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CURT: thank you; I just gmail the webmaster and you a few minutes ago, and I tought to
try once more, and there you are, just us 2 here alone. It wont take long for the group
to check in. thank’s again for the webmaster good work. happy to be back,we all could’nt do without you. bye

Sounds like the subject he’s talking about–sociology and psychology–is a little outside his specialty–physics. But some people put a great deal of importance upon credentials–regardless of their relevance–when the person doing the talking agrees with them.


Sounds like the subject he’s talking about–sociology and psychology–is a little outside his specialty–physics.

And it sounds like you are attacking the messenger, not the message.

John Galt~ That is exactly what they do. The gentleman on the film was a Hero to the left / AGW religion. Now that he has recanted, there is NOTHING good that can be said about him. He must be destroyed. Admitting that there is a Single good thing about him is to raise the possiblitity THAT HE MIGHT HAVE A VALID POINT.

And they can’t allow that to happen.

I can’t stand these “Quebec type” socailists. Yes, I’m attacking the messengers. They always want nationalization of every industry because its so European. You get your something for nothing without risking capital and effort. Their trump card is always the threat of separating from Canada. Hey, I’ll help you pack. Quebec would become a third world, balkanized mess.That province gets a federal subsidy of over 10 billion annually and the panhandling for more never stops. Every so often, they get a lightening strike of common sense.

OH my, I was cut off, just when I deliver laboriously a comment which will be shorter
IT goes like this: oil guy from ALBERTA. take it easy, because you are insulting
my birthplace which is MONTREAL in LA BELLE PROVINCE de QUEBEC where the PATRIOTS
SPILL their blood for all CANADA my COUNTRY; MY FAMILY arrive in 1634 in QUEBEC and had valours, and courage trough the generations and one part was integrated somewhere was HEINZ
originated from GERMANY AND MOVE to AMERICA and one sister came to QUEBEC.so my roots are there although I live in another province, but I cannot let anyone insult my roots.
with respect, I ask you to refrain from that. bye

oil guy from ALBERTA: you know I can block any words you said, AS i read again
Your comment, but I’ll say just this to correct part of what you said: QUEBEC
ARE very generous for the others provinces and they claim what belong to them, they dont get charity from any other province,neither from OTTAWA. JUST SO THE AMERICANS KNOW


There is a difference between questioning the credentials of a speaker, and ‘attacking the messenger’–the latter of which is accomplished be ad hominem arguments.

Bee warrior, don’t ever bring up the holier than thou crap. We have 2 war dead in our immediate family and I have roots to the 1600’s. Quebec over the last 50 years has received in equalization payments( a distinctly Canadian boondogle) close to 200 billion dollars in graft to stay with the confederation. That is a proven fact. If they had it so bad they would have left with Levesque 40 plus years ago. Mark Steyn said it best and I paraphrase ” If they want to separate they’re doing a very poor job of it. Its so much easier playing socialist on somebody else’s dime”.

oil guy from ALBERTA, too bad I thought better of you, and you are the one who bring up
HOLIER than crap ,here for AMERICANS to read, well I cannot let you go on and defame QUEBEC who dont take your money or anyone province money is french majority and it always piss you up hey? and that is all you know from my birth province,
we would have separated, if you all would have NOT flood our province with IMMIGRANT that had swear oath to CANADA, and remember the bus load came to profess their love for QUEBEC paid
I see you all jealus of them still today, you are nasty and you can keep your OIL,
you disappoint me