Hat tip: Brutally Honest
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Damn, I thought I wiped that off of my shoes.
Hussein: Can I borrow your mojo for a few months, Michelle sat on mine.
O: “I can see my poll numbers from my bow.”
O: “Please don’t hurt me big man.”
“Hey Barack, I am not a Saudi King.”
Thank you for not running in 2012!
/said with Cartman voice
“Bow befoah my authoitah!
Bowing to the real man …
Obama: I’m not worthy! I’m not worthy!
Christie: acollectivistsayswhat
Obama: What?
Christie: Exactly
Let me be clear… I’m humbled to be in the presence of a true leader.
Power to the People….Ho Ho Ho!!! Funniest thing I have heard all week.
Damn..when I get around grown-ups and real men in uniforms, I get all silly…
Finally!!! A bow I can believe in!
I am humbled because your so much more honorable than I.
hey world look how funny I am! I think everything is a joke including the office I hold and my country!
I decline to enter the contest… you know how I feel about those. But great find on the photo. Is this the first time Obama has bowed to someone who is white?
It must have been a mistake!
Am I starting to go bald?
Ow.. ow ow… OK! You win the “whose got the firmest handshake” contest…. Please let me go now…
Jeez – I think I just farted…
Oh, sorry, force of habit. Do it every time I meet a real leader . . . . “
The Obowmabird bows again. When will he stop? Maybe he will bow to you some day. (Please show Mike’s image of the Obowmabird)
I’m so used to bowing to dictators I automatically bow to anyone with a title in front of their name.
You definitely cast a bigger shadow than I do. I bow to it.
Hey thanks for campaigning for Corzine, guess I should be bowing to you.
HE WILL BOW to anyone who promise to supply money for his charitables organization
‘I think I stepped in johnnie ryan.’
Sorry, I thought this would be funny but suddenly it feels soooo right.
SMORGASBORD: hi, YOU know I think it will stop when he BOW to someone WHO
WHO also bow at the same time. bye