Does he actually know how to drive? Never saw a picture of him driving anything other than that girls bike with the flat tire.

And this is the fairy dust button, which will make you a better President than Jimmy Carter.

“No, I have never had a drivers license, but thanks for asking.”

My 10 foot test-drive, and positive review, is in direct proportion to my resume qualifying me as president….I give it a solid B-plus.

sorry I don’t buy american

I hope Michelle doesn’t see me riding this woman around in her new car… 🙄

Dont worry Teri, Ill find a way to make the taxpayers buy all the government employees one.

This car doesn’t seem to have cojones, Teri; they should have been right there !

Yes, it only turns left. To go right, you have to just keep going left.

“That’s not the stick shift, that’s my devil’s tail wrapped around my waist.”

Just remember, when I drive this car into the ditch (just like I’m doing with the economy), blame the previous owner… what? The car is new? yea, so what, are you blaming me… YOU MUST BE A RACIST… what do you mean I was at fault since I was driving…. don’t bother me with silly FACTS, don’t you know who you’re talking too! I’m the MESSIAH, I OWN THE MEDIA! Just repeat after me… even though I was behind the wheel… IT’S BUSH’S FAULT… IT’S BUSH’S FAULT

…and this button sucks the rest of the life out of the economy…

Another illegal gets to drive a car.

I want a car that will do everything I tell it to, like Congress does.

The only complaint I have is that it allows people to make right turns.

ONE hand on the steering, where does the other hand goes?

No squirrels were hurt in making this car move ten feet. Their treadmills meet current ergonomic standards, and union work rules limited the length of their shift.

“So, where is the cigarette lighter?”

WOOPS I forgot the battery.

BETH just south of BERKELEY and just east of SAN FRANCISCO, OUF that’s very cheap from them.

carl: you suppose to have one in your pocket,

“Let’s pretend we’re Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo whatever her name was.”

“Now you can be a wuss-boy while driving too, Mr. President.”

SBSMITH: hi, TED step on it please we dont have all day: yes Dear we’r done you can leave.

Apologies to Gary Numan…

Here in my car
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
It’s the only way to hide
In cars

Here in my car
I can only transmit
If I listen to you
It will make me unstable for days
In cars

Here in my car
Where the telepromoter won’t fit
Will let me take you for a ride
If I open my door
In cars

Here in my car
I know I’ve started to run on empty
I need some more volts
Damn – I’m already starting to miss BP
In cars

How do I turn the radio on and is this the steering wheel? 💡

Why does it slow down when I turn on the radio?

So let me get this straight, it actually runs on political gas? Wow, thats like an endless resource! I knew if we cut off the spigot, yall would come up with something that would work! Lets see what she’ll do for me!

No union workers were hurt making this car, now stock owners…..that’s another story.

You’ll get a charge out of this car!

Can you put a real quiet V8 in some of these for me and my Elites?

My driving is slightly worse than my bowling!

Bo: “Terry, does this car has a radio?”

TQ: “Yes, and it’s voice activated. Just tell it to turn on.”


TQ: “Oops, that’s tuned to Rush Limbaugh”

BO: “A**hole!”

Radio: Sound of Obama speech.

So, ah….uh…..we’re not going to need to burn any more of those awful fossil fuels to make the additional electricity to charge these things now……right? 🙄

JACK BAUER: NOT even the cow manure?

ogee, IT’S a square steering wheel

Christ! He even drives like a girl!

“Yeah, it’s okay and all… considering it’s AMERICAN 🙄 But it’s NOTHING like my Prius!!” 😀

SKOOKUM: they dont have to put the V8, all he have to do is to shut up,and it will be quite.

BETH just south of BERKELEY and just north of SAN FRANCISCO:
WHAT do you mean by the UNIONS limited the lenght of THEIR shit? .