We Finally Learn What Causes Obama To Have A Sense Of Urgency [Reader Post]


A bruised ego.

Nothing else moves him to urgency. Nothing seems to compel him to act.

Freezing in the south last year? Nope.

Do anything about the oil spill? Nope

Meet with head of BP? Uh-uh

Even mention the oil spill? No.

Visit the Gulf coast? Nope.

Meet with the Governor of Arizona? Nah.

Secure the borders? Not a chance.

But if you insult Obama? Instant reaction.

You really have to hand it to Gen. Stanley McChrystal. He can do something the worst ecological disaster in recent history could not do.

Get a prompt reaction out of Obama.

The guy who took ten days to even mention the oil spill and more than 12 days to make his first visit to the region was moved to summon General Stanley McChrystal to the White House within 24 hours of a story appearing in Rolling Stone. It took Obama until October of 2009 to even meet with McChrystal for the first time– eight months after taking office- but the blink of an eye to call him on the carpet for embarassing Obama.

It’s all about priorities.

Reports that McChrystal has submitted his resignation are popping up. The hard fact is that McChrystal has to go. He crossed a line and his behavior is not acceptable in a United States military leader, but the cloud around his downward spiral ought not be ignored.

The Rolling Stone interview painted a picture of self-confident man often bordering on arrogance but it could not have been easy for McChrystal to serve a President and Vice President who would have had the US defeated in Iraq as both opposed the surge. But reports are that the war in Afghanistan is not going well and Barack Obama has to pay attention. McChrystal suggests that Karl Eikenberry, current ambassador to Afghanistan, was more concerned about his own butt that suceeding in the war and there does appear to be something to it.

On one hand one wonders why a military man of McChrystal’s record would take into confidence a writer from Rolling Stone who could never be expected to keep to himself snide remarks about the US leadership. On the other hand one wonders whether McChrystal confided in and allowed his aides to confide in Hastings knowing in advance that the remarks would be made public and knowing full well the consequences. The question is- with two incompetent bosses, does he want out?

History would remember McChrystal more kindly if he appeared that he “acted stupidly” (to coin a phrase) and without thought than if he simply resigned in frustration, believing that the war was going to be lost.

Obama could possibly retain McChrystal as McChrystal was Obama’s personal choice to replace Gen. McKiernan.

This might prove to be one pretty slick scheme.

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President Obama will fire Gen. McChrystal only if the president can find a way to avoid responsibility.

President Obama doesn’t have the guts to make the correct call and fire Gen. McChrystal, because then the president will be accountable for a decision.

This will then expose President Obama for the spineless Chicago street thug that he is.

The rest of the world, especially our enemies, will take note, if McChrystal isn’t gone ASAP.

This does not bode well from a geo-political standpoint.

Our history is replete with Geneals who have had public dis-agreements with the political leaders who served as their bosses. Our greatest military commander in history, (Patton,) was in trouble more often than he wasn’t. I would not fault the Zero for doing that which needs to be done. McChrystal has left him absolutely no choice.

I do fault the Zero for for promising to do what was nescessary to win this war and then leaving his entire command structure and troop commitment out in the cold. He campaigned on a platform which called this the right war, so as not to appear weak on national security. When we had the war won already, it seemed politically safe. What the Zero failed to calculate was the speed with which being a weak POTUS could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

McChrystal needs to go, (ie, Pattons reassignment to command of the 9th Army, made up entirely of typists,) but the Zero faces far worse political consequences than losing a commander. He has zero respect from his military. Respect from the troops you are leading into any action is one of the minimum requirements for any success.

🙄 Our President has a genius for going from weakness to weakness. He doesn’t even have the necessary chops to be a decent Chicago street thug! He needs the Wookie for that function!

This may have been intentional from the good Gen. One must have confidence in their leader. The fact of the matter is ( I believe) the good Gen. does not want to be responsible for loosing this conflict. What the pretender-n-theif, the one pretending to be the commander-in-Cheif, stealing away the liberties of all citizens of this Nation seems not to understand is any commander of troops must have the upmost faith in their CnC to perform the necessary duties involved in conflict. This is hardly the case with this pretender. The matter of troops needed for this assignment is sub-par at this time and the good Gen, knows this, making it almost impossible to obtain success. I really do not blame this career soldier for wanting out from under this pretender-n-theif’s command, he’s not a leader, he’s a typical chicago thug who happens to be the CnC, nothing else.
It is my belief and hope that the Gen. resigns from his career and goes on a Country wide speaking tour to explain to the American citizens of the failures of this pretender-n-theif and makes it widely know of his incompitence in handling this war. He is not only a disgrace to anyone in uniform but is on record of having said he’ will be on the side of the muslim’s in case of conflict, what does this tell one who is aware and involved in this conflict expecially a leader and commander of our troops in the field?, I’ll leave this to other to explain but every thing I have witnessed so far from this COWARD/CnC, he’s in way over his abilities and needs to be removed both as the pretender-n-theif, the one pretending to be our president and theiving from the American treasury and it’s citizens and as president.

So, the General has been fired… and the downside for him is….???? Now, Gen. Patraeus is in the hot seat.

It’s a sad commentary to think that Biden has a better grasp of reality than the Won.

Sheesh… 2 1/2 years of this incompetence!

Gen McChrystal was not fighting a war. He is doing “nation building” and counter insurgency force protection. The rules of engagement put extreme constraints on his war fighting ability. It would be much easier (and safer to our soldiers) if he were just fighting a war. For example, you don’t fight a war and worry about “courageous restraint” ribbons. (Can’t you hear Patton laughing from the beyond?).

The comments, those attributed to him and his staff, have no place within hearing of any reporter. Comments among warriors, ok. Comments for publication or attribution: never.

Other than the inherent and traditional respect for the office of the Commander in Chief, how could the majority of soldiers have any respect for the individual presently occupying that office beyond what bleeds over from the title? Obviously, President Obama is extremely sensitive to any perceived slight from anyone in uniform. And rightfully so, as he has repeatedly shown his ignorance of and respect for the armed forces (corpse-man? Come on…)

General Petraeus is another of those who consider counter insurgency operations a viable strategy. He knows that it take time; it is a long term strategy. Obama does not want to give it the time it requires, he has spent that political capital already.

And rightfully so, as he has repeatedly shown his ignorance of and lack of respect for the armed forces (corpse-man? Come on…)

The right action by Obama should have been to rise above the fray, not give in to his ego, Refuse the resignation, Accept profuse apologies, and get McChrystal back to work ASAP where he is the most effective and knowledgeable leader in this disastrous conflict. He also hold the respect of his troops, unlike the Commander in Chief.


Unfortunately, this President does not know what the right action should have been. He does not know how to handle conflict, whether personal or general, and instead acts like a spoiled brat child who when they don’t get their way, wails and cries until mommy or daddy gives in to their demands. Hence we have the “acted stupidly” comment about a cop doing his job, his whining everytime his supported legislation is opposed by anyone, his “ass to kick” comment about the gulf oil spill.

He is totally ignorant of what true leadership is, having never been one in his life. His actions are those of an incompetent trying to cover up his own inadequacies.

It’s Bush’s fault.

Obama has delusions of adequacy…


This is too funny. Apparently, Obama replaced the bust of Winston Churchill which used to have a prominent place in the Oval Office with the New Yorker cover featuring himself.

It’s “Narcissus” gazing at himself.

I guess this is even more of a accurate description than you guessed.

Wow… he canned McChrystal… and demoted Patreus from CENTCOM (which was in command of Afgan anyway) to just run the Afgan war.

Someone will now have to be put in charge of CentCom, and thus Patreus… which is a recipie for disaster as far as chain of command problems go.

And this as CENTCOM is pulling troops out of Iraq, with an uptick of violence there… and CENTCOM also covers Iran… and Israel… and Lebanon, which may very well erupt…

Wow… just… wow…

I have to give President Obama his due. I would have taken long odds on the prospect of the President getting rid of McChrystal.

I guess Obama couldhave gazed at his reflection and said, “y’know, this McChrystal guy may have a valid complaint or two. Maybe I haven’t done enough study and work to make up for my ignorance of military matters. I am CinC, after all. Maybe I’ve been relaxing too much and not really tiring myself trying to grow into this office. Maybe I need to ….change.”

I crack myself up.

I need a preview

James R, you said, “…right action by Obama should have been to rise above the fray, not give in to his ego,” Have we ever, ever seen Obama do something even faintly like this? Rise above the fray? Not give in to his ego? The man is all ego!! I really don’t know how you found the imagination to be about to write this line. Congratulations on a most imaginative contribution to the discussion!!

I think that this whole episode says some very strange things. McChrystal would be most unlikely to do this under ordinary circumstances, so I think he is trying desperately to send a message to America as to just how bad things are over there. He is doing it, even if it costs him his career. He is fed up to the gills with Obama and company, and he wants America to know just what is happening over there.

Petraeus taking this command is also a bad step, I think. Why is he doing this? Did he have to do it, or did he choose to do it? I am rather confused by Petraeus these days. He is sending pretty mixed signals right now, it seems to me. I am almost certain he could have avoided this assignment if he wanted to do so, so why did he take it? Is he just the good soldier, or is there something else going on here? Surely Petraeus and McChrystal have talked, at least I hope they have.

Strange things are happening there, just like everywhere else these days.

I pray for the Troops!

I am completing my doctoral dissertation concerning leadership in Iraq. One of the sections of the survey allows field grade officers to comment freely. The comments were well written and very to the point. The common thread was that senior military leaders were being forced into a political correct position sacrificing their ethics. They also sacrificed the success of the mission.

The key to the success that Petraeus enjoyed in Iraq was his knowing that the key to success was nation building and laying the basis for that success. He needed to “be right with the troops”. Petraeus also developed a unique relationship with Ambassador Crocker that McChrystal could never have. Crocker and Petraeus had common goals- success in Iraq. McChrystal was the only one trying to achieve success in Afghanistan. The State Department is only interested in furthering careers.

McChrystal reached a point where his integrity could no longer allow him to compromise the safety of the military members under his command by following a course of action with impossible rules of engagement.

My youngest son is in Afghanistan right now. ALthough he is a young enlisted solder, his emails reflect his internal conflicts. These are similar to those McChrystal expressed but at a much lower level. I watch my son struggle with this. The issues McChrystal faced as commander manifest itself through out the command.

GEN McChrystal was faced with an impossible situation that was well beyond his control. He had two choices. One, he could suck it up and compromise his integrity and ultimately his respect of his troops and support of the Constitution, or he could say “enough” and force the President to make him resign. He did the only thing a true soldier could do!

Dennis Miller got it right! “McChrystal will never have to buy a drink or pay for a round of golf in military company for the rest of his life!”

During the Democratic Primaries back in ’08, Senator Obama refused to condemn his friend and mentor, Rev. Wright, for the outrageous sermons delivered from the pulit of the church the Obama family attended for 20 years.

IIRC, Obama said that he could no more condemn his pastor than he could condemn his own grandmother. Two days later, Rev. Wright spoke at the National Press Club in Washington, D. C. He made the comment that Obama tepid criticisms of Wright were nothing more than political necessity to give Obama some cover – acts that are to be expected from politician pandering for votes. The next day, the Reverend was thrown under the bus – a stunning reversal.

President Truman once said of General McArthur “he can do that to Harry Truman, he can’t do that to the President of the United States.” President Obama seems to believe that one can insult the President, but one cannot insult Obama.

I was very very suspect of motives and started thinking that this might be a tactical defense move. Rugs are being pulled out systematically from under the democrats leaving them exposed and vunerable.

How many more are going to start bailing in the coming year? Hell even Rahm is getting off the sinking ship. I have compared the Pretender in Chief to Jimmy Carter but at least Carter actually believed in his actions and had humility. This president acts more like a bad CEO than he does a president.

Obama hand picked Gen. McChrystal for that job, Gen. McChrystal voted for Obama in the 2008 general election. Obama is a narcissist and the general is a fool, they deserve each other. The really sad thing is that the American troops fighting a war do not deserve either.

Gen McChrystal knew exactly what he was doing with that interview. Only way he could express his views to the nation that Obama and his minions were trying to sabotage the war. I suspect McChrystal had enough of Obama’s BS and saw he had a losing proposition on his hands and it wasn’t going to get any better. Hope he had a chance to give Obama a piece of his mind on the way out the door. Folks we have a Marxist/muslim CIC and our military is engaged in battle with a muslim force. Do the math.

Dr. John: You are a sick puppy!!!

MCCRYSTAL: did’nt have the respect of his troops anymore; and they where trying with respect to his rank, to give him a hint, many times; until they could not hold their tongues anymore, and we
should try to step in their feets, and understand how they felt in front of an ennemy that they cannot eradicate.

Beez, why do you think McChrystal did not have the respect of his troops any more? Do you have some inside information, or are you just speculating?


DrD, when issues like this come up I go to the milblogs and always read the comments. Some of the comments come from troops on the ground. Blog owners seem to know who their commentors are and will challenge some and let other comments stand.

I have seen that there were problems among the ranks with the ROEs and noticed a recent remark from one that his unit wasn’t abiding by McChrystal’s ROEs. Don’t know how widespread that is, but perhaps you might want to peek in on the milblogs and form your own opinion.

DR D:YES, that’s is about what i was going to say; and I can also add, that I was paying attention, since his first speech saying that his priority was on civiliens, while the soldiers where getting exploded on roadside bombs, and I reply on BBC that was, SIR,your first priority is to your soldiers; and I started to check his behavior, and the ROE that some family where expressing from message from their loved one in the warzone. further more, I pick my name because i was commenting on thoses EIDS, to try to find BRIGHT minds to create a DEVICE to pulverise or inhibilate or else thoses killer bombs, and that’s when the COMMANDER start his job. bye 🙄