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This is far from the truth.. time lines don’t lie when you bother to look for the real time line.
So Chris Wallace was lying through his teeth (which is not unusual for him after all he works for Fox Noise) FOXNEWS.com Posted it on July 19th BEFORE her being forced to resign.
So the facts are something escape you DrJohn and Fox Noise blatantly lies about it.

See the true timeline here: http://mediamatters.org/research/201007220004

So Fox posted that there is this video, it appears that everything they say is factual and unchanged even after viewing the video in the entirety. And they were seeking comment. So in the view of “Real American Patriot” the truth is a bad thing. Not to forget seeking comment from those who should know before going on the air about this is contemptible.

The biggest laugh about all this is the knee jerk reaction of our Racist President!! Just as with the Arizona ILLEGAL immigrant legislation, rather than reading and understanding the facts our idiot excuse for a leader failed!! To blame anyone else for his actions is foolish.


The article didn’t appear on foxnews.com prior to her firing either.

Johnny Dollar has in depth details and stellar analysis of the time line here and Brit Hume has confirmed it:

@Regular Asshole Punk: who always lies and makes up his own facts. The video did not air on Fox until the next day. She was fired before anyone on Fox so much as mentioned it. Those are facts. Further the video released by Breitbart shows her discussing her epiphany that people of different races really should work together. What is really bad about that video is how the NAACP applauds and approves of the racism when she is telling that part of the story. This video demostrates the racism in the NAACP by showing them approving and applauding Sherrod’s story of cheating the farmer. That is the only significance of the video. Glen Beck defended her!

Media Matters, a far left propaganda outfit, doesn’t matter. They have been known to lie in the past and are expected to lie in the future. How about finding some a reliable source that still believes conservatives/ are humans too?

@Steve In Tulsa: The video was on The Fox Noise website on Monday BEFORE the she was told to step down… So it looks like YOU are the one making up facts here.. PUNK!!!
It did appear on their website on Monday despite what anyone at Fox is willing to admit to. Brit Hume confirms it means absolutely nothing.. he works for the lying organization.

@Real American Patriot:

You really do need to read the sources supplied in the thread, from Aye’s source:

“UPDATE: Did Media Matters lie in its published “timeline”? Eric Boehlert is hanging his hat on the claim that foxnews.com published a report on the Sherrod video before she resigned, and that online report influenced the decision to fire her. Media Matters timeline places that foxnews.com report after Breitbart’s video (11:18 am) and before a Jim Hoft blog post (12:13 pm). But they don’t document when the foxnews.com article was actually published. No timestamp.

Here’s the interesting thing. The article in question was not removed from foxnews.com. It was simply updated with new information as it came in. The current version of the article is still in the same place, including the 7/19 date in the URL. What’s more, all the comments are there, dating all the way back to the first version of the piece from 7/19. And when you jump to the earliest comments, the first one is timestamped Monday July 19…at 6:22 pm. Since Sherrod’s firing wasn’t made public until later that evening, these comments are clearly from the first version of the post.

But wait: if the offending foxnews.com article wasn’t even posted until after 6:00 pm, how could it have influenced the decision to fire Shirley Sherrod? It couldn’t and it didn’t. The resignation requests came Monday afternoon while Ms Sherrod was driving to Atlanta. In fact, Brit Hume has confirmed when the article first appeared:”


But, go ahead and make a fool of yourself……again. Suck up that Media Mutters and Stutters swill.


Fox News is nothing more than a right ring propaganda machine and never has had any creditability. Thus the name I use for them Fox Noise. Anything they say or write is suspect. They have an extremely obvious agenda. I view whatever they say as coming from a right wing slant.

So go ahead make a fool of yourself and believe that right wing agenda driven Fox Noise attempt at a news organization. It serves the right wing agenda driven liars very well.

@Real American Patriot:

they don’t document when the foxnews.com… article was actually published. No timestamp.

Here’s the interesting thing. The article in question was not removed from foxnews.com…. It was simply updated with new information as it came in. The current version of the article is still in the same place, including the 7/19 date in the URL. What’s more, all the comments are there, dating all the way back to the first version of the piece from 7/19. And when you jump to the earliest comments, the first one is timestamped Monday July 19…at 6:22 pm. Since Sherrod’s firing wasn’t made public until later that evening, these comments are clearly from the first version of the post.

But wait: if the offending foxnews.com… article wasn’t even posted until after 6:00 pm, how could it have influenced the decision to fire Shirley Sherrod?

The “they” this source is referring to is from Media Mutters and Stutters, their very own Eric Bohlert is the one out there pushing a lie. Media Mutters and Stutter’s timeline, that you posted, is obviously, certifiably…….wrong. URL date and timestamped comments prove the foxnews.com post was AFTER, I repeat AFTER Sherrod was canned.

IMHO, it’s your credibility that you should be worried about, FOX is doing just fine.

@Real American Patriot:


I Fox News is am nothing more than a right left ring [sic] propaganda machine and never has had any creditability [sic].

Thus the name I people use for them Fox Noise me: CRAP.

Anything they I say or write is suspect.

They I have an extremely obvious agenda.

I People here should view whatever they I say as coming from a right far left wing slant.

So let me go ahead make a fool of yourself myself and believe that right left wing agenda driven Fox Noise Media Mutters attempt at a news organization.

It serves the right left wing agenda driven liars very well.


RAP, you do realize your last post was a notice of surrender don’t you? When you quit arguing facts and start using ad hominem arguments it’s a pretty clear sign you have lost the argument.

What is amazing to me is the video was made at an NAACP event. Didn’t the NAACP have the whole video? Weren’t there several hundred witnesses to the speech? Why did they jump feet first into this thing when they had access to the whole video to begin with?

I’m not calling the NAACP racist, I’m calling them Stupid. “Stupid is as stupid does.” Forrest Gump.


I’m not calling the NAACP racist, I’m calling them Stupid.

Now, that’s just not nice.

Not nice at all. 😉

So, where is RAP now? Rap, where are you?

@Missy, “But wait: if the offending foxnews.com…… article wasn’t even posted until after 6:00 pm, how could it have influenced the decision to fire Shirley Sherrod?”

But wait Missy that is a LIE they had it posted well before that time… They took it down.. & reposted it.. How convenient.

IMHO Fox Noise has HUGE HUGE creditability issues… and it seems you do too if you actually believe their spew!!

@Real American Patriot:

They never took it down, just updated it as information came in.

Produce an undoctored screen shot from a legitimate source of what was supposed to have been taken down. No need to believe you or your Media Mutters and Stutters sources.

CRAP can’t even get the meme right. The left is trying to say that FOX news relentlessly repeated the story over and over. Problem is, they didn’t.

CRAP is just showing how they will do ANYTHING to protect racism coming from their side.

@ Real American Patriot-
First, your name- a joke, right? I mean, if this is true, then you should be able to look at REAL facts, not just the pap that progressives spew- I followed this story all Monday (the Day of the Glenn Beck threat), and this story was not heard from on air until eight o’clock eastern time- the O’Reilly show- and by that time Mz. Sherrod had resigned.
As for the on-line Fox Nation posting, I didn’t see that, but they probably fell into the same trap that has plagued the on-line media since the beginning- it is a race not unlike the National Enquirer syndrome, where you get it first and fast, but not necessarily accurately, since getting the whole story takes time.
I would give kudos to Fox for their on-air restraint, and Beck for seeing what few (including CBS) saw at the time, which was the narrative of her story.
Now comes the rest of it, however, and we see, (much like Sen. Byrd), the real racism of Mz. Sherrod goes deeper than her “redemption”- what a pity, but then, when the left wishes to push a narrative, it will do so regardless of any inconvenient facts.
And you, a “Real American Patriot”, just carry their water. How sad.