About that “Strong jobs report” [Reader Post]


On Wednesday Barack Obama tried to sound upbeat:

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (AFP) – President Barack Obama sought Wednesday to briefly divert attention from US oil disaster to his efforts to rescue the economy, predicting a report showing “strong” jobs growth in May.

It looks strong in you don’t care to bother with the details:

Total nonfarm payroll employment grew by 431,000 in May, reflecting the hiring of 411,000 temporary employees to work on Census 2010, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Private-sector employment changed little (+41,000). Manufacturing, temporary help services, and mining added jobs, while construction employment declined. The unemployment rate edged down to 9.7 percent.

This seemingly huge number of jobs added is comprised almost entirely of Census worker jobs, which are intended to be temporary. Only 41,000 private sector jobs were added, with the net addition to the private sector being about 20,000 jobs.

Adding government jobs does nothing for the economy, because we pay for those jobs. WE are paying those salaries. Adding government jobs absolutely means either an increase in taxes or an increase in the deficit.

These jobs are supposed to the temporary and are supposed to be gone by late summer. If that happens it will have a tremendously negative impact on employment reports. And that is why I would bet that these jobs won’t be temporary. I think the Obama administration is going to retain these workers well beyond their usefulness because of the beating the adminstration would take once these workers are released and unemployment skyrockets.

And the effects on unemployment of the Gulf oil spill have yet to be felt. Shutting down many of the wells in the Gulf is going to have a compound effect on jobs and the economy and further slam the Gulf states.

So expect Obama to tout this as a wonderful report, but this is not good news. It’s terrible news.

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Just a bit of humor that aptly applies to the new jobs numbers that just came out.

A cannibal was walking through the jungle and came upon a restaurant being operated by a fellow cannibal. Feeling somewhat hungry, he sat down and looked over the menu:

Fried Explorer: $10.00
Broiled Scientist: $15.00
Grilled Republican: $100.00
Baked Democrat: $100.00

The cannibal called the waiter over and asked, “Why such a high price for the politicians?”

The cook overheard the question and replied, “Have you ever tried to clean one? They are so full of sh_t, that it takes all morning!”

It didn’t look strong to the morning crew at CNBC Squawk Box. They were in shock.

They didn’t even try and sugar coat that crappy number.

They know.

Soon, they, like Greg will realize Mr. Obama is the biggest fraud perpetuated on the United States.

What have we here? Appears the dems can’t seem to get their ducks in a row about this latest report. We have Robert Reich feeling the need to explain why we are falling into a double dip recession, also mentions the porkulous spending helped, things coulda been worse according to Reich. 🙄

his answer, spend more, ironic that he mentions “crazies” without considering that he…..is crazy! 😯

So what’s the answer? In the short term, more stimulus – especially extended unemployment benefits and aid to state and local governments that are whacking schools and social services because they can’t run deficits.

But the deficit crazies in the Senate, who can’t seem to differentiate between short-term stimulus (necessary) and long-term debt (bad) last week shot it down.

In the longer term, we need a new New Deal that will bolster America’s floundering middle class.


MSM is of course, as usual, missing the real story.

The American electorate is starting to “look at the man behind the curtain”… past all these bogus numbers. WE KNOW how much unemployment we see, and how bad the economy is, even though the Government is cooking the numbers to make them look good…

Heck, even the Lapdog press is not really trusting these numbers anymore… and when you’ve lost them… you are toast…