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Every one of these massive bills are loaded with race goodies “for the right people”.

If you are a racists, you’re bad…….if you are just a killer, well never mind.

Apparently, MLK’s idea of wanting to be judged by the content of character and not the color of skin is dead.

Death is death, and no matter who commits the murders of innocents, the end result is the same. Just like the so called racial based “hate crimes”, the crime itself gets overshadowed by the faulty insinuation of racism. Due to this, the ignorant and shallow get led away from the larger problems affecting societies and toward an inherently racist policy of judging actions by viewing the participants through prisms of race. Meanwhile, the evil in the world continue committing atrocities, caring not one bit what the fools of the world label them as.

You can’t make this stuff up.
There is no doubt that Holder and Obama believe that only whites can be racist.
Thus there can be no voter intimidation conducted by blacks. It is only fair that, because of 400 years of slavery, whites be enslaved to blacks for the next 400 years.
Just ignore the history; you can make it up as you go along.
Obama is not a fascist. Just ask him.
The Islamists who kill in the name of Allah are not terrorists. Just ask them.
Nothing is what it seems.
What is really truly dead is truth.
We will never know where Obama was born, or what his citizenship status is.
We will never know where he went to school, what he did there, or what grades he got.
We will never know what he did while in the Illinois Senate or the United States Senate.
All that stuff is code-word protected.
What we do know is that Cloward and Pliven are being followed.

Universal Socialist Hell, here we come.

First of all it’s a Good Thing that he over-uses the term to absurdity. And second, those nasty Al Queda were hurting blacks! Gosh, how racist can you be? When they were hurting anyone else, it was someone a little whiter than Ugandans, and that’s what counts.