typical leftist narscist douchenozzle. to have our “peace” at any cost you have to break a few eggs. and its still the fualt of the U.S. military because they “misclassified the material we stole. never our fault….
Im sick and tired of culturally self loathing culturally suicidal self centered left wing asshats hunting for and getting acolades for hurting the U.S and western civ in general.
14 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks this guy looks/acts a lot like the character Ozymandius in “The Watchman” graphic novel/movie?
typical leftist narscist douchenozzle. to have our “peace” at any cost you have to break a few eggs. and its still the fualt of the U.S. military because they “misclassified the material we stole. never our fault….
Im sick and tired of culturally self loathing culturally suicidal self centered left wing asshats hunting for and getting acolades for hurting the U.S and western civ in general.
Am I the only one who thinks this guy looks/acts a lot like the character Ozymandius in “The Watchman” graphic novel/movie?