Da Nile
There often things you hear that, while you’d love to think that they’re true, you don’t allow yourself the luxury of believing. Sometimes they’re plain silly, and sometimes it’s uphill in a politically correct sense. But sometimes events follow such an interesting and distinct course that those apparent frivolities return to your mind and coalesce. And when they do, they’re not so silly any longer.
Let’s begin here (where we will return later)
White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S.
When President Obama took the stage in Cairo last June, promising a new relationship with the Islamic world, Muslims in America wondered only half-jokingly whether the overture included them
and this is key:
After all, Mr. Obama had kept his distance during the campaign, never visiting an American mosque and describing the false claim that he was Muslim as a “smear” on his Web site.
OK, now on to the list:
The president, a Christian whose father was a Muslim, deflected an urban legend during the campaign that he too was a Muslim.
Obama will be sworn in as president with his full Muslim-sounding name of Barack Hussein Obama, in keeping with White House tradition.
Obama reaches out to Muslim world on TV
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama gave his first formal television interview as president to an Arabic cable TV network, saying that when it comes to Middle East matters “all too often the United States starts by dictating.”
June 2, 2009
Obama Says U.S. Could Be Seen as a Muslim Country, Too
“And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world,” Mr. Obama said.
June 4, 2009
Obama in Egypt reaches out to Muslim world…
At Egypt’s Cairo University, Obama quoted from the Quran as he expounded on Islam’s glories and rights, the legitimate rights of Israel and the Palestinians, Iranian nuclear aspirations, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, women’s rights, economic development, and religious rights and democracy in the Muslim world.
Obama seeks ‘new beginning’ in Muslim world
CAIRO — Invoking the Quran and his rarely used middle name, Barack Hussein Obama declared Thursday that America has a common cause with Islam
August 4, 2009
Obama Administration Reaches Out to Muslims Worldwide
Washington — President Obama has said he seeks a new beginning with Muslims worldwide “based upon mutual interest and mutual respect” and also “based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition.”
Novermber 17, 2009
Obama ‘Reaches Out’ by Naming ‘Devout’ Muslims to Security Posts
U.S. President Barack Obama continues to “reach out to Muslims” by appointing them to key security posts amid charges he wrongly ignored internal Muslim terror. One recent appointee was harshly criticized for appearing on a British-based television station whose host is a member of a radical Muslim group.
Aril 15, 2010
Obama administration reaches out to Muslims
* The Obama administration is revising national security guidelines that strip references to “Islamic radicalism” and other terms deemed inflammatory to Muslims.
* Officials reversed three-month-old guidelines that singled out passengers on flights arriving from 13 Muslim countries, and Cuba, for mandatory screening.
* Controversial scholar Tariq Ramadan entered the U.S. for the first time in six years after being barred by the Bush administration.
* The Obama administration has dispatched American Nobel Prize winners to advise Muslim scientists, economists and other professionals on how to improve their research and better manage their institutions.
* At the end of this month, the U.S. government will host some 500 mainly Muslim business people for intensive seminars on entrepreneurship.
April 18, 2010
White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S.
Muslim and Arab-American advocates have participated in policy discussions and received briefings from top White House aides and other officials on health care legislation, foreign policy, the economy, immigration and national security. They have met privately with a senior White House adviser, Valerie Jarrett, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to discuss civil liberties concerns and counterterrorism strategy.
Then finally, this- July 2, 2010
Obama tasks NASA with new mission- making Muslim nations feel good
When I became the NASA Administrator – before I became the NASA Administrator – he charged me with three things: One was that he wanted me to re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, that he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.”
During the Presidential campaign both the White House and the press promptly attacked anyone who even hinted of Barack Obama’s Muslim background.
Remember, during Obama’s campaign, I and others were excoriated for using his middle name. We were accused of implying he was a crypto-Muslim. We could not discuss his background, his Islamic schooling, his ties to Islam. However, I have meticulously documented his Muslim background in my soon-to-be-released book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America.
Anyone daring to question The One got it:
One year ago in June 2008, Floyd produced a television ad which asked the simple question, “Was Barack Obama ever a Muslim?” The Obama campaign came unglued. It earned Floyd prominent placement on a special Obama Web site called “Fight the Smears.”
The news media jumped on the bandwagon. Newsweek reported: “Barack Obama has never been Muslim and never practiced Islam. But rumors about his religion intended to frighten some voters persist, and they mostly return to one point of fact: his name.” The Boston Globe wrote: “Obama is a member of the United Church of Christ. His Kenyan paternal grandfather and Indonesian stepfather were Muslim, but he attended secular and Catholic schools and was never a practicing Muslim.”
The attacks on Floyd grew personal; Chris Matthews, on MSNBC, all but called Floyd a racist, saying, “This guy hides under a rock every couple generations, shows up again with another ad against a black candidate.” (There never was a black nominee to do ads against before Obama, but facts are not important to Matthews.) Obama even blamed Floyd for breaking his pledge to use public financing for his campaign saying, “527s pop up pretty quickly and have enormous influence and we’ve seen them — there was an ad, one in South Dakota by Floyd Brown I think where it took a speech that I had made extolling faith and made it seem as if I had said that America was a Muslim nation.”
But once Obama was elected, his Muslim background took the stage:
In Cairo, Egypt in his highly anticipated speech to the Muslim world Barack Obama quoted the Quran as commanding, “Be conscious of God and speak always the truth.” He then said he shared that conviction, as “rooted in my own experience.”
So now we return to where we started:
After all, Mr. Obama had kept his distance during the campaign, never visiting an American mosque and describing the false claim that he was Muslim as a “smear” on his Web site.
The Presidential election of 2008 would likely have had a very different result had Obama extolled his Muslim background. It would have been interesting had Obama promised he would bend over backwards for Muslim countries. You want to dismiss the “stealth” aspect of all of this except for the most recent event. That was the clincher. The retasking of a Federal agency for the purpose of massaging the self-esteem of Muslim nations is dramatic. Krauthammer called it “childish” but it’s worse than that. It’s as though all of the worst fears are coming to pass.
The masthead of the agency says:
NASA’s mission is to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research.
But not any longer. Now the NASA mission is to “reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.”
Would Obama have been elected had he been honest and told Americans that he planned to shut down the manned space program and use its budget to make Muslim countries feel good? Would he have been elected had he told America that it could be considered to be a “Muslim” nation? Would he have been elected had he promised that he planned to install “devout Muslims” in high level national security positions ?
I think not. I think this country elected the most dishonest man ever to sit in the White House. Of course they will be those who dismiss this opinion. But who among them would have told you that Obama would turn NASA into a Muslim nation nurture center? What’s next? Will Obama order the Department of Education to focus only on the importance of Muslim nations? Really-how far away is that possibility?
Cloward-Piven isn’t looking so far-fetched either.
Da Nile ain’t just a river in Egypt.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
GAFFA UK: one more thought, we must not forget that, there where no protest from the muslims in AMERICA no protest from the ImANS in AMERICA against 9/11, nor the buiding of that MOSQUE.
no news of protestation against the Mosque, they are all for it?. who say otherwise?. bye
@ilovebeeswarzone #109 and Missy #111: Thanks for the kind words. I’m not intentionally trying to shirk my blogging “responsibilities”; but I’ve been rather on the decline for sometime in terms of keeping up with the reading and the researching; and have almost all but abandoned commenting and protracted debates. Just other priorities in life are taking center stage. I know you yourself, Missy, have been busy.
@Tory #110:
As I asked in the older thread,
Tory continues:
I haven’t followed the latest developments on this story (nor read Mike’s recent post today), but last we left off, Mata did her own snooping and it looks like the associations are being stretched by agenda-driven opponents to the building of the Ground Zero mosque. It smacks more of believing in what you want to believe and shaping/distorting/stretching the facts to connect the dots you hope are there.
@GaffaUK #113:
Oh, please…lol. Liberals have been indoctrinating us for decades with distortions on American history. I’m not happy with religious, “rightwing” slant; but it’s a step up from the Zinnish self-loathing version of American history.
Naw, you still don’t get it. You really don’t, Gaffa. You think you do, but every time you repeat yourself, you reveal that you’re just not capable of getting past ‘stuck on stupid”.
Where else in the world before Britain and the U.S. do you see evidence of any anti-slavery movement? They deserve unique credit, not unique blame for starting the movement. Setting that record straight doesn’t diminish the guilt of participation. But in a world that had only known slavery as a well-established institution, it was first Christian evangelicals, and then the whole western hemisphere that began questioning and recognizing the evils of slavery.
@ilovebeeswarzone #117:
bees, there were and have been Muslim demonstrations against Islamic terrorism after 9/11. And Dr. Jasser and his group are Muslims opposed to the building of the Ground Zero “mosque”.
Beyond your boorish & dull cliche of an insult – maybe you could actually educate yourself and realise that Britain and the US were not unique in being anti slavery – in freeing slaves nor making slavery illegal.
Ashoka banned slavery in India over TWO THOUSAND years before emancipation of slaves in the US. He wasn’t american or british or christian. lol
So let’s see if you get ‘stuck on stupid’ in denying what you claim is patent nonsense!
Incorrect – you’ll find the thread regarding the mosque specially for GROUND ZERO below 😀
Heh, already was aware that pockets of individuals here and there throughout world history have been anti-slavery; but the first real anti-slavery movement that was the catalyst for worldwide opposition to an institution that had been accepted as “normal” for centuries throughout the 4 corners of the globe didn’t happen until Britain and the U.S., who actively sought to not only end it in their territories, but to end it all over the world.
And my insults are not boorish & dull cliche. 🙁
Thanks for bringing this one up. Am not familiar with it and will eagerly look into it more.
It seems that Ashoka’s ban was not able to extend outside India. He forgot to tell everybody else.
Hmmm….Manufactured history?
Uh, Word, Gaffer’s info came from Wikipedia….it’s unimpeachable.
You can debate whether Ashoka existed or not – but you will also have to disprove that all the below are (wikipedia) myths as well… all which happened before the US made slavery illegal across it’s land – some independent of Britain’s efforts to end slavery worldwide (Interesting how you let the US – and independence country – ride the tailcoats of British efforts to end slavery…lol)
1117 Slavery abolished in Iceland
1315 Louis X, king of France, publishes a decree proclaiming that “France” signifies freedom and that any slave setting foot on the French ground should be freed
1335 Sweden (including Finland at the time) makes slavery illegal.
1416 Republic of Ragusa (modern day Dubrovnik; Croatia) abolished slavery and slave trading
1588 Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth abolishes slavery
1683 The Spanish crown abolishes slavery in Chile
1723 Russia abolishes slavery
1761, 12 February, Portugal abolishes slavery in mainland Portugal and in Portuguese possessions in India through a decree by the Marquis of Pombal.
1777 Slavery abolished in Madeira, Portugal
1783 Russia abolishes slavery in Crimean Khanate
1783 Bukovina: Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor issued an order abolishing slavery on 19 June 1783 in Czernowitz
1792 Denmark-Norway declares transatlantic slave trade illegal after 1802 (though slavery continues to 1848)
1794 French First Republic abolishes slavery
1803 Denmark-Norway abolishes transatlantic slave trade on 1 January 1803
1804 Haiti declares independence and abolishes slavery
1807 Abolition in Prussia, Germany The Stein-Hardenberg Reforms.
1810 Mexico: Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla declared slavery abolished, but it wasn’t official until Independence War finished
1811 Spain abolishes slavery at home and in all colonies except Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo
1813 Argentina: the Asamblea del Año XIII declares the Freedom of wombs, setting the sons of slaves free.
1814 Dutch outlaw slave trade
1815 Congress of Vienna. 8 Victorious powers declared their opposition to slavery
1816 Serfdom abolished in Estonia.
1817 Serfdom abolished in Courland.
1818 France and Netherlands abolish slave trading
1819 Treaty between Britain and Netherlands to abolish slave trade
1819 Serfdom abolished in Livonia.
1821 Gran Colombia (Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama) declares free the sons and daughters born to slave mothers, sets up program for compensated emancipation
1822 Greece abolishes slavery
1823 Chile abolishes slavery
1824 The Federal Republic of Central America abolishes slavery.
1829 Mexico officially abolishes slavery
1830 The first Constitution of Uruguay declares the abolition of slavery.
1831 Bolivia abolishes slavery
1836 Portugal abolishes transatlantic slave trade
1846 Tunisia abolishes slavery
1847 Sweden abolishes slavery
1848 Denmark abolishes slavery
1848 Slavery abolished in all French and Danish colonies
1848 France founds Gabon for settlement of emancipated slaves.
1851 New Granada (Colombia) abolishes slavery
1852 The Hawaiian Kingdom abolishes kauwa system of serfdom
1853 Argentina abolishes slavery when promulgating the 1853 Constitution
1854 Peru abolishes slavery
1854 Venezuela abolishes slavery
1855 Moldavia abolishes slavery.
1856 Wallachia abolishes slaver
1861 Russia frees its serfs in the Emancipation reform of 1861.
1862 Cuba abolishes slave trade
1863 Slavery abolished in Dutch colonies.
1863 United States: Emancipation Proclamation declares those slaves in Confederate-controlled areas to be freed. Most slaves in “border states” are freed by state action; separate law frees the slaves in Washington, D.C.
1865 United States abolishes slavery with the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution; about 40,000 remaining slaves are affected.
So efforts to end slavery from around 1787-1863 were largely driven by the British who even paid other countries to end slavery. But even then – the British were not UNIQUE in this. Slavery had been banned in other places before and during this time. It can be argued that the British had a unique position as the first truly global power with enough might at that time to make a impact globally against slavery. Whilst the US had people within who were part of the anti-slavery movement – the US was sluggish in getting rid of slavery on its own turf.
I singled it because that was your baby, dude. YOU brought it to the fore. And I politely thanked you, because I was unfamiliar with it and wanted to look into it more. lol
Yah, and perhaps I should have clarified a bit more accurately in my original comment that it wasn’t until the U.S. and British movement that there was a real global effort to end the slave trade and slavery itself as an institution around the world. lol
Your own wiki link states:
Gaffa writes:
That’s a fair point that I’ll concede. However, there were localized anti-slavery laws and sentiments even before our Declaration.
For instance, as early as 1646, the Puritan founders of New England believed that slavery was an offense to God.
The General Court of Massachusetts condemned the stealing of two African natives from their village to the New World when magistrates there found out about it. They ordered the two slaves to be returned back to their village. 2 yrs after that, Rhode Island passed legislation calling for “any slaves brought within the liberties of this Colonie” be set free after ten years “as the manner is with the English servants.”
You forget how young the U.S. is, as a nation.
So, if in
it’s not a trump on American exceptionalism when America wasn’t even around in AD 9. China, however, was around for how long, prior…..? And did what exactly on behalf of pushing an anti-slavery movement forward?
“Sluggish”? Lol
WORDSMITH: you mentionned that very important quote” dont forget how young the US was”
THAT makes a good way to compare the ages of countrys to assess, how long
it took each to ban slavery; SO USA stand In a very no1 as to how fast they realize the value of human been, and decide as a NEW NATION to not participate.
THE good old USA, already shaping into that TOLERANCE you see here at FA
Ya, the whole reaction to the Japanese Americans during the War was over the top…..and now we are doing pretty much the same thing only we have swung all the way to the other side.
This time we are just sticking our heads in the sand and thinking “happy thoughts”. Sorry but that is no more intelligent than those old pictures you posted.