Flopping Aces Writer Maj Chris Galloway on ABC News

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Saving Soldiers From Mental Effects of War

The only words I have are:
Godspeed my friend
ShannonROCKS! (yes, 1word!)


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Good to see this problem getting some public exposure. Shannon is a true hero herself.

We should all try to reach out when we can; ask a vet to go fishing with you, to watch a game of TV or the MMA matches, or to to help you build a wagon for his or her kids, be creative and reach out with a hand of friendship and compassion, we don’t need to be mental health experts to listen and be a friend.

Don’t let your feelings be hurt by rejection or anger and accusations, be patient and realize it is better that they release this stuff with you than in a bar or a confrontation with the police. You may become a trusted friend by enduring a few minutes of verbal abuse and be providing an invaluable service. It isn’t pretty stuff and you should leave your pride and sense of self at the door.

These vets are a precious resource and now the sacrifices they have endured and witnessed, seem to be meaningless because of this dubious political climate; consequently they are more vulnerable to the absurd and ghastly nature of war more than ever.

By helping a returning warrior patriot, you can be a hero; but don’t expect campaign ribbons or medals, only two people will know, you and the real hero.

Yes, I have done this service, many decades ago, and carry in my gut secrets that will go with me to the grave.

I “served” in Croatia doing “peacekeeping” as a junior officer, so close to being a senior officer. The world’s worst invention is- LAND MINES! Call the fn engineers. There’s dead and unspent ordinance, get the engineers. Get the engineers to fix that road and don’t forget to fix the bridge. You guys got mortars and heavy infantry, get over here NOW! This is where I come from.

In small town Saskatchewan there are many ww2 and Korean vets. I knew some through my dad. I honor them and most are gone now. These are a few:

Paul Lanski- Korea-alcoholism
Dan Culbertson-Dieppe pow-alcoholism
Arsene Magnien- BEF Dunkirke, Commando, Belgian expatriot-alcoholism
Roger Cyrene- dispatch rider 1 Canadian Corps-alcoholism
Armand Bourget- 1 Assault Engineer, Italy, avid golfer at 92 years old and i golfed with him.
Jean Martine- Winnepeg Grenardiers, pow Hong Kong, effects from starvation and alcoholism.


I wanted to repost. There was a 2nd piece done on my interview with Bob Woodruff. I know ABC is not a favorite here, but PLEASE watch and pass the word. Our story is now tied to a Department of the Army (DA) report!!! That is impressive, but we are NOT done!!

The love of my life always and forever! NEVER forgotten…..

Shannon Galloway

1st piece

http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/saving-soldiers-mental-effects-war-suicide-murder-high-risk-behavior-troops-combat-11283294 second piece. even MORE powerful!

Curt, can you please post this on the front page for a bit?

Thank you Chris and Shannon Galloway

This is the first time I have seen this report. Chris was a wonderful man & great friend. He was my husbands best friend in the college years at WMU & he was in our wedding. We didn’t hear about Chris’ passing til after the funeral cause Army life is sometimes like that with deployments. Chris is missed by us & all who new him.

Jenn and Andy Brazee

Imagine running into you here:) Thank you for your loving and kind words. The best thing you can do for Chris and our family is to always remember him and never let him be forgotten. He always had many funny stories of you and Andy and your time at WMU:)


Even though it’s been over 2 years since Chris’ passing it is still remembered like it was yesterday. He was a truly remarkable man and I had the pleasure of getting to know him. Chris is still greatly missed and always will be.