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You know how to solve this? YOU be the jackbooted thug next time. Show up, man the front of the voting places. When confronted say that the DOJ gave you clearance and give them their D.C. number with Holder’s name.

You want a Banana Republic- fine.

We will be lucky if this administration even lets us vote in two more years, or if you can vote, it will be a one party ballot. If we don’t act and act soon our way of life will be gone. Obama and his group do not believe in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for we the common people of this land.

Maybe so. But I strongly recommend they NOT try it in small town Kentucky.

I’m missing Dubya already.

Luckily, there are no black panthers in Maine. Lot’s of gun toting white people though.

It will be “interesting” if any of the MSM picks up on this.

This is a direct assault on the rule of law, and thus our status as a Republic. When the Administration is able to selectivly enforce, or ignore, the law, with no way for the Citizenry to petititon for Redress… when you cannot SUE your government for them NOT following the Law…

This Government is out of control… and I’m afraid it may take a Jeffersonian solution to bring it to heel.

If you vote, go in groups. Pass out equalizers, if need be.

“You know how to solve this? YOU be the jackbooted thug next time. Show up, man the front of the voting places.”

Hey, Nevada republicans won’t even let you stand near their polling places wearing a chicken suit. I’m pretty sure they must have Black Panther costumes fully under control.


Just remember this rule. They rule until we say they don’t. Instinctively they know this and it is the reason they are working so hard to undermine so much of the structure. They are hoping if they can control enough of our lives we will submit to their will. It has worked in other places, but here they start from the back of the pack, so to speak. The reason?


Other nations did not have an armed populace or the ability to function as an organized resistance.

We are, by and large, still an independent people. The only stuff they have take from us is the stuff we let them have by choice. We say no more what are they going to do? They bank on our good will and peaceful intentions allowing them the room to squeeze through more restrictive measures.

My biggest fear? Waking up one day and no Internet. All of us have depended so much on just clicking the icon on the screen and instantly being able to talk to each other. Imagine all of that being shut off by executive order. And it will happen. China does it, Chavez is doing it and Congress wants Obama to have the power to do it.

I suggest you trade phone numbers and other such information. Make sure you make friends with people in your area that you can drive to and talk with and they have friends who have friends. In the end, you may very well find yourself akin to Paul Revere or the guys at Concord.

Isolation is a terror tool. Don’t think the left didn’t learn that from Mao.

Former Klansman Byrd dies, Obama revives the Union Leagues and brings them north.

And probably west, eventually. It is my great misfortune to be represented by Barbara Lee, and I’m hoping this doesn’t give some of her supporters ideas.

@oil guy from Alberta

If you vote, go in groups.

WHEN you vote, go in groups.

Hey, when you vote, ask some active duty military dudes an dudettes to go with ya.

Doubt it if the paramilitary Black Panthers can handle that.

P.S. If you can, get the biggest Marine you can find. They work for beer tacos….

I admire J. Christian Adams for doing the right thing by resigning, of course the media’s reaction…zzzzzz


Nevada does not allow the presence of any campaign advertisers, thugs, or candidates standing outside of the voting booth. It has nothing to do with the chicken suit or the political parties.