They wouldn’t have done this if Bush was still President [Reader Post]


Israel is the most stalwart and most dependable US ally in the Gulf. Over the last 16 months Barack Obama has made it clear that the US no longer holds Israel in the same light as it has for so long. Today Michael Goodwin voiced something that has been in my mind as well.

Anti-Israel sharks sniff O’s weakness

In the aftermath of the Gaza flotilla fiasco, the air is thick with nonsense. Chief among the instant myths is that Israel has created a dilemma for President Obama.

Actually, it’s the other way around.

The president’s appeasement policies helped to create the incident. Israel took the bait, but the trap was set in Washington.

Weakness always begets aggression, and, like clockwork, Obama’s repeated signals that he is weakening America’s commitment to Israel are emboldening the Jewish state’s enemies. From Syria to Iran to Lebanon, from Hezbollah to Hamas and the PLO, the wolves smell blood and are trying to gauge whether they can get close enough for the kill.

America has been diminished by Obama, whether he is bowing to Arab Kings or Chinese Communist leaders or endlessly scratching new lines in the sand for Ahmedinejad to step over. He has signaled to the world that we have lost it. He doesn’t want the US to be the beacon for the world any longer. He wants to be liked, not respected. Now that frivolity is getting really dangerous, as Obama once again votes “present” on the flotilla incident:

Obama says he wants the facts of the incident, but let’s hope he also wants the truth, even if it is inconvenient to his worldview.

As predictable as the sunrise, Obama’s first reaction to events is wrong. The facts are right there and have always been right there. Israel has allowed humanitarian aid to enter Gaza for some time.

Israel Allows Humanitarian Aid Into Gaza

Israel allows humanitarian aid into battered Gaza

But let’s go back a second.

In 2005 Israel departed Gaza.

Gaza celebrated the Israeli withdrawal by firing off rockets- into Israel. The celebration continues to this day.

Note the increase in missile attacks upon Israel’s departure from Gaza.

The blockade was instituted in response to the continued rocket assault on Israel by Hamas, yet the flow of aid into Hamas has not been halted. On the other hand, Hamas has refused the aid carried in those ships.

Hamas said it wouldn’t take the aid because Israel confiscated some of the supplies and was still holding some of the more than 700 passengers involved in the May 31 attempt to break Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza.

So Hamas is holding its own people hostage in rataliation for Israel detaining some of the foreigners who tried to run the blockade. Oy vey.

A search for “Israel attacks flotilla” yields 7,000,000 hits.

5 of the 6 ships in the flotilla were searched without incident. The IDF, armed only with paintball guns, was attacked on the 6th ship, yet the media almost universally portrays it as “Israel attacks.” It’s not only the US media who is smarmy and biased. This flotilla has nothing to do with humantarian aid. It’s all about putting Israel into a bad PR situation, knowing Obama has become an empty Presidential suit.

There should be no backing down from this blockade- not as long as Hamas rains missiles down on Israel. Obama should stand up for Israel, not squirm as he is doing right now.

Curiously ignored is the fact that Egypt sealed its border with Gaza. When did this happen? When Hamas took control of Gaza. Egypt has indicated it might re-open its borders to allow aid into the area.

But only “for several days.”

The flotilla was organized by the “Free Gaza” movement. And who helped encourage “Free Gaza”?

Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn and Code Pink’s Jodie Evans

“Free Gaza”

To do what? Gaza is ruled by Hamas. Hamas’ 1988 charter called for the end of Israel.

The movement had said it could live peacefully alongside Israel if a two-state solution was reached in which all occupied Palestinian land was returned, even though its 1988 founding charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state in all of pre-1948 British-mandate Palestine.

If they really want to get humanitarian supplies into Gaza, perhaps the aid should be disguised as missiles. There seems to be no problem getting missiles into Gaza.

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And there’s this:

Carter: Gaza residents ‘starving to death’

Here’s how bad it is in Gaza:


The Obama administration said Wednesday that it had warned Israel’s government repeatedly to use “caution and restraint” with the half-dozen aid boats bound for Gaza before Israeli commandos raided the flotilla this week in the operation that killed nine people.

“We communicated with Israel through multiple channels many times regarding the flotilla,” P.J. Crowley, a State Department spokesman, said in a statement issued in response to a question from The Washington Post. “We emphasized caution and restraint given the anticipated presence of civilians, including American citizens.”

Israel didn’t exercise “restraint”?

Navy commandoes slid down to the vessel one by one, yet then the unexpected occurred: The passengers that awaited them on the deck pulled out bats, clubs, and slingshots with glass marbles, assaulting each soldier as he disembarked. The fighters were nabbed one by one and were beaten up badly, yet they attempted to fight back.

However, to their misfortune, they were only equipped with paintball rifles used to disperse minor protests, such as the ones held in Bilin. The paintballs obviously made no impression on the activists, who kept on beating the troops up and even attempted to wrest away their weapons.

One soldier who came to the aid of a comrade was captured by the rioters and sustained severe blows. The commandoes were equipped with handguns but were told they should only use them in the face of life-threatening situations. When they came down from the chopper, they kept on shouting to each other ‘don’t shoot, don’t shoot,’ even though they sustained numerous blows.

The Navy commandoes were prepared to mostly encounter political activists seeking to hold a protest, rather than trained street fighters. The soldiers were told they were to verbally convince activists who offer resistance to give up, and only then use paintballs. They were permitted to use their handguns only under extreme circumstances.

The planned rush towards the vessel’s bridge became impossible, even when a second chopper was brought in with another crew of soldiers. ‘Throw stun grenades,’ shouted Flotilla 13’s commander who monitored the operation. The Navy chief was not too far, on board a speedboat belonging to Flotilla 13, along with forces who attempted to climb into the back of the ship.

The forces hurled stun grenades, yet the rioters on the top deck, whose number swelled up to 30 by that time, kept on beating up about 30 commandoes who kept gliding their way one by one from the helicopter. At one point, the attackers nabbed one commando, wrested away his handgun, and threw him down from the top deck to the lower deck, 30 feet below. The soldier sustained a serious head wound and lost his consciousness.

Only after this injury did Flotilla 13 troops ask for permission to use live fire. The commander approved it: You can go ahead and fire. The soldiers pulled out their handguns and started shooting at the rioters’ legs, a move that ultimately neutralized them. Meanwhile, the rioters started to fire back at the commandoes.

So what would a “restrained” response look like, if not what the Israeli soldiers exercised?

The account mentions they “started shooting at the rioters’ legs”. Furkan Dogan, the 19-year-old student of Turkish-American origin killed, is reported to have “four bullet wounds to the head and one to the chest”.

i felt safe with goerge bush as president. now, i think that we are on a collision course. obama is out to destroy america and israel. however, GOD, has a surprise for obama and his muslim brothers. israel will never be destroyed. don’t believe me? read the book of REVELATION, use a commentary if necessary.

This is so galling:

“The president expressed deep regret at the loss of life in today’s incident, and concern for the wounded,” the White House said in a summary of Obama’s phone call with Netanyahu hours after Israeli marines stormed a Turkish aid ship bound for Gaza and at least nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed.

“The president also expressed the importance of learning all the facts and circumstances around this morning’s tragic events as soon as possible,” it said.

Obama didn’t read the Arizona law, and he apparently has an aversion to video as well. I can just hear it now:

“Israel acted stupidly.”

So what would a “restrained” response look like, if not what the Israeli soldiers exercised?

Great question.

OT, with apologies:

An earlier FA entry, ironically posted on April *Fools* Day, was entitled: Global Cooling Confirmed? Arctic Ice Returns to Normal

Global Cooling Confirmed? Arctic Ice Returns to Normal

That entry made much of the arctic sea-ice surface area coverage for March 2010 approaching “normalcy”, i.e. 1979-2000 averages. However, it made very little of the context: that winter weather events had left an unusually large but thin layer of ice on the Bering Sea (an area of the arctic guaranteed to melt in the summer months) and that average temperatures in the Arctic remained well above average. In fact, these points, when brought up in the comments, were considered evidence of the “arrival of the moonbats”.

As a blog dedicated to getting the truth of the matter out to its readership (my initial addiction to FA was based on how it played its role in the Jamall Hussein saga), I imagine the FA authors will be quick to post an update that shows the arctic sea-ice coverage two months later. If the moonbats were right, we’d expect the higher temperatures and seasonal changes to obliterate the Bering Sea anomoly and rapidly bring the sea-ice extent back below average. If the more sensible-minded AGW-skeptics were right, and the March sea-ice extents truly showed Mother Nature taking the Arctic back from the AGW-nutters, we’d expect to see sea-ice extents remain at or near average.

I’ll be interested to see the FA analysis.


This kind of stupidity you couldn’t find if you gathered the idiots of a thousand villages. This has some kind of freaking evil agenda behind it all. This guy has the anti-christ accusing him of identity theft.

Nice job, Doc. I was gonna recommend the same data

DO WE KNOW how the woundeds ISRAELIES ARE recovering?; thoses men where very braves to board that ship full of hatefulls and armed ; they should get a medal of honor, they followed an order of maintaining the ROE, even as they where attack by a mob armed with all kinds of agression: if it was du to protect the WORLD MEDIA,the next time ISRAEL should not put his commandos into danger, they are worth more than what any MEDIA of ANY COUNTRYS can write in their news. the people can discerne by themself ,and we know for a long time of the tolerance from ISRAEL toward their ennemies.

THE WOUNDEDS ISRAELIES,should get all a medal of honor for boarding that boat,knowing they where to obey their ROE, ISRAEL should protect his braves in a similar situation: the world MEDIA will say anyway what they want to say, but they cannot fool the people on that kind of agression. FA bring it on, now 3rd time i try.


Didn’t the Hebrew (people who are now called ‘Jewish’) David kill the Philistine (people who are now called ‘Palestinian’) Goliath with a slingshot? Yes, a slingshot can be quite deadly (especially when used close range,) and are often included in humanitarian aid packages to allow people to hunt for food.

All the things those fanatics were armed with could indeed be used to kill. Heck Greg, it is frankly impossible to list every single object which would not normally be considered a deadly weapon, which yes, CAN be used to kill. Some experts don’t even need a weapon. A person could be killed with bottled water very easily and quickly. You can strangle someone with yarn, a towel, a bra, or their own bling. Anything long, stiff and slender enough may be driven into the orbital socket and into the brain.