Higher Standards in Journalism [Reader Post]


On the morning of Wednesday June 23, I made a quick check of headlines on my Yahoo home page before heading to work. On Tuesday, District Judge Martin Feldman’s decision to overturn the Obama administration’s moratorium on offshore drilling became the lead story on American news wires. The top headlines were interesting, to say the least.

The headlines blared about how the judge who overturned the ruling owned “holdings in at least eight petroleum companies or funds that invest in them, including Transocean Ltd., which owned the Deepwater Horizon.” Being an amateur blogger, I didn’t take a screen capture, and of course different headlines were showing by the time I got home from work that evening. While I have no issue whatsoever with journalists exposing how public officials are weighing in on issues where they have a conflict of interest, the fact that the headline had to be changed and scrubbed away from search engines tells the story of how poorly the original headline was written. Reread the key phrase:

“holdings in at least eight petroleum companies or funds that invest in them”

So, the judge owned some mutual funds and failed to vet every company where they invest? I’m not going to dignify this point with any further comment.

Here is a better question – why can’t the press apply such standards universally, especially when it comes to people or issues that they support? We should be seeing headlines like these:

“Divinity school dropout millionaire con artist pushes for higher taxes on the world’s poorest that will enrich his investments”


“Organization responsible for bankrupting US automakers granted ownership by most powerful recipient of their campaign contributions”

I’m not holding my breath, but one can hope…

Crossposted from Brothers Bob Blog

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Problem with the claims. They were false. Turns out he sold off his interest years before he was on the case. In fact they supposedly have a computer system that will tell them if there is a conflict of interest.
Again the lying left doesn’t let facts get in the way of their fascism.

How big is Obama’s Carbon footprint?
We need to drill so that Obama can live the life of luxury and waste taxpayer money.

well with the “hot air” DC generates daily….. would CLOSING IT drop “Global Warming?? LOL!!

Hardright, after I posted that on my web site a lefty buddy of mine sent me a link with his holdings. The .pdf is from 2008, but do you have anything more current?


Brother Bob, here’s a shocking bit of news from the NYTimes, shocking they reported it. They actually slapped the WH around a bit on the “most transparent presidential administration in history” issue:

Across From White House, Coffee With Lobbyists

“….the Caribou Coffee across the street from the White House has become a favorite meeting spot to conduct Obama administration business.

Here at the Caribou on Pennsylvania Avenue, and a few other nearby coffee shops, White House officials have met hundreds of times over the last 18 months with prominent K Street lobbyists — members of the same industry that President Obama has derided for what he calls its “outsized influence” in the capital.

On the agenda over espressos and lattes, according to more than a dozen lobbyists and political operatives who have taken part in the sessions, have been front-burner issues like Wall Street regulation, health care rules, federal stimulus money, energy policy and climate control — and their impact on the lobbyists’ corporate clients.

But because the discussions are not taking place at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, they are not subject to disclosure on the visitors’ log that the White House releases as part of its pledge to be the “most transparent presidential administration in history.”


Rich Gold, a prominent Democratic lobbyist who has taken part in a number of meetings at Caribou Coffee, said that White House staff members “want to follow the president’s guidance of reducing the influence of special interests, and yet they have to do their job and have the best information available to them to make decisions.”

Mr. Gold added that the administration’s policy of posting all White House visits, combined with pressure to not be seen as meeting too frequently with lobbyists, leave staff members “betwixt and between.”

White House officials said there was nothing improper about the off-site meetings. 🙄


Attempts to put distance between the White House and lobbyists are not limited to meetings. Some lobbyists say that they routinely get e-mail messages from White House staff members’ personal accounts rather than from their official White House accounts, which can become subject to public review. Administration officials said there were some permissible exceptions to a federal law requiring staff members to use their official accounts and retain the correspondence.



Haven’t heard any of this being reported anywhere else, but, this isn’t the Bush administration either. 😉

A “close guessed fantasy response” from a guy who lurks here “might” go like this…..

OMG!!!! Did GLENN BECK report that/say that?!?!?!?! What a TERRIBLE, LIE FILLED hatchet job against our beloved, virtuous President!! I told you Glenn was a .. What? Huh?? It WASN’T GB?? Wadda ya mean? Sounds like something he’d say/do,, it was WHO?? The NEW YORK TIMES?!?!?!?
Um, uh, well.. someone on Google SAID Beck said it i thought….. uh, I gotta go!! Later!! (sound of running footsteps…) 😆 😆 😆

Love the second link Missy?

And does anyone have a link to the documentation that Hard Right mentioned in the first comment?

Meant an exclamation point at the end of that first sentence, Missy! =8^)

That video reminds me of “Die Hard 1″… the dumb TV News anchor.. “As in Helsinki, SWEDEN”!!! LOL!!! DUMBASS…… 🙄
Confucius say….” Better to keep mouth shut and “appear” dumb, than to open same, and REMOVE all doubt”!!! 😆 😆

Sorry Bob, haven’t been to this thread in a bit.
Here ya go.

Judge Who Struck Down PeBO Drilling Ban Owns Oil Stock – Liberal Freakout Ensues

Whoops, wrong story.

Here you go.

Much of the sensational reporting on Feldman’s investments was based on outdated information. The Judge was blasted for owning stock in Transocean, Ltd and Halliburton, two of the major companies involved in the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Feldman owned those stocks in 2008; however, he sold those shares long before issuing his ruling this week. In fact, this updated information will be released in the next report on his stock holdings.

If Feldman held financial interests in any of companies involved in the lawsuit or the Deepwater Horizon rig, he would not have been allowed to take the case. The 5th District Court uses a sophisticated computer system to check whether judges have a conflict of interest in any legal proceeding. This system automatically determines whether a judge needs to be recused from a particular case. In this lawsuit, Feldman was allowed to take the case because he did not own any stock related to the parties involved.

Caribou Coffee – Funding Terrorism? Caribou Coffee has been the subject of an ongoing boycott

for its ties to the the Islamic Bank of Bahrain and Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi


Caribou Coffee’s Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi – A Terrorists Profile and US businesses links exposed.

Summary: Islamic Cleric has connections to Caribou Coffee, Hamas, and the First Islamic bank

of Bahrain, which is now known as Arcapita – Boycott Watch spells out the connection and

terrorist links.

When Boycott Watch reported the First Islamic Bank of Bahrain’s purchase of Caribou Coffee

in May of 2000, we reported that Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, who has admitted links to terrorist

groups, was the First Islamic Bank of Bahrain’s key person in the deal to purchase Caribou

Coffee from its founders, and was listed in the original press release on the banks’ website,

and we reported how his name was subsequently removed from the website announcement by the

First Islamic Bank of Bahrain after Boycott Watch published our initial report

(http://www.boycottwatch.org/caribou ) showing the direct links of Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi to

terrorist groups.

Boycott Watch believed then, and we still believe now, that Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi’s name

was removed for public relations reasons. Caribou wanted to downplay any connection to

terrorist supporters and groups by its parent company during a time when terrorism was viewed

as Israel’s problem only. Since that time, the US has endured the attacks on September 11th,

2001 and the world has unfortunately not seen the end of Islamist terrorism. The civilized

world is now in a global war against terrorism of which Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi is a player.

After his name was removed from the First Islamic Bank of Bahrain website, Boycott Watch

was told by Caribou officials that Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi was “just a consultant” who put the

deal together, which contradicted what was originally posted on the First Islamic Bank of

Bahrain’s website. Boycott Watch believes what was originally published on the banks website,

which stated that Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi was the principal of the deal, i.e. partner, thus he

not only made money on the original deal, but continues to profit from Caribou Coffee sales.

A simple Google search of Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi reveals his hate messages:

In his own words, Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi supports:

* The killing of homosexuals to keep society pure
* The killing of apostates – those who have rejected Islam
* The killing of all Israelis – including civilians
* The mutilation of women’s genitals

On July 7, 2004, The British Broadcasting Company (BBC)’s “BBC TWO’s Newsnight” reported

this: “Controvesial cleric Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, in an exclusive interview for Newsnight (BBC

TWO, Wednesday 7 July at 10.30pm), claims that Islam justifies suicide bombings.”

“Speaking in an interview on whether the Koran justified suicide bombings conducted just

weeks prior to his arrival in Britain Al-Qaradawi tells Newsnight: “Israeli women are not like

women in our society because Israeli women are militarized.”

“Secondly I consider this type of martyrdom operation as an indication of the justice of

Allah Almighty. Allah is just – through his infinite wisdom he has given the weak what the

strong do not possess and that is the ability to turn their bodies into bombs like the

Palestinians do.” (See: BBC)

The occurrence of the BBC interview of Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi may not be a coincidence.

Arcapita’s website, Arcapita.com, lists offices in Bahrain, Atlanta, and, guess where…..yes,

London. Is this a coincidence? Not really. The BBC also reported “Al-Qaradawi, the spiritual

leader of the Muslim Brotherhood organization (a.k.a Hamas which went on to form Al-Quada by

many accounts) arrived in London on Monday the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) said. He is

due to attend a series of events during his week-long visit.” These events could very well be

business meetings with the First Islamic Bank of Bahrain and its officials in London since

they have an office in that city.

Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, states: “Qaradawi is controversial: among Muslims he is

widely considered a moderate conservative, while many Western critics regard him as

dangerously radical or as a supporter of violence.”

Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi is clearly not a ‘moderate conservative’, and those who use that term

to describe Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi are clearly trying to cover up this Islamic cleric and his

terrorist ties, despite his own words. In fact, calling Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi a ‘moderate

conservative’ casts a shadow on all Muslims termed a ‘moderate conservative’ because Dr. Yusuf

al-Qaradawi clearly espouses hate and supports suicide bombings, which is hardly a ‘moderate

conservative’ position. Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi is a self-described terrorist and terror leader.

More Cover-up: The First Islam Bank of Bahrain changed its name to Arcapita, most likely to

hide its Islamic ties. For those who will say it is not a religious company, the Atlanta

Journal Constitution documented the name change in an article that showed Islamic Shari’ah law

is the central core theme of the company. The name change was clearly designed to hide the

Islamic nature of the bank. Although no pork products are in any Caribou Coffee stores, the

Islamic Shari’ah law observance, which among other things discriminates against women, is not

mentioned whatsoever on their website, http://www.cariboucoffee.com, which is therefore hiding the

Shari’ah law observance.

With Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawis self-declared support for suicide bombers exposed, and knowing

he garners profit from Caribou Coffee, it is not a stretch to conclude that profits from

Caribou Coffee are most likely used to support terrorism an especially suicide bombings of

innocent civilians, which Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawis promotes in his own words. The sudden removal

of his name can not be linked to selling of shares, as no such announcement has ever been

made; rather his ownership level appears to be masked.

Some of the most well-known companies currently owned by Arcapita are include Caribou

Coffee, Church’s Fried Chicken, Elysain (Chicago high rise), Leohmann’s stores, TLC health

Care, UBS Financial, and WorkingRx. A list of companies owned by Arcapita is available at:


Other Boycott Watch articles on this topic:
Recent Atlanta Journal Constitution article about Caribou Coffee mentioning Boycott Watch:

Boycott Watch’s May 2000 article that first reported the terrorist ties of Caribou Coffee to

the First Islamic bank of Bahrain, now known as Arcapita.

@Hard Right:

Thanks for the links – good reads. But even in the Stop the ACLU site I couldn’t find the source material supporting the the judge’s holdings had been sold. I don’t doubt the site’s assertion, but I want to be sure I have all of my supporting docs in a row before I update my site, and share them with my lefty sparring partner 😛


Rather than HardRight proving a negative, how about you find the actual documents supporting the left’s claim that as of the hearings the Judge still holds those investments? It’s your side’s claim, as Biden would say, “Prove it or STFU!”


That the judge is still holding the investments is not “my side’s” claim. HR’s claim makes sense, but I want to have something more credible than a blog post. If we just start citing each others’ postings as sources we’re no better than the Global Warmongers claiming validity by peer review. I’ve been searching, but the best source I can find for confirmation is Bayoubuzz. Is anyone familiar with that site and what’s behind it?

I hear what you’re saying Ditto, but it’s easier to show that someone has sold an investment than to show that they have not. Anyone have a lead on a more current listing of Judge Feldman’s holdings?

Sorry for being late to respond – had some minor surgery last week and am finally getting back in the swing of things

You’ll find the latest in this WaPo article. Feldman sold off his Exxon stock prior to the opening of hearing of the moratorium. He, like most of Americans who invest, has various holdings that they may, or may not, be specifically aware of in the energy world. If you’re going to start looking for a judge who doesn’t hold some stocks somewhere that could present some conflict of interest when it comes to energy… or other industries… good luck with that. There is a reason “divest” is the opportune word.

Now, if you’d like to travel thru the world of whiny enviro Nazis, you’ll find they’re upset that 37 out of 64 judges in Gulf states, dependent on the oil industry have “links” to that industry. Horrors! How illogical and unAmerican to invest in businesses that support your own district! Lynch ’em! /snark

And oh, BTW… why not hold that same intense scrutiny to Congress, who write legislation that is convenient to their holdings? How about Goldman Sachs, the big Zero, and the green energy pie? How about the IL Senate seat? But no…. little complaints about that. Just a huge leap to “expose” this judge who knew very well how to recognize the sheeeeet flying towards the fan blades of the media. Not only a false accusation, but the height of hypocrisy.