Freedom Loving Cuba Criticizes Arizona


I’m sure liberals who disagree with the Arizona illegal immigration statute will be overjoyed to hear that Cuba…yes Cuba…is very upset with Arizona also: (h/t Hot Air)

Cuban lawmakers have passed a resolution denouncing Arizona’s new immigration law as “racist and xenophobic,” recalling an old dispute in the process: the argument that the United States’ purchase of Arizona from Mexico in the 19th century was tantamount to theft.


But the denunciation of the law by Cuban lawmakers, who called it a “brutal violation of human rights,” is sure to raise anger among U.S. backers of the law.

The tightly controlled, communist-run island has long been criticized for its human rights record, which includes the jailing of 200 political prisoners, the banning of a free press and the outlawing of opposition political parties.

Cuban citizens are required to carry identification with them wherever they go, and can be stopped by police and sent home if they are found in a part of the island where they don’t belong.

So a country that keeps their own citizens locked away to their assigned areas, with the threat of jail if found outside of that area or if they dare to walk around without their papers, has the gall to criticize Arizona for enforcing federal immigration laws.

Ed Morrissey has a great point:

It would be easy to dismiss Cuba’s propaganda if it weren’t for the fact that they’re essentially parroting the irresponsible rhetoric of American politicians. Those elected to public office here ought to consider the effects of their hyperbole and ignorant rants over a law that only tasks law enforcement with enforcing existing federal law, and in Reyes’ case, in almost exactly the same language as that of his own state’s penal code. As usual, it’s best to be on the opposite side of anything that the Castro Brothers either endorse or oppose.

Ya think the Democrats will give Castro and his regime a standing ovation also?

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‘Cuban lawmakers have passed a resolution denouncing Arizona’s new immigration law as “racist and xenophobic,”’

When did you think you’d see Cuban lawmakers, a Mexican President, and all Democrats with the same malady in common?

That being sheer ignorance.

DrJohn – Marxists have to show a united front.

Who care… I mean seriously, this country started falling apart when suddenly we care what other ppl thought.. Tell me, do u care what other ppl think of you? I don’t.

When and why did we start caring what our COMPETITORS thought or had to say?

When and why did we start caring what our ENEMIES thought or had to say?

and most of all When and why did we start caring what FOOLS had to say?