White House – Obama Never Said He Didn’t Want Border Secured


I’ve had the video “Obama To Az Senator – “The Problem Is…If We Secure The Border, Then You All Won’t Have Any Reason To Support ‘Comprehensive Immigration Reform’” up as the featured video since yesterday and today the White House says the Senator is lying….because Obama is committed to Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Say what?

This morning, a White House spokesman told ABC News that Kyl is lying. “The President didn’t say that and Senator Kyl knows it,” communications director Dan Pfeiffer told ABC. “There are more resources dedicated toward border security today than ever before, but, as the President has made clear, truly securing the border will require a comprehensive solution to our broken immigration system.

Now, in an interview with KVOI radio in Arizona, Kyl says his account of the Oval Office conversation is accurate. “What I said occurred did occur,” Kyl said.

“One way you can verify the validity of what I said is that that’s exactly their position,” Kyl continued. “Some spokesman down at the White House said no, that isn’t what happened at all, and then proceeded to say we need comprehensive immigration reform to secure the border. That is their position, and all I was doing was explaining why, from a conversation with the president, why it appears that that’s their position.”

The idiot just confirmed it.

Notlikewe needany proofto knowthat thisPresident isa habitualliaranyways.

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The idiot didn’t even know what he said …

Bush did the same thing ….

Immigration has always been a subject of turnarounds and double dealings. It’s time it got put under control, “illegal” is still against the law. We need better boarders and better screenings. Obama isn’t up to the task. His party depends on the immigration voters for most of there wins, and will most def. need them in most of the upcoming elections.

Appeasement over legality.

Article 4
Section 4 – Republican government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Isn’t there a portion of the Arizona border, that is so lawless that Americans have been warned away from it?

Can’t Arizona, under Art 4 Section 4 Apply to the Legislature (as it is has convened) for Protection? Wouldn’t it HAVE to come to a vote?

Nice link set for the close. 8)

Romeo13.. well THERE’S the problem!!! Article 4 says a Republican Gov will provide… and we have a DEMOCRAT administration!!! LOL!!! But seriously…
here’s one


here’s another…



Yep Ol Obama sits on his butt, and WE cannot use our own parks due to his worry about sucking up to a certain races potential voters!!!… Is he OUR President?? Mexico’s President??? Or only the Democrat Party members President??? Because he don’t act like the USA’s President!!!

We are still waiting for the one we were hoping for! 🙄

BTW, Curt.

Obama’s position is grounds for impeachment. He cannot hold the defense of the country hostage to his desires.

“One way you can verify the validity of what I said is that that’s exactly their position.”

We can argue the validity of Kyl’s observations. Whether or not he’s directly quoting something that was actually said to him by the President during the course of a private conversation is another matter.

If it wasn’t a direct quote, Kyl doing that thing people do when say something they know not to be the truth. If it was, he’s taken the President’s willingness to speak frankly in private about the politics surrounding an important national issue and made it public to score a point.

In either case, I doubt if he’ll have many opportunities for candid, private discussions with the President in the future.

“Obama’s position is grounds for impeachment. He cannot hold the defense of the country hostage to his desires.”

Hey, at least he didn’t try to throw open the gates of the nation and it’s interstate highway system to thousands of uninspected Mexican semi-trucks. Nor did he sell us on a billion-dollar imaginary fence, to the benefit of Boeing Co.

@Greg#9–No, he didn’t make an ill-advised trade agreement, he let the back door open to the burglars. No “at least” covers that.

2 Thessalonians 2

Any Questions?

Obama lies while the country dies.

You are pathetic greg. Unable to defend your messiah you attack Bush.
As for the fence, Bush went with the version favored by dems.

We all know “comprehensive reform” means amnesty. This is especially so when uttered by a dem.

Obama has to be stopped. I wish he would get struck by lightning while playing golf.

How We know Obama is Lying
Submitted by Wayne

A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him..

He asked, ‘What are all those clocks?’

St. Peter answered, ‘Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock.
Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move.’

‘Oh,’ said the man, ‘whose clock is that?’

‘That’s Mother Teresa’s. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.’

‘Incredible,’ said the man. ‘And whose clock is that one?’

St. Peter responded, ‘That’s Abraham Lincoln’s clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life.’

‘Where’s President Obama’s clock?’ asked the man.

Obama’s clock is in Jesus’ office. He’s using it as a ceiling fan.



Senator Kyl is known for his utmost integrity, Obama, not so much:


Why worry about future “candid, future discussions” with a known liar?


Greg, just wake up in the morning, say “it’s Bush’s Fault”, and go back to sleep!!! You guys always crack me up!! BUSH is no longer in office, HE cannot determine your future anymore, OBAMA can!! WHY do you continue to focus on “what was”, if you feel it was wrong, make sure it don’t happen again!!! , but… “bitching about the ships LAST Captain, While the NEW ONE is about to hole the ship on rocks and sink her, is STUPID”!!! Think about it…….

Meanwhile back at the rumor mill, some Reps have caught gist of a plan to just give them all amnesty by executive order, in a few weeks.
And check Fox News for the story about the permanent cartel lookouts on high points in southern AZ.
Gee, a thought: tons of drug money along the border. Tons of drugs in Afghanistan. Let’s be nice to Taliban and open our borders. Could there be any connections?
Time for the torches and pitchforks, right now.

Yep Ol Obama sits on his butt, and WE cannot use our own parks due to his worry about sucking up to a certain races potential voters!!!

I’m sorry, but you can never accuse Obowma of just sitting on his butt…You have to stand and walk around to play that many rounds of golf.


“but… “bitching about the ships LAST Captain, While the NEW ONE is about to hole the ship on rocks and sink her, is STUPID”!!! Think about it…….”

It doesn’t seem so stupid to me, when half of America seems totally focused on resisting any and all new approaches to our problems in favor of getting back to what wasn’t working before. Sometimes the shortness of our collective memory astonishes me.

Short term memory??? Ok, Would you consider the last FORTY ONE (41) MONTHS “short term”??? THAT is how long we have been under the DEMOCRAT control…. 17Months of Obama, PLUS 24 of Democrat control of BOTH houses of Congress…. OBAMA was a member of Congress at that time as well, so, in essence we’ve had 41 months of HIM as well!!!! How’s THAT working out for you??? 3 1/2 YEARS of LIBERAL CONTROL!!!! BUSH’S Fault?? Yeah right…. try again!! He may not have been perfect, BUT, the LIBS so far, have been perfectly WRONG… and the Polls reflect this.
Also, the Dems were in charge close to two years, before the economy collapsed. They ran the Committees, had all the latest intel etc, knew everything!! So Show me the quotes of these Democrat Committee leaders, warning us of the impending collapse, the one you blame on “Bush”… you CAN’T, because they DIDN’T!! The DAY Fannie and Freddie crashed, Barney Frank was STILL saying they were solvent!! I CAN show you that days quote!! So, If THEY KNEW (and there is no way, as Committee heads they did NOT) and said NOTHING to warn us, or STOP it, which they DIDN’T.. then WHO is to blame??? Let me clue you in, they have a big (D) behind their names on TV……… do you GET IT now??? Bush was “set up”, and Pelosi, Reid and Company did it…along with the Dem leaders in both houses, and their respective committees….. if I’m wrong, Quote me chapter and verse of the Democrats in charge (Congressional Committee heads) telling us, and warning us, MONTHS + ahead of time it was going down. We’re Waiting……

The big push for financial and corporate deregulation was a prolonged republican crusade and was largely accomplished by republicans, as was the methodical effort to disempower our regulatory agencies by allowing them to fall increasingly under the influence of the very special interests they were intended to regulate. Those changes occurred prior to the 2006 elections. Efforts to remedy the worst of those problems didn’t begin until after 2006, and little progress was made prior to the date Obama took office. The only reason he was even elected was because the dire consequences of earlier policies were already becoming apparent to average Americans.

Ok, lets say YOU are right. Bush and the REPUBS screwed up. Fine, so, you’ve (DEMOCRATS) had 41 months to FIX it. What have we got?? Every stat is WORSE than before Obama got in, isn’t it. The Democrats had 24 months of Control BEFORE Obama, and did nothing to stop it, did not SHOW us it was coming, WARN us here it comes, Nothing, Nada!!
I’m not going to list the 5 years of quotes From Barney, saying all is well, up to and INCLUDING while it was BURNING to the GROUND!! (Fannie and Freddie) .. AND.. I’ll go you one more!! I say they did it, ON PURPOSE!! They CRASHED us, to get their agenda passed, supported by drooling “Bush Bashers” like yourself !!! (every guy with a plot, needs a scapegoat to burn, to deflect attention away from what HE is doing!!)

That, or ALL the DEMS in control were grossly Negligent…. so, which was it???
They wrecked it on purpose??
Or two whole years, of not doing their jobs??? Negligence, bordering on Treasonable….
There is no third option here……

A minority of Republicans, mostly RINO’s with liberal/moderate slants of economical study, proposed those deregulations. Many deregulations, like the Glass Steagall Act repealing as supported almost universaly by Democrats and incumbent Republicans in the Senate and Congress. Trying to paint Democrats as innocent in the “deregulation” business is humorous as a large portion of them passed what RINO’s put forth on the table. It is only now that the shit has hit the fan by regulated Government sided Businesses and Banking schemes (such as Freddie, Frannie, and AIG various loans and mortage scandals) have Democrats been putting a sheep’s clothing on to hide their past. C-SPAN archives are enough to prove what I am talking about.

Kyl’s statements hold up to comments made by 0 back in 2004 when he advocated trading border security for amnesty…

Sorry, here’s the link…



It doesn’t seem so stupid to me, when half of America seems totally focused on resisting any and all new approaches to our problems in favor of getting back to what wasn’t working before. Sometimes the shortness of our collective memory astonishes me.

Actually, if you look at Rasmussen polling, it’s more than half that have finally awakened to what this administration’s policies have wrought. Perhaps they are starting to think about what our children and grandchildren will be saddled with.

I worry what my grandchildren and two great-grand’ will have to face when they enter the working world and want to buy a home, finance an automobile, etc. How much of this debt will diminish their income?

Add on the many unskilled, uneducated illegal immigrants that this administration is strongly leaning to absorb, plus the massive debt and, presto, a recipe for disaster for generations to come. I’m going with the “half” of Americana that seems totally focused on resisting.

You go “half” of the Americans!!!


Hankster is right. Just wake up every morning, say your mantras of “Bush was worse”, “Bush did it first”, “Bush put us in this mess” and leave the heavy thinking to people with intelligence. It’s pretty much what you do anyway, so no change is needed for you.

You had one comment here that was not directed against President Bush, and it was a very weak one at that. You look through rose-colored glasses at everything Obama does, and even when it is obvious to all that he is lying, you paint the other side as being in the wrong. Have you never had a thought that Obama might just be lying? Probably not. It’s only those mean, nasty people of the GOP persuasion that lies, isn’t it?

Greg, let make this real simple, and a non political explanation…. If you have a guy work on you cars tranny, and driving one day, it fails…. you can stand on the side of the road, throw a fit, blame the mechanic etc…. but, unless you decide it needs to be “re-addressed, and NOW”….the “right way”.. your going to STAY stuck on the side of the road!!! Maybe you’ll get heat stroke, maybe you’ll get mugged…. the less time spent brooding over the fact it broke, or more time spent on getting a proper fix… the faster you back on your way, and happy!

That little parable, is what we have here. If Bush blew it, fine. But Bush is gone, he is no longer part of the equation. WE are here and now, Obama is the head honcho… he can fix it RIGHT, or do a re-do of the screwed up fix, or do another screw up!!! What we have so far, is “another screw up”!!
What we WANT, is a PROPER REPAIR, so we can run for a long time without breakdown. If this means a wait, while we order parts etc,and check other components, it’s still best for a proper repair, than a slam-dash, that may cause MORE damage in a short period of time down the road…… THAT is the issue we face now. The problem is, they are using the wrong manual, and applying the wrong parts/repairs!!!

If we need to go back and repeal a bunch of laws passed earlier, then do it!! But fix it right!!