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………………….Newt is a progressive RINO.

So now we have 400 journo-list people feeding MSM, that Fox, the tea-party and Republicans are racists. Will it ever stop?

Cue ‘lil LIAR johnnie ryan in three…. two………..

The main problem with the liberals’ charges of racism is that the evidence is nowhere to be found, unlike the preponderance of evidence identifying the NAACP, NBPP and WH itself practicing racism.

This is the point of the entire exercise that Mr. Breitbart has shown the country, yet the left, in typical liberal fashion, attacks the messenger(s) while disregarding the message, especially as the message itself is damaging to their cause.

When a black TEA Party member stands up and decries the charges of racism against his group, the left yells “Uncle Tom!”. Attack the messenger.

When the CBC gets heckled prior to a major vote by the TEA Party, purely on the basis of their belief in constitutional government, they receive charges of racism in the form of non-existent claims of racist language. Attack the messenger.

When a white man deems it necessary to show a video which displays racist attitudes on the part of a left-wing organization, they call him racist for the unintended result of a black woman being fired. Attack the messenger.

Reason can be fought with reason successfully. The unreasonable cannot, and they know this.

The main problem with the liberals’ charges of racism is that the evidence is nowhere to be found,

OH REALLY??? You haven’t looked very hard have you???

Your right wing bias blinds you.

Okay – I looked at about 1 minute of the above video – big whoop – what is any different about this vid than the ones I’ve seen about the Shrub? substitute bush for obama & pics of bush for obama & they are the same – voila!!!! How in the world does this happen??? Are those magic unicorns responsible for this?

There may be racist white people – I guess I’m one since I was a Hillary Clinton supporter until she hopped on the fraud’s bandwagon – and you know what? I don’t care – racist is just another word -means nothing to me and I doubt if it ever will again for a really really really really long time and the Dems can blame that on themselves…keep on with those Alinsky tactics – they’re not working so well for you anymore since more and more people have become aware of what my former Dem party is doing & has done – pox on you all – also, RINO’s get no pass either – Gringrich better think long & hard before he jumps into the 2012 Prez race – I would have to vote none of the above if the choice were between him & the fraud –

Personally, I hope Sarah Palin runs – she has no ties to any of the ole boys network in DC on either side – this idea that ‘CAREER’ politicians are taking turns at being President is outrageous -this is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, for the people & I’m tired of a so-called ruling class/dynasty in this country – to hell with you all……………………….. you are not entitled to “rule’ this country – it’s not a monarchy & hopefully, will return to the republic which is what the founding fathers envisioned……..


CRAP….Come on now man.

Is that the best you can come up with?

Really weak sauce there…really, really weak…especially considering that the most offensive images in the group you posted come from…wait for it….the LEFT.

Once again, your meme is broken.


No, I do not have a ‘right wing bias’ as you put it. What I saw in viewing that was people comparing Obama and his policies to communism.

Again, we have the facts, such as the leader of the NBPP letting loose with racial hatred on video, a USDA official speaking to a NAACP meeting using racist rhetoric(watch that whole tape), and the NAACP itself issuing a resolution stating the TEA Party is a racist organization which, in itself, is a racist proclamation.

What you have is a video showing TEA Party signs, not one of which is blatantly racist, but if seen through the leftist prism is considered racist. How is comparing Obama to Hitler racist? How is comparing Obama’s policies to slavery racist? How is comparing Obama to the Joker racist? How is a play on the words of “Monkey see, monkey do” racist? How is a sign talking about Obama’s supposed birthplace racist? How is a sign that displays a like of Glenn Beck racist?

I believe the bias you have blinds you to the reasoning behind the TEA Party itself, and thus, you attack the messenger instead of the message. Nothing on that video is inherently racist, yet when seen by liberals, can be stretched to encompass the idea of racism and that is what you and your brethren choose to attack. Obvious to all is your lack of ability to discuss the message itself.

The inability of liberals to turn the mirror onto themselves is plainly obvious when discussing charges of racism.

Are there white racists……yes there are……do some join tea party goers who primarily want to say, “government you are too big and stay out of my business, you have a role to play, but we want it limited”. Tea party goers have a date, a time and a place to appear to make their voices heard. I don’t know who is going to be at the time, place and date. I’m not sure I would call it a movement. It is a gathering of voices, hopefully some one is hearing the voices. Democrats want to pretend that all white voices have a racists grudge so they can discredit us. Remember they tried the same thing with Bill Clinton. I don’t know if it will work, tarnishing us with a racists brush, but they will keep trying. Me, I know who I am, and will not be intimidated.

Wallace realy should have calle out that liar Dean on his BS line about Glen Beck.

Beck was one of the very few who stoode up to defend Sharrod.

Perhaps Dean can name another news program or commentator who has dedicated entire shows to the rememberance and admiration of little known or forgotten historical black figures in American history. Can any of you Jack-Waggon liberals?

Thought not.

The real reason Obama and the NAACP was so quick to jump and fire Sharrod is because they know that they themselves have turned a blind eye to racism in their own ranks for so long that they are far more culpable than anyone they attack on the right. And if you truly follow all of Sharrod’s comments beyond just this tape, she continues even today to make racist comments. So if anything, she is like an alcoholic, always in the recovery phase, and just one cracker away from a full blown racist binge.

The message the dems are sending is ruinous. The majority of the population is white. ( just barely ) My entire life I’ve been told by the government and by schools , that I’m racist and I must give way to blacks because of racism. Fine. Now , after ALL these years, I’m racist just because. Whites cannot win this because those that play in these waters never want it to end. They’re power is in victimhood and reverse-racism.

So you know what? I’m sick of it and I’m not alone. I’m sick and tired of giving the benefit of the doubt to illegals, looking to benefit they’re poor families in Mexico. Look the other way no more. I’m racist because I expect the same from my fellow Americans who happen not to be white to faithfully follow the law and respect me as I respect them.

It’s a culture that has been brewing for awhile and I think a lot of whites, especially white men are sick and tired of being accused of everything under the sun and giving and giving. It’s turning me madder and more cynical. I see all races the same, but there are people that are takers and game-players and they’re good at it and they are here to tear down and take, more than they are to build up and to give.

The Chicago machine and the NAACP that nurtured Obama and the current Illinois political culture is what is wrong with the country and I think we will soon see a lot of people fed up with being falsely accused of racism and bigotry and the fight will be on. Not physically, but there is a lot of pent-up frustration in the great unwashed middle of America that is sick and tired of being sick and tired. The Tea Party movement is part of this and is a healthy outlet for this anger.

To the extent the dems and the left demonize the Tea Party and especially attack it as racist, they only make the fire hotter and the upcoming furor more devastating.

May the last 80 years of liberalism and socialism and unconstitutional mandates all be undone. No more victim classes and no more sweetheart deals. Repeal the 17th amendment and pass a flat tax. Let’s Roll.

Yippie 21: I think your thoughts represent how many are beginning to feel. The race card is finally starting to lose its legitimacy and the victim politics of the left will fall with it. You may find this post of interest on the topic.

Anyone notice that hardly anyone links to Charles Johnson any more?

Not that there’s anything wrong with that…..

GW… THANK You for the link. I haven’t seen that blog before but I did see Thomas Sowell’s column on this , but not Webb’s yet, though I think I saw a link to it…….the analysis of the issue was excellent and put together in a cohesive essay that did ring true to me and affirmed my growing sense of what’s going on.

And at the bottom, it appears you posted it? Is that your blog? You’ve got a new reader. I can’t believe I’d not found your site before. Thanks again.

Howard Dean IS a freaking MORON, and he wants Newt Gingrich, does that tell you anything?? If Dean WANTS Newt, that means even a MORON like Dean knows, if Newt runs, the Dems win…

And most of us have said for a while now, Newt, Palin, Romney McCain, ANY damned RINO, and it’s 4 more years of Obama…


I saw four photos during the entire video that could be considered racist.

The Money See, Monkey Spend poster from a very young person

The “Taxpayer = Niggar” photo and then the photo shopped picture right after it… I guess what you didn’t notice was that the original photo with the word “Niggar” has actually been photo shopped.
Here’s a link to a blown up version of the sign and the obvious alteration-

The save white america poster

and finally the most despicable of them all… the final picture which was a product of some lefty.

Every other photo was a protest against Obama’s policies and not racist in the slightest. You lefties are really grasping at straws.

The blindest person is the one that can see but chooses not to look!

Yippie: Thanks for the kind words. Yes, that is my blog. I normally do not link to my own posts in another blog’s comments section. I did so on this occasion because your comment and my post are both sounding precisely the same themes. In fact, I have seen a bevy of people expressing similar opinions in the past two days. There is also a good article on this topic at American Thinker. At any rate, I am very glad to have a new reader. Between you and the other two members of my family, that makes three.

Texas Fred: As to Dean, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Right now, I don’t see anyone on the right that comes close to the intellectual heft of Newt. Newt is also by far the best debater among the crowd and, unlike McCain in 08, Newt rarely pulls his punches. Unless Chris Christie or Paul Ryan is going to run for the nomination, I think Newt would, by far, stand the best chance of beating Obama. And Newt is anything but a RINO. True, he goes off the reservation once in a while – but so did Reagan.

@Donald Bly:

The final picture in cRAP’s video was the product of this guy.

He’s hardly right wing on any given day of the week.

GW.. I find it hard to believe it’s just me and your family! ha! I spent 30 minutes reading posts and will definitely put your blog into my rotation to read regularly. Very well done. Great layout in addition to the content.

It is telling that a lot of the pieces you had there and what you spoke to, so mirrored my feelings. I agree… it’s welling up out and about and I agree with your take… this failed Presidency and democratic Congress will likely be the linchpin of the debasement of the 50 years of race equality policy/ racism hustling and white guilt. That will be one of the major accomplishments of this administration. Too, I think big Government and the progressive/socialist movement will exit 2o12 in dire straights. When money is tight, all the crap regulation and cap n’ tax, etc stuff should fall to the axe of austerity and stark cost/benefit analysis. We’ll see.

On Newt, I’ve got a different take. I really think 2o12 will need to necessarily be about new blood. Newt has a lot of Washingtonist weighing him down. He was ineffective after the contract with America to get much done until Clinton started needing help after trouble and they got the cuts made in welfare. He seems too much in love with himself and enjoys the idea that he has perspective that others don’t.

I like him better, much better than say McCain, but McCain has been a “maverick” and a pain in the ass to the GOP for over 20 years. I respect the man’s service, BUT he’s unprincipled and has cost the party dearly. We need new blood and there are just too many solid newcomers that would blow away the smoke of the last 20 years and start anew. There is a lot of austerity and pain ahead and it will take a baggage-less leader who can whip support.

Newt and Palin and others that have run would be best in supportive roles. A conservative team needs support. Newt knows the game and the risks. Palin knows the heat of the lighting rod. Sarah should replace Steele immediately. Newt and Rove working with Bolton should help form a conservative treasure chest to help launch and support new blood into the Congress and the Presidency. I think a large part of the success of conservatives in the next 20 years will be born from veterans of Iraq and Afganistan who have solid character and faith in America and her ideals. There are a growing list of young people rich in character and strength in conservative principles to rise and take the country back and regain some sanity.

Newt had his chance in my opinion and he has a lot to provide, but electability isn’t a strong point in my opinion. Michelle Bauchman, Tim Pawlenty, Kristie, Jindal, and well, there are several others that I have more hope for in 2012. We’ll see.

The biggest thing that has to change is the mindset in the GOP that there is a crisis of focus and recognition that the Tea Party movement is real and conservative. The GOP HAS to take steps to reform the nomination/primary process to preclude another RINO like McCain from being preloaded into the ticket by a few states and the rest of us are stuck with another RINO centrist.

We need a Reagan. Every GOP presidential contender since Nixon with the exception of Reagan have been from the centrist/RINO’esk line. They’ve been ok with the perks of a large Federal Government and the mostly the status quo. They’ve not been willing to stake positions that cut to the core of the fraud that is the welfare state and the DNC and democrats. It’s time to fight for America and fight hard to roll back the socialist programs that have slowly been allowed growth since Wilson. We need a strong constitutionalist and we need that strongly voiced… it’s time to choose…. America as it is supposed to be and a return to the mean or a failed state and succession and break-up. We’re at a breaking point and the next few years will lay out a very interesting and hopefully non-violent and prosperous century in the USA. We’re living historic times right now…


We neighbors?

I know Lew. Good man.

Keep speaking the truth. No apologies. No Islamo-fascismization of America. No to NWO. NO to Bilderberger. Secure the borders against foreign invasion. Stop the oil gusher and clean up the mess. Limit government. Stop spending. Reduce the deficit. Drill baby drill. Get us out of Afganistan and put troops on the beaner border. Get out of the way of American ingenuity and small business. No new taxes in the form of health care, VAT tax, and air taxcap and trade your breath tax, No to corruption. No to government monopoly over businesses. No to bank take-overs. No to the childish mentally unstable blame gamer. No to subverting the constitution and the rule of law. No to spying on ordinary citizens. No to incorrigible fools trying to run this country into the ground run the show. No to Czars and show his papers or get the hell out! âž¡
B Hussein = half honky half donkey mixed in with Islamofascist ideology who is a weak kneed puppet ruled by wealthy anglo’s of British decent. Yes to Bow down again BHO, this time to the American populace. November is approaching and this is going to hurt. 8)

Ignore the race baiting. They are grabbing at straws and the ship is sinking. We don’t want a person in the white house obssessed with race, skin color, or misguided blame games of the past. We need someone who can follow the rule of law and do their stinking job instead of partying and letting everything go to hell in a handbasket. We need someone to stop upsurping the constitution. Someone who is not blackmailed by the Russians and God knows who else..

Reagan’s approval rating tumbled this low too when unemployment rate was 10.8%. Watch “Capitalism Hits the Fan”, a documentary featuring R.D. Woolfe, Ph.D., on Free Speech TV, Tuesday, July 27, at 10:00 pm est.


In May of 2009 I stopped visiting Johnson’s site completely. He not only did a complete 180 in his political views, but he made it a point to burn his bridges as well. His site turned into a 5th grade playground on an emotional level, and was no where near that on an intellectual level. The ironic thing is that I found Flopping Aces, which is now banned at Johnson’s site there. The content Johnson included from this site, Hotair, Yidwithalid, DB1k, Breitbart, Pajamasmedia, just to name a few were what made his site worthwhile. Now that these are not allowed, he has nothing to offer but his second rate photography and skills as a poor music critic. He was so hateful in his zeal to purge any conservative viewpoints from being made, I doubt he would ever regain his once well traveled prominence.


Reagan’s approval rating tumbled this low too when unemployment rate was 10.8%.

Reagan’s unemployment rate was never that high.

Another theory shot straight to hell.

What else ya got?

Also, let’s not forget that the measure of a leader isn’t the fact that the face some historic challenge. The measure of a leader is that they take the appropriate action with the appropriate zeal to meet the challenge.
On that mark Reagan was an unqualified success where Obama remains an unmitigated disaster. I am doubtful that even getting a Republican controled house and Senate will be able to save Obama from himself, as happened for Clinton.

That is the think progress video where they carefully edited out the Tea Party members attacking these guys and surrounding them with people holding signs saysing “Not With Us”, “Imposter”, “Left Wing Infiltrator”.. those are not Tea party people: they are from the left and are only there to make the Tea Party look racist. They, like the poster “Real Asshole Propagandist”, are desperately trying to make poeple who know they are not racists think that they are racists. Which is pretty stupid. Liberals are that dumb but Tea Partiers are educated in the real world and know themselves.

You want video? We have video of the infiltrators and hwo they were rejected and ejected from the Tea Party.

A point about polls… Reagan was attacked by the media and the left the whole time he was in office, almost to the point that they went after Bush 43. In Reagan’s time there were still enough adults in the press organizations to treat the President with due respect; that fell away in 2000. Homelessness was never tracked before Reagan. Suddenly, there were homeless and it was his fault.

I can understand how someone younger might misunderstand Reagan’s popularity, especially the outpouring of grief when he died, but when in office, the mainstream GOP undercut him here and there, the Congress followed him only to the extent it furthered their goals and the dems and the press made him out to be an idiot and his policies ruinous. … and yet, thankfully we got two terms out of him.

Even when we get an outstanding President, the GOP machine is part of the problem. Reagan had to fight to get what he wanted, and even then, couldn’t get the cuts in government he wanted because too much resistance. He couldn’t even get Bork on the court due to lying and personal attacks by Kennedy and the other Senate dems.

“Its (the unemployment rate) peaked at 10.8 in 1982…”
Who was President in 1982?


Are you now taking numbers from a chart on a blog site and claiming that they are credible?

Weren’t you the person who was whining about charts and their sources and such just a few days ago?

Why, I believe you were.

That’s precisely why the link I provided takes you directly to the BLS charts.

Check mate.

Aye Chihuahua:

I quoted my source: The American Conservative. Don’t you believe them. You didn’t even quote your source originally. The argument was, “Reagan’s unemployment figures were never that high (10.8%). I have shown you a cited instance where it was. According to the rules of logic, you lose. Unless, your rules don’t include logic.

Consider this chart, showing the percentages by which the national debt increased during the term of each U.S. president beginning with FDR.

The effect of republican policies on the national debt has been consistent since Ronald Reagan took office. The numbers tell the story.


You didn’t even quote your source originally.

I didn’t?


Are you sure?

You need to check that again. (Hint: It’s the red highlighted text in post #25)

The argument was, “Reagan’s unemployment figures were never that high (10.8%)”. I have shown you a cited instance where it was.

Your source was a blog which, in and of itself, is not necessarily a bad source, however, given your whining just a few days ago about charts and statistics from secondary sources it’s rather amusing to see you put all your eggs into that basket.

I, however, cited statistical information directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics which is where your chart purports to be from thus destroying your argument as well as your source material.

Check mate. Again.

You don’t seem to understand logic. I showed you a cited instance where Reagan’s unemployment rate was 10.8%. Just because you show me a period of time where his percentage of unemployment was lower than that overall, doesn’t mean that it wasn’t 10.8% as some time during that period. You said, and I’ll put it into logical form so you may follow it: “There was not a single instance in which the unemployment rate was 10.8% during the Reagan administration.” I just gave you a quoted citation from a conservative journal that contradicts you statement. You’re simply, logically wrong–regardless of whether I missed you quoted source or not.

If you want to restate your proposition, okay, I’ll take a look at your evidence. Otherwise, don’t bother me about this inference any more. I have a lot of blogs to read, and can’t waste my time of this one alone. I don’t like mixing political statements with logical ones. And you are sounding like a politician.


I just gave you a quoted citation from a conservative journal that contradicts you statement.

Dood…your argument was that Reagan’s unemployment numbers went as high as 10.8%.

I stated that it never happened and cited gov’t BLS statistics (original source material) which prove both your contention and your late arriving secondary source material incorrect.

Just because you found a chart some blogger posted on the Interwebz does not make it true and accurate which is, ironically, the same argument you were trying to make a few days ago right here on this very site.

Much like your false claims regarding the Weather Underground on the other thread I have used original sources materials and irrefutable facts to prove you wrong…yet you blather on making more and more of a fool of yourself.

You really aren’t that good at this. Perhaps you should try knitting.

TADCF, you don’t know what logic is. You’re just another leftwing drone spewing what you have been told to by DKOS and other sites.

He cited solid figures. You did not. Deal with it troll.

Aye Chihuahua:

It’s obvious that you don’t know how to use logic. Like I say, the extreme right wing just make associations between things, not logical connections, and their associations are often wrong. If you can ever make a logical argument, post me. Otherwise….


Actually, here is a perfect example of an argument based your form of “logic”:

tadcf….dood…you’re a dumb ass.

It has to be true and I can prove it to be true because a blogger posted it on the Interwebz in the line above.

Now, what was your point again?


Good. I’ll send these to the liberal media.

Hard Right:

No, I think you don’t know what logic is. For example, can you explaining the meaning of the logical formulation: -(p & -p)

greg #33:

That right. The debt almost doubled during Reagan. But try to get some of these people to believe the truth–that’s the problem.

Now boys, you can be assured, should we elect a Republican in 2012, the debt will still more than double, we can only hope that it only doubles. One of Reagan’s early deficits was 45 billion, peanuts compared to what our children and grandchildren will be burdened with from 4 years of a dem Congress and less than two for the spendaholic that signed off on the drunk with power spending spree, just how much is this early deficit-D?

BTW, Reagan was elected in 1980, took office in 1981 after the democrats had control of both Houses in Congress since 1955. Quite a few years to set up the mess Reagan is now being blamed for.

Also, kind of nervy of you two to quibble about Reagan deficits after what your guys are putting us through. And if you believe the old canard that Clinton left a surplus, (I don’t) you’re going to have to admit that the ‘ahem’ Reagan deficits were paid off in less than 20 years. Now, how long to think it’s going to take to pay off what this Congress and President has wreaked on us. How many generations? is it even possible?


Here’s a little perspective for Greg and tadcf to chew on until we return to our regularly scheduled logic class:

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Aye Chihuahua #39:

I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Please try to be intelligible.

Aye Chihuahua:

I don’t think the American Conservative is just some blog. But you can continue denying it accuracy without contradicting evidence–like I said, your evidence of long-term unemployment rate does not contradict the evidence of a single instance of 10.8% unemployment. No, if you want to draw some other conclusion from your evidence, we can discuss that proposition–but to continue with the illogical discussion is fruitless.

In case anyone cares, the root of disagreement between tadcf and aye chihuahua seems to be that the monthly unemployment percentage did hit 10.8% (in November and December of 1982) but the annualized figures never did. See for the monthlies; Aye’s link above provides the annual figures. The difference doesn’t seem important to me but it sure makes for a good pissing contest…

bartlog #67:

That’s exactly the point I’ve been trying to make. Thanks for clarifying that for me.

bbartlog #48:

True, in the over-view, this issue may be a small one. I brought the matter to attention because I do not think it fair to criticize Obama’s short-term progress, when one of their conservative heroes–Ronald Reagan–had his share of short-term failings. As with much of the articles written on right-wing blogs, this ‘other side’ should be brought to the attention of the readers.
