It seems likely that last family was from New York state. We spend over $17,000 per pupil per year to educate children. By the way, Rochester, NY graduation rate is 39%! Yeah, parents and teachers’ union!
14 years ago
I found myself tearing up. WTF is happening to us?
lol…yeah I reckon countries which give immigrants tests on their history & culture should also test their own citizens.
14 years ago
Culturally illiterate as well as historically ignorant! I’d wager a guess that “Grandpa” was the last of that entire group of “contestants” to attend a high school that had a curriculum that put any kind of emphasis on American history. He probably had to apply himself to get good grades while the rest of that sorry lot Leno interviewed just coasted through.
Although I believe Leno get’s it wrong when he accepts 1776 as the year Americ got it’s independence. 1776 was the year the american colonies DECLARED their independence. They technically didn’t get independence until the war against Britain was won.
14 years ago
Yes it was declared in 1776, and ratified by us a month later. But because it was a declaration signed by the leaders King George recognised as leaders, that date holds. The date would have become moot ONLY if Mother England won the war.
Britan at no time “handed” America her independance…we TOOK it. Then took it again in 1812 for good measure.
14 years ago
Apologies for miss-spelling Britain, along with some other words, but I can’t wait 10 min for freaking AJAX to let me edit.
GAWD HOW I HATE THAT EDITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back to pre-posting on Word, first.
14 years ago
Yes, the Treaty of Paris, was signed on September 3, 1783. In which the Crown recognized the United States of America as an independent country. But that same treaty recognized the positions of France, Spain and Holland’s claims against King George, too.
It was ratified by our Congress on January 14, 1784, so in taking your posit into account, should that be our Independence Day?
Well I think July 4th is a suitably date as that’s when America crossed it’s own Rubicon as it were. However – for example – Charles de Gaulle could declare France independent during WWII but until Nazi troops had been cleared from France it wouldn’t truly be independent. Although de Gaulle was in a worst situation than Washington – in that he was exiled and needed foreign troops to regain independence (although it would be interesting to see what would of happened if you didn’t have the French to help out in the War of Independence). Anyway I reckon the ratification by your congress in 1784 is the date when you won/gained/got your independence.
14 years ago
While that’s a sad statement about ignorance…..being a native Texan, I got a laugh from the guy from Texas saying the TX anthem was “Get Out”.
That’s what the illegal immigration bill in Texas (do we Have one?) OUGHT to say….just “GET OUT”.
PATVANN: hi, you can click right away to correct a word, and reclick again for another word, but put the save button each time, I did it 3 times last time, and i like it for me, because I goof a lot. bye 🙄
Terry W
14 years ago
Dad = Obama voter
Mom = Obama voter
Son = Obama supporter
Grandpa = Embarrassed parent and grandparent
Think I’m wrong?
14 years ago
?? What do you mean, Patard == Patter? I already changed from pat to Patter because of Patvann and some others. I don’t really like Patard. Sounds like Libtard, or Petard. And I’ve been “out” so haven’t commented lately. Thanks.
TERRY W: hi, please never underestimate the grand parents wisdom, they live in a time where the AMERICANS like you where able to be happy and have hope for the future in this SUPERPOWER
AMERICA,where the braves protect you. bye 🙄
PATTER: hi,it’s GAFFA UK that call a name PATARD, on another post, and I thought it was your name, but it wasPATVANN’s name, but I told him to correct your name instead . bye and you’r funny too 🙄
America won her independence the day they declared it from England. Without that declaration, the fight for it never would have happened, and although the war for it raged on and at times was very much in doubt, the resolve for independence, as declared on that date, was what eventually won it, hence, the date in history that America celebrates.
Except your first sentence – I agree with the rest of your statement. As I say – the celebration is on the right day and of course without the declaration there would have been no fight. But I don’t think you can gain independence immediately by just declaring it. British troops were still stationed in the American colonies and I suspect the founding fathers didn’t have a free hand to do as they wished in ever corner of the American colonies. And I agree with Patard insomuch that Britain did not hand America it’s independence. America won it’s independence by defeating Britain and that did not happen in 1776.
I noticed you didn’t correct his incorrect spelling of GaffaUK? I’m just teasing Patard – nothing to worry about;)
GAFFA UK: yes I did after I commented but I had already made quite a bit of comments, I thought it was enouph this time, but I would have get PATVANN later, although his temper scares me, and he is protecting me also from mean outsiders. bye 🙄
beside, can you say”i lovebees?
14 years ago
Your “teasing” holds no level of mutually-congruent acceptance, nor amusement whatsoever for at least two of us.
Let’s try again on the next post, shall we?
14 years ago
The Texas anthem is “Texas, Our Texas!” The guy in the A&M t-shirt is just as pathetic as the other misinformed Leno “Jaywalkers.”
PATVANN: NO realy, that was you, the first one to start the name calling, bye, I told GAFFA UK, I’ll get you later, bye 🙄
14 years ago
During the American Revolution, the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain occurred on July 2, 1776, when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia. After voting for independence, Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision, which had been prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author. Congress debated and revised the Declaration, finally approving it on July 4. A day earlier, John Adams had written to his wife Abigail:
The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.
OLD TROOPER: GOOD DAY SR., I find that times goes faster here at FA, when we want TIME to speed up a bit more, as we want to get in futures well being, instead of present difficultys;THOSES will pass for sure later, as nothing stay the same,is’nt it?. bye 🙄
SoCal Chris
14 years ago
And all these people voted for Obama no doubt, which is why we are in this mess!
Thank God for the Grandpa!!! He gave me hope!! 😉
PATTER: look at this date, I was visiting here and notice you ABSENSE, meaning, your being missed, so you have to show up again with a good EXCUSE. bye
It seems likely that last family was from New York state. We spend over $17,000 per pupil per year to educate children. By the way, Rochester, NY graduation rate is 39%! Yeah, parents and teachers’ union!
I found myself tearing up. WTF is happening to us?
lol…yeah I reckon countries which give immigrants tests on their history & culture should also test their own citizens.
Culturally illiterate as well as historically ignorant! I’d wager a guess that “Grandpa” was the last of that entire group of “contestants” to attend a high school that had a curriculum that put any kind of emphasis on American history. He probably had to apply himself to get good grades while the rest of that sorry lot Leno interviewed just coasted through.
Although I believe Leno get’s it wrong when he accepts 1776 as the year Americ got it’s independence. 1776 was the year the american colonies DECLARED their independence. They technically didn’t get independence until the war against Britain was won.
Yes it was declared in 1776, and ratified by us a month later. But because it was a declaration signed by the leaders King George recognised as leaders, that date holds. The date would have become moot ONLY if Mother England won the war.
Britan at no time “handed” America her independance…we TOOK it. Then took it again in 1812 for good measure.
Apologies for miss-spelling Britain, along with some other words, but I can’t wait 10 min for freaking AJAX to let me edit.
GAWD HOW I HATE THAT EDITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back to pre-posting on Word, first.
Yes, the Treaty of Paris, was signed on September 3, 1783. In which the Crown recognized the United States of America as an independent country. But that same treaty recognized the positions of France, Spain and Holland’s claims against King George, too.
It was ratified by our Congress on January 14, 1784, so in taking your posit into account, should that be our Independence Day?
Well I think July 4th is a suitably date as that’s when America crossed it’s own Rubicon as it were. However – for example – Charles de Gaulle could declare France independent during WWII but until Nazi troops had been cleared from France it wouldn’t truly be independent. Although de Gaulle was in a worst situation than Washington – in that he was exiled and needed foreign troops to regain independence (although it would be interesting to see what would of happened if you didn’t have the French to help out in the War of Independence). Anyway I reckon the ratification by your congress in 1784 is the date when you won/gained/got your independence.
While that’s a sad statement about ignorance…..being a native Texan, I got a laugh from the guy from Texas saying the TX anthem was “Get Out”.
That’s what the illegal immigration bill in Texas (do we Have one?) OUGHT to say….just “GET OUT”.
GAFFA UK: hi, PaTARD’s name is PATTER, dont forget, bye
PATVANN: hi, you can click right away to correct a word, and reclick again for another word, but put the save button each time, I did it 3 times last time, and i like it for me, because I goof a lot. bye 🙄
Dad = Obama voter
Mom = Obama voter
Son = Obama supporter
Grandpa = Embarrassed parent and grandparent
Think I’m wrong?
?? What do you mean, Patard == Patter? I already changed from pat to Patter because of Patvann and some others. I don’t really like Patard. Sounds like Libtard, or Petard. And I’ve been “out” so haven’t commented lately. Thanks.
TERRY W: hi, please never underestimate the grand parents wisdom, they live in a time where the AMERICANS like you where able to be happy and have hope for the future in this SUPERPOWER
AMERICA,where the braves protect you. bye 🙄
PATTER: hi,it’s GAFFA UK that call a name PATARD, on another post, and I thought it was your name, but it wasPATVANN’s name, but I told him to correct your name instead . bye and you’r funny too 🙄
PATTER, IT IS here on this post, above you.
What started out as casual discourse, and a fun jaunt through history between a Brit and this Yank, turns instantly to shite.
That’s too bad, as I was rather enjoying it.
PATVANN; hi YOU started something, and we follow each time, bye 🙄 THAT means we are watching
America won her independence the day they declared it from England. Without that declaration, the fight for it never would have happened, and although the war for it raged on and at times was very much in doubt, the resolve for independence, as declared on that date, was what eventually won it, hence, the date in history that America celebrates.
Thank you Miss Bees.
Except your first sentence – I agree with the rest of your statement. As I say – the celebration is on the right day and of course without the declaration there would have been no fight. But I don’t think you can gain independence immediately by just declaring it. British troops were still stationed in the American colonies and I suspect the founding fathers didn’t have a free hand to do as they wished in ever corner of the American colonies. And I agree with Patard insomuch that Britain did not hand America it’s independence. America won it’s independence by defeating Britain and that did not happen in 1776.
I noticed you didn’t correct his incorrect spelling of GaffaUK? I’m just teasing Patard – nothing to worry about;)
GAFFA UK: yes I did after I commented but I had already made quite a bit of comments, I thought it was enouph this time, but I would have get PATVANN later, although his temper scares me, and he is protecting me also from mean outsiders. bye 🙄
beside, can you say”i lovebees?
Your “teasing” holds no level of mutually-congruent acceptance, nor amusement whatsoever for at least two of us.
Let’s try again on the next post, shall we?
The Texas anthem is “Texas, Our Texas!” The guy in the A&M t-shirt is just as pathetic as the other misinformed Leno “Jaywalkers.”
“Do not do to others as you would not have them do to you,”
GAFFA UK: hi, ARENT you the first one to call the name PATARD? THAN you’r the one to deserve the WHRAT OF GOD. bye 🙄
PATVANN: NO realy, that was you, the first one to start the name calling, bye, I told GAFFA UK, I’ll get you later, bye 🙄
During the American Revolution, the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain occurred on July 2, 1776, when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia. After voting for independence, Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision, which had been prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author. Congress debated and revised the Declaration, finally approving it on July 4. A day earlier, John Adams had written to his wife Abigail:
The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.
OLD TROOPER: GOOD DAY SR., I find that times goes faster here at FA, when we want TIME to speed up a bit more, as we want to get in futures well being, instead of present difficultys;THOSES will pass for sure later, as nothing stay the same,is’nt it?. bye 🙄
And all these people voted for Obama no doubt, which is why we are in this mess!
Thank God for the Grandpa!!! He gave me hope!! 😉
Yes, ma’am.
As I don’t believe in God I’m not too bothered by his whrat. 😆
GAFFA UK: hi, yes but WE can get HIS WRATH even if we dont beleive, but i do beleive and also love HIM,
GOD’S been so good with me. bye 🙄
PATTER: look at this date, I was visiting here and notice you ABSENSE, meaning, your being missed, so you have to show up again with a good EXCUSE. bye