Those Journolist Conspirators Sure Do Look The Same

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BigFurHat at IOwnTheWorld noticed something quite interesting when looking over the Journolist players. Can you pick it out?


That’s just a few of them, check them all out at the link above. He is updating the pictures daily

More Elitist Pure White Bread Goodness Added Daily

Where’s the black faces eh? I wonder what the Olbertwit thinks of this?

On second thought…I could care less.

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Yeah, they all look like Protestants, mostly Babtists and Methodists, to me.

Be sure to click on the link above. Many of the posts are hilarious and illustrate the incredible ironies of these genuine phonies. They are at the apex of hypocrisy. Please God, make them go away.

I know this sounds catty, but I really don’t understand why Democrat/Liberal women are all so unattractive!

I know this sounds catty, but I really don’t understand why Democrat/Liberal women are all so unattractive!

It’s their unattractiveness that makes them Democrats. They say it’s because they have felt downtrodden all their lives and they look to the D party as payback.

You do realize there are exceptions such as Lynn something-or-other Rothschild. She is luscious. What a waste!!

I see angry white liberal people.

A lot of them are Jewish – surprised????

the person at Lame Cherry – male/female??? don’t know – talks about the two divisions of the Jewish people

‘These are all attachlings to the negroid race and the Jewish people, who if one bothers to check the reality of the situation, Obama’s Luo people were the Arabic blacks driving other blacks off their lands in Kenya and selling them into slavery, just as this Rothschild and Rockefeller Ashkenaz “Jews” were selling Jewish Sephardic and poor Ashkenaz off to the Nazi slave labor camps.’

Cannot verify as I am not Jewish and have no more knowledge of them than what I have read over the years – this has not been extensive – guess now I will have to become more knowledgable about Jewish people

Guess this explains Soros – he’s Jewish and worked with the Nazi’s rounding up Jewish people for the ‘camps’…………………(and enjoyed it – said it was one of the best jobs he ever had) – think he would be a good candidate for the ovens? just askin’

The smug look of hubris and arrogance that infects President44.

And you don’t think conservative journalists are elitist?

Putzes, every last one of them. In their zeal to promote Obama they have discarded any sense of integrity and honesty in the journalistic professions. One cannot claim a mantle that one does not live under. If, and when, the full depth of collusion between not only themselves, but also the Obama campaign, surfaces, the American people will rise in righteous revolt against the obvious malfeasance of this particular institution. I highly doubt that true newsprint, particularly among the biggest papers in the country, will remain a viable enterprise in the near future. As for the TV media, CNN and the big Three will undoubtedly suffer severe declines in viewership when it is revealed clearly how they colluded with one another to not only falsely smear a candidate on one hand, but whitewashed another’s troubling past on the other purely to influence the election to their favored candidate.

Conservative minded people, and this includes those who are in the media business, have been railing against the obvious bias in the MSM for quite awhile now, almost to the detriment of the idea due to the continued harping on it. These revelations by Mr. Carlson are vindicating those of us who have seen the wizard behind the curtain and been ridiculed for speaking about it. The liberals and progressives cannot hope to defend the actions of these people without marginalizing themselves in any discussion they enter on the subject.

The task, when the revelations are complete, is going to be to take over the conversation on the truly important topics to the American people.


And you don’t think conservative journalists are elitist?

The revelations continue to come in daily, and yet you want to bring that to the table. That is rich!

elit·ist (-ist)
of, having, or advocating elitism
1. one who advocates elitism
2. a person who is or who believes himself or herself to be a member of an elite group

Their attitudes and self-identification are what define themselves as elitist, tadcf. As for conservative journalists, I beg of you to identify one to me and those here and then explain how they are elitist in any sense of the word.

For your information, Rush, Hannity and the like are not conservative journalists, but conservative political commentators. There is a difference.

I am wondering are they all on the DOWN LOW – like gay priests…..

Create racism to get some nastiness and debauchery life style with other men…

Another piece to the puzzle, if you Google the names from the list, many have connections with one of the Ivy League Socialist training centers, followed closely by one of the California cesspools. The only thing funny in the whole sham is their arrogance was a factor in them being outed.

Well, if you want to talk about hypocrisy, I’d say that the white male quotient is pretty impressive for a supposedly liberal group. Quick, someone call the EEOC!
The overwhelming Jewishness is also clear, but you could tell that from the names or just from some familiarity with the people involved. It should be noted that Jews are overrepresented as intellectual advocates for most causes, whether neoconservatism, liberalism, or libertarianism… though this example is particularly extreme – I’d say ballpark 75% of the 16 shown are Jews. BTW Jon Chait’s name is mispelled Chiat.

‘this explains Soros – he’s Jewish and worked with the Nazi’s rounding up Jewish people ‘

Soros was 13 years old in 1944 and basically hid from the Nazis. There are plenty of real things to accuse him of without making stuff up.

Soros did admit to pretending to be Christian and profiting by helping the Nazis take Jewish property when the Jews were rounded up.

I like how these same lily-white mostly Jewish liberals don’t seem to have included many people of color in their ranks. Perhaps divirsity is just for the rest of us.

“I know this sounds catty, but I really don’t understand why Democrat/Liberal women are all so unattractive!”

This is a common misconception among republicans, largely due to the Fox News network’s hiring practices. Women who are deemed insufficiently attractive or who are beyond their useful child-bearing years need not apply, regardless of any other qualifications. Bonus points are given for being blond. Extra pounds are definitely out. The weight rule, of course, is waived for all male applicants.


This is a common misconception among republicans, largely due to the Fox News network’s hiring practices. Women who are deemed insufficiently attractive or who are beyond their useful child-bearing years need not apply, regardless of any other qualifications. Bonus points are given for being blond. Extra pounds are definitely out. The weight rule, of course, is waived for all male applicants.

Should I be shocked that you would put such ugliness in writing?

“Should I be shocked that you would put such ugliness in writing?”

I was of the opinion that the post I was responding to was a deliberately insulting generalization. No one seems to have been particularly shocked by that one.

My response wasn’t a broad, negative generalization about all republican ladies. It wasn’t even a negative comment about the newscasters I’m referring to.

I’ve actually wondered sometimes about Fox’s hiring criteria. It really does seem as if they might have different standards for the women they put in front of the camera than for the men. I won’t presume to suggest how women in general should feel about that.

Hmm… I replied to #17, but the comment was zapped by the spam filter. Basically I was pointing out that I haven’t made any insulting, negative generalizations–which is a little more than can be said for the post I was responding to.

Speaking of the less than attractive average of that journolist cabal, Michael Monyihan, writing in Reason discusses how Washington is Hollywood for ugly people. I guess we don’t have to worry about most of that Journo pack showing up on Fox News.

And what’s wrong with a little eye candy with the news? Much better than looking at that bunch of whiny liberal sour pusses.

And as for white boy Olberman and all the affirmative action types at MSNBC, this video is the classic retort:

Applying the same rules Olbermann and his liberal buddies do to the tea parties can we now say definitively that they are all a bunch of racists?

Tadcf uses one of the typical tactics of the left–attack, attack, attack.

Liberals by their very nature are elitests. Elitest liberal is a redundnt label.

Olbermann is a joke.


Now are you assuming the hiring at FOX is done by men? no insufficiently attractive, overweight women who may be beyond child bearing age are in executive positions nor participating in selecting the anchors? Why do you assume men are only qualified for the hiring positions at that network?

I know, another common lefty misconception, now can you tell us all a blonde joke? 🙄

Olbermann is a joke…

Olbermann is on another multi-week vacation. I’d read a media blog a few months ago saying that MSNBC managment is pissed by his lack of worth ethic and whining.

Hmm… Christina Brown seems to be missing from the MSNBC mug shots. She doesn’t exactly fall into the unattractive category. She’s been with MSNBC since 2007.

Tamron Hall, another black MSNBC anchor, is also missing. A pleasing appearance, I’d say.

Alison Steward was on MSNBC 2003-2007 but left for a job with NPR and has since moved to PBS. Bill Wolff, VP of prime-time programming with MSNBC, apparently thought her not unattractive, as they’ve been married since 2006. Maybe she should complain to her husband about MSNBC’s lack of diversity.

They all share the look of a guilt ridden privileged class, willing to betray the country and people that made their lives possible, as penance for the wealth and freedom they take for granted.

CURT: I notice their WIGS AND HAIRPIECES . IS that what you did notice?. bye 😯